The Influence Of Students Attending Tax Brevet Training A & B And Tax Career Selection: A Case Study Of Fe&B Accounting Students And Alumni 2014-2020


  • Usman Sastradipraja Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani Cimahi, Indonesia
  • Bani Binekas Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani Cimahi, Indonesia



tax brevet, certified tax technician, career choice in taxation.


The need for professionals in taxation is increasing, but it is still less attractive to students because of the lack of student knowledge about taxation. The number of tax consultants registered with the Directorate General of Taxes is 3,231. This study was made to answer the problem of how the effect of training for students and alums majoring in accounting at the Faculty of Economics and Business Unjani regarding tax certificates A and B (certified tax technician) affects career choices in the field of taxation, how is the effect of tax certificates for students and alums majoring in Accounting at the Faculty of Economics and Business has an effect on career choice in the field of taxation and how the influence of training and brevet for students and alums majoring in accounting at the Faculty of Economics and Business on tax certificates A and B (certified tax technician) affects career choice in taxation. This study aimed to determine the effect of training and brevet for students and alums majoring in accounting at the Faculty of Economics and Business on tax brevet A and B (certified tax technician). The indicators used for brevet training are in terms of instructors, participants, materials, methods, and objectives, while for careers in taxation, they are DGT employees, tax consultants, and tax specialists. The research method used is a quantitative method and a descriptive approach method. The results showed that students participating in the Integrated Brevet A and B training had a negative and insignificant effect on career choice in taxation.




How to Cite

Sastradipraja, U., & Binekas, B. . (2023). The Influence Of Students Attending Tax Brevet Training A & B And Tax Career Selection: A Case Study Of Fe&B Accounting Students And Alumni 2014-2020. Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, 4(12), 2407–2424.