Selection Of Alternative Scenarios For The Development Of Indonesia's Sea Cable Communication System (SKKL) In The Metaverse Era (Pt Xyz Case Study)


  • Auliya Zahra Telkom University Bandung, Indonesia
  • Endang Chumaidiyah Telkom University Bandung, Indonesia
  • Meldi Rendra Telkom University Bandung, Indonesia



SKKL, metaverse, discounted cash flow, NPV, PBP


PT XYZ is a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) engaged in information and communication technology (ICT) services and telecommunications networks in Indonesia. The projection of increasing internet needs makes the need for internet bandwidth even greater. The sea cable communication system (SKKL) available today is predicted to no longer be able to accommodate bandwidth needs, especially the internet, for the next few years. In addition, PT XYZ must also be able to anticipate serving the Metaverse. This study aims to determine alternative scenarios and the feasibility of building Indonesia's sea cable communication system (SKKL) in the metaverse era. This study discusses the selection of the best scenario from 4 scenarios with the discounted cash flow method and considers the EUAC of each scenario. The aspects to be studied are market aspects, technical aspects, and financial aspects. Market aspect data is obtained from the company's historical data, and demand forecasting is carried out using the linear regression method. The technical aspect is carried out by determining the business process, the scenario to be used, labour, as well as the details of investment costs. The financial aspect is done by calculating estimated revenue, income statement, and cash flow. Based on the results of the feasibility calculation, the NPV value was Rp.32,337,102,145,226, PBP of 3.2 years, and IRR of 44.43% with MARR of 14.8%. The results of this research show that the selected scenario is feasible to run




How to Cite

Zahra, A., Chumaidiyah, E. ., & Rendra, M. . (2023). Selection Of Alternative Scenarios For The Development Of Indonesia’s Sea Cable Communication System (SKKL) In The Metaverse Era (Pt Xyz Case Study). Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, 4(11), 2084–2094.