Landslide potential is reviewed from the characteristics of the physical properties and strong shear of the avalanche material on the Arso-Waris National Road


  • Alex Sander Universitas Cenderawasih, Indonesia
  • Duha Awaluddin Kurniatullah Universitas Cenderawasih, Indonesia
  • Dewi Ana Rusim Universitas Cenderawasih, Indonesia
  • Mujiati Mujiati Universitas Cenderawasih, Indonesia
  • Bahtiar Bahtiar Universitas Cenderawasih, Indonesia



Slope/W, Bishop, Fellenius, landslides


There are many landslide points on the Arso-Waris National road, so it is necessary to conduct research on the potential for landslides from the physical and shear strength properties. The analysis method uses Slope/W software from GeoStudio, using the Bishop and Fellenius analysis method. The results of the study on 4 points along the Arso-Waris section, showed that with a decrease in the value of the shear strength parameter, both the cohesion value (average decrease of 69.91%) and the value of the shear angle (average decrease of 92.77%) in the reverse analysis resulted in a decrease in the value of the safety factor score by 71.5% (Bishop Method) and 71.11% (Fellenius Method). The value of the smallest (critical) safety factor is 0,498, located at point 4 KM.105+193 in combination loading, by using Fellenius method. Changes in physical properties and shear strength have the potential to reduce safety factor so that there is potential for landslides.




How to Cite

Sander, A., Kurniatullah, D. A., Rusim, D. A. ., Mujiati, M., & Bahtiar, B. (2024). Landslide potential is reviewed from the characteristics of the physical properties and strong shear of the avalanche material on the Arso-Waris National Road. Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, 5(11), 5210–5221.