Analisis Dan Pemodelan Simulasi Sistem Antrian Pada Proses Pembayaran Di Minimarket
(Studi Kasus Minimarket X Yogyakarta)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2143
provided in detail. Although it seems more practical and efficient, shopping at
minimarkets also often has obstacles, namely in the form of payment processes that tend
to be extended. So, the incident caused a long queue and led us to queue longer (Ramdani
et al., 2021).
Today, queuing is an activity or event that we often encounter. The queue is one of
the events where the number of service resources is not greater than the number of
customers. In other words, the queue is an event caused by the absence of a balance
between arrival patterns and the capacity how to serve customers (Lestari, 2021); in an
era that is starting to develop, practical and modern causes many consumers who shop at
minimarkets to want fast and precise service. However, the large number of customers
who will be served in the queue causes customers who come not to be served
immediately. In this case, customer satisfaction and loyalty are the main things (Azizi,
The same applies to Minimarket X, located in Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta.
Minimarket X has ten branches in Yogyakarta. Minimarket X is also known as a
comfortable shopping place, with relatively complete daily necessities and relatively
cheap price offers. However, Minimarket X has a problem that often repeats in the form
of a reasonably long payment queue. So, when the primary purpose of shopping at
minimarkets is comfort, it becomes less comfortable because the queues are pretty long,
especially on weekends, the beginning of the month, the end of the month, the afternoon,
the evening and the approach of certain holiday celebrations.
Minimarket X usually operates every day from 08.30 WIB to 21.30 WIB. The data
for this writing is taken from December 23, 2023, to January 11, 2024, for 20 days from
15.30 WIB to 17.30 WIB every day. Minimarket X generally serves many customers, so
it experiences a long queue, and the time to be served in the queue is also quite long.
Queues arise when an unbalanced condition exists between customers served and their
servers (Lestari, 2021). The average number of Minimarket visitors daily is 22 customers
per hour, with a queue length of 10 to 11 customers per hour, and the average waiting
time for customers to be served is around 27 to 30 minutes.
The queuing system implemented by Minimarket X is Multi-Channel – Single
Phase and First Come, First Served (FCFS) or First In, First Out (FIFO) with several
cashier officers, as many as four people who are tasked with serving customers and
processing the products purchased by scanning them and packing each grocery item.
Because of the long queue, it raises the writer's curiosity about problems that often occur.
So, in this study, a simulation will be carried out on the payment process at Minimarket
X using a discrete event simulation model with the help of Analogic software. Simulation
is used as a method to analyse problems that exist in the payment system at the
Discrete Event System (DES) concerns modelling a system that evolves by a
representation whereby state variables change instantaneously at separate points in time
(in more mathematical terms, it can be said that a system can change only at a quantifiable
number of points in time.) With the help of Analogic software, the author thinks that it