pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 5 Mei 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2042
Dynamics of Leaders in Indonesia's Environmental
Freddy Johanis Rumambi
Institut Bisnis dan Multimedia Asmi, Indonesia
Keywords: Leader
Leader dynamics play an important role in promoting
environmental sustainability practices within organizations.
Effective leaders can inspire and guide communities in
preserving their environment. With strong leadership,
organizations can move toward sustainability, embrace
innovation, and be role models in maintaining a balance
between economic growth and environmental preservation.
This research analyses the impact of leader dynamics on
efforts to preserve a sustainable environment through their
role in environment-related decision-making and how
leadership styles can affect environmental conservation.
This research was conducted using a qualitative approach.
Data are obtained from various research results and previous
research relevant to the study's content. The results found the
importance of leader dynamics in encouraging
environmental sustainability practices. Leadership plays an
important role in encouraging environmental sustainability
practices. Different leadership strategies and interventions
towards environmental sustainability practices.
Understanding the dynamics of leaders in promoting
environmental sustainability is essential to encourage the
widespread adoption of sustainable practices in Indonesia.
With its rich natural resources and diverse ecosystems, Indonesia faces many
challenges in achieving environmental sustainability. Various factors, including political
instability, historical heritage, globalization, and rapid economic growth, influence these
challenges. The New Order era from 1967 to 1998 introduced a centralistic style of
government in Indonesia. However, with the transition to a more democratic era and
decentralization of power, Indonesia faces a very important transformation process. With
the decentralization of power, there has been a significant change in the dynamics of
leadership and decision-making processes at the local and regional levels in Indonesia.
This presents both opportunities and challenges for environmental sustainability practices
in the country.
Dynamics of Leaders in Indonesia's Environmental Sustainability
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2043
Decentralization has significantly changed the dynamics of leadership and decision-
making processes at the local and regional levels in Indonesia, thus presenting both
opportunities and challenges for environmental sustainability practices in the country.
The transition to a more democratic era and decentralization of power has affected the
environmental sustainability landscape in Indonesia (Holzhacker et al., 2015). This shift
has implications for sustainability, including social segregation, inequality, and
environmental degradation, thus requiring an increased capacity of suburban local
governance and metropolitan governance (Holzhacker, Wittek, & Woltjer, 2015).
Challenges and opportunities for wider adoption of sustainable practices in
Indonesia, such as the conversion of food waste to bioenergy and remote microgrids for
energy access, have been explored, highlighting supply chain integration, technological
feasibility, and persistent behavior around food and energy waste (Suhartini et al., 2022).
In addition, competing priorities have been identified as significant challenges in
maintaining government commitment to environmental initiatives during the transition to
a decentralized system (Mukherjee, Sadhukhan, Sarkar, Roy, & De, 2023).
Decentralization in Indonesia has brought about an important transformation
process that has impacted environmental sustainability practices in the country. Given its
wealth of natural resources and diverse ecosystems, Indonesia must overcome these
challenges and opportunities to achieve environmental sustainability. Decentralization in
Indonesia has indeed changed the pattern of leadership and decision-making and presents
challenges and opportunities for environmental sustainability. The decentralization of
power in Indonesia has significantly changed the landscape of leadership and decision-
making, presenting numerous challenges and opportunities for environmental
sustainability. Sustainable leadership has been shown to influence sustainable
performance, emphasizing the importance of leadership styles in driving sustainable
development (Iqbal et al., 2020). In addition, the role of leaders in empowering and
supporting employees towards sustainable development is emphasized as essential to
creating a sustainable organization (Vujić, Novaković, Maksimović, & Karabašević,
Diversifying leadership dynamics across different regions in Indonesia has resulted
in a more distinct approach to environmental policies and initiatives. This aligns with the
findings, emphasizing the importance of green leadership models in natural resource and
environmental management and highlighting formal and informal leadership roles in
sustainable natural resource and environmental management systems. Diversifying
leadership dynamics across different regions in Indonesia has resulted in a more distinct
approach to environmental policies and initiatives. This aligns with the findings (Iqbal,
Ahmad, & Li, 2021), which emphasize the importance of green leadership models in
natural resource and environmental management, highlighting the role of formal and
informal leadership in sustainable natural resource and environmental management.
System. The study revealed that sustainable leadership practices benefit organizational
learning by sharing sustainability-based visions, shaping long-term perspectives,
encouraging capacity building, and developing eco-friendly initiatives. This underscores
Freddy Johanis Rumambi
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2044
the importance of leadership in fostering sustainable environmental practices and
In addition, Hart's (1995) research also supports the idea that developing a shared
vision of sustainable development requires skilled leadership and empowering social
processes that reach deep into management. This highlights the critical role of leadership
in fostering a collective vision for sustainable development and environmental
stewardship within organizations and across regions. In addition, Maskun et al.'s (2022)
research highlights the challenges of fragmented institutions in Indonesia. These are the
main obstacles in implementing climate policies due to the asynchronous sectoral policies
with existing climate policies in each ministry today. This underscores the need for
cohesive and coordinated leadership at multiple levels to overcome barriers and promote
effective environmental governance and policy implementation. Furthermore,
Schumacher et al.'s (2022) research provides insight into applying leadership legitimacy
in the context of limited formal and informal power in hierarchical organizational
networks. This highlights the importance of understanding and leveraging formal and
informal sources of power in decentralized leadership dynamics, particularly relevant in
Indonesia's diverse regional leadership structures.
The synthesis of these studies underscores the importance of formal and informal
leadership in driving sustainable environmental policies and initiatives across Indonesia.
Effective green leadership models, cohesive vision development, and overcoming
barriers from fragmented institutions are essential to advancing sustainable natural
resource and environmental management systems.
Indonesia's historical heritage and complex socio-political landscape have created
diverse leadership approaches to environmental sustainability. Cultural norms, traditional
practices, and local belief systems are important in shaping leaders' attitudes and actions
toward environmental conservation. The study by Mcmillen et al. (2020) emphasizes the
influence of biocultural management and local ecological knowledge on environmental
practices, highlighting the importance of cultural factors in shaping leadership approaches
to environmental sustainability (McMillen et al., 2020). In addition, Normalin et al.
(2021) delved into formal and informal eco-friendly leadership models, highlighting
diverse leadership approaches relevant to environmental sustainability, which are crucial
in understanding different leadership landscapes in Indonesia (Normalin et al., 2021).
These references underscore the importance of tailoring environmental strategies to
specific regional contexts and emphasize the need for coherent and coordinated efforts to
ensure an integrated approach to environmental sustainability across countries. Different
approaches to environmental policies and initiatives, driven by empowered local leaders,
must be complemented by coordinated efforts to address environmental challenges at the
national level. By considering the influence of cultural norms, traditional practices, and
local belief systems on leadership approaches, a more comprehensive and effective
approach to promoting environmental sustainability in Indonesia can be developed.
The intersection between these factors has given rise to many leadership styles and
strategies, each impacting environmental sustainability in Indonesia. Understanding and
Dynamics of Leaders in Indonesia's Environmental Sustainability
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analyzing these diverse leadership dynamics is critical in comprehensively evaluating the
effectiveness of environmental sustainability practices in the country. By conducting a
systematic review of the dynamics of leaders in driving environmental sustainability
practices in Indonesia, we can gain valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses
of different leadership approaches and identify potential areas for improvement and
collaboration. By synthesizing findings from various studies and sources, we can develop
a comprehensive understanding of the role of leadership in driving environmental
sustainability practices in Indonesia.
Effective leadership involves a clear vision, inspiring transformation, and open
communication. Delegating responsibilities wisely and solving problems decisively are
important skills. A leader's integrity and ethics are foundational, while adaptability to
change and focus on team development drive continued success. Balancing task goals
with building relationships is key to productive leadership.
Effective leadership includes a multifaceted approach involving a clear vision,
inspiring transformation, open communication, thoughtful delegation, assertive problem-
solving, integrity, ethics, adaptability, and team building. (Krellenberg et al., 2019)
Emphasizes the need for a clear vision and concrete steps in urban sustainability strategies
guided by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (Krellenberg et al., 2019).
Similarly, Helgegren et al. (2019) highlight the importance of a clear and communicated
vision in driving change in organizations (Helgegren et al., 2019; Simeonova & Valk,
2016) emphasizes the need for a clear vision and strategy in the integration of
environmental policy, particularly in integrating nature conservation and urban planning
(Simeonova &; Valk, 2016; Lameck, 2022) emphasizes the influence of ethical leadership
in the delivery of agricultural consulting services, highlighting the importance of integrity
and ethics in leadership (Lameck, 2022). In addition, it emphasizes the importance of
legislating with a clear vision of the desired future conditions of ecological processes and
biodiversity. It underscores the role of a clear vision in guiding policy priorities to sustain
ecological processes (McGregor et al., 2011).
Research Methods
This study used qualitative research with a literature review to deeply understand
the complex phenomena and relationships between leader dynamics and the sustainable
This method allows researchers to analyze qualitative data from textual sources
such as scientific journals, articles, books, and previous research reports. The research
process begins by collecting various literature relevant to the research topic, especially
related to the influence of leader dynamics and sustainable environment. These literature
sources will be critically analyzed to identify findings and perspectives related to the
research. The data from this literature study will be used to build a theoretical framework
and conduct an in-depth analysis of leader dynamics and environmental sustainability.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2046
Results and Discussion
Leader Dynamics in Environmental Sustainability Practices
The dynamics of leadership in driving sustainability practices involve several key
factors. First, leaders who demonstrate transformational leadership behavior positively
affect sustainable company performance. Second, identify that employees' green
behavior, influenced by green transformational leadership and green training,
significantly impacts sustainable company performance. Third, eco-friendly self-efficacy
and their ability to regulate and enforce environmental practices within organizations are
key factors in encouraging environmental sustainability practices. Fourth, leaders must
be proactive in responding to external environmental pressures and learn from successful
environmental practices implemented by competitors. Fifth, leaders who prioritize
environmental sustainability also foster a culture of innovation and creativity. This culture
of innovation and creativity enables employees to generate eco-friendly ideas, solutions,
and initiatives that contribute to environmental sustainability.
The dynamics of leaders in driving sustainability practices include several key
factors identified through various studies. First, the transformational leadership behavior
shown by leaders has proven to affect the performance of sustainable companies
positively, Widisatria & Nawangsari (2021). In addition, the influence of
transformational eco leadership and eco training on employee eco behavior significantly
impacts sustainable company performance (Novita et al., 2022). In addition, leaders' self-
efficacy of eco-friendliness and ability to regulate and enforce environmental practices
within organizations have been highlighted as a key factor in encouraging environmental
sustainability practices (Uddin et al., 2021). This proactive approach is important to
foster a culture of innovation and creativity within the organization, enabling employees
to generate environmentally friendly ideas, solutions, and initiatives that contribute to
environmental sustainability (Naushad, 2022).
These findings underscore the importance of leadership in driving environmental
sustainability practices in Indonesia, spanning various sectors and industries. The
literature emphasizes the need for effective leadership to drive initiatives, innovation, and
implementation of sustainable strategies, ultimately contributing to environmental
conservation and sustainable development.
Embracing Innovation and Technology
Leadership plays an important role in driving environmental sustainability practices
in Indonesia, as it influences the capacity building of leaders and staff, encourages
organizational learning, fosters a culture of continuous learning, facilitates knowledge
exchange and innovation, and supports sustainable practices and policies. Leadership is
critical in driving environmental sustainability practices in Indonesia because leadership
drives organizational change, aligns strategy with sustainable development goals, and
influences policy decisions.
The role of leadership in encouraging environmental sustainability practices in
Indonesia has many aspects. Sustainable leadership, as highlighted in the literature, plays
an important role in driving environmental innovation, strategy adoption, and intellectual
Dynamics of Leaders in Indonesia's Environmental Sustainability
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domain in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Liao (2022); (Boeske & Murray,
2022). Leadership in organizations is essential in implementing sustainable construction
projects and policy formulation to disseminate best practices throughout the organization
(Cruickshank, n.d.). In addition, corporate governance significantly impacts sustainability
in Indonesia, thus emphasizing the need for optimal law enforcement to impact corporate
sustainability positively (Setyahadi & Narsa, 2020). Transformational leadership is also
associated with social entrepreneurship and sustainability, which shows the importance
of leadership in driving sustainable initiatives (Muralidharan & Pathak, 2018). In
addition, industrial sustainability strategies, such as the palm oil industry, require strong
leadership and governance to overcome weaknesses and drive sustainability (Wardhani
& Rahadian, 2021).
Leadership also plays a major role in natural resource conservation and sustainable
development, as evidenced by case studies of local self-government in Eastern Serbia
(Marjanović et al., 2019). The leadership style of sustainability professionals in the UK
construction industry is a significant success factor in promoting sustainability practices.
Leadership in sustainable development requires proactive application of innovation and
technology to address environmental and social challenges. Leaders should encourage the
adoption of sustainable technologies, green product design, and process innovation to
reduce energy consumption, minimize pollution emissions, and encourage sustainable use
of resources. In addition, leaders should recognize the importance of incorporating
environmental ethics and stakeholder views into eco-friendly innovation strategies. They
should also facilitate knowledge exchange and employee collaboration to encourage
creative problem-solving and sustainable solution development. In addition, leaders must
create an organizational culture that values and rewards continuous innovation and
provides employees with the resources and support necessary to engage in
environmentally friendly practices. By implementing these practices, leaders can promote
environmental sustainability and position their organizations as industry leaders in
sustainable development. The success of environmental sustainability practices in
Indonesia depends on effective leadership, as leaders are important in guiding
organizations in adopting and implementing sustainable strategies and practices.
Leadership in sustainable development requires proactive application of innovation
and technology to address environmental and social challenges. Leaders play an
important role in encouraging the application of sustainable technologies, eco-friendly
product design, and eco-process innovation to reduce energy consumption, minimize
pollution emissions, and encourage sustainable resource utilization (Chen et al., 2006).
Incorporating environmental ethics and stakeholder views into eco-friendly innovation
strategies is also important, highlighting the importance of leaders in aligning innovation
with environmental responsibility (Chang, 2011). In addition, leaders should facilitate
knowledge-sharing and collaboration among employees to encourage creative problem-
solving and sustainable solution development (Ouakouak et al., 2021). They are creating
an organizational culture that values and rewards continuous innovation, as well as
providing the necessary resources and support for employees to engage in
Freddy Johanis Rumambi
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environmentally friendly practices, which is critical to fostering environmental
sustainability (Du &; Wang, 2022).
The success of environmental sustainability practices in Indonesia depends on
effective leadership, as leaders are important in guiding organizations in adopting and
implementing sustainable strategies and practices. Sustainable leadership has been
identified as a key factor in driving sustainability, emphasizing the need for leaders to
integrate sustainability into their organizational vision and practice (Çuhadar & Rudnák,
2022). In addition, the role of leaders in empowering and supporting employees towards
sustainable development is crucial, highlighting the influence of leadership in driving
sustainable initiatives (Vujić et al., 2019).
Effective leadership is essential in encouraging environmental sustainability
practices in Indonesia. Leaders must champion sustainable technology, green innovation,
and knowledge sharing while fostering a culture that values sustainable practices. By
doing this, organizations can position themselves as industry leaders in sustainable
development, contributing to environmental and social well-being.
Leadership in Environmental Conservation
Leadership in environmental sustainability practices is crucial, as leaders play a key
role in guiding organizations in adopting and implementing sustainability strategies. They
provide direction and vision, set goals and targets, allocate resources, and influence
organizational culture toward sustainability. Leaders should communicate their stance on
environmental issues, encourage all departments to implement and improve green
policies and practices and prioritise implementing and supporting sustainable practices
within the organisation. Leaders should strengthen employees' knowledge and
environmental protection awareness through training, seminars, and creating an
environmentally friendly work environment. Leaders provide direction and vision, set
goals and targets, allocate resources, and influence organizational culture toward
sustainability (Ahmed et al., 2021); (Marjanović et al., 2019). Leaders should
communicate their stance on environmental issues, encourage all departments to
implement and improve green policies and practices and prioritize the implementation
and support of sustainable practices within the organization (Gyasi et al., 2023); Ahmed
et al., 2021; (Marjanović et al., 2019). Furthermore, leaders should strengthen employees'
knowledge and awareness of environmental protection through training, seminars, and
creating an environmentally friendly work environment (Boeske & Murray, 2022).
Leadership plays an important role in encouraging environmental sustainability
practices in Indonesia. (Iqbal et al., 2021) emphasised the integrated role of sustainable
leadership, environmental innovation, and managerial wisdom in the Asian region,
including Indonesia. In addition, their 2020 study provides empirical evidence of the
influence of sustainable leadership on sustainable performance in specific ASEAN
countries, highlighting the effectiveness of various leadership styles and strategies in
driving environmental sustainability practices in Indonesia. In addition, (Zainab,
Khawaja, & Asghar, 2021) investigated the impact of proactive sustainable strategies and
sustainable leadership on corporate sustainability performance, providing insight into the
Dynamics of Leaders in Indonesia's Environmental Sustainability
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2049
role of leadership in driving economic, environmental, and social performance, which are
important dimensions of corporate sustainability in Indonesia.
These studies collectively highlight the importance of sustainable leadership in
driving environmental sustainability practices in Indonesia. By adopting a proactive eco-
transformational leadership style and sustainable strategy, leaders positively influence
employee engagement in eco-friendly behaviour and ultimately improve sustainable
company performance. Empirical evidence from these studies supports the need for
effective leader dynamics to encourage environmental sustainability practices in
organisations in Indonesia.
The Impact of Sustainable Leadership on Environmental Sustainability
The impact of sustainable leadership on environmental sustainability in Indonesia
is an important field of study. Sustainable leadership has positively influenced sustainable
performance in ASEAN countries, including Indonesia (Iqbal et al., 2021). Proactive
sustainable strategies and leadership positively and significantly impact the company's
sustainability performance, including social, environmental, and economic dimensions
(Zainab et al., 2021). In addition, the role of leadership in natural resource conservation
and sustainable development has been emphasised, which shows the significant impact
of leadership in natural resource management (Marjanović et al., 2019). Emerging
opportunities in complexity, leadership, and sustainability highlight the changing
leadership perspectives needed to address sustainability challenges. The positive impact
of transformational leadership behaviour on organisational financial performance has
been demonstrated, showing transformational leadership's relevance in achieving
financial sustainability (Handayani et al., 2022). These references collectively provide
valuable insights into the role of sustainable leadership in driving environmental
sustainability practices in Indonesia. They contribute to existing knowledge of
environmental sustainability leadership and practices, enhancing our understanding of the
relationship between leadership dynamics and environmental sustainability outcomes in
the Indonesian context.
The role of sustainable leadership in encouraging environmental sustainability
practices in Indonesia is supported by references (Iqbal et al., 2021), providing empirical
evidence on the influence of sustainable leadership on sustainable performance in
ASEAN countries, including Indonesia. Demonstrate the positive impact of proactive
sustainable strategies and sustainable leadership on the company's sustainable
performance, covering social, environmental, and economic dimensions and
Emphasizing the importance of leadership roles in natural resource conservation and
sustainable development, demonstrating the impact of leadership in natural resource
management. (Rambe et al., 2024) highlight the shift in leadership perspectives needed
to address sustainability challenges, further underscoring the importance of effective
leader dynamics in driving environmental sustainability. Furthermore, it shows the
positive impact of transformational leadership behaviour on an organisation's financial
performance, demonstrating the relevance of transformational leadership in achieving
financial sustainability.
Freddy Johanis Rumambi
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 5, Mei 2024 2050
Sustainable leadership models in natural resource and environmental management
derive from formal and informal leadership. The shift towards biocultural management
can positively impact urban environmental management and broader applicability related
to the development of sustainability and well-being on a planet experiencing rapid
environmental, social, and climate change (McMillen et al., 2020). This research will
provide valuable insights for leaders, policymakers, and stakeholders in Indonesia,
helping them develop effective leadership strategies to drive environmental sustainability
initiatives. In addition, the findings of this study will contribute to existing knowledge of
environmental sustainability leadership and practices, thereby enhancing our
understanding of the relationship between leadership dynamics and environmental
sustainability outcomes in the Indonesian context.
These references collectively provide valuable insights into the role of sustainable
leadership in driving environmental sustainability practices in Indonesia and contribute
to existing knowledge of environmental sustainability leadership and practices. This
enhances our understanding of the relationship between leadership dynamics and
environmental sustainability outcomes in the Indonesian context. Sustainable leadership
plays an important role in encouraging environmental sustainability practices in
Indonesia. Empirical evidence and case studies support the need for effective leader
dynamics to drive environmental sustainability initiatives in organisations in Indonesia.
To overcome these barriers and encourage environmental sustainability practices in
Indonesia, leaders must demonstrate commitment, allocate adequate financial resources,
enhance expertise in environmental management, and foster strong partnerships with
local communities and other stakeholders. Leaders must prioritise integrating
environmental considerations into decision-making processes and ensure sustainable
practices are embedded in organisational culture and policies.
To promote environmental sustainability practices in Indonesia, leaders must
demonstrate commitment, allocate adequate financial resources, improve expertise in
environmental management, and foster strong partnerships with local communities and
other stakeholders. It is also important for leaders to prioritise integrating environmental
considerations into decision-making processes and ensure that sustainable practices are
embedded in organisational culture and policies.
Research on green economy indicators in Indonesia identifies barriers to
implementing green growth development, including a lack of appreciation of natural
resources and institutional design problems (Anggraeni, Achsanta, & Purnomowati,
2023). This underscores the need for leaders to allocate adequate financial resources and
overcome barriers to sustainable development. The role of leadership in driving
sustainable performance and setting guidelines for following sustainable principles
(Kafetzopoulos & Gotzamani, 2022). This supports the importance of leaders
demonstrating commitment and integrating sustainable practices into organisational
culture and policies.
Dynamics of Leaders in Indonesia's Environmental Sustainability
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The synthesis of sustainability leadership literature emphasises the need to review
and clarify leadership constructs, theoretically uncover overlapping concepts, and
develop an integrated framework of sustainability leadership practices (Boeske &
Murray, 2022). This highlights the importance of leaders having a sustainable orientation
from a cultural and professional standpoint, as well as the need to balance the needs of
stakeholders. In addition, environmental studies and education for sustainability in
Indonesia highlight environmental challenges such as deforestation and related problems
(Parker, 2018). This underscores the importance of leaders fostering strong partnerships
with local communities and stakeholders to address environmental sustainability
The importance of leader dynamics in encouraging environmental sustainability
practices. Leadership plays an important role in encouraging environmental sustainability
practices. Different leadership strategies and interventions towards environmental
sustainability practices. Understanding the dynamics of leaders in promoting
environmental sustainability is essential to encourage the widespread adoption of
sustainable practices in Indonesia.
Future research should continue to investigate the relationship between leadership
and environmental sustainability, particularly in the Indonesian context. Empirical studies
that explore the effectiveness of various leadership styles and interventions in the
Indonesian context are needed. To pursue environmental sustainability in Indonesia,
further research must focus on developing effective leadership. The importance of
understanding the role of leaders at various levels, including individuals, organisations,
and communities, is also emphasised. Leaders play a crucial role in encouraging
environmental sustainability practices in Indonesia.
Freddy Johanis Rumambi
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