Salma Nurazizah Amatillah
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1754
One of the health programs that is expected to help reduce morbidity and death rates
due to pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum is the use of Maternal and Child Health
(MCH) books (Hariyani, Murti, & Wijayanti, 2019). MCH books are books that contain
information and counseling materials on nutrition and maternal and child health, pregnant
women cards, toddler health cards (KMS) and records of maternal and child health
services (Khuzaiyah, Khanifah, & Chabibah, 2018). MCH books are kept at home and
brought every time mothers and children come to health care places anywhere to get MCH
services (Anggraini, Hutabarat, & Sitorus, 2021).
The current Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) is still far from the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) target of 70 per 100,000 live births by 2030. While the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) target to end preventable newborn and under-
five deaths, with all countries trying to reduce Neonatal Mortality Rates to at least 12 per
1000 KH (Live Births) and Infant Mortality Rates to 25 per 1000 by 2030.6 According to
WHO, MMR in the World reached 289,000 people in 2019 (Lubu, 2019). According to
the Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the International Conference on Indonesia
Family Planning and Reproductive Health (ICIFPRH), until 2019 Indonesia's MMR is
still high, which is 305 per 100,000 live births. The total number of maternal deaths per
Regency / City of West Java Province in 2020 was 660 cases, the number of death cases
is higher than in 2019 of 417 cases.9 The causes of maternal mortality were still
dominated by bleeding at 28% and hypertension at 29%, although other causes were also
high at 24%.
The application of MCH books in all health facilities can increase the knowledge
and understanding of pregnant women so that complications that may occur during
pregnancy can be detected as early as possible by the purpose of antenatal services,
namely to prevent obstetric complications and ensure that complications can be detected
and treated adequately (Karim & Sari, 2021). In addition, the expected results of the
procurement of MCH Books in the short term are increased maternal knowledge,
increased knowledge of health worker skills and in the long term, there is a change in the
behaviour of mothers, families and communities in maintaining maternal and child health
and there is an increase in the health and nutritional status of mothers and children. But
not all mothers use MCH books well; there are mothers who do not have time to read
MCH books, are too lazy to read MCH books, and have difficulty understanding and
understanding the contents of MCH books (Suarayasa, 2020).
The mother's knowledge of MCH books can affect the mother's condition during
pregnancy (Rosmawati, Indrayani, & Putri, 2023). Factors affecting maternal monitoring
include Age, Interest, Education, Occupation, Intelligence, Experience, Surrounding
Environment and Information. As a result, if the mother's knowledge is lacking about the
use of MCH books, most pregnant women do not know what are the danger signs during
pregnancy, and prevention of late is not resolved (Damayanti & Nur A, 2010).
To prevent complications in pregnancy that can cause the risk of death to the
mother, early detection and treatment of at-risk pregnant women need to be improved,
especially in MCH service facilities.13 MCH books are given when the mother first