pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 4 April 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1372
Communication Strategies For Sexual Violence Prevention
and Handling In Higher Education on The YouTube Account
of The Ministry of Education and Culture of The Republic Of
Emi Salpiati
Universitas Budi Luhur, Jakarta, Indonesia
communication strategy,
sexual violence, higher
education, YouTube
The research aims to determine communication strategies
the Ministry of Education and Culture and Technology uses
to prevent and handle sexual violence in universities on the
YouTube channel Cerdas Berkarakter Kemdikbud RI. Using
descriptive qualitative methods, the focus of research is to
find communication strategies used based on elements of
communicator, message, media, audience, and effect or
result. The primary communicator is the Minister of
Education and Culture, the highest leader. The target
audience can be university leaders, lecturers, students,
community leaders, religious leaders, mass media, and the
general public. The effect is that there is controversy among
netizens, as shown in comments that support and reject the
policy. Another finding is that there was a selection of
participation strategies in testimonial videos as support from
representatives of various community groups showing the
experience of participation as an equal in the process of
different knowledge and skills.
Sexual violence against women in educational settings is most prevalent in
universities. Direct reports to Komnas Perempuan for the period 2015 to August 2020
show a high number of cases of violence that occur in the educational environment. This
indicates that the academic environment is no longer safe for students. In 2015, there were
3 cases; in 2016, there were 10 cases; in 2017, there were 3 cases; in 2018, there were 10
cases; increased in 2019 to 15 cases, and until August 2020, there were 10 cases.
Communication Strategies For Sexual Violence Prevention and Handling In Higher Education
on The Youtube Account of The Ministry of Education and Culture of The Republic Of
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1373
Figure 1
Sexual Violence in the Environment Direct report data
Source: Komnas Perempuan 2020 Fact Sheet
Sexual violence occurs at all levels of education, from early childhood education
to higher education. Of the 51 cases of sexual violence and discrimination reported during
2015-2020, it appears that universities rank first at 27%. In its data recapitulation,
Komnas Perempuan stated that in the 2015-2020 period, universities ranked first for
sexual violence in educational environments, with 35 cases from 2015 to 2020.(Komnas
Perempuan, 2020).
Figure 2
Sexual Violence and Discrimination-Based Data Education Level 2015 - August 2021
(Source: Komnas Perempuan 2020 Fact Sheet)
Data on sexual violence reports submitted to the Ministry of Education and Culture
shows that sexual violence is the most frequent case in education. Sexual violence cases
are the highest cases of violence that occur in education units. Data as of July 6, 2023,
there are a total of 200 cases handled, with the most issue being sexual violence. The most
loci in Higher Education. (Pradinantia, 2023). Several previous studies related to sexual
violence have shown that the world of education is one of the places where sexual
violence occurs.
The Ministry of Education and Culture has issued Regulation of the Minister of
Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Permendikbudristek) Number 30 of 2021
concerning the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence (PPKS) in Higher Education
Environment, which was stipulated on August 31, 2021. This policy is then socialized
through various channels, one of which is through YouTube channels. The Cerdas
Emi Salpiati
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1374
Berkarakter Kemdikbud RI YouTube account is one of the official YouTube accounts
within the Ministry of Education and Culture, created on May 29, 2020. The account is
owned by the Character Education Center, one of the work units at the Ministry of
Education and Culture and Technology. As of November 18, 2023, at 09.07 WIB, the
Cerdas Berkarakter Kemdikbud RI YouTube account has 154 thousand subscribers, 548
videos, and 63,289,097 views.
Figure 3
Screenshot of the Smart Youtube account with the character of the Ministry of Education
and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia (Source: youtube.com)
The issue of sexual violence is of concern to quite a lot of researchers. (Maliki &;
Susanti, 2019) I researched how the implementation of 10 persuasive communication
techniques of William S. Howell in the anti-sexual violence campaign by the Indonesian
Lentera Sintas Community. The finding was that all of William S. Howell's persuasive
communication techniques were implemented in the #Start Talking campaign by the
Indonesian Survival Lantern Community.
Afiati (2022) examines the communication strategy of the Center for Women's
Studies Solo (PUKAPS) in voicing gender issues and sexual violence. They found a
communicator selection strategy based on the communicator's credibility, background,
and attractiveness. The strategy of compiling and presenting messages is formulated
informatively, educatively, and persuasively in Pukaps' social media content. Media
selection strategies using Pukaps social media, be Instagram, Facebook, Zoom meeting
media, or webinar activities. The strategy of selecting and introducing audiences in the
form of observation to the general public to see if the education carried out by the Pukaps
Community is right on target or not.
When victims of sexual violence are women and children with disabilities,
particular communication strategies are needed. (Apriyani &; Rahmiaji, 2022) Found that
efforts to prevent cases of violence against women with disabilities were carried out
through several public communication strategies, such as establishing Peer Counselors
with their online discussion and counseling programs to make women and children with
disabilities recognize the signs of sexual violence and become a place to protect their
rights; Conducting various seminars and trainings to prevent cases of sexual violence
from occurring in disability groups.
Research on communication strategies has also been conducted (Cahyani, 2020).
He found that the strategy carried out by Surabaya City Government public relations in
conveying information on Surabaya City government activities through social media
Communication Strategies For Sexual Violence Prevention and Handling In Higher Education
on The Youtube Account of The Ministry of Education and Culture of The Republic Of
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1375
implemented a management by objective (MBO) communication strategy by determining
targets first before delivering messages, then monitoring developments in the community,
then discussions before preparing content after that providing feedback to the target
audience by giving appreciation to the audience in the form of Repost photos and awards.
In addition, content innovations and social media variants within the framework of
effective message delivery regarding the activities of the Surabaya city government to the
community are surefire steps to realize services to the community. Public relations hold
social media competitions every month to invite the public to participate and get attention
from the public. This can bring the community closer to the Surabaya City Government.
This competition activity is also a facility to accommodate the aspirations and talents of
the citizens of Surabaya (Cahyani, 2020).
Prasanti & Indriani (2022) describe the communication strategy of the Ministry of
Health in dealing with the surge in the second wave of COVID-19 cases as follows:
a. Indonesian Minister of Health, Budi Gunadi Sadikin, as a communicator
b. The health message conveyed is about the communication strategy, which consists of
three stages: detection strategies, therapeutic strategies, and vaccination strategies.
This message is part of therapeutic communication techniques as a second strategy in
handling COVID-19.
c. The media used to convey the health communication strategy is a digital media
channel, namely an online press conference through video streaming on the YouTube
channel of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia.
d. The target audience of the health communication strategy is all Indonesians. Therefore,
the press conference involved various parties from different circles throughout
Indonesia, so that 4754 viewers watched it. The target audience can be classified as
health workers, community leaders, district/village representatives, mass media, and
the general public from various circles.
e. The result obtained is that there are pros and cons to the policy implemented by the
Indonesian Ministry of Health to prevent the second wave of COVID-19 surge. The
controversy was shown by netizens in the chat column during the press conference.
(Siddharta et al., 2017) researched President Joko Widodo's impression
management strategy through communication of government priority programs on his
YouTube account; using quantitative content analysis methods, he coded verbal messages
(statements spoken by President Joko Widodo) contained in 169 sample videos. The
results of this study show that the strategy most often displayed by President Joko Widodo
is the strategy of ingratiation, where he wants to get the impression of being a favored
leader. This strategy is predominantly shown through indicators of greetings, thanks, and
expressing humorous statements.
Sexual violence communication strategies are essential to be investigated further,
especially to find out how regulators such as the Ministry of Education and Culture
communicate policies related to PPKS in universities. This study aims to determine the
Ministry of Education and Culture and Technology communication strategy related to
PPKS at PTN through the Smart YouTube account with the character of the Ministry of
Emi Salpiati
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1376
Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. The research uses the concept of
communication strategy to determine the communication strategy used by the Smart
YouTube account with the Character of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the
Republic of Indonesia in preventing and handling sexual violence in universities.
Research Methods
This research is a descriptive qualitative research. Data was obtained from the
YouTube account Smart Berkarakter of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the
Republic of Indonesia and other credible sources Through observation and
documentation. The research was carried out on the Smart Character YouTube channel
of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia from November to
December 2023. The data were analyzed using Miles and Huberman's qualitative data
analysis. According to Huberman & Miles (2014), qualitative data analysis consists of
three co-occurring activities: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion
drawing/verification. Measurement of data validity using triangulation techniques. The
study's author used source triangulation to test the credibility of data by checking the data
obtained from various data sources such as interviews, archives, and other documents.
Results and Discussion
In socializing a policy, a communication strategy is needed. Anyone (institutions,
companies, and people) needs a communication strategy that helps achieve their goals.
(Olivant, 2016) Communication strategy is essentially planning and management to
achieve a goal. Communication strategy combines communication planning and
communication management to achieve a goal. According to a communications planning
expert, Middleton, A communication strategy is the best combination of all
communication elements from the communicator, message, channel (media), and receiver
to influence (effect) designed to achieve optimal communication goals. Middleton's idea
is what Lasswell stated: that there are 5 (five) elements of communication, namely the
communicator (WHO), communicant (to whom), media (in which channel), message
(says what), and effect (with what effect). (Lasswell, 1948)
Several communication strategies are commonly used, each reflecting a specific
set of priorities for using communication to achieve development needs.
1. Media-based strategy.
Communicators who use this strategy usually group their activities around a
particular preferred medium. This strategy is indeed the most straightforward, most
popular technique.
2. Instructional design strategy.
The users of this strategy are generally educators. They focus their strategies on
learning the intended individuals as a fundamental goal. This group strategy is based on
formal learning theories and focuses on a systems approach to developing learning
3. Participation strategies.
Communication Strategies For Sexual Violence Prevention and Handling In Higher Education
on The Youtube Account of The Ministry of Education and Culture of The Republic Of
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1377
Community cooperation and personal growth are essential to organizing activities
in this participation strategy. What is critical to this strategy is not how much information
a person learns through communication programs but rather the experience of
participating as an equal in various knowledge and skills. (Wijaya, 2017).
Before the author describes in more detail the communication strategy of the Smart
Character YouTube account of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of
Indonesia, the following is a description of the findings related to the Smart YouTube
account with the Character of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of
Indonesia. As of the end of December 2023, the account has 475 videos. This account is
a channel. How is a YouTube account different from a YouTube channel? A YouTube
account is created using a Google account and will be the default account to access
YouTube, login, and log in. The YouTube channel is a channel for brands that contain
video content that can be arranged as desired. Channels are usually given nicknames.
Channel nicknames are a way to find and connect with creators on YouTube. (Source:
YouTube) Channel nicknames are unique, short channel IDs that begin with the "@"
symbol. The Smart Account with the Character of the Ministry of Education and Culture
of the Republic of Indonesia has the nickname @CerdasBerkarakterKemdikbudRI.
Viewers of the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture's Smart Character
YouTube account can see videos grouped in the Video, Shorts, Live, Podcast, Playlist,
and Community menus. On the video menu is a collection of general videos from the
Cerdas Berkarakter YouTube channel of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the
Republic of Indonesia, including videos about the prevention and handling of sexual
violence in universities. The author only analyzes the prevention and handling of sexual
violence in universities, which contains elements of communication strategies, namely
communicators (who), communicants (to whom), media (in which channel), messages
(says what), and effects (with what effect. Furthermore, the author analyzed videos about
the prevention and handling of sexual violence in universities to find out the priority of
the communication strategy used, namely str.
Communication Strategy Elements
In total, 16 (sixteen) videos were found that contained elements of communication
strategies, namely communicator (who), communicant (to whom), media (in which
channel), message (says what), and effect (with what effect). All videos are placed in the
Live menu and Playlist Menu. Live menus allow channel owners to interact with their
audience in real-time through video feeds, chat, and more. Furthermore, on the podcast
menu, there are no videos related to the prevention and handling of sexual violence in
universities. The playlist menu, often called a playlist, collects several videos into one
group. YouTube playlists allow all videos to be collected by certain types and categories.
YouTube playlists will make it easier for others to find similar videos.
In the live menu, I found 3 videos containing elements of communication strategies
as described in the following table.
Table 1
Emi Salpiati
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1378
Identify Videos Containing Communication Strategy Elements on the Live Menu
Video Title
Webinar 16 Campus Free from
Gender-Based Violence
The highlight of the 16 Days of No
Violence Against Women event
16 Days of Nonviolence Against
Women Podcast
Source: Research results
On the playlist menu are 47 (forty-seven) playlists, 4 (four) containing videos about
preventing and handling sexual violence in universities.
The four playlists are each titled #BersamaHapusKekerasanSeksual, which contains
32 videos; Permendikbudristek Education Series Number 30 of 2021 concerning
Prevention of Handling Violence in Higher Education, which includes 11 videos; Behind
the Scenes, which contains 4 videos; and Anti-Sexual Violence Webinar consists of 4
videos. From the four playlists, 13 videos contained elements of communication
strategies described in the following table.
Table 2
Identify Videos Containing Communication Strategy Elements in the Playlist Menu
Video Title
Playlist Title
16 Days of Nonviolence Against
Women Podcast
Let's #GerakBersama Prevent Child
PPKS Candy: Why We Should #Gerak
PPKS Candy: Civil Society Network
PPKS Candy: State Institution Support
International Webinar "The Power of
Unreasonable Women"
International Webinar Highlights
"The Power of Unreasonable Women"
PPKS Candy Education Series:
Introduction to the Minister of
Education and Culture
Sexual #BersamaHapusKekerasan
Permendikbudrstek Education Series
Number 30 of 2021 concerning the
Communication Strategies For Sexual Violence Prevention and Handling In Higher Education
on The Youtube Account of The Ministry of Education and Culture of The Republic Of
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1379
PPKS Candy Education Series:
Recognizing the Forms of Sexual
PPKS Candy Education Series:
Closing by the Director General of
Education and Technology and the
Director General of Vocational
Webinar 15 Anti-Gender-Based
Intimate Chat: "The Young, Those
Who Fight for Equality" with Mas
Webinar International Women's Day
Prevention and Handling of Sexual
Violence in Higher Education
Anti-Sexual Violence Webinar
Source: Research results
The communication strategy of the Smart YouTube channel with the character of
the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia in the prevention and
handling of sexual violence in universities can be explained in the table below into several
main points, namely communicator elements, message elements, media elements,
audience elements, and effect or result elements. 3 (three) Videos can be explained based
on the concept of communicator communication elements, messages, media, audiences,
and effects or results. The three videos are each judge
Based on Table 1, the author found that the primary communicator is the highest
leader of the Ministry of Education and Culture, namely the Minister of Education,
Culture, Research and Technology. In addition to the Minister of Education and Culture
and Technology, other communicators were found, such as high-ranking officials within
the Ministry of Education and Culture and Architects, representatives of professional
experts, indigenous and religious communities, civil society networks, and state
institutions. The findings are presented in the following table.
Table 3
Elements of Communication Strategy in PPKS Candy Education Video Series:
Introduction by Mendikbudristek
Minister of Education,
Culture, Research and
Technology Nadiem
Makarim, as the primary
Minister of Education,
Culture, Research, and
Technology Nadiem
Makarim, the highest
leader to be the primary
Emi Salpiati
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1380
delivered a message
regarding policies for
preventing and handling
sexual violence in
communicator, implies a
high commitment to
preventing and handling
sexual violence in
The message conveyed
was Permendikbudristek
Number 30 of 2021
concerning the
Prevention and
Handling of Sexual
Violence in Higher
Education Environment
is the result of
collaboration between
the Ministry of
Education and Culture
and Technology from
2020 with various
groups of university
academics, civil society,
and other relevant
ministries and state
institutions. In addition,
it is also a collaboration
between students,
education staff,
educators, and
university leaders in
creating an academic
culture that is free from
sexual violence and
gender discrimination
on its campus. At the
national level, the
Ministry of Education
and Culture is ready to
provide technical
assistance for
universities needing it to
improve campus
security from sexual
The media used to
convey communication
strategies are digital
media channels, namely
online speeches through
video streaming on the
Youtube channel Smart
with Character of the
This message is a form of
participation strategy.
Community cooperation
and personal growth are
crucial in organizing
activities in this
participation strategy.
What is essential in this
strategy is not how much
information a person
learns through
communication programs
but rather the experience
of participating as an
equal in the process of
various knowledge.
Online speech through the
RI YouTube channel
The target audience can
classified from university
leaders, lecturers,
students, community
Communication Strategies For Sexual Violence Prevention and Handling In Higher Education
on The Youtube Account of The Ministry of Education and Culture of The Republic Of
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1381
Ministry of Education
and Culture of the
Republic of Indonesia
The target audience in
the communication
strategy is all
Indonesian people. It
can be seen from the
data that as many as 3.9
thousand viewers on the
video speech of Minister
of Education and
Culture Nadiem
The result obtained is
the presence of pros and
on policies for the
prevention and handling
of sexual violence in
religious figures, mass
media, and the general
public from various
Controversy pointed out
The netizens in the
Source: Research results
Participation Strategy
In addition to using communication strategies that consider communicator
elements, message elements, media elements, audience elements, and effect or result
elements in socializing the prevention and handling of sexual violence at PTN, the Cerdas
Berkarakter Kemdikbud RI YouTube account also uses a participation strategy. A lot of
community cooperation and personal growth can be seen from the post of the Cerdas
Berkarakter Kemdikbud RI YouTube account, displayed in a special playlist entitled
Three videos show the participation of various community groups. In the 3 videos,
testimonials were displayed as a form of support for the prevention and handling of sexual
violence in universities. What is essential in participation strategies is not how much
information a person learns through communication programs but rather the experience
of participation as an equal in various knowledge and skills. (Wijaya, 2017)The following
table shows the results of identifying participation strategies in the 3 videos.
Table 4
Results of Participation Strategy Identification
Video Title
Participating Community Groups
PPKS Candy: Why
We Should
Chairman of Presidium-1 of the
Indonesian Luhur Trust Council,
Secretary of the National Management
Board (BPN) of the Theological
Educated Women's Fellowship (Peruati).
Emi Salpiati
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1382
PPKS Minister:
Civil Society
Network Support
PPKS Candy: State
Institution Support
Vice Chairman for Education of the
Indonesian Women's Congress
(Kowani), General Secretary of the
Central Executive Fatayat Nahdatul lama
(NU), Director of LBH APIK Jakarta,
representative for Manpower of the
Alliance of Independent Journalists
(AJI), Coordinator of the Secretariat of
the Service Providers Forum (FPL),
Public Relations Manager of Yayasan
Pulih (Recover) Foundation, Head of the
Digital At-Risks Subdivision of safenet,
Secretary General of the Council of
Luhur Kepercayaan Tertegapa Allah
YME Indonesia, Deputy Department of
Empowerment and Protection of Women
and Children LKK PBNU,
representative of the Young Setara
Network, representative of the Civil
Society Coalition Against Sexual
Violence (KOMPAKS), representative
of Gerak Perempuan, representative of
the Program and Advocacy Division of
the Union of Journalists for Diversity,
representative of the Presidium of the
AKSI Network, Head of Law and
Advocacy of the Central Leadership
Council of the Indonesian Blind
Association, Women's Motion Academy
Network, Healthy Soul Association, Kita
Sama Network, Safe Public Space
Coalition (KRPA), Indonesian Family
Planning Association (PKBI), Online
Gender-Based Violence Task Force
Vice Chairman of the Indonesian Victim
Witness Protection Institute (LPSK RI),
Chairman of the Education
Subcommittee of the National
Commission on Violence against
Women (Komnas Perempuan),
Commissioner for Trafficking and
Exploitation of the Indonesian Child
Protection Commission (KPAI),
Chairman of the Indonesian Women
Ulema Congress (KUPI), Chairman of
Communication Strategies For Sexual Violence Prevention and Handling In Higher Education
on The Youtube Account of The Ministry of Education and Culture of The Republic Of
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1383
the Association of Indonesian
Women/Gender and Child Study Centers
(ASWGI), Chairman of the Honorary
Board of the Association of Indonesian
Gender Perspective Law Teachers and
Enthusiasts (APPHGI)
Source: Research results
This study shows findings regarding communication strategies based on
communicator, message, media, audience, and effect or result elements. The 3.9 thousand
viewers proved netizens' enthusiasm for listening to the video. The primary
communicator is the Minister of Education and Culture, the highest leader. The target
audience can be university leaders, lecturers, students, community leaders, religious
leaders, mass media, and the general public from various circles. The video also illustrates
the selection of participation strategies in the prevention and handling of sexual violence
in universities. The effect that arises is that there is controversy among netizens. The
controversy took the form of comments supporting and opposing policies to prevent and
handle sexual violence in universities. In addition, it can be seen that the Ministry of
Education and Culture and Technology uses priority participation strategies. Testimonies
from various community groups are displayed in several videos on the Cerdas Berkarakter
RI YouTube account as a form of participation and support related to the prevention and
handling of sexual violence in universities.
Emi Salpiati
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 2024 1384
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