pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 2 February 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Doi: 10.59141/jist.v5i2.915 672
Siti Hajar
*, Novianti
, Harianti
Politeknik Negeri Nunukan, Indonesia
Keywords: Fermentation; Lais
Fish; Traditional.
North Kalimantan (Kaltara), the 34th province in Indonesia, with its
capital city in Tanjung Selor, has very abundant natural resources (SDA)
potential. North Kalimantan has a coastline of 3,515 km, which holds
various capture fisheries potential. To discover the traditional
fermentation process of Sikalut and Lais (Kryptopterus) fish in Butas
Bagu Village. This final project aims to learn about the traditional
fermentation process of lais fish (Cryptopterus Bicirrhis). Starting from
Washing 1, Filleting, Disposing of Stomach Contents, Washing II,
Draining Water, Salting, Freezing for 24 hours, Adding Cassava Dregs,
and Putting Fish in Jars. Traditional fish processing should be done at
night; the goal is to prevent flies from landing on the ingredients, and it
should be done with caution if the preparations are mixed with other
ingredients apart from cassava pulp or rice.
The capital city of North Kalimantan (Kaltara), Tanjung Selor, is the 34th province
of Indonesia and is home to a wealth of natural resources. 3,515 km of North Kalimantan's
coastline offers a variety of fishing opportunities. To learn about Butas Bagu Village's
traditional Sikalut and Lais (Kryptopterus) fish fermenting process (Hidayat, 2017). The
goal of this final project is to explain and put into practice traditional fermented sikalut
and lais fish (Tamba).
Washing step one, filleting and removing the stomach contents, washing step two,
draining the water, salting, and defrosting for 24 hours before adding cassava dregs and
packing the fish in jars (Darmayasa & Kusmaryani, 2016). In order to avoid flies falling
on the materials, traditional fish processing should be done at night and with caution.
Along the coast of Tanah Kuning, Bulungan Regency, Tarakan City, Tanah
Tidung Regency (KTT), and Nunukan Regency are places in Kaltara that have a chance
of fishing. Not only fish but also seaweed has potential because of North Kalimantan.
Some are islands, such as Nunukan, Tarakan, and Sebatik'. River mouths influence fish
growth in the North Kalimantan region by producing chlorophyll (Meliala, Purnomo, &
Rahman, 2019).
This chlorophyll will become plankton and a food source for fish. Nunukan
Regency has abundant fishery products, such as cultivating seaweed, snapper, shrimp,
crab, and many other fishery products.
Traditional Fermentation Process of Lais Fish (Cryptopterus Bicirrhis) in Butas Bagu Village,
Sembakung District, Nunukan District, North Kalimantan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 2, February 2024 673
In addition, the Sembakung River has abundant fishery potential with various
types of fish, including snakehead fish, catfish, baung fish, and lais fish, as well as various
other freshwater fishery products (Prihatin, Suprapto, & Rudiyanti, 2016).
In Kalimantan, this fish species of the family Siluridae, known as Lais fish, is a
popular food fish because of its delicious meaty taste and high nutritional value. As
consumption fish, lais fish are traded and have economic value, like the genera
Kryptopterus and Ompok (Faulia, 2020).
Research on fishes of the Siluridea family in the Mahakam River is still limited to
the study of the DNA barcode of the genus Kryptopterus (Jusmaldi, Solihin, Affandi,
Rahardjo, & Gustiano, 2017) and the degree of gonadal maturity in Ompok myostoma.
Studies on the cytochrome b gene of mitochondrial DNA can be conducted to investigate
species' genetic diversity and relatedness within the same genus. Layfishes belong to the
class Osteichthyes, subclass Actinopterygii, order Siluriformes, family Siluridae, and
genus Cryptopterus. According to (Agustianti, 2016) data, the amateur fish belongs to
Actinopterygii, order Siluriformes, family Siluridae, and genus Cryptopterus. According
to (Saila, 2022), the characteristics of Cryptopterus are an elongated body shape and a
straight, flat nose. The angled mouthpiece does not project beyond the eyes. The anterior
nostrils and a pair of maxillary and mandibular antennae that extend behind the symphysis
are generally short, rudimentary, or still required. The anal fin is very long, accessible, or
connected to the deeply forked caudal fin. Teeth are pressed against the jaw like curved
bands, in vomer-like single bands (except two separate pieces). It has 8-17 gill cover
bones that strengthen. Gill ridges are common (15-17), relatively thin and long. Gill
membranes are independent of each other and independent of the isthmus. This genus
consists of several species, namely C. minor, C. bichirris, C. schilbeides, C. hexapterus,
C. limpok, C. macrocephalus, C. apogon, C. microneme, C. lais, C. lumhioltzi, C.
mononema, C. palembangensis, and C. parvanalis (Kottelat et al. 1993). The lais fish is
known by regional names in Sumatra, namely lais padi, lais fungal, lais limpok, lais
bemoan, lais unsung, lais beard, Jamis, while in Kalimantan, it is called lee, leis, lais tin,
white lais, lais champion, lais judging, crustyellow lais and yellow lais (Setiawan et al.,
The history of fish processing began thousands of years ago. Since when people
knew how to process fish, it is not known for certain. However, evidence suggests that
simple fish processing methods were known as early as the Stone Age. Dying was
believed to be the first method of preserving and processing fish. In the Neolithic period,
people began to use fishing boats. Then, around 3500 BC, people began to use metal
tools. Processing is a way to protect fish from decay so that they can be stored for a long
time until it is time to eat them. Decomposition is caused by the influence of bacterial
activity and the influence of enzyme activity (autolysis), which is the process of tissue
decomposition that occurs by itself after the death of the fish and accelerates as the
temperature increases, reaching a peak at 37˚C.
Fish processing begins with the traditional use of sunlight, which increases shelf
life by reducing water content. However, traditional fish still has a poor image in the eyes
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of consumers because it is of low quality and nutritional value, has inconsistent functional
value, and does not provide quality and safety guarantees to consumers. There are several
other processing methods, namely chilling, freezing, smoking, salting, frying, and
fermenting fish (Office of Deputy Minister of Research and Technology for
Empowerment and Socialization of Science and Technology, 2017).
Research Methods
Time and Place
This research started from 23 April 2022 to 15 May 2022 in Butas Bagu,
Sembakung District, Jl. RT 01 Butas Bagu, Sembakung District, North Kalimantan,
Method of collecting data
1. Observation is observing by participating in the object being experienced. The type of
observation used is participant observation, in which the person observes directly on
the object of observation.
2. The discussion is based on observations and information from the local community
about fermented fish (Tamba) manufacture, lecture materials, and some supporting
Tools and materials
a. Tools
1. Basin;
2. Knife;
3. Cutting board;
4. Jar.
b. Materials
1. Fish Lais (Sikalut);
2. Water;
3. Salt;
4. Cassava (Cassava Dregs).
Pretreatment of Additives
Cassava pulp, a filler material for the fish fermentation process, is a waste material
utilized by squeezing out the water contained in the cassava pulp. The procedure for
treating cassava pulp is as follows: 2000 grams of a medium-sized cassava root are grated,
and the grated cassava root is added to 15 ml of water. The cassava root is squeezed with
the help of a filter, producing water and cassava pulp. The squeezed cassava pulp is dried
with the help of sunlight for one day so that the dried cassava pulp is dehydrated. The
dried cassava pulp is subjected to another treatment: heating at medium heat. The cassava
pulp is poured into a pan and then fried (without oil) for 40 minutes at medium heat so
that the cassava pulp takes on a brownish-yellow color. Cassava pulp that has gone
through the heating process is left to cool.
Traditional Fermentation Process of Lais Fish (Cryptopterus Bicirrhis) in Butas Bagu Village,
Sembakung District, Nunukan District, North Kalimantan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 2, February 2024 675
Procedures for processing this research based on Sikalut/lais fish are washed
thoroughly under running water. The fish is filleted from head to tail and cleaned under
running water. The fish is cleaned by removing the viscera and gills. Wash again to
remove any remaining guts or dirt from the fish, then drain. Stack the washed and drained
fish in a bowl with coarse salt. The washed and drained fish is stacked in a bowl and
sprinkled with coarse salt. The fish is sprinkled evenly with 100 grams of salt. Fish that
has been mixed with salt is left for about 24 hours. The preserved fish is then added to
the cassava porridge. After mixing the fish and cassava porridge, the fish is placed in a
small container and stored for a week to start the fermentation process.
Results and Discussion
Lais (Sikalut) Fermentation Process Flow
Figure 1
Flowchart of the Fermentation Process of Sikalut/Lais Fish (Kriptopterus)
Traditional fermentation processing of Sikalut/Lais (Tamba) fish has long been
processed into preserved Agabag Dayak fish, especially in Butas Bagu village in
Sembakung district, which is obtained from freshwater fish, which begins with fishing,
cleaning the fish stomach, salting, and using additional materials for sample sources. This
method of preservation is efficient and can be done with simple means. It is popular with
the public because it has a distinctive flavor. The result of this fermented fish is a fish
preservative and gives it a distinctive taste and aroma.
1 Washing I
Bahan Baku ( Ikan Sikalaut)
Pencucian 1
Pembuangan isi perut
Pencucian II
Penirisan air
Didiamkan selama kurang lebih 24 jam
Penambahan ampas singkong
Ikan di masukkan ke wadah
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 2, February 2024 676
The first washing aims to clean the dirt and mucus contained in the fish's body. It
is placed in a basket/basin and then washed thoroughly using running water by spraying
water on the fish's body so that contamination does not occur on the fish's body.
Figure 2 Washing I
(Source: personal documentation, 2022)
Fillet/ Disposal of stomach contents
The process of removing the stomach contents of Lais / Sikalut fish with a sharp
stainless knife, the removal of the stomach contents begins with slitting the stomach of
the fish; after slitting, all the stomach contents are then removed until it is completely
consumed and there is not much left, and the body of the fish is sliced so that it can be
lightly salted. Then, it is washed under running water.
Removing Stomach Contents and Gills
They remove the stomach and gill contents of the fish during filleting by slowly
pulling on the gills so that all the contents of the fish's stomach can be pulled through the
gill cavity.
Washing II
The second rinse aims to remove the remaining blood, mucus, and intestinal debris
still attached to the fish body after removing the stomach contents, with the water flowing
into the fish body so it is not contaminated.
Water Slicing in Fish
I was cutting the fish before salting aims to reduce the water content of the fish. The
application of cutting for the fermentation of Sikalut fish is straightforward; a rice basket
made of template-less material is used as a medium for cutting water in Sikalut fish.
Figure 3 Sikalut Fish Slicing Process
(source: Personal documentation, 2022)
Salting is preserving fish using crystal salt, brine, and seawater under room
temperature, cold, and heating storage conditions. The salting method has long been
performed by people who have eyes as fishermen/processors. Salt acts as a preservative
because it removes water from the meat due to osmotic differences, at which point the
Traditional Fermentation Process of Lais Fish (Cryptopterus Bicirrhis) in Butas Bagu Village,
Sembakung District, Nunukan District, North Kalimantan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 2, February 2024 677
salt penetrates the fish meat so that it breaks down the cell walls of the decomposing
microbes and reduces the water activity (AW) of the material so that the microbes cannot
multiply (Anonymous, 1996; Junianto, 2003), (2018). Salt is essential for preserving fish
because people know how to move from one place to another. Evidence of the use of salt
to preserve fish is found in areas along the Nile, Tigris, Indus, Euphrates, and Yellow
Rivers (China) from 3500 to 2000 BC. The Egyptians knew how to process fish well,
using equipment that could be considered advanced with the introduction of smoking. In
the Roman era, fish processing was even more advanced as spices were used to preserve
and flavor processed products (Nielsen, 2005).
Salting of Sikalut/Lais fish is done by placing the fish in a container to initiate the
salting process and then slowly sprinkling salt into the container with the Lais/Sikalut
fish, slowly squeezing the fish body so that the salt mixes with the fish flesh. Coarse salt
is used for salting at a ratio of 100 grams and 4 kg of Sikalut/Lais fish. The fish mixed
with salt is then stored in a place protected from sunlight so that the fish does not spoil.
Storage of Fish Mixed with Salt
At this stage, the fish mixed with salt will be arranged in a basin and left for about
24 hours with the lid tightly closed. Do it at night.
Addition of Cassava Dregs
The fish, kept for about 24 hours, is added to the cassava porridge. In the native
language, it is called (Lanam). It is 226.796 grams and 4 kg of fish. The purpose of using
cassava porridge in fish is to accelerate the fermentation process and absorb the water
content contained in the fish body.
Move the fish into the vessel.
The fish thoroughly mixed with the cassava pulp is transferred to a smaller vessel
by stacking the fish until the vessel is complete and kept for a week for the fermentation
process, as it exceeds the limit of one week for fermented fish when consumed with higher
The fermentation process in fish
The fermentation process in fish is a biological or semi-biological process in which
complex compounds, especially proteins, are broken down into simple compounds under
controlled conditions.
According to (Irianto, Dewi, & Giyatmi, 2013), the salting process for
Sikalut/Lais fish is carried out by placing the fish in a container to start the salting process
and then slowly sprinkling salt into the container with the Lais/Sikalut fish, squeezing the
body of the fish so that the salt mixes with the fish flesh. Coarse salt is salted at 100 g to
4 kg of sikalut/lais fish. The fish mixed with salt is then stored in a place protected from
sunlight so that the fish does not spoil.
The fermentation must then meet the following conditions:
1. Free of impurities
2. Relatively constant culture volume (no leakage or evaporation)
3. Dissolved oxygen content must meet standards.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 2, February 2024 678
4. Environmental conditions such as temperature and pH must be controlled. The process
of fish fermentation, which is a biological or semi-biological process, can be divided
into four groups, namely
5. High salt content is used in fermentation, for example, in the production of pedal, fish
sauce, shrimp paste and cake
6. Organic acids are used in fermentation, such as producing fish silage by adding
propionic and formic acids.
7. Mineral acids are used in fermentation, e.g., in producing fish silage using solid acids.
8. Bacteria are used in fermentation, for example, in producing becak em and chao
Lay fish fermentation is salt fermentation, which can be distinguished in two
ways: a. Fermentation by dry salting usually occurs in fish with low-fat content. b.
Fermentation by wet salting, i.e., soaking in a salt solution, is usually carried out on fish
with high-fat content. Fermentation by wet salting usually involves lactic acid
fermentation as well.
So, when we talk about the factors that influence the fermentation process, they
obviously cannot be separated from the microorganisms' activities. The most critical
factors affecting fermentation are temperature, oxygen, water, and substrate.
Temperature is one of the most critical environmental factors influencing and
determining the type of organisms that prevail during fermentation. Some things related
to temperature for each microorganism can be classified as follows:
a. Minimum temperature below which microorganism growth will cease.
b. Optimal temperature, which is the temperature that allows the fastest growth of the
c. Maximum temperature, above which growth of microorganisms is no longer possible.
2. Oxygen
The air or oxygen during the fermentation process must be regulated as best as
possible to promote or inhibit the growth of specific microbes. Each microbe requires a
different amount of oxygen for the growth or formation of new cells and fermentation.
3. Water
Microorganisms cannot grow in the absence of water. The water in the substrate
used for the growth of microorganisms is expressed by the water activity or water activity
= aw, which is the ratio between the vapor pressure of the solution (P) and the vapor
pressure of pure water (Po) at the same temperature.
4. Substrate
Like other living organisms, microorganisms require food as an energy source and
provide the essential chemical elements for cell growth. The substrate (food) that
microbes require for survival is closely related to their chemical composition.
Microorganisms' need for substrates also varies. Some require a complete substrate,
while others thrive on very simple substrates. This is because some microorganisms have
enzyme systems (biological catalysts) that can digest compounds that others cannot.
Traditional Fermentation Process of Lais Fish (Cryptopterus Bicirrhis) in Butas Bagu Village,
Sembakung District, Nunukan District, North Kalimantan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 2, February 2024 679
Move the Fish Into The Jar
The fish that has been thoroughly mixed with the cassava pulp is transferred to a
smaller jar by putting the fish in a stacking manner until the container is full and stored
for one week for the fermentation process because it exceeds the limit of 1 week for
fermented fish when it is consumed at its acidity level more felt.
Fermentation Process In Fish
The fermentation process in fish is a biological or semi-biological process of
decomposing complex compounds, especially proteins, into simple compounds under
controlled conditions.
According to (Irianto, Dewi, and Giyatmi, 2013), to obtain an optimum
fermentation system, the salting process for Sikalut/Lais fish is carried out by placing the
fish in a container to start the salting process, then slowly sprinkling salt into the container
containing the lais/sikalut fish slowly and squeezing the body of the fish so that the salt
mixes with the fish meat. The salt used for salting is coarse salt with a ratio of 100 grams
and 4 kg of sikalut/lais fish. Fish mixed with salt is then stored in a place protected from
sunlight so that spoilage does not occur in the fish.
Then, the fermentation must meet the following conditions:
1. Free from contamination
2. Relatively constant culture volume (does not leak or evaporate)
3. Dissolved oxygen levels must meet the standards.
4. Environmental conditions such as temperature and pH must be controlled.
The process of fermenting fish, which is a biological or semi-biological process,
can, in principle, be divided into four groups, namely as follows:
a. Fermentation uses a high salt content, for example, in manufacturing pedal, fish sauce,
shrimp paste, and cake.
b. Fermentation uses organic acids, for example, to make fish silage by adding propionic
and formic acids.
c. Fermentation uses mineral acids; for example, the manufacture of fish silage uses
strong acids.
d. Fermentation uses bacteria, for example, to manufacture becak em and chao anchovies.
Lais fish fermentation is salt fermentation, which can be distinguished in two
ways: a. Fermentation by dry salting is usually done for fish with a low-fat content. b.
Fermentation is done by wet salting, which is soaking in a salt solution, and this method
is usually used for high-fat fish. Fermentation by wet salting usually also occurs in lactic
So, when we talk about the factors that affect the fermentation process, they
cannot be separated from the microorganisms' activities. Some main factors influencing
the fermentation process include temperature, oxygen, water, and substrate (Irianto, H. E.
Siti Hajar, Harianti
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 2, February 2024 680
Temperature is one of the most critical environmental factors influencing and
determining the type of dominant organisms during fermentation. Some things related to
temperature for each microorganism can be classified as follows:
a. Minimum temperature, below that temperature, the growth of microorganisms no
longer occurs.
b. Optimum temperature, as the temperature that allows the fastest growth of
c. Maximum temperature: Above that temperature, the growth of microorganisms is no
longer possible.
Air or oxygen during the fermentation process must be regulated as well as possible
to increase or inhibit the growth of specific microbes. Each microbe requires a different
amount of oxygen to grow or form new cells and ferment.
Microorganisms cannot grow in the absence of water. Water in the substrate used
for the growth of microorganisms is expressed in terms of water activity or water activity
= aw, which is the ratio between the vapor pressure of the solution (P) and the vapor
pressure of pure water (Po) at the same temperature.
Like other creatures, microorganisms also need a food supply, which will be a
source of energy and provide essential chemical elements for cell growth. The substrate
(food) needed by microbes for their survival is closely related to their chemical
The needs of microorganisms for substrates also vary. Some require a complete
substrate, and some thrive on very simple substrates. This is because some
microorganisms have enzyme systems (biological catalysts) that can digest compounds
that others cannot.
From the results and the work carried out in Butas Bagu village, Sembakung
District, Nunukan Regency, North Kalimantan, it can be concluded that The traditional
process of fermentation of Sikalut/Lais fish in Butas Bagu Village, Sembakung District,
Nunukan Regency, North Kalimantan, with the addition of cassava porridge within a
week and the process flow The fermentation of Sikalut/Lais fish starts with washing I,
filleting, removing viscera and gills, washing II, draining, salting, storing the fish mixed
with salt, adding cassava porridge, transferring the fish to a container.
Traditional Fermentation Process of Lais Fish (Cryptopterus Bicirrhis) in Butas Bagu Village,
Sembakung District, Nunukan District, North Kalimantan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 2, February 2024 681
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