pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 2 February 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Doi: 10.59141/jist.v5i2.909 644
, Abdul Mu'ti
, Aa Saprudin
Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Critical Thinking
Approach; Faith in the Last
Day; Hubbullah Attitude.
Indoctrination learning approaches are still widely used by PAI teachers.
According to Aceng Kosasih, PAI material is static-dogmatic, especially
material related to faith, so learning oriented toward critical thinking is
irrelevant. The material on faith until the day it ends, for example, is the
lecture method that dominates it. This is very impressive, considering
that religious material should not only express beliefs without a valid
rationale. On the other hand, the learning approach can function as a tool
to understand the material without changing the principles of the faith.
This research aims to develop a learning approach based on critical
thinking in fostering understanding of the material on faith until the Day
of Judgment and testing its effectiveness in improving the Abdullah
attitude of class IX junior high school students. This type of research is
a pre-experimental model with data collection techniques such as
interviews, observation, documentation, and tests. The data analysis
technique used for qualitative data is the Miles and Huberman model. In
contrast, for quantitative data, the Paired Sample T Test is used, which
is equipped with an N-Gain calculation to see the level of increase in
Hubbullah's attitude. The results of the application can be taught very
well and are representative of increasing understanding and fostering
students' hubbullah attitudes. This can be seen from the PAI teacher
assessment, which shows a percentage of 100%. The influence of the
critical thinking approach can be observed from the results of the Paired
Sample T-test with a significance value of 0.000 < 0.05 with a
comparison value of 7.754 > 2.042 tab, which means H0 is rejected, and
Ha is accepted. The increase in Hubbullah's attitude can be seen from the
calculation of N-Gain = 0.35, with the improvement category being
Believing that the end day ends terrible habits is the theme or subject matter in the
student handbook in PAI subjects at the junior high school / MTs level in grade 9; even
this material experiences repetition at the vocational level in grade 12. As knowledge,
doomsday is familiar to students, but knowing is not enough; there are Basic
Competencies (KD) that they must master (Kamala, 2019). The competencies in question
are as follows: 1) Faith in the last day. This competency is included in Core Competency
One (IP 1), where KI 1 is in the dimension of mental attitude, namely appreciation and
respect. 2) Respect introspection as an implementation of understanding faith to the last
The Influence Of The Critical Thinking Approach On The Doomsday Faith Material On The
Attitude Of Hubblullah (Love Of God) For Grade Ix Students Of Smp Pustek Serpong Kota
Tangsel In 2023
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 2, February 2024 645
days (Nadhiroh & Anshori, 2023). This competency is included in Core Competency 2
(KI 2). This means covering affective dimensions such as honest behavior, responsibility,
discipline, etc. 3) Understand the meaning of faith in the last days based on observation
of himself, his environment, and creatures (Gordon, 2018). This competency is included
in the scope of KI 3. This means knowledge is built on factual, conceptual, and procedural
data. 4) Present naqli postulates that explain the picture of the last days' events. This fourth
Basic Competency is part of KI 4, where students are expected to be able to try, process,
and present in the concrete realm (García-Sánchez & García-Sánchez, 2020).
Based on the description of KI and KD, a teacher can formulate any learning
objectives to be achieved. If examined more deeply, there are significant differences
between KI 1 and KI 4. This is due to the differences in their characteristics. If KI 1 and
2 put more emphasis on attitude, then KI 3 and 4 emphasize cognitive aspects (Syahputra,
2022). If so, the teacher can formulate what methods are considered appropriate to be
given to students so that learning objectives can be achieved (Hidayatullah, 2018).
However, of the many competencies that are expected to be achieved by students, the
most important is how they have the proper understanding so that the level of faith is
solid, not easily shaken (Raimo, Rella, Vitolla, Sánchez-Vicente, & García-Sánchez,
No less important is how students' faith in the last day affects the morals of students'
personalities, which are reflected in daily behavior (Purwanto, Al Amin, Mardiyah, &
Wahyuningtyas, 2020). The material of faith in the doomsday is abstract in that it cannot
be seen or experienced directly. Therefore, to understand it, an intermediary is needed in
the form of concepts about the occurrence of the doomsday. It is this concept that students
must accept and understand (Suhartono, 2017). In addition, the learning approach
strongly influences the success of learning. The correct approach will get good results,
while the wrong approach will get results that are not optimal. However, today, there are
still many PAI teachers who use conventional approaches that tend to lead to
indoctrination (Kristin, 2016). A. Hasan Hariri reinforces this fact in his research findings;
he stated that applying scientific approaches to PAI and BP subjects is irrelevant,
especially in supernatural aspects. Because its truth is only acknowledged and believed
by those who believe in it, such conditions will lead to blind faith that immediately
believes without questioning what is believed so that the level of belief is not solid and
can be easily shaken. A deductive learning approach will result in students losing the
rational footing that is the principal capital in living as intelligent humans. Students will
lose the spirit of learning PAI due to the unfulfillment of aspects of logical needs in
themselves. Moreover, the most terrible thing is that students do not understand or are not
sure about the coming of the doomsday (Nurlaili, Rahman, & Amin, 2020).
Changes in the PAI learning approach are something that must be implemented so
that PAI learning is no longer indoctrinated and that students have a correct and solid
understanding. This can only be achieved using a rational (inductive) approach, namely
through a critical thinking approach. There are at least three reasons why you should use
this approach. First, the event of the doomsday is an abstract event that cannot be seen
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 2, February 2024 646
and experienced directly, so to increase confidence in the doomsday, it is necessary to
seek its validation by digging up information in the Quran that shows signs of Allah's
power, such as the story of Prophet Ibrahim (as) who was ordered to cut four birds placed
on four hills separately from one piece to another, then called him, then finally the birds
came to Prophet Ibrahim intact and alive again. This story shows that Allah Almighty is
almighty over all his wills and proves that Allah Almighty can revive people who have
experienced death (Daheri, 2023). Second, psychologically, learning with a critical
thinking approach will lead to the fulfillment of aspects of students' logical needs so that
students feel satisfied with themselves, which will increase their enthusiasm for learning
and get an optimal understanding, namely increasing their belief in the doomsday so that
it affects their personality. Third, pedagogically, learning with this critical thinking
approach needs to be implemented because the learning process applied by teachers can
prepare students for the latest competencies of this century, which are synonymous with
HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skill) learning and scientific, logical reasoning (MH &
Nugraha, 2019).
The ability to think critically is essential for everyone. With this ability, people can
face every problem in their lives. Those with this ability will not easily stutter or be
nervous when facing life's problems. Critical thinking is a skill in contemplative and
argumentative thinking oriented towards what is believed so that it is done (Taufik,
Mustami, & Damayanti, 2018). These capabilities include the ability to clarify the reason
for decision-making, infer, elaborate, predict, and integrate various points of view, as well
as additional capabilities. People who can think critically and then believe in doomsday
will be stronger because they follow something based on their logic. For this reason, this
research becomes necessary (Fikram, 2023).
Regarding the object of research, the feasibility of SMP PUSTEK Serpong under the
Ministry of Education and Culture has reasons that can be accounted for. Because the
curriculum system already uses the 2013 curriculum, we also obtained information
through an initial survey that the school had been the home of the 2013 curriculum
training for educators in the context of socializing the 2013 curriculum in 2017. Departing
from the focus of the problem mentioned above, this study can answer the question: "How
is the concept of PAI learning related to doomsday material based on a critical thinking
approach and its effectiveness in achieving PAI learning?".
Previous research relevant to this research is. The research entitled Implementation
of the HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skill) approach in PAI Learning was conducted by
Siti Halimah. Qualitative methods were used in this research. At the same time, the
findings from his research show that the implementation of HOTS can be seen from the
planning, implementation, and evaluation process. In addition, the results showed that
grade X students of SMAN 2 Pasuruan had improved their critical thinking and problem-
solving skills.
The objectives of this study are:
1. Explain how to implement learning with a critical thinking approach based on
doomsday material.
The Influence Of The Critical Thinking Approach On The Doomsday Faith Material On The
Attitude Of Hubblullah (Love Of God) For Grade Ix Students Of Smp Pustek Serpong Kota
Tangsel In 2023
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2. Explain how students understand the doomsday
3. Explain how the attitude of Abdullah's students
4. Explain how the critical thinking approach affects hubbullah.
Research Methods
The study used a participatory type of observation, meaning the researcher was
engaged in the daily activities of the observed subject. While making observations,
researchers not only do what the data source does but also enjoy what the data source
The observations in this study aim to obtain data on critical thinking learning
approaches that occur in SMP PUSTEK, along with student activities that show a
hubbullah attitude.
The interview used is a semistructured interview. Unlike structured interviews, this
type of interview is more flexible and falls under the category of in-depth interviews. This
type of interview aims to solve problems openly by asking interviewees to give their
opinions and ideas. During the interview, the researcher must listen to and record the
This study interviewed resource persons related to the problems studied: school
principals, religious teachers, BK teachers, homeroom teachers, and students at SMP
Documentation in various written, drawings, or electronic forms is collected for
analysis. The collected documents are selected based on the purpose and focus of the
problem. Documentation is carried out throughout the KBM process.
A questionnaire is a method of data collection involving respondents and a set of
questions or written statements to answer. This questionnaire instrument is used to
measure the attitude of hubbullah.
The Likert scale was used to achieve the objectives of this study. There are several
reasons why this scale was chosen. Because it is more straightforward to make and easier
to use than other measurement scales, There is freedom to make questions, with notes
fixed to the context of the problem; the answer is alternative, so the data must be clarified,
and a larger scale allows for more straightforward explanations. In addition, one of the
characteristics of the Likert scale is that the higher score received by a respondent
indicates that the respondent has a more positive view of the subject under study.
Data Analysis Methods
The data that has been collected is analyzed by triangulation. At this stage, data
derived from observations, interviews, documentation, and questionnaires are combined
and analyzed simultaneously to confirm and mutually corroborate research data in line
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with Paton, who stated that triangulation would strengthen research data. Data from
interviews and field notes help corroborate the Hubbullah's attitude data.
Results and Discussion
SMP PUSTEK profile
SMP PUSTEK is one of the private-public schools under the auspices of the
PUSTEK Science and Technology Development Foundation located on Jalan Raya
Serpong No. 17 Priyang, Pondok Corn Village, North Serpong District, South Tangerang
City. This foundation was established in 2003, opening an Educational Institution in the
form of a Vocational High School (SMK). However, along with the community's needs,
the Foundation opened a new institution in the form of a junior high school in 2009.
Every school institution has a Vision and Mission, including SMP PUSTEK. The
vision of SMP PUSTEK is to excel in achievement based on faith, piety, and skill in
technology. If examined, the vision is divided into three segments: Excel in achievement.
What is meant is achievement in various academic and non-academic fields such as art,
sports, etc. Second, be skilled in technology. She was third, based on faith and piety.
1. Affective Strategies
Affective strategies designed by Ricarhd Paul include as many as nine strategies
denoted by the symbol S-. ranging from S-1 to S-9. These strategies have interrelated
variations and can provide a full understanding of one dimension of critical thinking, as
outlined below.
Table 1
Affective Realm CT Strategy
CT Strategy
S-1 independent
Students show an independent attitude without being
influenced by their surroundings. This is what Arifudin
Saputra did when expressing his opinion and answering
S-2 develops
egocentric or socio-
centric insights
Students show an attitude of desire when considering
the point of view of others. This can be seen in most
students' behavior in response to their friends' opinions.
S-3 trains fair thinking
Students mostly show a fair attitude in the context of
thinking. This can be seen in the attitude of students
who are open to accepting the opinions of others
without claiming that their personal opinions are the
only ones that are the most correct.
S-4 explores feeling-
based thoughts and
thought-based feelings
Students are given space to reflect on their respective
opinions, whether based on thoughts or, indeed, on
mere feelings.
The Influence Of The Critical Thinking Approach On The Doomsday Faith Material On The
Attitude Of Hubblullah (Love Of God) For Grade Ix Students Of Smp Pustek Serpong Kota
Tangsel In 2023
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 2, February 2024 649
The S-5 developed
intellectual humility as
well as suspended
Students show humility. This can be seen from the
attitude of students who are willing to accept other
people's opinions that are more correct and accepting
when errors are shown in argumentation.
S-6 develops
intellectual courage
Most students dare to communicate their respective
opinions without fear of being wrong and considered
S-7 develops true
conviction or integrity
The initial confidence in students is developed through
searching for additional information or evidence.
S-8 develops
intellectual activity
Some students show persistence in defending their
individual opinions.
S-9 develops
confidence in argument
Confidence or confidence is inspired by the attitude of
students who, without hesitation, express their opinions.
2. Cognitive-Macro Capability Strategy
In this dimension, 17 strategies were developed by Richard. The strategy is denoted
from the S-10 to the S-24. The process of applying the critical thinking approach used in
this study is as follows.
Table 2
Macro Cognitive Ranah CT Strategy
CT Strategy
Level Kognitif
S-12 Developing a
By believing in the Day of Judgment,
Muslims are expected to be
introspective or careful in their
behavior. However, many Muslims
profess faith and believe in the Last
Day. However, their behavior does not
reflect as obedient servants of Allah,
such as leaving prayer, never trying to
get closer to Allah by increasing
worship, and so on. Why do you think
it happened, and how to fix it
S-14 explain and
analyze the
meaning of a word
or prose
analyse the meaning of the apocalypse,
why Kubro / Sugro) if death or natural
disasters are called sugar apocalypse
for whom it can be said to be a
disaster, isn't it for people who are old
and have suffered from illness for
many years? How much more? It is
good that he just died; natural disasters
Aa Saprudin, Abdul Mu'ti, Zaimuddin
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that occur, like mountains erupting,
will not have an impact on the fertile
S-17 Ask more
Students are asked fundamental
questions such as what the doomsday
is, why it is called that, and why we
should study it. And so on
S-18 Analyze or
evaluate arguments,
interpret, believe,
or theorize
some atheists or agnostics do not
believe in the apocalypse, so they do
not believe in the resurrection of man
after death to account for his behavior
while on Earth. According to them,
when a person dies, his life ends, and
there is no continuation. Regarding
good and bad behavior, they will get
retribution or consequences while still
living on earth. What do you think,
agree with this theory, and explain
S-19 generates or
evaluates actions or
Frequent visits to the sick, grave
pilgrimages, and listening to lectures
about doomsday can be a solution so
that we are more aware that life in the
world is only temporary and should be
used as much as possible to collect
provisions later in the afterlife, how do
you think about the solutions offered,
and explain why!
S-20 Analyze or
evaluate actions or
if faith in the doomsday is not included
in the pillars of faith in the sense that
Muslims are not obliged to believe in
the existence of the doomsday,
because, with this faith, a person will
feel living in fear and not feel calm in
living daily life. If you agree with this
opinion, explain why!
S-21 Reading
explaining or
criticizing the text
After reading the text of the Final Days
Faith material in Chapter 1, mention
any shortcomings and explain why!
S-24 Practicing
socratic discussion:
Interactive discussions guided by
teachers. In this session, the teacher
The Influence Of The Critical Thinking Approach On The Doomsday Faith Material On The
Attitude Of Hubblullah (Love Of God) For Grade Ix Students Of Smp Pustek Serpong Kota
Tangsel In 2023
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 2, February 2024 651
Explain and
question beliefs,
theories, or
provides the broadest possible
opportunity for students to respond to
the answers given by their friends. Not
only that, the teacher also asks more
in-depth follow-up questions so that
students will be provoked by their
persistence in defending their opinions.
Hubbullah Student Attitude Data
Students are asked to complete a Hubbullah attitude scale survey statement before
being treated using a critical thinking learning approach. This survey was conducted twice
before and after the treatment of the critical thinking approach. Here are the results.
Figure 1 Comparison of Hubbullah Attitude Scale Survey Results Before
and After CT on Indicator 1
Based on Figure 2, it can be seen that the presentation of the average value of the
Hubbullah attitude scale before CT has a value of 56.97%, while the average after CT is
69.09%. This represents an increase of 21%. Thus, it can be concluded that Hubbullah's
attitude was different before and after CT.
Figure 2 Comparison of Hubbullah Attitude Scale Survey Results Before
and After CT in Indicator 2
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Figure 4.2 shows that the presentation of the average value of the Abdullah attitude
scale before CT has a value of 92.42%, while the average after CT is 92.42%. This
indicates no change. Thus, it can be concluded that there is no difference in Hubbullah's
attitude before and after CT.
Figure 3 Comparison of Hubbullah Attitude Scale Survey Results Before
and After CT on Indicator 3
Based on Figure 3, it can be seen that the presentation of the average value of the
Hubbullah attitude scale before CT has a value of 89.70%, while the average after CT is
94.55%. This represents an increase of 5%. Thus, it can be concluded that Hubbullah's
attitude was different before and after CT.
Figure 4 Comparison of Hubbullah Attitude Scale Survey Results Before
and After CT on Indicator 4
Based on Figure 4, it can be seen that the presentation of the average value of the
Hubbullah attitude scale before CT has a value of 80.81%, while the average after CT is
85.86%. This represents an increase of 6%. Thus, it can be concluded that there is a
difference in hubbullah attitude before and after CT.
The Influence Of The Critical Thinking Approach On The Doomsday Faith Material On The
Attitude Of Hubblullah (Love Of God) For Grade Ix Students Of Smp Pustek Serpong Kota
Tangsel In 2023
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Figure 5 Comparison of Hubbullah Attitude Scale Survey Results Before
and After CT in Indicator 5
Based on Figure 5, it can be seen that the presentation of the average value of the
Hubbullah attitude scale before CT has a value of 78%, while the average after CT is
87%. This represents an increase of 12%. Thus, it can be concluded that Hubbullah's
attitude was different before and after CT.
Data Interpretation Critical Thinking Approach
Based on observations made by observers invited by researchers named Ahmad
Salahuddin, S. Pd, one of the PAI teachers at SMK PUSTEK, it shows that the KBM
activities implemented are by the Lesson Plan (RPP). Where the lesson plan used has
fulfilled the elements of the application of critical thinking learning adopted from Richard
Paul's thinking, these elements consist of various strategies as follows: explaining and
analyzing the meaning of words or prose (S-14); analyzing or evaluating arguments (S-
18) analyzing or evaluating actions (S-20); Critical reading (S-21); independent thinking
(S-1); develop confidence in argument (S-9); give reasons and evaluate evidence and facts
Interpretation of Student Understanding Data on Faith in the Last Days Material
Students' understanding of the final-day faith material has increased. This can be
seen from the increase in the average test of learning outcomes before and after the CT
approach. The average learning outcomes of students before CT were 54.7, while the
average after CT was 81.1. This means that student learning outcomes have increased by
To see the percentage increase in the average learning outcomes of students'
understanding of the material of faith to the end of the day can be calculated by the
With caption:
P = Presents
X = the sum of the average scores after CT minus the average before CT
P =
× 100%
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 2, February 2024 654
Xi = total average score before CT
From the results of the calculation above, it can be interpreted that increasing
students' understanding of the material of faith on the final day falls into the excellent
Hubbullah's Attitude Data Interpretation
Hubbullah attitude survey data was obtained from respondents' answers, in this
case, the students. This survey was conducted twice, namely before and after the CT
approach. After the data is collected, it is tabulated based on indicators, and the number
of frequencies on each score is then calculated. After the frequency data is obtained, it is
then calculated by the following formula:
Rumus Scale Likert
T = Total number of respondents who voted
Pn = Likert score number selection
So for the calculation T x Pn
Interpretation of Calculation Scores
The interpretation results can be known from the assessment's highest score (x) and
the lowest score (Y).
Pre-settlement determines intervals (distance ranges) and percent interpretation.
Percent interpretation to determine the assessment using the method of finding the percent
(l) score interval.
Rumus interval
Rumus Index % = Total score/ Y x 100
Rumus Index = 100/5
Rumus Index = 20 So the result (I) is 20
The criteria for interpreting scores based on intervals include those contained in the
following table:
Table 3
Percentage Score interpretation criteria
Interval Skor
81 100%
61 80%
41 60%
21 40%
0 20%
Significantly Less (Bad)
𝑃 =
× 100%
= 48%
The Influence Of The Critical Thinking Approach On The Doomsday Faith Material On The
Attitude Of Hubblullah (Love Of God) For Grade Ix Students Of Smp Pustek Serpong Kota
Tangsel In 2023
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 2, February 2024 655
The calculation uses the Microsoft Excel application, which is presented in table
format as follows:
Table 4
Results of Hubbullah Attitude Score Calculation Before CT on Indicator 1
Believing that God is a commendable substance from all sides
of Items
Qty Average Score
amount (T)
Maximum score
Average percentage
Based on Table 4, it can be seen that the percentage of indicator one that has the
number of statement items as much as 1 in the session before CT gets a value of 56.97%.
This indicates category C (sufficient).
Table 5
Results of Hubbullah Attitude Score Calculation After CT on Indicator 1
of Items
Qty Average Score
Maximum score
Average percentage
Based on Table 5, it can be seen that the percentage of indicator one with the number
of statement items as much as 1 in the session after CT gets a value of 69.09%. This
indicates category B (good).
Table 6 shows that the percentage of indicator two with the number of statement
items as much as 2 in the session before CT gets a value of 92.42%. This indicates
category A (excellent).
Table 6
Results of Hubbullah Attitude Score Calculation Before CT on Indicator 2
Believing that God does good, gives favors, and gives mercy to His servants
of Items
Qty Average Score
Aa Saprudin, Abdul Mu'ti, Zaimuddin
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 2, February 2024 656
Maximum score
Average percentage
Table 7
Results of Hubbullah Attitude Score Calculation After CT on Indicator 2
of Items
Qty Average Score
Maximum score
Average percentage
Based on the study's results, it can be concluded that applying a critical thinking
approach to the material of faith in the doomsday has proven effective. This can be seen
from the percentage of the feasibility of its application, which reaches 100%, a significant
increase in student understanding. based on the study's results, it can be concluded that
applying a critical thinking approach to faith material to doomsday has proven effective.
This can be seen from the percentage of the feasibility of its application, which reaches
100%, a significant increase in student understanding, and a significant influence on
students' attitudes, which is in line with the theories of Seyed Ahmad Hashemi (2010),
Peter A. Facione (2011), and Marnice K Emerson (2013). This study also supports the
findings of Izzatin Kamala (2019), who shows that learning that focuses on habituating
critical thinking can improve the spiritual attitude of learners. A significant influence on
students' hubbullah attitude is in line with the theories of Seyed Ahmad Hashemi (2010),
Peter A. Facione (2011), and Marnice K Emerson (2013). This study also supports the
findings of Izzatin Kamala (2019), which shows that learning that focuses on habituating
critical thinking can improve the spiritual attitude of learners.
The Influence Of The Critical Thinking Approach On The Doomsday Faith Material On The
Attitude Of Hubblullah (Love Of God) For Grade Ix Students Of Smp Pustek Serpong Kota
Tangsel In 2023
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 2, February 2024 657
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