The Influence Of The Critical Thinking Approach On The Doomsday Faith Material On The
Attitude Of Hubblullah (Love Of God) For Grade Ix Students Of Smp Pustek Serpong Kota
Tangsel In 2023
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 2, February 2024 645
days (Nadhiroh & Anshori, 2023). This competency is included in Core Competency 2
(KI 2). This means covering affective dimensions such as honest behavior, responsibility,
discipline, etc. 3) Understand the meaning of faith in the last days based on observation
of himself, his environment, and creatures (Gordon, 2018). This competency is included
in the scope of KI 3. This means knowledge is built on factual, conceptual, and procedural
data. 4) Present naqli postulates that explain the picture of the last days' events. This fourth
Basic Competency is part of KI 4, where students are expected to be able to try, process,
and present in the concrete realm (García-Sánchez & García-Sánchez, 2020).
Based on the description of KI and KD, a teacher can formulate any learning
objectives to be achieved. If examined more deeply, there are significant differences
between KI 1 and KI 4. This is due to the differences in their characteristics. If KI 1 and
2 put more emphasis on attitude, then KI 3 and 4 emphasize cognitive aspects (Syahputra,
2022). If so, the teacher can formulate what methods are considered appropriate to be
given to students so that learning objectives can be achieved (Hidayatullah, 2018).
However, of the many competencies that are expected to be achieved by students, the
most important is how they have the proper understanding so that the level of faith is
solid, not easily shaken (Raimo, Rella, Vitolla, Sánchez-Vicente, & García-Sánchez,
No less important is how students' faith in the last day affects the morals of students'
personalities, which are reflected in daily behavior (Purwanto, Al Amin, Mardiyah, &
Wahyuningtyas, 2020). The material of faith in the doomsday is abstract in that it cannot
be seen or experienced directly. Therefore, to understand it, an intermediary is needed in
the form of concepts about the occurrence of the doomsday. It is this concept that students
must accept and understand (Suhartono, 2017). In addition, the learning approach
strongly influences the success of learning. The correct approach will get good results,
while the wrong approach will get results that are not optimal. However, today, there are
still many PAI teachers who use conventional approaches that tend to lead to
indoctrination (Kristin, 2016). A. Hasan Hariri reinforces this fact in his research findings;
he stated that applying scientific approaches to PAI and BP subjects is irrelevant,
especially in supernatural aspects. Because its truth is only acknowledged and believed
by those who believe in it, such conditions will lead to blind faith that immediately
believes without questioning what is believed so that the level of belief is not solid and
can be easily shaken. A deductive learning approach will result in students losing the
rational footing that is the principal capital in living as intelligent humans. Students will
lose the spirit of learning PAI due to the unfulfillment of aspects of logical needs in
themselves. Moreover, the most terrible thing is that students do not understand or are not
sure about the coming of the doomsday (Nurlaili, Rahman, & Amin, 2020).
Changes in the PAI learning approach are something that must be implemented so
that PAI learning is no longer indoctrinated and that students have a correct and solid
understanding. This can only be achieved using a rational (inductive) approach, namely
through a critical thinking approach. There are at least three reasons why you should use
this approach. First, the event of the doomsday is an abstract event that cannot be seen