pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 2 February 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Doi: 10.59141/jist.v5i2.905 445
Ina Nafilla Zahrah
Universitas Indonesia Depok, Indonesia
Keywords: Endorsement;
YouTube Vlog; Perceived
Credibility; Vlogger; Brand.
The presence of online celebrities, such as YouTube vloggers, has made
online marketing efforts through endorsements even easier. This study
analyses the effectiveness of endorsements on YouTube vlogs (video
blogs) by assessing the perceived credibility of vloggers and brands. The
research was carried out using the systematic literature review method,
following various stages in the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) model. Of the 16 available
articles, four journal articles were produced, which discussed in detail
the effectiveness of endorsements on YouTube vlogs to perceptions of
vloggers and brand credibility. The results of this study show that the
endorsement's effectiveness is closely related to the vlogger's perceived
credibility while also impacting the endorsement product. Overall,
understanding the effectiveness of endorsements on YouTube vlogs can
help companies choose the right vloggers and achieve marketing
The presence of online platforms and social media in recent years has become a
new means of communication for the community (Li, Lai, & Lin, 2017). However,
nowadays, social media significantly affects the development of the marketing and
advertising industry. Historically, advertising services have always involved audience
monetization in the business industry, and businesspeople will choose what media
platforms can reach more audiences (Appel, Grewal, Hadi, & Stephen, 2020). Social
media such as Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and YouTube have become a part of
people's lives that cannot be separated. According to datareportal.com, in 2022, the
number of social media users in Indonesia will reach 191.4 million, equivalent to 68.9%
of the country's total population. Compared to 2021, the number of social media users in
Indonesia increased by 12.6% or 21 million users (Rania, 2018).
Among various types of social media, YouTube is the social media that has the
most active users. At the beginning of 2022, YouTube users in Indonesia reached 139
million. This means that the reach of YouTube ads in Indonesia in 2022 is equivalent to
50% of the total population of Indonesia. In recent years, video blog content (Vlog) has
become the most popular content on YouTube, especially among young people. On
average, around 3.7 million new videos are uploaded to YouTube every day, and about
694 thousand videos are watched every minute. This figure is higher than the number of
Netflix streams, which is 452 thousand per minute.
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Various types of vlog content, such as beauty, food, fashion, games, and others,
have become trends spread all over the world. Like other social media platforms, the high
consumption of YouTube vlogs among the public has created a new trend for content
creators. Online celebrity, influencer, or key opinion leader (KOL) is now a term for
content creators on social media. According to Freberg and Graham (2011), social media
influencers are individuals or groups who use social media platforms such as YouTube to
create and share uploads or content about various things with their followers (Burke,
2017). The popularity of these influencers is judged by the number of viewers of the
content and subscribers/followers of their channel accounts.
From a marketing perspective, the popularity gained by online celebrities has
created a new way to reach audiences through social media platforms. Vloggers or
influencers with high popularity are considered able to influence or persuade their
followers and audience. Today, using vloggers in communication and marketing
campaigns on YouTube is increasingly popular, especially in several industries such as
beauty/fashion, health/fitness, travel/lifestyle, food/drink, and entertainment. From big
brands to MSME products, vlog content from famous vloggers became a medium for
advertising or what is now commonly referred to as endorsement practices (Burke, 2017).
Endorsements are carried out by famous vloggers such as Ria Ricis and Atta
Halilintar to vloggers who are not too prominent. Nowadays, brand owners can easily
find the type of vlog or vlogger content that suits their brand (Chang & Ko, 2016). Around
321 thousand accounts or channels on YouTube alone have over one hundred thousand
subscribers. Brand owners can find vloggers they want to work with through various
sources. The socialbuzz.com website page provides vlogger information quite wholly,
such as vlogger names, types of content, number of subscribers to card rates, or
endorsement fees (SocialBuzz, n.d.).
In terms of vloggers, this endorsement practice also provides new opportunities to
gain profits in addition to YouTube ads. For brands, of course, the presence of famous
vloggers who become influencers can offer unique alternatives in advertising and
marketing at a more affordable price compared to advertisements on TV or in newspapers.
Therefore, this study examines the effectiveness of endorsements in YouTube vlogs and
explores how the perception of vlogger credibility as a content provider and source of
product information from a brand is built, as well as how the content of this endorsement
vlog affects brand credibility.
Research Methods
This research was carried out through systematic literature review or systematic
literature review methods by following various stages in the Preferred Reporting Items
for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) model (Page et al., 2021).
Search strategy
The search strategy consists of scientific writings on the Google Scholar page until
April 3, 2023. The search was conducted with the keywords "vlog endorsement,"
"perception of vlogger credibility," and "perception of brand credibility." The results
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found 557 documents related to keywords, and after that, the selection process was
conducted independently.
Study Selection and Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria
Eligibility determination for inclusion and exclusion categories is based on the
study's objectives. The inclusion criteria were journal articles related to the effectiveness
of vlog endorsements on YouTube about the perception of vloggers and brand credibility
as a reference in research. The inclusion criteria in this study also include articles
published after 2016 (the last seven years), and articles must be written in English or
Indonesian. The exclusion criteria consist of documents that cannot be uploaded
thoroughly, scientific writings other than journals (books, dissertations, theses,
magazines, etc.), journal articles published before 2016, and those written in other foreign
Data Extraction and Synthesis
After selecting the included journal articles, extraction was carried out on the
following elements: title, author, year, vlog endorsement perception of vlogger, and brand
credibility. A thematic analysis was carried out to synthesize different research to learn
about the effectiveness of endorsements on YouTube vlogs. This is done to identify data
and patterns in each study and categorize research based on a theme. The thematic
analysis process uses the stages proposed by Virginia Braun and Victoria Clarke, namely:
1. Data recognition phase (familiarising data)
2. Generating initial codes
3. Mencari tema (searching for themes)
4. Reviewing themes
5. Defining and naming themes
6. Producing report
In each journal article, the analysis focused on data related to the research question:
How is the perceived credibility of vloggers as a provider of content and a source of
information about the product of a brand built, and how does the content of this
endorsement vlog affect brand credibility?.
The data extraction and preparation are done in Microsoft Excel sheets focusing on
each research question. Data related to similar contexts are further grouped under their
respective themes. The results are compared with the original data to check consistency,
clarity, and coherence.
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Figure 1. Prism Diagram Arrangement
Results and Discussion
Based on searches using three keywords, namely vlog endorsement, perception of
vlogger credibility, and perception of brand credibility, 16 articles were generated.
Furthermore, after identifying articles based on title/abstract, out of the 16 articles, 11
articles were obtained that did not meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Furthermore,
a selection process was carried out by reading the entire article. Of the 5 articles, there
was 1 article that could not be used because the text of the article could not be downloaded
completely. The final result of the literature selection process, as many as 4 articles were
selected and met all specified criteria (see Figure 1).
In the first journal, entitled "Thanks for watching," The effectiveness of YouTube
vlog endorsements, Munnukka, Maityb, Reinikainena, and Luoma-ahoa (2019)
conducted a study with an experimental method to test the effectiveness of brand
endorsement in vlogs by assessing the role of audience participation, parasocial
relationships, and valence of vlog endorsements on the perception of vlogger credibility
and brand attitude.
The study used 203 respondents as followers/subscribers to vlogs consisting of
adult respondents aged 26-35. Experimental research was conducted using pre-test and
post-test techniques by displaying vlog videos to respondents. The vlog content was
carefully considered based on matching the characteristics of the United States
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respondents and using a vlog featuring only one vlogger. The results of this study show
that vlogs with a high level of audience participation/followers can increase brand
endorsement acceptance by increasing the audience's perceived credibility of vloggers.
The positive relationship between audience participation and the perception of
vlogger credibility mediated by parasocial relationships increases the perception of
vlogger credibility. It has a positive effect on the brand endorsement displayed. Manukka
et al. (2019) stated that parasocial interactions between followers and vloggers in vlog
content have helped increase vlogger credibility. The ability of vloggers to provide
reciprocal perceptions can increase audience trust in vloggers and greater acceptance of
brand endorsements. So, it can be concluded that the effectiveness of endorsements on
YouTube vlogs can increase with the high audience participation in vlog content.
Increasing the perception of vlogger credibility can also strengthen brand endorsement
acceptance among consumers (Munnukka et al., 2019).
In the second journal, entitled "The Effects of Vlogger Credibility as Marketing
Media on Brand Awareness to Customer Purchase Intention," Anas Nugraha and Refius
Pradipta Setyanto (2018) conducted a study using a survey method to analyze the
influence of YouTube vlogger credibility on brand awareness and consumer buying
The survey was conducted using a non-probability sampling technique of active
people on YouTube social media and resulted in 150 questionnaire responses. The
collected data is then analyzed using SPSS and AMOS applications and the Structural
Equation Model (SEM) to simultaneously test a series of relatively complex connections.
The results of Nugraha and Setyanto's research show that the perception of
increased vlogger credibility among consumers has increased brand awareness. This
means that the higher the level of credibility, the higher the brand awareness. Research
shows that vlogger Arief Muhammad is highly popular. Confidence, interesting vlog
content, and its characteristics for vlogger Arief Muhammad. It makes people admit that
he has a good attitude and makes people believe everything he says. The survey results
show that, in general, vlogger Arief Muhammad has met 4 indicators of credibility
perception, and the survey results also state that consumers feel that trust increases
credibility and awareness of the endorsed brand, namely Traveloka (Nugraha & Setyanto,
In the third journal, entitled "Celebrity vs. Influencer Endorsements in Advertising:
The Role of Identification, credibility, and Product-Endorser Fit", Alexander P. Schouten,
Loes Janssen, and Maegan Verspaget (2019) conducted a study by conducting
experiments to test the effectiveness of endorsements between celebrities and online
influencers, namely vloggers and celebrities. This study used two experimental designs:
the type of endorsement (celebrity vs influencer) and the suitability of endorsement
products (good fit vs poor fit). After filling out the questionnaire, all experimental
participants were randomly assigned two stimuli.
From the experimental results, Schouten et al. stated that the perception of
participants' similarity was higher than that of influencers. This happens because of the
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view of vloggers or celebrities who are similar to 'ordinary people' compared to traditional
celebrities. Trust and expertise will be critical mediators between the endorser and the
effectiveness of the endorsement. Therefore, in this study, the perception of influencer
credibility is higher than traditional celebrities because the feelings are more similar to
those consumers feel towards influencers, so the influencers' endorsement becomes more
trusted. As a result, credibility and purchase intent towards products endorsed by
influencers are higher (Schouten et al., 2020).
In the fourth journal, entitled "The Influence of Beauty Vlog on Perceived Source
Credibility and Purchase Intention," Yaumul Rahmi, Laras Sekarasih, and Bertina
Sjabadhyni (2017) conducted a study using experimental methods to examine the
influence of vlogger credibility perception on consumer purchase intent. Ninety-eight
women aged 18-34 years who have experience using YouTube were participants in the
study. This study used pre-test and post-test experimental designs. A beauty brand video
(Wardah matte lip cream) is the experimental product used. There were two videos used,
namely vlogs about beauty reviews, lip cream product vlogs (liquid lipstick), and brand
advertising videos; then participants were divided into both groups.
The results of Rahmi et al.'s research show that compared to commercial advertising
(using traditional celebrities), beauty vlog endorsements do not significantly influence
consumer purchase intentions. This is made possible by consumer perceptions in
collectivistic cultural countries such as Indonesia that regard traditional celebrities as a
more credible source of information. The perception of credibility towards beauty
vloggers is also possible due to the low familiarity between experimental participants and
beauty vloggers. Out of 50 experimental participants, only 11 knew vloggers.
This certainly impacts participants' perceptions of vloggers' trust and expertise, an
essential dimension in the perception of credibility. However, the results of this study also
state that brand endorsement of beauty vloggers through vlog reviews can be an
instrument to "improve" brand reputation or consumer disappointment with the product
quality compared to increasing consumer purchase intention (Rahmi et al., 2017).
These four pieces of literature result in an understanding that YouTube vlogs are
effective in endorsement practices. Vloggers can serve as a new form of digital
advertising that can influence brand recognition and purchase intent. However, in
understanding the effectiveness of endorsements in YouTube vlogs, the first, second, and
third journal articles agree that the perception of vlogger credibility is key to the
effectiveness of endorsements. In the research of Manukka et al. (2017), the audience's
credibility perception of vloggers will increase with the high interaction of the contractor
in the vlog (Munnukka et al., 2019).
According to the research of Nugraha et al. (2018), the perception of credibility
towards vloggers increases when the expertise, trust, and attractiveness of vloggers stand
out. Vloggers with good characteristics and interesting and unique content are proven to
increase trust and credibility with vloggers (Nugraha & Setyanto, 2018). This is supported
by research by Schouten et al. (2020), which states that trust from the basis of similarity
and familiarity felt by the audience is essential in increasing the perception of vlogger
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credibility (Schouten et al., 2020). Based on the perspective of credibility perception, the
dimensions of trust, expertise, and attractiveness are the main dimensions in building
credibility, and this perception of credibility is crucial in seeing the effectiveness of
When the perception of vlogger credibility is high, it will significantly affect brand
credibility. From the perspective of endorsement, a vlogger or endorser is present as a
person who represents the brand. In addition, an endorser will also transfer the quality
recognition of a product to consumers (Abeza et al., 2017). So, in other words, the
credibility of a vlogger will also be transferred to the endorsed brand and then accepted
by the audience as a brand with high credibility, just like an endorser.
Although the research of Rahmi et al. shows that in Indonesia, the effectiveness of
endorsements on YouTube vlogs still needs to be studied further. The collectivistic
culture in Indonesia still considers traditional celebrities (such as soap opera artists,
movies, or advertising stars) more credible sources than vloggers. However, the
effectiveness of this endorsement is still very likely, especially if you pay attention to
aspects of familiarity or consumer introduction to vloggers and similarities between
vloggers and brands (Rahmi et al., 2017). As in the research of Nugraha et al. (2018),
vlogger Arief Muhammad, as an endorser, has a very good perception of credibility. He
managed to gain consumer trust through his expertise and authenticity by becoming a
vlogger so that the perception of credibility can increase the credibility and awareness of
the brand (Nugraha & Setyanto, 2018).
Therefore, although endorsements are now a new alternative in marketing
communications, companies need to ensure that consumers can consider endorsements
on YouTube vlogs positive. For endorsements on YouTube vlogs to be influential for
brands, companies also need to review the purpose of the ad. According to Lin (2015),
endorsements are effectively used to improve brand image, awareness, positioning, and
attention and increase consumer purchase intention (Lin et al., 2015). In increasing the
effectiveness of endorsements on YouTube vlogs, companies must also ensure
similarities between brands and vloggers and not limit vloggers from creating according
to their characteristics to maintain audience trust. Because the authenticity and
characteristics of vloggers are the key to success and effectiveness in vlog endorsements.
Endorsements are currently a new alternative trend in marketing communications.
The presence of online celebrities or influencers has encouraged the effectiveness of
endorsements on social media. As the most widely used social media platform by
audiences today, YouTube has produced various creativity in making videos. Vlogs or
video blogs have become the most popular video content for people as the most popular
content. The presence of famous vloggers then encourages endorsement activities on
YouTube vlogs. From world-class, well-known brands to local brands using YouTube
vlogger services for product endorsements.
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From the results of this systematic literature review, it was produced that
endorsements on YouTube are currently quite effective. However, the effectiveness of
this endorsement also needs to consider the perception of the vlogger's credibility. The
perception of a vlogger's credibility will increase based on authenticity, trustworthiness,
and attractiveness. Vlog content that can display these three things will increase the
perception of vlogger credibility in the eyes of the audience. This is important because
the vlogger's credibility will affect the brand's credibility. Meanwhile, as an endorser, the
vlogger will represent the brand and transfer its quality and credibility to the endorsed
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