pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 4 April 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 1588
Successful Implementation Of Sdg's Concept In Citra Raya
Tangerang Housing
Muhammad Afiq Riwendi
, Nurahma Tresani
, Lana Winayati
Universitas Tarumanagara Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Sustainable
Development Goals; Eco
Culture; Citra Raya;
Citra Raya Tangerang is an area developed by the Ciputra
Group since 1994; since 2011, Citra Raya Tangerang has
implemented the EcoCulture concept, which is expected to
turn residents into a green community that cares about a
clean environment. The EcoCulture concept has similarities
with sustainable development or SDGs, which aims to
eradicate poverty, improve prosperity and care for the planet
Earth. 17 (seventeen) achievements are used as indicators of
achieving sustainable development. To achieve these 17
(seventeen) achievements cannot be done alone;
collaboration between various parties is needed to achieve
these goals. Citra Raya Tangerang, by implementing the
EcoCulture concept since 2011, has succeeded in achieving
seven goals out of 17 indicators of sustainable development.
The achievements that Citra Raya Tangerang has made are
number 3. Good Health and Well-Being, 6. Clean Water and
Sanitation, 7. Affordable and Clean Energy, 8. Decent Work
and Economic Growth, 11. Sustainable Cities and
Communities, 12. Responsible Consumption and Protection,
13. Climate Action. The achievement of these seven
indicators was not carried out by Citra Raya Tangerang alone
but involved several other stakeholders. This stakeholder
consistency applies the things that are part of this indicator
so that the prepared plan can run well. Residents who
consistently sort waste, local governments who provide
support and other third parties who collaborate to achieve
this goal. Citra Raya Tangerang management continues to
strive to provide the best service to its residents. The effect
of this collaboration means that sustainable development
goals can be achieved gradually.
The residential area of Citra Raya Tangerang is a residential area that began to be
developed in 1994 by Ciputra Group (Halima, Maulidi, Awaliatul, Wulandari, &
Handika, 2021). The development of an area that reaches an area of 2,790 Ha with various
functions such as housing, trade and services, play facilities, and shopping centres to
Successful Implementation Of SDG'S Concept in Citra Raya Tangerang Housing
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 1589
support the needs of its residents. Following the development of the growing times, of
course, some things continue to grow, and even the needs are also increasingly diverse
(Mensah, 2019). Since 2011 the management of Citra Raya Tangerang has applied the
concept of EcoCulture; this concept has a goal that hopes that every occupant in Citra
Raya Tangerang can become a person and community who cares about the environment;
by applying this concept it is hoped that Citra Raya Tangerang area can provide a new
colour as a beautiful area that is run not only by the developer but also there are
contributions from its residents (Capah, Rachim, & Raharjo, 2023). The application of
the EcoCulture concept is in line with the objectives of the Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) concept. With the introduction of the SDGs as a development agenda that
is part of this new development roadmap, the UN approved the 2030 Agenda (SDGs),
which is a call to action to protect the planet, end poverty and ensure human well-being
(Taylor, 2016).
Sustainable development in Indonesia is regulated in the Presidential Regulation of
the Republic of Indonesia Number 111 of 2022 concerning the Implementation of the
Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals; this regulation explains how
sustainable development can improve people's welfare, end poverty, improve welfare,
and protect the planet, by maintaining the continuous improvement of people's economic
welfare; Maintain the sustainability of the social life of the community (Jayakusuma,
Lestari, & Rasudin, 2023). Maintaining the quality of the environment and inclusive
development and the implementation of governance that is able to maintain the
improvement of the quality of life from one generation to the next, in Article 1 paragraph
1 which reads "Sustainable Development Goals Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
from now on abbreviated as SDGs is a global development agenda to end poverty,
improve welfare, and protect the planet, through the achievement of 17 (seventeen) goals
until 2030 (Kristianto, 2020).
Figure 1 Sustainable Development Goals
Seeing the similarities between the EcoCulture concept that has been carried out by
the management of Citra Raya Tangerang since 2011 to provide awareness to its residents
to care for the environment and SDGs that aim to end poverty, improve welfare and
protect the planet makes it an interesting thing to study (Fristikawati, Alvander, &
Wibowo, 2022).
Muhammad Afiq Riwendi, Nurahma Tresani, Lana Winayati
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 1590
Citra Raya Tangerang is a residential area developed by the private sector that can
apply the concept of sustainable development with its eco-culture (Nugraha, 2018). It is
an interesting thing to do because of the extent to which Citra Raya Tangerang has
reached 17 (seventeen) SDG concepts in its development area. This is because Citra Raya
Tangerang has been implementing this concept since 2011, and based on Presidential
Regulation Number 111 of 2022, it is hoped that SDGS can be achieved by 2030.
Research Methods
The method in this study is a qualitative approach method. Primary data is obtained
by conducting interviews with certain sources, and secondary data used are report data
and other secondary data obtained in the field.
Results and Discussion
In terms of achievements in sustainable development in SDGs, 17 things need to be
achieved. Based on sustainable reports, Citra Raya Tangerang of the 17 achievement
goals has only achieved seven things contained in the 17 SDGs achievements, namely
number 3. Good Health and Well-Being, 6. Clean Water and Sanitation,7. Affordable and
Clean Energy, 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth, 11. Sustainable Cities and
Communities, 12. Responsible Consumption and Protection, 13. Climate Action. The
achievements of these seven things are described as follows:
Table 1
SDGs Achievement in Citra Raya Tangerang
Good Health and Well-Being
To conduct training related to Work
Health and Safety (K3) for each
employee. As well as providing legal
and security services to its occupants
Clean Water and Sanitation
Reuse household water waste with
the effluent concept sourced from
water reservoirs and the Cimenceri
River for residents with clean water
management through the water
management division.
Affordable and Clean
Replacing street lighting with solar
panels and the construction of
residential houses by prioritising the
concept of saving energy.
Decent Work and Economic
Innovate changes so as to provide
wider economic benefits by opening
Ciputra Mall Citra Raya Tangerang,
which makes many people open
outlets there.
Successful Implementation Of SDG'S Concept in Citra Raya Tangerang Housing
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 1591
Sustainable Cities and
Implementing household waste
sorting is carried out by each
occupant before disposal. So that
residents begin to be aware of waste
sorting and environmental concerns
by utilising green open space for
useful activities, namely vertical
gardens planted by residents.
Responsible Consumption
and Protection
Applying the selection of
environmentally friendly materials in
the development process. As well as
processing waste generated from
households so that if the waste is
disposed of, it has been classified by
Climate Action
Collaborating with Beam in
providing regional transportation
with electric bicycles that anyone in
the Citra Raya Tangerang area can
Based on Table 1 above, Citra Raya Tangerang carries out the concept of
sustainable development by collaborating with Citra Raya Tangerang management,
residents, local governments, and third parties to achieve the goals of sustainable
development (Hanafi, 2014). In the achievement of Good Health and Well-Being
regularly, Citra Raya Tangerang conducts checks on its employees and conducts
occupational health and safety (K3) training to support services to its residents. In
addition to providing support services to its residents, Citra Raya Tangerang also provides
clinics and hospitals in its area. Clean Water and Sanitation Citra Raya Tangerang carries
out clean water management by providing a special division that manages water, both
household and clean water waste, using WTP, which is managed independently.
currently, water management has been handed over to the Regional Government through
Perumda Tirta Kerta Raharja (Rouf, Said, & Hs, 2020). So that the management of Citra
Raya Tangerang and Perumda Tirta Kerta Raharja cooperate in maintaining raw water
sources, where the task of Citra Raya Tangerang is to maintain water reservoirs and
channels in its area. At the same time, the local government protects the Cimenceri River.
The achievement of affordable and Clean Energy was carried out in Citra Raya Tangerang
by applying the use of solar panels in street lighting and the use of indoor light so that the
new residential lighting can be optimal using sunlight. The achievement of Decent Work
and Economic Growth is carried out gradually; this happens because previously, there
was a pandemic that affected the rate of economic growth. Citra Raya Tangerang opened
Ciputra Citra Raya mall, which has the effect of many tenat opening outlets in the mall
so that there are more choices from residents and surrounding people to shop in the Citra
Raya Tangerang area. The achievement of Sustainable Cities and Communities is applied
consistently, namely sorting waste in dwellings before disposal, so that this waste sorting
Muhammad Afiq Riwendi, Nurahma Tresani, Lana Winayati
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 4, April 2024 1592
is carried out by residents independently. The achievement of Responsible Consumption
and Protection of Citra Raya Tangerang selects environmentally friendly materials, and
the results of sorting waste when disposed of have been classified based on waste group
categories. Citra Raya Tangerang carries out Climate Action achievements in
collaboration with third parties, namely Beam as a provider of electric bicycles that are
used by the community and residents in Citra Raya Tangerang to move within the Citra
Raya Tangerang area if they do not use private vehicles. So it can be said that the role of
local governments, third parties, management of Citra Raya Tangerang and residents in
the Citra Raya Tangerang area cooperate and collaborate in order to achieve sustainable
development in the Citra Raya Tangerang area.
In different research, it was revealed in the research of (Astuti & Dewi, 2018) that
sustainable development carried out in Putat Village, Gunung Kidul Regency has been
carried out by involving community participation, so that social interaction provides how
to make this community an object and subject in improving welfare, by involving the
community directly has a direct impact on the community in feeling improvement of
welfare in its territory. In addition to the role of the community, the role of the local
government, namely the village, in planning village spatial planning, this spatial planning
is the first step to finding and determining the potentials that exist in the village. Training
and facilities for economic improvement through small businesses, the role of the village
government also plays an important role in the running of the program.
In a different study revealed in the research of (Wijaya, Muhammad, Patriot, &
Novita, 2021) in Sampang Regency, the local government has not focused on determining
targets in the sustainable development process. Hence, the achievements achieved are still
not optimal. Lack of supporting data used as reference data for local governments to
conduct analysis and future planning. The lack of community participation is not yet
widely known by the people of Sampang Regency. Moreover, cooperation between OPDs
needs to be improved, so that there is no sectoral ego that results in not optimal
achievement of these goals.
The results of this study show that the success of the concept of sustainable
development in Citra Raya Tangerang by implementing the EcoCulture concept cannot
be achieved by the management of Citra Raya Tangerang itself; it needs support from
other parties, such as residents in Citra Raya Tangerang, the local government of
Tangerang Regency, and third parties where Citra Raya Tangerang has not been able to
provide independently. So from the establishment of this collaboration, the Citra Raya
Tangerang area has achieved 7 SDGs or sustainable development. This is a very good
thing because private developers do it within the development area.
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