pISSN: 2723 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6262
Digital Branding of the Kutai Kartanegara Tourism Office on
@Visitingkutaikartanegara Instagram Account in Increasing
Tourist Visits
Hagi Nur Fadilla
, Johantan Alfando WS
, Kadek Dristiana Dwivayani
, Harry
Isra Muhammad
Universitas Mulawarman, Indonesia
Keywords: digital
branding, Instagram social
media, tourism.
One of the main characteristics of the development of the
Industrial Revolution 4.0 is the spread of Internet
technology. The advantage of the internet lies in its ability to
reach audiences without being constrained by geographical
restrictions. In this study, the goal is to clarify branding
activities in the framework of communication, where its
elements, such as branding or branding, are presented
through various ways and media, becoming elements of the
message in the communication process. The study uses a
descriptive approach, as a study that explores events of
social action in a natural context, with an emphasis on how
individuals understand and interpret their experiences. The
result of this study is that the role of Instagram social media
can increase the interest of tourists visiting tourist
destinations in Kutai Kartanegara Regency, caused by the
Kutai Kartanegara Tourism Office which has begun to
routinely pay attention to tourism marketing through the role
of social media by processing content on
@visitingkutaikartanegara Instagram account. In addition,
the Instagram account has begun to collaborate with various
organizations and influencers to assist the Kutai Kartanegara
Tourism Office in carrying out digital branding which can
facilitate the dissemination of information through
Instagram social media.
The rapid development of the world's digital era has expanded into the era of the
fourth revolution known as the Industrial Revolution 4.0. This revolution is marked by
the integration of communication and information technology in the industrial sector (Nur
Islam et al., 2022). These changes have had a significant impact on the agency's approach
to marketing and advertising. One of the main characteristics of this development is the
spread of Internet technology. The use of the internet opens up opportunities to develop
Digital Branding of the Kutai Kartanegara Tourism Office on @Visitingkutaikartanegara
Instagram Account in Increasing Tourist Visits
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6263
new solutions in the field of communication, including the provision of effective
communication services to better reach audiences. The advantage of the Internet lies in
its ability to reach audiences without being constrained by geographical restrictions
(Zulfikar et al., 2022).
Communication activities require channels as a medium to convey messages. These
channels are often associated with the use of senses such as sight, feeling, hearing, and
smell. (Turner & Roberts, 2023). On the other hand, in the context of communication,
there is also the term media, which can be defined as a device or tool to convey a message.
The definition of media includes the methods and technologies used. For example,
newspapers are a representation of print media, radio is a representation of audio media,
and television represents audio-visual media in the electronic media category. (Akrim,
2022) Also defines the internet as an example of an online network or media.
As time goes by, communication becomes more flexible and adjusted to the needs
and developments of the times. Communication methods that were initially traditional
have now changed to digital dominant. The widespread existence of the internet makes it
easier and expands the reach of communication. (Fauzi, 2021). Through the internet,
individuals and organizations can communicate with each other instantly, strengthening
relationships in a fast and effective way. For organizations or agencies, the Internet is an
important tool in interacting with the public and building a positive image. (Hundura et
al., 2023).
Based on the results of a survey conducted by the Indonesian Internet Service
Providers Association and Technopreneur in 2018, it was found that out of 264.16 million
people, the total population of Indonesia is 171.17 million people, including Internet
service users. (Widiastuti, 2017). This increase in number is a driving factor for the role
of communication to brands or brands that have a very significant impact on the business
practices and operations of an organization. Various communication activities have been
able to build, maintain, maintain, and maintain the continuity of a brand. (Shafiq et al.,
Social media currently serves as a means for brands to interact with the public.
Social media is a virtual platform that facilitates relationships between individuals by
providing a place for them to share content. In this study, the goal is to clarify branding
activities in the framework of communication, where its elements, such as branding or
branding, are presented through various ways and media, becoming elements of the
message in the communication process. Communication not only relies on the brand
created by the agency but is also collaborative, involving consumer participation.
Some previous studies that have made significant contributions and become a
source of inspiration for researchers include:
Table 1Previous Research
Research Identity
Research Title
Hagi Nur Fadilla
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6264
Yanti Ratna Sari,
Endang Erawan, and
Sabiruddin (2022)
The Role of Instagram Social Media in Increasing
Tourist Interest in Visiting Kutai Kartanegara Tourist
Research Results: The research method uses qualitative descriptive. The focus
of this research is the source, message, channel, receiver, and effects. The
informants are the Head of the Promotion Section, the Promotion Staff of the
Kutai Kartanegara Regency Tourism Office, the Press, and Tourists. Qualitative
data analysis uses an interactive model.
Instagram social media sources in increasing interest in visiting tourists with
admins who update on social media. Instagram social media messages use
attractive images and easy-to-understand language. Active Instagram social
media channels do not display tourist destinations only events. Instagram social
media receivers can attract visitors from various walks of life and various
communities both in the city and outside the city. The Instagram social media
effect has an impact on increasing tourist visits. Thus, Instagram social media
has a significant effect in increasing tourist visits when used correctly.
Difference: Lies in the theory and focus of the research used
Rismawati Ine Umardi (2022)
Research Results: The research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The
data collection technique uses observation, interviews, and documentation.
Balekambang Park is one of the tourist attractions in Surakarta. The promotion
of Balekambang Park tourism using Instagram media has a positive impact on
the tourist attraction. The use of features that have been on Instagram are well
used to support Balekambang Park promotional activities. Several obstacles
were found, including obstacles in human resource management, inadequate
live streaming tools, and content content. The promotion carried out by
Balekambang Park through Instagram has been effective because it hits many
community targets, and already has many followers or followers making people
who did not know Balekambang Park understand and visit.
Difference: The difference in research lies in the place of research
Based on these problems, the purpose of this study is to understand the Digital
Branding of the Kutai Kartanegara Tourism Office which utilizes the Instagram social
media platform in attracting tourists to visit.
This study uses qualitative research with a descriptive qualitative approach.
Qualitative research is considered simple research because it focuses on interpretation
using words by involving several procedures, starting from design, validation, data
Digital Branding of the Kutai Kartanegara Tourism Office on @Visitingkutaikartanegara
Instagram Account in Increasing Tourist Visits
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6265
collection, instrument trials, data analysis, and data coding, to data triangulation by
considering time triangulation, source triangulation, expert triangulation, and theoretical
triangulation. Another process that needs to be considered involves the formation of
propositions as grand theories from research findings (Kharuddin, 2021).
The study uses a descriptive approach, as a study that explores events of social
action in a natural context, with an emphasis on how individuals understand and interpret
their experiences. The goal is to find solutions in solving individual problems by
understanding social reality. (Mohajan, 2018). The results of this study will focus on
verbal or visual representations rather than numerical data. This approach will be used by
researchers to formulate hypotheses based on specific findings and information obtained
from the field.
According to Sutopo (2006), a data source refers to a location or place where data
is obtained through the application of certain methods, either from humans, artifacts, or
documents. The source of research data collection will be divided into two types, namely
primary data and secondary data.
Sample Determination Techniques
The sampling method, or known as sampling, is the process of establishing several
samples for research purposes. Sampling aims to collect as much information and data as
possible, to reveal various aspects within a specific discussion framework. (Leuwol et al.,
In this study, the researcher applied a non-probability sampling method using the
purposive sampling method to select informants and set certain criteria for informants
involved in this study. The informants involved in this study include managers and
audiences or followers on Instagram @visitingkutaikartanegara.
Data Analysis Techniques
Data analysis, according to Sugiyono (2018), refers to the systematic process of
searching for and compiling data obtained from interviews, field notes, and
documentation. This process involves organizing data into categories, dividing them into
units, synthesizing, forming patterns, determining significant things, and preparing
conclusions so that they can be easily understood by researchers and other parties.
Moleong (2017:280-281) also mentioned that data analysis is the process of organizing
and sorting data into basic patterns, categories, and units of description to find themes
and formulate work hypotheses based on existing data.
Results and Discussion
The author collected data in this study to identify the @visitingkutaikartanegara
Instagram Social Media Digital Branding in Increasing Tourist Interest Visit Tourism in
Kutai Kartanegara. The results of the interviews obtained are as follows:
One of the important aspects in the management of information social media is how
to arrange the words in a message so that it is easily understood by the audience, known
as Context by using Indonesian so that it is easy to understand by tourists, who do not
Hagi Nur Fadilla
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6266
only come from the Kutai Kartanegara area (Engelina & Laulita, 2022). The results of the
interview regarding the context with the Head of Marketing of the Kutai Kartanegara
Regency Tourism Office and the Marketing Data Manager argued that:
"The use of simple language on Instagram accounts @visitingkutaikartanegara try
to present information in clear and non-verbose words so that it is easy for the public to
understand. The Media Team @visitingkutaikartanegara can compile words that are
effective, precise, and easy for readers to understand" (Interview on November 4, 2024).
"Training is also carried out every year, at least once a year, to hone skills in
processing words and content to make it look interesting" (Interview on November 5,
The above opinion shows that the Kutai Kartanegara Regency Tourism Office in
promoting tourist destinations through social media has a Media Team that regularly
updates social media. The results of the interview with the Marketing Staff of the Kutai
Kartanegara Regency Tourism Office stated that:
"The explanation of the additional information presented by
@visitingkutaikartanegara has gone through a simplification process and uses popular
words. If there is a less common term, @visitingkutaikartanegara will replace it or add
an explanation to make it easier for readers to understand the information conveyed"
(Interview on November 11, 2024).
Interviews with informants show that the Kutai Kartanegara Regency Tourism
Office uses Instagram social media to promote tourist destinations that make it easier for
tourists to visit. In addition, social media such as Instagram is also used and managed
directly by the Marketing Media Team of the Kutai Kartanegara Tourism Office to
display content on Instagram feeds and stories.
Communication Managemen @visitingkutaikartanegara
@visitingkutaikartanegara Communication management aims to convey a message
clearly so that it is easy to understand and can influence the attitude of the audience as
expected. The results of the interview regarding communication with the Head of
Marketing of the Kutai Kartanegara Regency Tourism Office and the Marketing Data
Manager argued that:
"Completeness of Information, such as the presentation of quality information, is
part of an effort to meet journalistic standards, which includes the elements of 5W + 1H,
namely What, When, Where, Who, Why, and How" (Interview on November 4, 2024)
"Meeting and paying attention to the elements of communication and ensuring that
the information conveyed is complete and reliable for tourists is part of our commitment"
(Interview on November 5, 2024).
The two key informants agreed that the Kutai Kartanegara Regency Tourism Office
in promoting tourist destinations through social media paid attention to the 5W + 1H rule
in organizing information.
Communication management by @visitingkutaikartanegara aims to convey a clear and
easy-to-understand message to the audience, in the hope of influencing the attitude and interests
Digital Branding of the Kutai Kartanegara Tourism Office on @Visitingkutaikartanegara
Instagram Account in Increasing Tourist Visits
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6267
of tourists. In an interview with the Head of Marketing of the Tourism Office of Kutai Kartanegara
Regency, it was explained that success in conveying information is ensured by following the 5W
+ 1H journalistic rules (What, When, Where, Who, Why, How). This is considered as part of the
Tourism Office's commitment to provide complete and trustworthy information for tourists.
In addition, the marketing staff added that the use of attractive photos and videos becomes
important once the information is considered complete. This visual is expected to strengthen the
message conveyed and increase tourist motivation. Photos and videos uploaded must also comply
with journalistic standards, avoiding negative content such as SARA and pornography.
The press team involved in the management of communication in
@visitingkutaikartanegara also emphasized the importance of photo and video layout. This setup
aims to create a neat and attractive look on Instagram, using custom templates to ensure
consistency and regularity of information. This makes it easier for people to find and enjoy
information visually.
From interviews with tourists, it can be seen that communication management in
@visitingkutaikartanegara has managed to attract their attention. Tourists find this account very
communicative, conveying interesting and easy-to-understand information, which ultimately
encourages them to visit tourist destinations in Kutai Kartanegara. One of the tourists stated that
the promotion through this Instagram account succeeded in communicating the tourist attractions,
which increased their interest in visiting the location.
Overall, effective communication and engaging visuals play an important role in the Kutai
Kartanegara Tourism Office's efforts to promote tourist destinations through social media, which
has proven to be successful in attracting tourists and increasing visits to the area.
To present information, @visitingkutaikartanegara manages collaboration with various
parties in the collection and publication of content. The results of the interview regarding
Collaboration with the Head of Marketing of the Kutai Kartanegara Regency Tourism Office and
the Marketing Data Manager argued that:
"Various organizations, influencers, and netizens actively take part in promoting tourism
and sharing their uploads about tourism in Kutai Kartenagar, which helps
@visitingkutaikartanegara update information. This collaboration happens through comments,
direct messages, or posts that mark @visitingkutaikartanegara, which will be reposted."
"One of the organizations that every year always contributes to tourism promotion is the Creative
Entrepreneurs and Tourism Ambassadors in collaboration with the Tourism Office in sharing
information about Kutai Kartanegara, including destinations and culinary. Until uploads that
involve collaboration with influencers also have a noticeable increase".
After obtaining the results of research on Digital Branding of the Kutai Kartanegara
Tourism Office through the Instagram account @visitingkutaikartanegara In Increasing
Tourist Visits, the following discussions were carried out:
Context is an important aspect of conveying an effective message on social media.
In this case, the Kutai Kartanegara Tourism Office focuses on presenting information on
Instagram in easy-to-understand, clear, and non-verbose language. Due to the large
number of visitors who do not come from the Kutai Kartanegara Area, therefore the use
of Indonesian has become more effective in conveying information on social media.
Based on interviews with the Head of Marketing and Marketing Data Manager, the use
Hagi Nur Fadilla
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6268
of simple language on Instagram accounts @visitingkutaikartanegara was prioritized so
that information could be easily understood by the public. The Media Team also regularly
hone their skills in content preparation to remain relevant and interesting.
This step is reinforced by the press team, which reviews the narrative regularly and
uses colloquial language to make it more familiar to the audience. Interviews with tourists
also showed appreciation for the use of easy-to-understand language, although some
followers expect more frequently updated information, especially regarding new facilities
or changes in tourist destinations. Overall, context plays an important role in ensuring that
the message on Instagram @visitingkutaikartanegara can be understood by various
groups, thereby increasing the attractiveness of tourist destinations for visitors.
In the context of social media management, context refers to how to convey a
message so that it is easily understood by the audience by paying attention to the language
used in its delivery. The results of the interview show that the Kutai Kartanegara Regency
Tourism Office has applied this principle by using a simple and clear Indonesian on
@visitingkutaikartanegara's Instagram account. The Media team regularly updates
content and attends training to craft an effective, precise, and easy-to-understand
However, some tourists complained about the lack of information updates on some
tourist destinations, even though the information conveyed was generally easy to
understand. In conclusion, although the use of simple language has helped people
understand information easily, the challenge that arises is to update destination
information more consistently to maintain relevance and accuracy.
The communication aspect aims to manage effective communication on Instagram
so that messages can influence the audience according to their goals. According to the
Head of Marketing, the submission of information on the @visitingkutaikartanegara
account complies with the 5W+1H journalistic rules (What, When, Where, Who, Why,
How) to ensure that the information provided is complete and clear. Marketing teams also
utilize standard-compliant images and videos, without SARA or pornographic content, to
reinforce the delivery of information.
The visual layout is also a special concern of the press team to create a neat and
attractive look. The addition of templates for each upload helps create consistency and
convenience for visitors in searching for information. Interviews with tourists show that
the neat and complete management of communication on this Instagram account is
effective in attracting tourists to visit in person.
Overall, communication in @visitingkutaikartanegara focuses on presenting
complete, structured, and visually appealing information, which plays a big role in
increasing tourist interest.
Deep communication, Communication management aims to convey the message
clearly and influence the audience as expected. The Kutai Kartanegara Tourism Office
ensures that the information conveyed through Instagram meets the 5W + 1H journalistic
Digital Branding of the Kutai Kartanegara Tourism Office on @Visitingkutaikartanegara
Instagram Account in Increasing Tourist Visits
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6269
rules (What, When, Where, Who, Why, How) to ensure the quality and reliability of the
message. In addition, the use of attractive photos and videos also plays an important role
in increasing the motivation of tourists.
Interviews with tourists show that the information presented on Instagram
@visitingkutaikartanegara is easy to understand and interesting, but there are few
complaints regarding the delivery of information. Overall, clear communication and
attractive visuals have managed to attract tourists, but improvements in updating the
content can further improve the user experience in establishing communication between
the Kutai Kartanegara Regency Tourism Office and followers.
Collaboration emphasizes the importance of cooperation with various parties to
manage accurate and interesting information. The Kutai Kartanegara Regency Tourism
Office collaborates with local organizations, influencers, and community netizens to
promote tourist destinations on Instagram. The results of the interviews show that
collaboration with creative economy actors and Tourism Ambassadors facilitates the
dissemination of information, especially related to the tourist and culinary attractions of
this area.
The press team also ensures that collaboration is carried out with parties with good
ethics and reputation, and leverages Instagram features such as Reels, Instastory, and
feeds to reach a wider audience. From interviews with tourists, this collaboration
facilitates access to information for the public and increases tourist interest. Upload co-
produced content influencers and Tourism Ambassadors also succeeded in bringing out
the attractiveness of previously little-known destinations.
Overall, the collaboration in @visitingkutaikartanegara strengthens the digital branding
strategy by leveraging a wide network of various parties to increase visibility and interest
among travelers.
Collaboration refers to cooperation between various parties to achieve common
goals. The Kutai Kartanegara Regency Tourism Office collaborates with various
organizations, influencers, and netizens to expand information about tourist destinations.
This collaboration includes joint uploads, hashtags, and content generated by other
parties, such as Tourism Ambassadors and influencers.
This collaboration proved to be effective, with interviews showing that followers
felt more interested and easily accessed information through content shared by
influencers or other partners. Increased Visibility of tourist destinations that were
previously little-known also shows that the collaboration has succeeded in introducing
Kutai Kartanegara to Audience which is wider. In conclusion, good collaboration between
various parties has played a big role in promoting tourist destinations in Kutai
Hagi Nur Fadilla
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The last aspect, Connection, focuses on the long-term relationship between the
@visitingkutaikartanegara account and its followers. With two-way communication
through comments, direct messages (DMs), and Tags In the upload, this account provides
a space for the public to submit criticism, suggestions, or questions. According to the
Head of Marketing, this kind of interaction helps create a closer relationship with
followers, where incoming complaints and suggestions will be followed up by relevant
The press team also adds a personal touch to the interaction by uploading light
content, such as gimmicks or bloopers, which complement informative uploads with light
entertainment to attract audience interest. Interviews with Instagram followers
@visitingkutaikartanegara show that this approach has succeeded in increasing interest
in visiting tourist destinations in person.
Overall Connection which is established through responsive and familiar
interactions, both in formal uploads and light content, helps increase followers'
attachment to the promoted tourist destinations and successfully encourages them to come
to Kutai Kartanegara.
In terms of connection, managing ongoing relationships with followers is essential
to maintain closeness and increase participation. The Kutai Kartanegara Tourism Office
focuses on two-way communication through direct messages, comments, and uploads
marked by followers. This allows followers to provide feedback and criticism that can be
acted upon by relevant parties.
In addition, @visitingkutaikartanegara also engages in casual interactions with
followers through light content that follows the latest trends, such as bloopers or
gimmicks, which makes the relationship with followers more intimate and fun. The results
of the interviews show that this approach increases the interest of followers to visit Kutai
Kartanegara tourist destinations. In conclusion, responsive communication and more
relaxed interactions can strengthen the relationship between Instagram accounts and their
followers, as well as increase visitors' interest in visiting tourist destinations in person.
Digital Branding
Digital branding is an important element in building and maintaining the image of
a tourist destination in the digital era. The Kutai Kartanegara Regency Tourism Office
uses Instagram through @visitingkutaikartanegara accounts as a means to introduce
regional culture and tourism. The content uploaded by the account has a significant role
in shaping and strengthening the image of the Kutai Kartanegara Regency Tourism
In today's digital age, social media such as Instagram has become an essential tool
in digital marketing communication strategies. One example is the
@visitingkutaikartanegara Instagram account managed by the Tourism Office of Kutai
Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan. This account is used to interact with the audience
while promoting regional tourism through an effective digital branding strategy.
Digital Branding of the Kutai Kartanegara Tourism Office on @Visitingkutaikartanegara
Instagram Account in Increasing Tourist Visits
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6271
Instagram accounts @visitingkutaikartanegara consistently build a brand image
through engaging and relevant content. As of June 24, 2024, this account has 8,156
followers, follows 1,344 accounts, and has posted 1,143 uploads since its formation in
March 2017. The content focuses on tourism, culture, and entertainment information,
accompanied by Caption Inviting communicative audiences to visit. The visual strategy
implemented also highlights the Kukar Asia Wonder slogan as a form of identity of
@visitingkutaikartanegara. The slogan used by @visitingkutaikartanegara, namely Kukar
Asia Wonder, has a deep meaning and is also sacral so that by just looking at the logo and
tagline on the @visitingkutaikartanegara Audience will be reminded of the culture and
tourism in Kutai Kartanegara.
According to visual communication theory (Percy & Rosenbaum-Elliott, 2016),
visual consistency helps improve brand appeal. This can be seen from
@visitingkutaikartanegara uploads that managed to attract the attention of the audience
and build a strong impression of Kutai Kartanegara. This digital branding is effective in
promoting tourist destinations through the slogan Kukar Asia Wonder which is used to
introduce tourism in Kutai Kartanegara. Some followers of the account stated that
Instagram content encouraged them to visit tourist attractions in Kutai Kartanegara,
including previously little-known locations. One of the comments from the visitor, Nur
Eva, said that the information conveyed by @visitingkutaikartanegara made her
interested in visiting the promoted destination.
Further observations show that this account's uploads showcase the natural beauty
and local culture through high-quality photos and videos. The tagline "Kukar Asia
Wonders" which is equipped with the symbol of Lembuswana, an icon of local belief,
emphasizes the charm and natural wonders of Kutai Kartanegara.
Figure 2
@visitingkutaikartanegara Account Closure
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Based on the image above, it can be said that looking at the content strategy,
@visitingkutaikartanegara utilizes various types of content to attract and maintain the
attention of the audience to build a strong digital presence. Digital Branding on each of
these contents displays the Kukar Asia Wonders slogan logo which is contained in every
content video uploaded by @visitingkutaikartanegara. Eye-catching visuals are also
important to grab the attention of users who are browsing Instagram. Stories and
Narratives, where each upload is accompanied by informative and interesting captions,
provide additional context about the image or video. This can be a description of the
activities that can be done in Kutai Kartanegara, the history of the place, or testimonials
from visitors. The use of #VisitingKutaiKartanegara or #KukarAsiaWonders hashtags, in
which case relevant and popular hashtags are used to increase the visibility of posts, can
reach a wider audience.
Figure 3
Use of Hashtags in Instagram Uploads @visitingkutaikartanegara
Overall Digital Branding implemented by @visitingkutaikartanegara shows the
effectiveness of Instagram as a tourism promotion medium, with attractive visuals being
the main attraction that can encourage the interest of tourist visits. In addition to
interesting content, one of the things that also needs attention is the logo of the account.
Digital Branding of the Kutai Kartanegara Tourism Office on @Visitingkutaikartanegara
Instagram Account in Increasing Tourist Visits
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6273
Figure 4
Logo and/or Tagline of the Kutai Kartanegara Regency Tourism Office
The image above is the logo as well as the tagline of the Kutai Kartanegara Regency
Tourism Office which is the branding of tourism in Kutai Kartanegara. Lembusuana is
the embodiment of an extraordinary animal or creature as a symbol of power and
sovereignty of the Kutai Kartanegara Kingdom. In the past, according to the story,
Lembusuana was the mount of Princess Karang Melenu or also Princess Junjung Buih
who later gave birth to the kings of Kutai Kartanegara. And then the lembusuana was
used as a vehicle by Batara Guru.
Based on the results of research and discussion on the role of Instagram social media
in increasing tourist interest in visiting tourist destinations in Kutai Kartanegara Regency,
it can be concluded that this role is increasingly optimized.
This is because the Kutai Kartanegara Tourism Office has begun to routinely pay
attention to tourism marketing through the role of social media, namely Instagram by
processing content on @visitingkutaikartanegara Instagram accounts involving officials
and staff as a source that can conceptualize content to be uploaded to order to convey
tourism information to prospective tourists so that they are interested in visiting existing
tourist destinations. In addition, the Instagram account has begun to collaborate with
various organizations and influencers to assist the Kutai Kartanegara Tourism Office in
carrying out digital branding which can facilitate the dissemination of information
through Instagram social media.
However, the Marketing Team, especially the content manager at the Kutai
Kartanegara Regency Tourism Office, needs to process content to continue to be
interesting and follow existing trends by routinely holding training for content creators
every year because visual content is one of the keys in promoting tourist destinations in
the digital era to attract more tourist interest.
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