p–ISSN: 2723 – 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6206

Implementation of Hygiene and Sanitation in the Pastry
Department of Sheraton Bali Kuta Resort Hotel

Zahra Putri Andini

Universitas Telkom, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]


Keywords: hygiene and
standard operating
sheraton Bali Hotel.

This study aims to analyze the implementation of hygiene
and sanitation in the pastry department of the Sheraton Bali
Kuta Resort Hotel. The research method used was direct
observation and interviews with several staff involved. The
results showed that the standard operating procedures
(SOPs) for personal hygiene had been implemented quite
well, but some procedures were often forgotten due to a lack
of staff awareness. In addition, SOPs for cleaning areas and
equipment have also been implemented well, although there
are shortcomings in maintaining consistency, such as
negligence in cleaning certain areas. The high level of hotel
busyness is also a factor in the cause of this negligence.
Another problem found was the lack of awareness of the
staff in returning the equipment to the designated place,
which resulted in the loss of some equipment. In conclusion,
increased awareness and staff training are needed to ensure
that the implementation of hygiene and sanitation runs more
consistently and effectively.


Tourism is one of the important parts of human life, where tourism is also one of
the aspects that can improve the economy of a region and country from every foreign
exchange income (Abdullah, Amri, Nadia, & Khalidi, 2024). With the existence of a
tourism, it can stimulate economic growth for local residents where jobs will be created
directly or indirectly, namely the community around the tourism sector can try to sell the
products and services they have to tourists or guests who visit a tourism place (Ernawati,
Abdullah, & Subhan, 2023). Many developing countries rely on a tourist attraction in
their country, one of which is Indonesia which has one of the superior tourism sectors,
namely in the Bali Islands (Rahmatullah & Marista, 2023).

Bali with all its diverse and varied natural beauty and culture makes it its own
attraction for both domestic and foreign tourists (Efrinaldi, Jayusman, & Yenis, 2023).
The number of tourists who come certainly requires infrastructure to rest, with a location
with beaches, airports, and shopping places that are quite large in Bali, no wonder the

Implementation of Hygiene and Sanitation in the Pastry Department of Sheraton Bali Kuta
Resort Hotel

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6207

Sheraon Bali Kuta Resort Hotel is one of the places to rest or just hold meetings that are
intended by tourists (Madrah, Riansyah, Alamsyah, & Fatmawati, 2022).

Located in one of the most popular places in Bali with a strategic location with only
a few steps from Kuta Beach and located next to one of the famous shopping centers,
namely Beachwalk Mall (Priasmoro, Firmansyah, Afifah, Setyorini, & Meiyurtaningsih,
2022). Sheraton Bali Kuta Resort does not only provide tourists with a place to rest, but
Sheraton Bali Kuta Resort also provides a beautiful view that can be seen directly through
the room. It has complete facilities so that guests who stay will feel quite comfortable
even if they only spend time at the hotel (Farida, Wijaningsih, & Natalis, 2024). There
are restaurants and lounges with a very beautiful view every sunset, and a wide variety of
dishes ranging from seafood, Indonesian, Italian to international dishes (Gunawan,
Haque, Rahma, & Andrian, 2022).

Sheraton has been established since 1937 which was founded by Ernest Henderson
and Robert Moore who was first acquired in Springleld Massachusette. It became the first
international hotel chain by operating a hotel in the People's Republic of China in 1985
(Isnawan, 2024). Starting in June 2020 with the launch of Sheraton with long-term and
short-term initiatives, the Sheraton brand is ready to continue to develop and grow in the
future. In 2015 Sheraton began to merge with Mariott International Famlily (Meliyani,

Hygiene and Sanitation are two aspects that cannot be separated in the work
environment. Both guarantee the best protection for workers and consumers. Hygiene is
an effort to maintain health related to the cleanliness of an individual (personal) in order
to protect the health of the individuals themselves (Trisnawati & Panjaitan, 2023). With
good implementation, guests or staff on duty will be safe from the risk of being entangled
in a disease. Meanwhile, sanitation is an effort to maintain health and cleanliness related
to the environment in order to ensure and maintain the cleanliness of the surroundings
and maintain health conditions. In its application, sanitation includes prevention that
burdens activities and actions necessary for efforts to free food and beverages from things
that can interfere or damage health, starting at the time before production, during the
processing of food and beverages, how to store foodstuffs, until the time the food and
beverages are served and ready to be consumed by consumers or guests.

In addition to maintaining personal hygiene for each staff, the cleanliness of the
work area and the work equipment used in the Pastry department at the Sheraton Bali
Kuta Resort Hotel is also an important thing that must always be maintained and paid
attention to cleanliness. If this is not taken care of and paid attention to, bacteria can grow
and develop quickly in the area so that every prduk made can be at risk of being
contaminated by existing bacteria. Another thing that must be considered is that during
the storage of every raw material and product that has been made, if the temperature and
storage place are not in accordance with the provisions, the raw materials and products
will be easily damaged, which eventually can make the products produced contaminated
and damaged.

Zahra Putri Andini

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The purpose of writing this final project is to achieve the objectives of the
discussion of the above topics, namely:
1. To find out the storage procedure for raw materials and products in the pastry

department at the Sheraton Bali Kuta Resort Hotel
2. To find out the procedures and standards of personal hygiene in the pastry department

of Sheraton Bali Kuta Resort Hotel
3. To find out the hygiene standards that exist in the pastry department of the Sheraton

Bali Kuta Resort Hotel


The research method used in the preparation of this research is in the form of a
qualitative research method method is "a research method based on philosophy that is
used to research on scientific conditions (experiments) where the researcher is an
instrument, a data collection technique and in qualitative analysis that emphasizes more
on meaning." Sugiyono (2018:213). The results of this study are in the form of descriptive
where the research is carried out to find out the independent variables owned by a
company itself without making comparisons and/or connecting these variables with the
company or the values of other variables.

In its creation, the author has done several ways to collect various kinds of data
needed for the creation of this journal. These things are:

1. Observation

The author made direct observations at the Sheraton Bali Kuta Resort Hotel during
the 6-month field work practice.

2. Interview

Conducting a Q&A with several employees who have worked for approximately 6
months to 1 year at the Sheraton Bali Kuta Resort Hotel.

Research Time

This research was carried out since the author carried out fieldwork practices at the
Sheraton Bali Kuta Resort Hotel until the implementation of this journal.

Data Source

The data obtained to support the sustainability of the creation of this journal comes
from primary data sources, namely data obtained through direct observation and
interviews with several staff working at the Sheraton Bali Kuta Resort Hotel.

Implementation of Hygiene and Sanitation in the Pastry Department of Sheraton Bali Kuta
Resort Hotel

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Results and Discussion
Standard Operating Procedures for Material Storage of Pastry Department of
Sheraton Bali Kuta Resort Hotel

In addition to maintaining some of the hygiene aspects above, it is important for the
Sheraton Bali Kuta Resort Hotel to take care of every raw material and foodstuff that has
been sorted properly and correctly, because batteries or diseases can arise if they are not
paid attention to and implemented correctly (Sufa, Sumartias, Zubair, Perbawasari, &
Rusmana, 2024). The implementation of procedures in the correct storage of raw
materials will make each raw material maintain quality and be maintained from damage
from the raw materials, in other words, the correct storage of raw materials can make the
hotel have minimal losses where the materials will be maintained until where the raw
materials are needed and used.

In maintaining this, there are several activities carried out in the pastry department
of the Sheraton Bali Kuta Resort Hotel in maintaining and storing raw materials and
products, namely:
a) Dry Store

This place is used to store all dry raw materials or packaging such as flour, baking
soda, salt, sugar and other dry materials.
b) Walk-in Chiller

This place is used to store perishable raw materials such as fresh fruits, fresh milk,
whipping cream, and other processed ingredients such as ready-to-use cream, ready-made
gelatin, and various kinds of desserts that are ready to use.
c) Walk-in Freezer

This place is used for every bread product that has been made, so when the product
is needed, you only need to take it from the walk-in freezer.
d) Standing Freezer

This place is used to store every pastry product that has been made that requires a
temperature of -18°C or lower to maintain products such as cheesecake, tiramisu cake,
mouse and others.
e) Freezer

This place is used to store raw materials that are very perishable such as ice cream,
puree and other very perishable materials.
f) Chocolate Room Area

This place is used to store dry raw materials that have been opened from the
packaging and various kinds of garnish needed for various kinds of products as well as
store finished products that will be served to guests.
Closing and storing materials and products in place

Every raw material that will be stored must be properly closed such as storing dry
raw materials in jars or containers that are then closed and storing the product in a
container that is then closed or covering the product using plastic wrap.

Storing each raw material neatly and in an orderly manner and given a label
accordingly, in storing raw materials in the label must include:

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a) Raw material name
b) Opening date
c) Damage time span (usually about 1 minngu to 1 month)
d) Label maker name

In storing the products that have been made, labeling must also be used by stating:
a) Product Name
b) The date a product was created
c) Damage time span (usually about 3 days to 7 days)
d) Product maker name

These things are used so that a type of staff who will use the product or material
can monitor its feasibility, because if the staff who will use it does not know this, the
material or product will be damaged and contaminated by bacteria that develop or fungi
will appear. In addition, this is also important to be carried out so that mistakes do not
occur that can be fatal if the staff on duty are not careful in checking a product or raw
materials that will be used, therefore all staff must always give a label on each raw
material and product that is made and will be stored.
Using a FIFO (First In First Out) system every time you do storage

This system is a storage system where every raw material or product that has been
stored longer or first stored must be the first material or product to be used, so that in its
storage every material or product that has been opened or made for a longer time must be
placed in the front or at the top. In short, every staff who needs a material or a product
must use materials and products that have been made or opened for a longer time so that
the materials and products are not stored for too long which will cause damage if not used
immediately, this system is important to always comply with and be done to prevent
losses from the consequences of damaged materials that have been stored for too long.

The storage procedure of raw materials and products is of course something that
needs to be considered and maintained operational standards so that all products served
have taste and visual quality and produce food that is healthy, clean, safe to consume and
produce food that has good hygiene quality. will be presented, from the results of the
analysis through direct observation of several things done by the staff of the pastry
department of the Sheraton Bali Kuta Resort Hotel in maintaining the storage procedures
of raw materials and products, namely:
1. Performs storage of raw materials and products according to their type and durability
2. Require all staff to close and store raw materials and products that have been used in

a neatly closed and maintained state
3. Every material and product to be stored must be labeled in accordance with its

4. Using the FIFO system in storing all raw materials and products

Some of the things that are forgotten by the staff in carrying out the procedures for
storing raw materials and products are:
a. Not immediately store the ingredients that come to the designated place (leave the fruit

puree outside the freezer box and strawberries outside the walk in chiller)

Implementation of Hygiene and Sanitation in the Pastry Department of Sheraton Bali Kuta
Resort Hotel

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b. Not using the fifo system in storing some products in jars or containers
c. Not including individual names in label creation

Some of these things are often forgotten by some staff in carrying out product
storage procedures.
Standard Operating Procedures for Personal Hygiene Department of the Pastry
Department of Sheraton Bali Kuta Resort

The importance of maintaining hygiene and sanitation in a hotel, especially in the
kitchen area because the area is an area that manages and processes food, therefore
maintaining cleanliness is a very important thing. To produce food that is decent, clean,
quality and safe for anyone to consume, the application of hygiene and sanitation must be
appropriate. In its application, hygiene itself is usually related to the cleanliness of a food
or the individual who processes a food, while sanitation is usually an effort made to
maintain the cleanliness and health of an environment.

Some of the aspects that are carried out in the correct implementation of personal
hygiene at the Sheraton Bali Kuta Resort Hotel are:
1. Using uniforms

Every employee is required to wear a uniform or shirt that has been provided by
Hotel Sheraton Bali Kuta Resort during work which can be picked up every day at the
laundry department before work and returned at the end of work.
2. Always wash your hands before doing anything
3. Using the gloves that have been provided
4. Using a hat

Always keep your hair neat, for women it is mandatory to tie and use a hairclip and
for men not to have long hair. Always wear hats for both female and male employees.
5. Only safety shoes are allowed to be used at work
6. Maintain personal hygiene

Nails are always short, rapid and clean. Maintain personal hygiene by showering,
brushing your teeth and using dedodorant before work (perfume is also allowed).
7. Maintain facial hygiene

No mustache and beard for men and use meake up as necessary for women
8. Always use name tags and Pins
9. Use a mask when you are sick

The above things must always be done and complied with by all employees at the
Sheraton Bali Kuta Resort Hotel. There are several other things that must be done in
maintaining health standards for all employees of the Sheratn Bali Kuta Resort Hotel,
1. Attach general medical check-up documents
2. Perform rectal swabs every 6 months
3. Have no history of infectious diseases
4. Not taking illegal drugs

After collecting data which was carried out by direct observation and asking several
related things to the staff who worked in order to obtain the right and accurate data about

Zahra Putri Andini

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6212

the research in this final project, the Sheraton Bali Kuta Resort Hotel has determined the
standard operating procedures regarding personal hygiene as for the things carried out by
the staff of the pastry department of the Sheraton Bali Kuta Resort Hotel in accordance
with the existing theories, namely:
1. All staff use uniforms or clothes that have been provided by the hotel that can be picked

up before starting work in the laundry section and return the uniform after completing
the work

2. All staff wash their hands before carrying out their work
3. Requiring all staff to always wear a hat when working
4. All staff only use safety shoes while working
5. Always maintain personal hygiene
6. Require the use of name tags and pins at all times
7. Use a mask when you are sick

There are times when the staff forgets to implement some of the standard operating
procedures that have been set, some of the activities that are often forgotten are:
a. Not using gloves when doing some production processes
b. Not maintaining facial hygiene (shaving the mustache or beard)
c. Not wearing a mask while working in a sick condition

Some of the things that are usually forgotten are usually some things that are often
considered trivial for some staff and the lack of awareness of how important these things
Standard Operating Procedures for Cleaning Areas and Equipment Department of
Pastry Hotel Sheraton Bali Kuta Resort

Maintaining the cleanliness of the area and equipment used in making a product is
certainly an important thing to maintain. Therefore, every staff must always maintain and
pay attention to the cleanliness of the entire kitchen area, the cleanliness of storage places
and the cleanliness of every tool that will be or has been used. This is one factor that can
maintain the quality of the products produced to avoid contamination, so indirectly this
can minimize the occurrence of complaints from guests. There are several things done by
the pastry department at the Sheraton Bali Kuta Resort Hotel in an effort to maintain the
cleanliness of each existing area.
Ensuring every area of the pastry department is clean and tidy

Every staff member must always clean their work area before making a product and
clean their area again after completing their tasks or making a product.
Returning items to their original place

Every item that has been used must be stored and returned in accordance with its
provisions and in a predetermined place. Such as cleaning each knife that has been used
and returning it to the designated place, storing a small piece of equipment that has been
used to wash dishes and storing products or materials that have been used in a neat and
closed state and then placed in a designated place.
Keeping storage clean

Implementation of Hygiene and Sanitation in the Pastry Department of Sheraton Bali Kuta
Resort Hotel

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6213

Always clean the chocolate room area 1 time every 2 weeks, the things that are done
in an effort to maintain the cleanliness of the chocolate room are, namely:
1) Replace any labels that have passed their expiration date (when the material or product

is still in good condition)
2) Washing every piece of equipment
3) Disposing of materials or products that are already in a damaged state
4) Wipe the entire chocolate room area with a wet cloth
5) Rearrange all materials and products according to the date of entry of the material or

In addition to the chocolate room area, it is important for all staff to always maintain

other storage areas, namely walk in chillers and walk in freezers by doing general cleaning
at least 1 time in 2 weeks by:
1) Removing all materials and products in them for inspection in their entirety
2) Pay attention to the expiration date of all the ingredients in it
3) Cleaning any materials and products that have passed their expiration date
4) Disposing of all materials and products that have been damaged or unfit for use
5) Cleaning all storage areas (changing to a smaller and more efficient place, replacing

the place cover using plastic wrap and ensuring that the entire storage area is clean and

6) Washing the entire area of the walk in chiller and walk in freezer (washing the entire
shelf frame)

7) Mopping the entire area and cleaning the entire area by wiping it down with a damp

8) Restore the entire skeleton that has been cleaned in a dry state
9) Rearranging all materials and products that are still in good condition

Another storage area that must always be cleaned is the dry store area where all dry
ingredients from all food and beverage departments are stored, this cleaning is carried out
every day by all departments by dividing it, namely each food and beverage department
must clean every day. So that the pastry department itself will clean the dry store 2 times
a day, namely 1 day cleaning with all pastry department teams and 1 day with all
representatives from all food and beverage teams. The things that are done to maintain
the cleanliness of dry stores are:
1) Arrange the materials that have just arrived according to the category on the specified

2) Input all materials placed into bincards that are already available on each shelf in the

dry store
3) Arrange all materials in a neat state
4) Move each egg from the paper rack into the available space
5) Sweeping the entire dry store area
6) Mopping the entire dry srore area

In addition to the walk in chiller freezer, the cleanliness of the freezer box must
always be maintained by always cleaning it 1 time every 2 weeks by:

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1) Move all the ingredients in it to another freezer box
2) Turning off the freezer box
3) Check the expiration date and quality of each ingredient
4) Removing ice stones inside
5) Washing the freezer box with clean water
6) Drying the freezer box using a dry cloth
7) Restarting the freezer box
8) Returning and rearranging ingredients into freezer boxes

Cleaning of these areas must always be carried out according to the schedule that
has been determined by all staff of the pastry department of the Sheraton Bali Kuta Resort
Pay attention to the cleanliness of the surrounding area

Always ensure that the entire area is clean and tidy by reminding the stewarding
department to do cleanliness by sweeping and mopping the entire area of the pastry
department at least 3 times a day. Namely in the morning (before carrying out all
activities), during the day (when carrying out activities) and at night (after all activities
have been completed). And always remind the steward to carry out his duties, namely by
washing all the equipment if the dishwasher is full and many tools are dirty because they
have been used.
Keeping every machine clean

It is important for all staff to always maintain and clean all machines that have
been used, both the machines used by the pastry and bakery staff.
Performing pest control

Pest control is an effort to control, reduce and eliminate pests that can be
detrimental. Pests that can usually arise in the environment such as rats, cockroaches,
mosquitoes and flies are pests that can spread diseases that are quite dangerous. Rats are
vectors of bubonic plague and leptospirosis, This disease is a zoonotic disease that can be
transmitted to humans as well as infections caused by pathogens transmitted by
arthropods such as mosquitoes, black flies, sandflies, and bed bugs as well as dengue
fever, chikungunya, human African trypanosomiasis (HAT), leishmaniasis, and malaria.
This is of course very dangerous for human health and can cause complaints from guests
if the pests are found in areas where there is food or drinks. Therefore, the Sheraton Bali
Kuta Resort Hotel always maintains and makes efforts in pest control by fogging which
sprays disinfectant ingredients that can kill pests in all restaurant areas and all kitchen
areas from taking turns every day.

All of the above activities are standard operating procedures that have been set by
the Sheraton Bali Kuta Resort Hotel which must always be carried out by all working
staff so that the cleanliness at the Sheraton Bali Kuta Resort Hotel is always maintained
so that every food served can ensure cleanliness and avoid various kinds of contamination
and minimize the staff and guests from contracting a disease.

In making a food product, of course, not only must use good and correct materials,
but the cleanliness of a work area is also of course very important to always be maintained

Implementation of Hygiene and Sanitation in the Pastry Department of Sheraton Bali Kuta
Resort Hotel

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by all individuals who do a job or manufacture products in that area. The cleanliness of
an area in the process of storing and manufacturing a product is one of the ways that can
prevent food from being contaminated with contamination, to always maintain the
cleanliness of all storage and production areas of the Sheraton Bali Kuta Resort Hotel has
determined various standard operating procedures in the implementation of cleaning each
storage area and production area which of course must be carried out by all working staff.
In his review, the cleanliness of several storage areas and production areas of the pastry
department of the Sheraton Bali Kuta Resort Hotel must not only be maintained by the
staff of the pastry department itself but all staff who have a relationship with the various
storage areas and production areas.

Some of the procedures that must be carried out by several related staff and all staff
of the pastry department in maintaining the entire storage area and production area are:
Pastry department staff
a. Perform general cleaning according to the specified time period
b. Cleaning the entire work area before and after carrying out production activities
c. Follow all SOPs in carrying out the cleaning process in all preparation areas and

production areas
d. Cleaning and putting used tools
e. Keeping the entire area clean
Staff steward
a. Always check and wash utensils that have been used in the washing area
b. Sweep and mopping the entire pastry department area at least 3 times a day
c. Provide some tools that have been requested by the staff of the pastry department to

support the activities of the pastry department
Kitchen staff
a. Cleaning up the work area in the pastry department after carrying out production

activities in the area
b. Re-cleaning used equipment and machinery
c. Return borrowed equipment or machinery in clean condition

Some of the procedures above must always be carried out by all staff who are
connected to the pastry department, both cleanliness which must be maintained by the
staff of the pastry department itself and by the staff of the steward department and all
Darpur staff when using the pastry department area to carry out the production process.
In its implementation, there are several processes that have not been carried out correctly
by some existing staff such as:
1. Lack of awareness from the staff to clean up the area and equipment that has been used

for the production process
2. Not infrequently some staff do not put some equipment back to the place that has been

3. Not doing general cleaning according to the predetermined time period
4. The accumulation of dishwashing areas is due to steward staff who are sometimes late

in doing their duties

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5. Not re-cleaning machines that have been used for the production process
It can be analyzed that the cleanliness of all storage areas and work areas of the

pastry department is not only the task of the pastry department staff itself, but to always
keep these areas clean, it must be done with cooperation for all food and beverage
departments to always maintain their cleanliness.


Based on the data and analysis obtained through direct observation and interviews
with several staff regarding the implementation of hygiene and sanitation in the pastry
department of the Sheraton Bali Kuta Resort Hotel, it can be concluded that the standard
operating procedures (SOPs) of personal hygiene have been implemented quite well,
although some procedures are often forgotten or not carried out, which can be fatal if staff
awareness is not improved. SOPs for cleaning areas and equipment are also well
implemented, but there are still shortcomings in staff awareness to maintain cleanliness
consistently, including attitudes that sometimes take the cleanliness of certain areas for
granted. In addition, lack of awareness in returning equipment to its original place often
leads to equipment loss. Overall, the staff has implemented the SOPs quite well, although
the hotel's high level of busyness often makes them forget to carry out some other tasks.

Implementation of Hygiene and Sanitation in the Pastry Department of Sheraton Bali Kuta
Resort Hotel

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