p–ISSN: 2723 – 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6139
Implementation of Madhava Creative Startup Digital Public
Relations Activities in Shaping Brand Image in Balinese
Sarah Bella Ahrens
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komunikasi London School of Public Relations, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]
Keywords: COVID-19,
public relations activities,
brand image.
COVID-19 is a virus that spreads throughout Indonesia and
creates various obstacles in today's business world. In this
study, the author discusses the implementation of public
relations activities for the creative startup Madhava in
shaping the brand image in Balinese society. The purpose of
this study was to determine the digital advertising activities
of the creative startup Madhava in shaping the brand image
in Balinese society. The theory used is the elaboration
likelihood theory. This theory is used in this study because
it deals with the ways in which people are expected to
process persuasive messages given by companies. The
elaboration likelihood theory theory is supported by digital
advertising activities, namely publicity and events to find out
digital advertising activities carried out by the management
of Madhava creative startups in shaping brand image in
Balinese society.
Due to the COVID-19 virus epidemic, which has affected every country in the
world, including Indonesia, the current economic condition is very unstable. It is
estimated that by the end of 2019, a seafood market in Wuhan, China, was the place where
the COVID-19 virus first appeared. According to COVID-19 Countermeasures (2021),
the COVID-19 virus is a respiratory system virus that can cause lung infections,
respiratory system disorders, and even death. The challenges facing leaders could become
more difficult with the widespread virus outbreak and the uncertainty that accompanies
the virus pandemic. This outbreak is characterized as a major crisis, which can be seen as
an unexpected major event that occurs at an unusual level, causing a high level of
uncertainty that leads to changes in mental states such as feelings of loss of control and
emotional disturbances (Apriani, Paramita, & Salman, 2022).
This condition makes Bali's economy very weak because the tourism sector is the
main one in Bali. Due to Bali's reliance on the tourism industry and poorly organized
"plan B" industries, including construction, agriculture and fisheries, as well as education
and health services, the island has experienced an economic slowdown as a result of the
Sarah Bella Ahrens
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6140
pandemic. According to BPS (2021), there are 532 businesses in Bali that have
temporarily stopped their operations due to the impact of Covid-19. However, there are
still several economic sectors outside of agriculture that have the potential to grow as core
industries, including waste management, social services, health, and education. People
are now worried about money as a result of this problem. The COVID-19 pandemic has
caused many people to experience a decrease in income or even a loss of income.
Considering that this pandemic has been going on for almost two years, the public is
worried if it is not clear when this pandemic will end (Mirnasari & Budyatmojo, 2023).
The property industry was one of the victims of the COVID-19 pandemic
throughout 2020. Nevertheless, this real sector can still survive, even though the property
rental rate has dropped quite significantly. Entering 2021, the country's property sector,
especially in tourism areas, such as Bali, is starting to look promising. Madhava
Enterprises is a creative company in Bali that operates several business sectors such as
property management, travel experience, creative project and multimedia. Established on
January 1, 2020 by Ida Bagus Agus Garlika, this company was created to help business
partners to advance their businesses professionally so that they can compete and run in
the long term. Property Management is a line up from Madhava Enterprises that aims to
help property owners to market their properties professionally and globally on a daily,
weekly, monthly and yearly basis.
In October 2021, the TPK of star-rated hotels in Bali reached an average of 45.62%,
an increase of 8.14 percentage points from the TPK in September 2020 which was
37.48%. Given the economic conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, entrepreneurs must
be able to build and maintain their place in various competitive environments (Kadafi,
Suharni, & Christiana, 2021). Entrepreneurs who are unable to survive in society will
eventually fall behind the competition and fail. Entrepreneurs need the right tactics and
concepts to survive in the face of rapid economic expansion and change, as well as
sustainable commercial activities. This is especially true when it comes to achieving the
desired goal of getting customers so that they can grow their company.
According to (Galloway & Swiatek, 2018) about "digital Public Relations"
reputation is the result of where we do, say and what people say about us. PR is a
discipline where reputation is maintained, through the purpose of attracting understanding
and support, then shaping public opinion and behavior. Digital Public Relations is a
variety of planned communication, both internally and externally from an organization
and all its audiences to achieve a goal with mutual understanding (Andriano, Arman,
Azhari, & Putra, 2022). If it has a bad image, it is not impossible for the company to lose
its legitimacy or public trust (Tohari & Raya, 2021).
Digital Public Relations can be considered as a liaison for a company in order to
create relationships with anyone who can benefit each other and for the growth of the
company (Susilo, 2018). Digital Public Relations occupies a crucial position in all fields
based on its function, namely establishing good ties between organizations through the
public, whether internally or externally. Digital Public Relations must be able to be
between the company and the public, digital Public Relations is a manifestation of the
Implementation of Madhava Creative Startup Digital Public Relations Activities in Shaping
Brand Image in Balinese Society
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6141
image of a company. The company's image is very important because it is related to the
public view, it can also be said that the company is about the image that is good in the
eyes of the citizens, it can definitely have trust in the eyes of the public.
The task of digital Public Relations is to convey information from an organization
or company to the public, so that the organization or company is always known to the
public. In conveying information, digital Public Relations requires supporting tools.
Information is a collection of words from text to communicate and influence a goal in an
effort to achieve a participatory response and through the media as much as possible will
facilitate and promote the process of communication with each other.
The method used in this study is a qualitative method. The main focus in qualitative
research is to understand, explain, explore, discover and clarify the situations, feelings,
perceptions, attitudes, values, beliefs, and experiences of a group of people (Kumar,
2018). The researcher chose to use this approach because the interpretive approach can
help the author to realize a general explanation of an interaction process. The author will
focus on the process and interaction that occurs in the digital Public Relations process in
improving brand image. This research will find the social meaning and reasons of the
parties involved in the delivery of information such as property management companies
in the communication stages that occur (Toronto & Remington, 2020).
The primary data in this study are the documents used in this study are the results
of business communication, and the secondary data used by the researcher is in the form
of online news collections about business communication, books and journals relevant to
this research, both used as references and comparisons, as well as to support research so
that the research is more robust. The research was carried out at Madhava Enterprises
from November 1, 2021 to March 15, 2022.
The data is analyzed using analytical techniques (Miles, Huberman, & Saldaña,
2014), which includes several stages of analysis, including data compression or data
compression, i.e. the process of selection, concentration, simplification, abstraction,
and/or transformation of data that appears in the corpus (content) of field notes, written
notes, interview transcripts, documents, and other empirical materials. Data compression
is used to filter, sort, centralize, discard, and organize data, so that the "final" conclusion
can be drawn and validated.
The second stage of data visualization is the compression and organization of
information to enable actions and conclusions. This can help you understand the situation
and take action, examine it further, or follow up on what you have learned. The third
stage of the analysis effort involves drawing conclusions and validating them. In the early
stages of data collection, qualitative analysts clarify their meaning by identifying patterns,
explanations, cause-and-effect flows, and statements. The conclusions are also tested as
a result of the analysis (data condensation), which leads to new ideas about what to put
into the matrix. Entering data requires additional data condensation. When the matrix is
completed, it can be used to make preliminary conclusions, as well as make assessments.
Sarah Bella Ahrens
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6142
Results and Discussion
Madhava Creative Pioneer is a startup that provides consulting and digital
marketing services in the long term. With easy procedures to make it work more
efficiently, Madhava Innovation Pioneer enables its customers to find the right partner
according to their needs with competent services, at an affordable price, affordable and
professional. Madhava Creative Startup collaborates with several other business partners,
such as Kutus Kutus Hospitality and Ini Vie Hospitality.
The COVID-19 pandemic conditions have created various limitations in the current
business world which make it difficult to survive. Madhava Creative Startup Company is
one of the companies that has been able to continue operating in the conditions of the
COVID-19 pandemic and has been able to continue to exist until now. From the results
of the interview, it can be explained that the digital Public Relations strategy in building
a brand image in the Madhava Creative Startup company conducts 2 out of 7 public
relations activities.
The results of the interview can be used to demonstrate public relations strategies
to develop the brand image in Madhava Creative Start-ups. Madhava uses social media
such as Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube to post her content. Social media is used to
present Madhava and its products to the general public, in addition to being used to build
a reputation because social networks are easily accessible, making it possible to access
information and social media posts more quickly. The existence of social media is
necessary to create a network that allows information to be disseminated more quickly.
Madhava also uses social media to show various activities carried out by Madhava.
The event was carried out by Madhava through seminars with several campuses
that have collaborated with this company. The seminar was conducted by providing
knowledge related to marketing and business today. The campus has a time with intellect
and exerts a huge influence on society. The public will trust the company more by
collaborating and collaborating with leading campuses. This is so that the brand image of
the Madhava Creative Startup company can also be known by young people with the aim
that they can inform their families and brand relationships.
Community relations are built by providing social services and making donations
to orphanages and other social institutions. In addition, the company also provides free
rice to residents around its area. Corporate responsibility is not only limited to the
company's financial performance, but also includes the social challenges posed by the
company's operational activities. With these efforts, the company hopes to be seen as
more than just a profit-oriented company that cares about society.
Environmental conservation is also carried out by Madhava, activities are usually
carried out by cleaning sugai and planting trees. This activity will also create a positive
view of the company. Madhava's digital Public Relations strategy has the main goal of
being successful in achieving the target for property in Bali and wants to move nationally
with expansion to other cities, as well as measuring how high the company's creativity is
so that it can increase profits from year to year and improve the brand into the future.
Implementation of Madhava Creative Startup Digital Public Relations Activities in Shaping
Brand Image in Balinese Society
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From the digital Public Relations activities carried out by the Madhava Creative
Startup company, the company managed to create a good brand image in the community
and business partners that can be seen from personality indicators and reputation of
common characteristics understood by the target audience, such as trust and social
responsibility. Judging from consumer reviews about the company's performance, most
of them expressed satisfaction with the service provided. Judging from the collaborators,
Madhava Creative Startups are able to work together professionally and transparently.
This shows that Madhava Creative Startup has an image as one of the property
management companies that is able to produce quality products and is able to work
Company values or company culture, e.g. management attitude that cares about
customers, staff who quickly respond to customer questions or complaints. In addition,
the Balinese people stated that the Madhava Creative Startup company is considered not
only to make profits but also to care about others and the surrounding environment. In
addition, the community also considers the company to operate with faith in God. This
condition provides various advantages for the company in carrying out operations
considering that most Balinese people have faith in God. The Balinese people declare the
Madhava Creative Startup company as one of the travel agent companies with friendly
performance and has a responsive performance which can be seen from the quick
resolution of consumer complaints and the existence of an office that can be used as a
place to solve problems and complaints.
Madhava Creative Startup Company conducts digital Public Relations activities by
conducting publications and events. Publication is carried out using media that will affect
the public's views. The use of social media can help companies in introducing the
company's products and activities to the wider community which can provide various
benefits to Madhava Creative Startups. One of the benefits obtained by using social media
is being able to reach a wider market. Madhava Creative Startup uses various social media
such as Instagram, facebook and youtube. The event was carried out by the company with
various activities, namely seminars on campuses, social services and environmental
conservation. The seminar was conducted with the aim of introducing Madhava Creative
Startups to the younger generation to gain colleagues and find quality human resources
who are able to be part of the Madhava Creative Startups. The company conducts social
service by visiting orphanages around the office to be able to ease the burden and
operational costs and meet the needs of the children in the orphanage. In addition, this
activity also provides a positive view from the community to Madhava Creative Pioneer
as one of the companies that not only cares about profits but also cares about the
surrounding community. Environmental conservation is carried out in collaboration with
environmental observers to protect the environment and can provide various benefits to
the community.
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Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6144
The image of Madhava Creative Startups can be built well by the company as seen
from the positive reviews given by the company's product users and colleagues who
assess that Madhava Creative Startups are able to collaborate professionally and
transparently. Madhava Creative Startup is seen as one of the companies that is able to
work professionally and not only care about profits but also can pay attention to the
community and the surrounding environment. In addition, the Balinese people also
consider Madhava Creative Startups to be not only profit-oriented but also to hold trust
in God and care about the surrounding environment. Madhava Creative Startup Company
is also considered a travel agent with a friendly performance and is able to solve problems
and consumer complaints quickly and responsively. This condition shows that Madhava
Creative Pioneers have a positive assessment from the community.
Implementation of Madhava Creative Startup Digital Public Relations Activities in Shaping
Brand Image in Balinese Society
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