p–ISSN: 2723 – 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6122

Potential Analysis and Evaluation of Drinking Water Supply
Based on Independent Smart Drinking Water Platforms in

Depok City

Sudirman1*, Heri Suprapto2

Universitas Gunadarma, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]*, hsuprapto.staffgunadarma.ac.id2


drinking water needs;
independent smart
drinking water platform.

Tirta Asasta Depok has made the Independent Smart
Drinking Water Platform which is prepared as a special
program that is placed in public places. Currently, there are
3 (Three) Independent Smart Drinking Water Platforms
installed throughout the Depok City area. The Mandiri Smart
Drinking Water Platform aims to be a facility that can be
enjoyed by customers in particular and the general public so
that they can enjoy the processed water of the Mandiri Smart
Drinking Water Platform. The installation of this machine is
a form of effort by PT. Tirta Asasta Depok (Perseroda) in
order to encourage the people of Depok City to be able to
reduce bottled water consumption so that they can reduce the
contribution of waste in the Depok City environment. People
can use tumblers to buy drinking water, so that plastic bottle
packaging waste can be minimized. Therefore, it is
necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of the
Mandiri Smart Drinking Water Platform that has been
installed and the potential for the installation of the Mandiri
Smart Drinking Water Platform program in the future so that
it becomes a consideration for the installation of the Mandiri
Smart Drinking Water Platform which will be planned next.
The results of the evaluation of the use of this machine still
need control and regulation as well as official levies. The
installation of this machine has a lot of water consumption
opportunities in schools. Based on the weighting assessment
that has been calculated, there are 9 (nine) agencies and
schools that can be recommended (with a total value of >
15.00 points).


The Depok City Government continues to strive to overcome waste problems,
starting from making regulations regarding arbitrary waste disposal that is subject to
sanctions/criminals, banning the use of plastic bags in minimarkets, appealing to the
community to sort waste, to plans to build waste processing facilities with

Potential Analysis and Evaluation of Drinking Water Supply Based on Independent Smart
Drinking Water Platforms in Depok City

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6123

environmentally friendly technology (Ilfan, Laura, & Kurniadi, 2023). However, efforts
to overcome this waste problem can not only be carried out by the Depok City
Government, but it also requires the involvement of all elements of the community, both
community and other stakeholders in Depok City (Ilfan et al., 2023).

Depok City is a metropolitan city with an area of 199,906 km2 and a population
density of 2.21 million people (DDA Depok City, Year 2023), inseparable from the issue
of waste problems that are increasingly large and piling up. Head of the Depok City
Sanitation Environment Agency (DLHK) Abdul Rahman said that every day around 900
to 1,000 tons of waste are sent to the Cipayung Landfill (www.kompas.com July 19,
2023), and around 50 tons are plastic waste that is difficult to decompose (Hanifa,
Adityosulindro, & Wahyuningsih, 2021).

The Depok City Government continues to strive to overcome waste problems,
starting from making regulations regarding arbitrary waste disposal that is subject to
sanctions/criminals, banning the use of plastic bags in minimarkets, appealing to the
community to sort waste, to plans to build waste processing facilities with
environmentally friendly technology (Nofiyanti, Salman, Nurjanah, Mellyanawaty, &
Nurfadhillah, 2020). However, efforts to overcome this waste problem can not only be
carried out by the Depok City Government, but it also requires the involvement of all
elements of the community, both community and other stakeholders in Depok City
(Kusharsanto, Maninggar, Maulidya, & Muzaki, 2021).

PT. Tirta Asasta Depok (Perseroda) is a company owned by the Depok City
Government engaged in water treatment which has a vision to become a company that
provides excellent service and environmental insight, as well as a mission to increase the
company's active role in environmental conservation, making various efforts to be able
to take part in maintaining and preserving the environment in Depok City in particular
(nisa Nisa, 2021). PT. Tirta Asasta Depok (Perseroda) has built a Water Storage Service
with the Asasta+ brand in the form of a refillable drinking water outlet that can be reached
by customers and the people of Depok City to be able to access quality refillable water
(nisa Nisa, 2021).

PT. Tirta Asasta Depok in 2022, has created an Independent Smart Drinking Water
Platform which is prepared as a special program that is placed in public places. Currently,
there are 3 (Three) Independent Smart Drinking Water Platforms installed throughout the
Depok City area. The Mandiri Smart Drinking Water Platform aims to be a facility that
can be enjoyed by customers in particular and the general public so that they can enjoy
the processed water of the Mandiri Smart Drinking Water Platform. The installation of
this machine is a form of effort by PT. Tirta Asasta Depok (Perseroda) in order to
encourage the people of Depok City to be able to reduce bottled water consumption so
that they can reduce the contribution of waste in the Depok City environment. People can
use tumblers to buy drinking water, so that plastic bottle packaging waste can be

The Independent Smart Drinking Water Platform currently has 3 (Three) new
procurements placed at 3 points of government agencies, namely the Bojongsari District

Sudirman, Heri Suprapto

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6124

Office, the Sawangan District Office, and the Sukmajaya District Office. The placement
of the Mandiri Smart Drinking Water Platform is expected to be accessible to the people
of Depok City so that they can consume drinking water through the Mandiri Smart
Drinking Water Platform when visiting the sub-district offices. However, after one month
of installation of the Mandiri Smart Drinking Water Platform, based on water usage
reports, the Mandiri Smart Drinking Water Platform has not been used effectively by the
three sub-districts because the water consumption value is still zero. Therefore, it is
necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of the Mandiri Smart Drinking Water
Platform that has been installed and the potential for the installation of the Mandiri Smart
Drinking Water Platform program in the future so that it becomes a consideration for the
installation of the Mandiri Smart Drinking Water Platform which will be planned next.


The methodology used in this study is a qualitative method. Qualitative research
methods are research methods used to research on natural object conditions, where the
researcher is the key instrument, data collection techniques are carried out in
triangulation, data analysis is inductive, and qualitative research results emphasize more
on meaning than generalization (Sugiyono, 2016). The data collection techniques carried
out in this study are as follows:

Figure 1

Research Writing Flow Chart




Data Analysis


Data Collection

Potential Analysis and Evaluation of Drinking Water Supply Based on Independent Smart
Drinking Water Platforms in Depok City

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6125

Results and Discussion
Data from the Interview Results of the School Potential Survey in Depok City

The results of the evaluation carried out by interviewing the sub-districts that have
been installed with the Mandiri Air Smart Drinking Water Platform, the author tried to
conduct interviews to several schools that the author considered to be potential to be given
the Mandiri Air Smart Drinking Water Platform (Robbie, Roziqin, Deniar, Praharjo, &
Roz, 2023). The reason for the author's suspicion that the school has the potential to be
installed with the Mandiri Air Smart Drinking Water Platform is because the school is a
public place with many students but the access is closed so that only the internal school
can access water from the Mandiri Air Smart Drinking Platform. Long class hours make
students stay at school longer so that the fulfillment of drinking water needs while at
school will also be many. In addition, several schools in Depok City have implemented a
policy to encourage students to bring tumblr from home as an effort to reduce plastic
waste generated from the school environment (Dirgatama, Permansah, & Rusmana,

In order to strengthen the suspicion of this potential, the author conducted
interviews about water needs, water use culture, and the willingness of schools to accept
the Mandiri Air Smart Drinking Platform program. The following is a table of interview
data obtained by the author from interviewing a sample of 16 (Sixteen) Schools in Depok
City in Table 2.

Table 2
School Interview Results Data

No Nama Instansi




an Air







1 SD Negeri Beji 5 40 2 27000 25 375
2 SD Negeri Mekar Jaya 10 25 3 2650 25 345

Sekolah Islam Fitrah Al

Fikri 250 50 50000 140 700

SD Nasional Plus Tunas

Iblam 120 2 55000 60 245

No Nama Instansi




an Air







5 SD Negeri Depok 1 52 2 10000 46 715
6 SMP NEGERI 3 Depok 60 2 32000 68 1313
7 SMP NEGERI 32 Depok 40 2 5500 38 588
8 SMPIT Ummul Quro 400 4 40000 180 345
9 SMP Negeri 2 Depok 40 2 32000 66 1325

10 SMP Citra Negara 96 2 32000 40 488
11 SMAS Yaspen Tugu Ibu 64 5 10000 55 900
12 SMA Negeri 1 Depok 80 20 84000 80 1500
13 SMA Negeri 3 Depok 16 2 84000 90 1300
14 SMA Negeri 2 Depok 70 9 85000 80 1500
15 SMA Negeri 15 Depok 30 1 5000 32 467
16 SMAIT Nurul Fikri 38 2 60000 25 375

Sudirman, Heri Suprapto

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6126

Number of Gallon and Bottled Water Needs Per Month
From the data from the school interview results in table 3.2, it can be concluded that

the maximum number of gallons of water needed per month is at SMPIT Ummu'l Quro
as much as 400 gallons. Followed by the Fitrah Al Fikri Islamic School with a need for
250 gallons of water per month. The school with the smallest consumption of gallons of
water per month is SMA Negeri 3 Depok, but this amount is only the number of gallons
to meet teachers and employees, while each class has a gallon filling dispenser
coordinated by each homeroom teacher so it is uncertain how much is consumed each
month. Some schools have policies to facilitate drinking water dispensers for each school,
but generally the purchase of gallons of water is not accommodated by the school,
coordinated by each student in the class. The following is a data chart of the number of
gallon water needs per month for all schools:

Figure 1

Number of School Gallon Water Needs Per Month

The largest number of bottled water needs per month is Fitra Al Fikri Islamic

School with a total of 50 Packs. This number is a calculation of the needs of two levels
of schools (elementary and junior high school) and also the foundation. The next highest
number of bottled water needs is at SMA Negeri 1 Depok, where the number of 20 Packs
per month is the average number of all needs, both for guests, meetings, parent meetings,
and school events/activities. The following is a data diagram of the number of bottled
water needs per month for all schools which can be seen in Figure 2.

Potential Analysis and Evaluation of Drinking Water Supply Based on Independent Smart
Drinking Water Platforms in Depok City

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6127

Figure 2

Number of School Bottled Water Needs Per Month

Installed Electrical Power Capacity
In addition to identifying the amount of water needed, both gallons and packaging,

the author also asked about the electricity capacity installed in the schools visited. This
is intended to see the ability of the installed electricity capacity if there is an increase in
the amount of electricity consumption required for the installation of the Mandiri Air
Smart Drinking Water Platform from the Company (Lady Aqnes Kurniawati,
Muhammad Ilham Aldika Akbar, Budi Utomo, & Aditiawarman, 2021) .

From the data from school interviews in table 4.3, it can be seen that the electrical
power capacity installed in 16 school locations has an average capacity of tens of
thousands. The highest installed electrical power capacity is at SMA Negeri 2 Depok,
SMA Negeri 1 Depok, and SMA Negeri 3 Depok with a capacity of more than 80,000
Watts. As for SD Negeri Mekarjaya 10, SMP Negeri 32 Depok, and SMA Negeri 15
Depok do not have a capacity of more than 10,000 so it is necessary to reconfirm
whether it can accommodate the installation of the Mandiri Air Smart Drinking Water
Platform or not. However, according to information from the party we interviewed, the
school building of SMP Negeri 32 Jakarta will be renovated and there is a possibility of
increasing its electrical power capacity. As for SMA Negeri 15 Jakarta which is a newly
established school, the building currently used is a rented building so it does not have
the authority to increase electrical power.

Figure 3

Installed Electrical Power Capacity in Schools

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Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6128

Number of Students and Employees

In addition to the use of water needs, the author also analyzed the number of
students in each school. This is intended to see how much the estimated daily drinking
water needs in the school are based on the number of students and the number of
employees (teachers, TU employees, security guards and OB) in the school which is
the potential amount of water use at the Air ATM. If each student and employee is
assumed to need at least 1 liter of water per day while at school, then the number of
daily needs at school is multiplied by the number of students and employees.

Based on table 4.3 data, the highest number of students is in SMA Negeri 1 Depok
and SMA Negeri 2 Depok, which is around 1,500 students, followed by SMP Negeri 2
Depok and SMP Negeri 3 Depok, and SMA Negeri 3 Depok which reaches 1,300
students. While the least number of students is SD Nasional Plus Tunas Iblam with a
number of less than 300 students. The following is a comparison chart of the number
of students from each school which can be seen in Figure 4 and Figure 5.

Figure 4
Number of School Students

Figure 5

Total School Staff

If we simulate by taking one of the schools with the largest number of students and
employees combined with the largest number of students and employees is SMA Negeri
1 Depok and SMA Negeri 2 Depok with the number of students and employees around

Potential Analysis and Evaluation of Drinking Water Supply Based on Independent Smart
Drinking Water Platforms in Depok City

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6129

1,580 people, then in a day the two schools consume drinking water as much as 1,580
liters or equivalent to 1.58 m3/day to meet the needs of body fluids.
Data from Interview Results of Survey of Potential Health Centers in Depok City

In addition to interviewing schools as a place that is considered one of the potential
locations for the Mandiri Air Smart Drinking Water Platform program, the author tries to
see the potential in the Puskesmas. The reason for the suspicion that the Puskesmas is a
potential location is because the Puskesmas has visitors both who will seek treatment and
accompany them, sometimes have a good and necessary time that has limited access only
for patients and companions who will check their health. As for those who visit for health
checkups, sometimes wait some time so they need to meet the needs of body fluids while
in the Puskesmas environment. To strengthen the suspicion of this potential, the author
conducted an interview about water needs, water use culture, and the willingness of the
health center to accept the provision of this Mandiri Air Smart Drinking Water Platform

Figure 6
Number of Puskesmas Gallon Water Needs Per Month

The largest number of bottled water needs per month is the Sukmajaya Health

Center with a total of 10 Packs. This number is the average number of all needs, both
for the needs of guests and other agendas/meetings. The following is a data chart of the
number of bottled water needs per month for all health centers which can be seen in
Figure 7.

Figure 7
Number of Puskesmas Bottled Water Needs Per Month

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Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6130

Installed Electrical Power Capacity
Similar to at school, the author also asked about the electricity capacity installed in

the health center visited. This is intended to see the ability of the installed electricity
capacity if there is an increase in the amount of electricity consumption required for the
installation of the Independent Smart Drinking Water Platform from the Company.

From the data from the interview results of the health center in table 4.4, it can be
seen that the electrical power capacity installed in 5 health center locations has an average
capacity of tens of thousands. The highest installed electrical power capacity is at the
Sukmajaya Health Center with an installed capacity of 75,000 Watts and the lowest
electrical power capacity is the Pasir Gunung Selatan Health Center with 23,000 Watts.
Economic Aspects

In terms of economic aspects, a comparison of the number of gallon and bottled
water needs in each school and health center that is a sample of the study can be seen. In
addition, the amount of electrical power installed in each school is also one of the
considerations whether the electrical power in schools and health centers is able to
accommodate the installation of Independent Smart Drinking Water Platforms or not.
Gallon and Bottled Water Needs in Schools

From the data of each school presented in Table 4.3, it can be concluded that the
number of percentage of gallon needs per month in schools can be seen in Table 3 and
Figure 4.

Table 3
Percentage of Total Gallon Water Needs per Month in Schools

Figure 8

Percentage of Gallon Water Needs in Schools Per Month

From the data of each school presented in Table 4.3, it can be concluded that the


Number of Gallon
Water Needs



1 1 - 30 Gallons 2 13%
2 31 - 60 Gallons 7 44%
3 61 - 90 Gallons 4 25%
4 91 - 120 Gallons 1 6%
5 > 120 Gallons 2 13%

Potential Analysis and Evaluation of Drinking Water Supply Based on Independent Smart
Drinking Water Platforms in Depok City

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6131

percentage of bottled water needs per month in schools can be seen in Table 4 and Figure

Table 5

Percentage of Number of Needs
Bottled Water per Month in Schools

Figure 9

Percentage of Total Water Needs

Packaging in Schools Per Month

From the table and diagram above, it can be seen that on average the highest number
of gallon needs in schools is in the range of 31 – 60 Gallons as much as 44% or 7 (seven)
schools and the average number of the most packaging needs is in the range of 1 – 5
Packs as much as 82% or 13 (thirteen) schools.

If on average the highest number of gallon water needs is in the range of 31 – 60
gallons, the amount of costs incurred to meet the average gallon water needs ranges from
Rp. 600,000,- to Rp. 1,200,000,- assuming the price of a refillable gallon unit of Rp.
20,000,-. Meanwhile, the average amount of bottled water needs is in the range of 1-5
Packs, assuming that the amount of costs incurred to meet the average bottled water needs
ranges from Rp. 30,000 to Rp. 150,000 when assuming the unit price of bottled water is
Rp. 30,000,-.
Gallon and Bottled Water Needs at Health Centers

From the data of each school presented in Table 4.4, it can be concluded that the
percentage of the number of gallons needed per month at the Puskesmas can be seen in
Table 6 and Figure 7.

Table 6

Percentage of Gallon Water Needs per Month at Puskesmas


Number of Bottled
Water Needs



1 1 - 5 Packs 13 81%
2 6 - 10 Packs 1 6%
3 11 - 15 Packs 0 0%
4 16 - 20 Packs 1 6%
5 > 20 Packs 1 6%


Number of Gallon
Water Needs



Sudirman, Heri Suprapto

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6132

Figure 10

Percentage of Gallon Water Needs in Schools Per Month

From the data of each school presented in Table 4.3, it can be concluded that the
number of percentage of bottled water needs per month in schools can be seen in Table 7
and Figure 11.

Table 7
Percentage of Number of Needs

Bottled Water per Month in Schools

Figure 11 Percentage of Total Water Needs

Packaging in Schools Per Month

From the table and diagram above, it can be seen that on average the highest number

1 1 - 30 Gallons 2 40%
2 31 - 60 Gallons 2 40%
3 61 - 90 Gallons 1 20%
4 91 - 120 Gallons 0 0%
5 > 120 Gallons 0 0%


Number of Bottled
Water Needs



1 1 - 5 Packs 13 81%
2 6 - 10 Packs 1 6%
3 11 - 15 Packs 0 0%
4 16 - 20 Packs 1 6%
5 > 20 Packs 1 6%

Potential Analysis and Evaluation of Drinking Water Supply Based on Independent Smart
Drinking Water Platforms in Depok City

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6133

of gallon needs in schools is in the range of 31 – 60 Gallons as much as 44% or 7 (seven)
schools and the average number of the most packaging needs is in the range of 1 – 5
Packs as much as 82% or 13 (thirteen) schools.

If on average the highest number of gallon water needs is in the range of 31 – 60
gallons, the amount of costs incurred to meet the average gallon water needs ranges from
Rp. 600,000,- to Rp. 1,200,000,- assuming the price of a refillable gallon unit of Rp.
20,000,-. Meanwhile, the average amount of bottled water needs is in the range of 1 – 5
Packs, assuming that the amount of costs incurred to meet the average bottled water needs
ranges from Rp. 30,000 to Rp. 150,000 when assuming the price of a unit of bottled water
is Rp. 30,000,-.
Service and Social Environmental Aspects

In terms of service and social environment, it can be seen from the number of
employee needs and the number of students/visitors in each school and health center that
is a study sample. In addition, the interest to receive services for the Independent Smart
Drinking Water Platform program. This should also be considered assuming that the
agency that is interested in pairing is willing to maintain, maintain, and maximize the use
of this Independent Smart Drinking Water Platform.
Percentage of Puskesmas Visitors

From the data of each health center presented in table 8, it can be concluded that
the number of employees in the school can be seen in Table 8 and Figure 12.

Table 8
Percentage of Visitors

Figure 12

Percentage of Visitors

From the table and diagram mentioned above, it can be seen that on average the

No. Number of Visitors Sum Percentage
1 1 - 300 people 5 100%
2 301 - 600 people 0 0%
3 601 - 900 People 0 0%
4 901 - 1200 people 0 0%
5 >1200 people 0 0%

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Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6134

highest number of students in schools is in the range of 301 – 600 people as many as 38%
or 6 (six) schools, while the average number of visitors to the puskesmas is in the range
of 1 – 300 people as much as 100% or 5 (five) puskesmas.

In addition to the number of employees and the number of students/visitors in
school institutions and health centers, there are several things that are considered from
the service and social aspects of the environment, such as socialization and the
willingness of the PT. Tirta Asasta Depok (Perseroda) at the location of the related
school/health center. Some schools, especially private schools, state that it is necessary
to socialize to parents or school committees first, because this is related to the quality of
water that will be drunk by children to prevent the risk of mistakes by the school if
unwanted things happen due to water consumption by students. In addition, several
schools asked for a guarantee of drinking water quality from the Independent Smart
Drinking Water Platform.

One of the main points that needs to be considered in the service aspect is the
availability of networks at the location of schools and health centers that are targeted for
the installation of the Independent Smart Drinking Water Platform. This is to facilitate
the installation of the Independent Smart Drinking Water Platform if the agency already
has a pipeline network. For agencies that have subscribed, of course they will know how
the water quality of PT. Tirta Asasta Depok (Perseroda) so that they can further determine
whether to maximize the use of the company's water filtration machine or not.
Cultural and Legal Aspects

There are several other considerations related to the potential installation of the
Independent Smart Drinking Water Platform, including policies and the implementation
of environmental culture in related agencies. The Depok City Government encourages
agencies in Depok City to implement the Mayor's Circular Srat on waste reduction by
providing facilities in the form of Independent Smart Drinking Water Platforms. Most of
the schools and health centers visited have followed the direction to implement the
reduction of plastic waste from bottled drinking water by providing dispensers in office
spaces for internal employees, but all related agencies still provide bottled water for
guests who attend.
Formulation of Agency and School Potential Assessment

After analyzing the data obtained from the interview results, the author also
formulated the weighting of the assessment to get the priority of the schools with the most
potential as agencies and schools that will be paired with the Independent Smart Drinking
Water Platform using four assessment aspects (Economic Aspects, Service and Social
Aspects, Cultural, Environmental, and Legal Aspects, and Risk Aspects).

Potential Analysis and Evaluation of Drinking Water Supply Based on Independent Smart
Drinking Water Platforms in Depok City

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6135

Table 9
Assessment Weighting

Based on the weighting assessment that has been calculated, there are 9 (nine)
agencies and schools that can be recommended (with a total value of > 15.00 points). The
following is a list of weighting assessments of the potential for water installation in school
institutions and health centers based on data from each aspect and information on the
existence of piping networks and subscription status contained in Table 10.

No. Aspek Penilaian Keterangan Scoring Bobot


Aspek Ekonomi

Kebutuhan Air Galon

1 - 30 Galon 1


31 - 60 Galon 2
61 - 90 Galon 3

91 - 120 Galon 4
> 120 Galon 5

Kebutuhan Air Kemasan

1 - 5 Packs 1


6 - 10 Packs 2
11 - 15 Packs 3
16 - 20 Packs 4

> 20 Packs 5

Daya Listrik

< 10.000 Watt 1,25


10.000 - 30.000 Watt 2,5
30.001 - 60.000 Watt

> 60.000 Watt 5


Aspek Pelayanan dan Sosial

Jumlah Siswa/Pengunjung

1 - 300 orang 1
Jumlah Siswa/Pengunjung 301 - 600 orang 2

601 - 900 Orang 3 20%
901 - 1200 orang 4
>1200 Orang 5
1 - 30 Orang 1
31 - 60 Orang 2
Jumlah Pegawai 61 - 90 orang 3 40%
91 - 120 orang 4
> 120 orang

Terdapat Jaringan PT. TAD Ya 5

No. Aspek Penilaian Keterangan Scoring Bobot
Tidak 2,5 25%

Ya 5 15%
Berlangganan PT. TAD Tidak 2,5
3 Aspek Budaya, Lingkungan, dan Hukum
Kebijakan/Aturan Membawa

Wadah Isi ulang

Ya 5

Tidak 2,5

Fasilitas Pendukung Kebijakan Ya 5

Tidak 2,5

Analisis Risiko
Ya 5

Keberminatan Tidak 0 100%

Sudirman, Heri Suprapto

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6136

Table 10
List of Weighting Assessment of Potential Water Installation in School Institutions and

Health Centers

Name of





al and








SD Negeri
Beji 5 1,70 2,18 5,00 5,00 13,88


SD Negeri
Mekar Jaya
10 1,00 2,80 2,50 5,00 11,30


Fitrah Al
Fikri Islamic
School 4,75 3,60 3,75 5,00 17,10

x x


SD Nasional
Plus Tunas
Iblam 3,15 2,63 3,75 5,00 14,53

SD Negeri
Depok 1 1,70 3,03 3,75 5,00 13,48


Depok 1,95 4,20 5,00 5,00 16,15

√ √


Depok 1,40 3,20 5,00 5,00 14,60


Quro 3,15 3,40 5,00 5,00 16,55

x x

SMP Negeri
2 Depok 1,95 4,03 5,00 5,00 15,98

√ x


Citra Negara
Junior High
School 2,75 2,83 5,00 5,00 15,58

√ x


Tugu Ibu 2,10 3,23 2,50 0,00 7,83

SMA Negeri
1 Depok 3,80 4,20 5,00 5,00 18,00

√ √

SMA Negeri
3 Depok 1,80 4,60 5,00 5,00 16,40

√ √

SMA Negeri
2 Depok 3,00 3,83 3,75 5,00 15,58

√ x

SMA Negeri
15 Depok 1,05 2,83 3,75 5,00 12,63

Nurul Fikri 1,95 2,80 5,00 5,00 14,75

Potential Analysis and Evaluation of Drinking Water Supply Based on Independent Smart
Drinking Water Platforms in Depok City

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6137


The results of the evaluation of the use of the Independent Smart Drinking Water
Platform in 3 (Three) sub-districts, namely the Bojongsari District Office, the Sawangan
District Office, and the Sukmajaya District Office, namely:
a. It is necessary to have periodic control and maintenance by the provider/company

regarding the condition of the Mandiri Smart Drinking Water Platform machine and
periodic water quality inspection/testing in the laboratory as well as reporting water
quality results to the agency so that it becomes evidence of water quality assurance

b. The sub-district stated that there needs to be a regulation related to the scope of use of
the Independent Smart Drinking Water Platform as well as the official levy that will
be imposed by the three sub-districts and the socialization of the three sub-districts for
the service of the Independent Smart Drinking Water Platform so that it becomes the
basis for budgeting.

c. The installation of Independent Smart Drinking Water Platforms in school institutions
has more opportunities for water consumption because of the greater number of
employees and students and the long teaching and learning time in schools will provide
opportunities for water consumption in more frequency and volume.

d. Based on the weighting assessment that has been calculated, there are 9 (nine) agencies
and schools that can be recommended (with a total value of > 15.00 points).


Center 1,55 2,63 2,50 2,50 9,18

Beji Health
Center 2,60 3,40 3,75 2,50 12,25


Center 1,30 2,23 2,50 5,00 11,03


Center 1,95 3,60 3,75 5,00 14,30


Center 3,00 3,60 3,75 5,00 15,35

√ √

Sudirman, Heri Suprapto

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