pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 6091
Potential of Kirinyuh Leaf Extract (Chromolaena odorata L.)
in the Control of Ajeran Weed (Biden pilosa L.) and Belulang
Grass Weed (Eleusine indica L.)
Darul Zumani
, Titi Ayu Wijayanti
Universitas Siliwangi, Indonesia
Keywords: extract,
kirinyuh leaves,
Kirinyuh (Chromolaena odorata L.) contains tannins,
steroids, phenols, and other compounds that can inhibit the
growth of other plants around it, so it can be used as a
vegetable herbicide. This study aims to determine the
concentration of kirinyuh leaf extract that is effective in
controlling ajeran weed (Bidens pilosa L.) and belling grass
weed (Eleusine indica L..) The research was conducted in
the experimental garden of the Faculty of Agriculture,
Siliwangi University. This study used a randomized group
design (RAK) with 5 replications. The treatment consisted
of 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% concentration of kirinyuh
leaf extract. The results showed that the treatment of
kirinyuh leaf extract concentration was effective in
suppressing the growth of lean weed (Bidens pilosa L.) and
belling grass weed (Eleusine indica L.).
Plants are considered weeds if they grow in places where their presence is not
desired by humans and are consumptive to growing, competitive, and invasive factors.
Weeds exist because of the presence of weed seeds that become seeds in the soil, when
the situation is by the nature of weed growth, then the dormant weed seeds will grow on
their own.
(Definiati, Sahputra, & Setyowati, 2023) Stated that weeds can reduce crop yields
indirectly because they act as substitute hosts for insect pests, nematodes, and pathogens
that cause plant diseases including bacteria, fungi, and viruses. The detrimental effect of
weeds on cultivated plants can also occur directly through allelopathy and competition
for limited water, nutrients, and light. According to (Muhammd, Ashiq, Gaffar, Sattar, &
Arshad, 2012), the existence of weeds is not only detrimental in terms of productivity,
but the worst impact is that plants die because weeds have chemical compounds called
Ajeran weed (Bidens pilosa L.) and belling grass weed (Eleusine indica L.) are
weeds that are often found in cultivated crops, these weeds usually grow among bushes,
plantation areas, roadsides, or vacant land that are not maintained (Rodino, Butu, Fidler,
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Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 6092
Marin, & Butu, 2017), therefore they are often the dominant weeds that are difficult to
Various ways of weed control have been carried out, including weed control using
synthetic herbicides. The use of synthetic herbicides is carried out because it can inhibit
growth and kill weeds quickly, in addition, synthetic herbicides are more practical to use.
According to (Soltys, Krasuska, Bogatek, & Gniazdowska, 2013) The use of synthetic
herbicides is not appropriate in the long term, such as the type of synthetic herbicide that
is not suitable for the type of weed, the application time that is not by the growth phase
of weeds, and the weather, causes the accumulation of active compounds in the soil and
can cause weed resistance, therefore it is felt necessary to find alternative materials as a
substitute for synthetic herbicides.
Weed control can be done in an environmentally friendly manner to produce safer
agricultural products, namely by using plant-based herbicides. Junaedi, Chozin, and Ho
Kim (2006) proposed that one of the secondary metabolites that can be used as a plant-
based herbicide is an allelopathic compound. Alelopathic compounds are secondary
metabolite compounds that directly or indirectly affect one plant to another, including
microorganisms either positive or stimulating, or negative or inhibiting growth. (Rodino
et al., 2017) Also explained that plants contain many chemical compounds of secondary
metabolites, these compounds are used by plants as a defense tool from the attack of
disruptive organisms. The content of these compounds has the potential to be used as a
substitute for synthetic herbicides.
One of the plants that has the potential to be used as a plant-based herbicide is
kirinyuh (Chromolaena odorata L.). The plant is a very fast-growing weed because each
individual can produce a large number of seeds. The Department of Natural Resources,
Mines and Water (2006) reported that one adult Kirinyuh plant can produce 80 thousand
seeds per season. These weed seeds are easily spread to other areas through the
intermediary of humans, animals, and wind. In addition to its rapid growth, kirinyuh
causes reduced grazing capacity, and poisoning, and can cause fire hazards in the dry
(Vaisakh & Pandey, 2012) Stated that kirinyuh is a plant that contains tannins,
steroids, phenols, and other compounds that are suspected to be used as vegetable
herbicides. In addition, it contains flavonoids 4', 5-dihydroxy-3,7-dimethoxy flavones.
Flavonoid content is found in all parts of plants, namely in roots, stems, and leaves (Che
Man, 2010). Furthermore, according to (Akinmoladun, Ibukun, Afor, Obuotor, &
Farombi, 2007) Kirinyuh can produce several alkaloid compounds, saponins, tannins,
coumarinic acid, anthracquinone, terpenoids, flavonoids, flavonoids, p-hydroxy
benzoate, and cardiocide glucosides and compounds these compounds have the
potential to inhibit plant growth. According to Gultom, Sulistiarini, and Sakinah (2020)
based on the results of chromatographic fraction screening, the compounds contained in
young leaves of Kirinyuh are dominated by flavonoid compounds, while in old leaves
there are 3 compounds, namely flavonoids, steroids, and phenols. The difference in the
number of bioactive compounds in young and old leaves is because old leaves have a
Potential of Kirinyuh Leaf Extract (Chromolaena odorata L) in Controlling Ajeran Weed
(Bidens Pilosa L) and Eleusine Indica L
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 6093
greater ability to synthesize bioactive compounds. Phenolic compounds and terpenoids
are the two main groups of compounds involved in allelopathy. Phenolic compounds are
synthesized by plants through the shikimate pathway, while terpenoids are synthesized
by the mevalonic acid pathway. Phenolic is a chemical compound composed of hydroxyl
(-OH) that is directly bound to an aromatic hydrocarbon ring. Phenolic compounds that
are classified as allelopathic are derivatives of cinnamic acid, benzoic acid, kumaranic
acid, tannins, complex polyphenols, and certain flavonoids. Each of these compound
derivatives shows a similar mechanism of action in inhibiting target growth
(Ziadaturrif’ah, Darmanti, & Budihastuti, 2019).
Several experiments have been carried out that show the potential of kirinyuh as a
plant-based herbicide. (Kadapi et al., 2021) Based on the results of their research on the
germination and growth response of jawan grass weed (Echinochloa crussgalli) with the
administration of kirinyuh extract stated that kirinyuh leaf and root extracts with a
concentration of 200 g/L, can inhibit the time and percentage of germination, as well as
inhibit the growth of the height and length of jawan grassroots, while at a concentration
of 100 g/L from kirinyuh leaf extract causes the percentage of death of jawan grass tall.
Muzaiyanah (2014) reported that the administration of kirinyuh leaf extract with a
concentration of 40% was able to suppress the growth of purslane (Portulaca oleraceae).
According to (Kertagosa, Hardiastuti, & Rizal-Az, 2023) The concentration of 40%
kirinyuh extract on vegetative growth stadia is more effective than that of generative
growth stadia in inhibiting the growth of spinach (Amaranthus spinosus) (Frastika,
Pitopang, & Suwastika, 2017) Reported the results of an experiment of kirinyuh leaf
extract as a vegetable herbicide against mung bean seeds and putri malu seeds (Mimosa
invisa), showing that the administration of kirinyuh extract did not inhibit the germination
of mung bean seeds, But inhibiting the germination of putri malu seeds to reduce the
percentage of germination.
To find compounds that are useful as vegetable herbicides for other types of weeds,
it is necessary to study the effect of kirinyuh leaf extract on the inhibition of weed growth
of Ajeran weed (Bidens pilosa L.) and belling grass weed (Eleusine indica L.). The
purpose of this study is to test kirinyuh leaf extract as a vegetable herbicide in inhibiting
the growth of lean weed (Bidens pilosa L.), and beguiling grass weed (Eleusine indica
L.), aiming to obtain an effective concentration of kirinyuh leaf extract.
This experiment was carried out at the Experimental Garden of the Faculty of
Agriculture, Siliwangi University, Mugarsari District, Tamansari District, Tasikmalaya
City with an altitude of 374 meters above sea level.
The instruments used for experiments in the laboratory include: blenders, digital
scales, ovens, seed dryers, measuring cups, and rotary evaporators. The tools used for
experiments in the field consisted of agricultural tools, stationery, hygrometers, and
chlorophyll meters. The material used in the experiment was the seed of jean (Bidens
Darul Zumani, Titi Ayu Wijayanti
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 6094
pilosa L.) and belling grass weed seeds (Eleusine indica L.), 96% ethanol solvents,
equates, and kirinyuh leaves.
This experimental research method uses a group randomized design (RAK) with
five treatments and is repeated five times. The treatment is as follows:
A = Aquadest extract of kirinyuh leave
B = Methanol extract of kirinyuh leaves 10%
C = Methanol extract of kirinyuh leaves 20%
D = Methanol extract of kirinyuh leaves 30%
E = Methanol extract of kirinyuh leaves 40%
Preparation of kirinyuh leaf extract
Kirinyuh leaf extract is made using the maceration extraction method in the
following way:
Kirinyuh leaves are washed with running water until clean then dried in the oven at
a temperature of 500 C for 24 hours. Drykirinyuh is mashed using a blender and sifted,
250 g of finely refined kirinyuh leaf powder is dissolved in 2.5 liters of 96% ethanol. And
maceration for 6 hours then the next maceration for 4 hours. Next, the solution is filtered
using filter paper. Then a separation was carried out between the solvent and the active
compound extracted using a rotary evaporator so that a viscous extract was obtained. The
thick extract of kirinyuh leaves was sprayed according to the treatment level with
Seeds of ajeran (Bidens pilosa L.) and belulang grass weed seeds (Eleusine indica
L.) are planted in a polybag measuring 20 cm x 20 cm which contains planting medium
in the form of a layer of topsoil that has been sifted so that it is smooth and clean,
Furthermore, at the age of 35 days after planting it is rare to get a uniform plant.
The treatment was carried out by spraying kirinyuh leaf extract with a concentration
according to the treatment, namely 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% as much as 10 ml per
plant. The treatment began 35 days after planting with an interval of 3 days to 47 days
after planting.
Observation Variables
To find out the effect of treatment, observations were made at the age of 50 days
after planting, plants on the following variables;
1. Symptoms of Poisoning
2. Plant height
3. Number of leaves
4. Leaf area
5. Amount of chlorophyll
6. Root length
7. Wet and dry weight
Results and Discussion
Symptoms of poisoning
Potential of Kirinyuh Leaf Extract (Chromolaena odorata L) in Controlling Ajeran Weed
(Bidens Pilosa L) and Eleusine Indica L
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 6095
Symptoms of poisoning caused by the administration of Kirinyuh leaf extract
against Ajeran weed (Bidens pilosa L.) and belling grass weed (Eleusine indica L.) are
not permanent or only temporary wilting, because the next day the leaves are fresh again.
Riskitavani and Kristanti (2013) explained that wilting in plants is caused by the
administration of extracts that act as vegetable herbicides. The allelochemical content will
accumulate in the cell and is toxic which can make the cells inelastic and inhibit the
transport of dissolved ions through the cell membrane. Furthermore, after the leaves
experience wilting, along with the growth period, the part of the leaf that has absorbed
allelochemical compounds becomes dry. Dry leaves will inhibit the photosynthesis
process, so leaf growth is not perfect. The part of the leaf that experiences brownish-dry
symptoms can be seen starting from the smallest leaf on the lower stem. Leaves on the
shoots are less symptomatic. Suwarto, Octavianty, and Hermawati (2014) explained that
damage to plant tissues caused by vegetable herbicides begins with yellow patches on
leaf blades. The spots are parallel to the vascular bundles in severe condition, the spots
fuse into one so that the entire surface of the leaf becomes yellow. In very severe
conditions, the leaves experience necrosis or tissue death. This makes the leaves fall off
so that the photosynthesis process is inhibited and eventually, the weeds will die.
Plant height
Based on the results of statistical analysis, it was shown that the treatment of 10%,
20%, 30%, and 40% concentrations of kirinyuh leaf extract affected the height of learn
weed (Bidens pilosa L.), and beguiling grass weed (Eleusine indica L.). Data from the
analysis of the effect of the concentration of kirinyuh leaf extract on the height of the lean
weed and belling grass weed can be seen in Table 1.
Table 1
Effect of kirinyuh leaf extract on plant height
Concentration of kirinyuh
leaf extract (%)
Plant height (cm)
Learn weed
Belulang grass
21.88 c
22.16 c
20. 28 bc
21.64 bc
19.63 ab
21.05 b
19.21 ab
20.68 b
18.21 a
18.77 a
Remarks: Numbers followed by the same letter are different from each other according
to the Duncan Multiple Distance Test at a real level of 5%.
In Table 1. It can be seen that the high growth of ajeran weed (Bidens pilosa L.)
and belulang grass weed (Eleusine indica L.) is highest at a concentration of 0%, while
the concentration of kirinyuh leaf extract that is most effective in inhibiting the tall growth
of ajeran plants is a concentration of 40%. The analysis data showed that at the height of
ajeran weed (Bidens pilosa L.), and beguiling grass weed (Eleusine indica L.) the
concentration of 0% was not significantly different from the concentration of 10%, but
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Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 6096
was significantly different from the concentration of 20%, 30%, and 40%. It is suspected
that high concentrations of allelopathic compounds contained in kirinyuh leaf extract are
absorbed so that learn weeds (Bidens pilosa L.) and belling grass weed (Eleusine indica
L.) are poisoned by allelopathic compounds. The poisoning results in disrupted
physiological processes and stunts growth. At a concentration of 10%, there is no real
difference with a concentration of 20% and 30%, but there is a real difference with a
concentration of 40%. This shows that the higher the concentration of kirinyuh leaf
extract given, the more lean weed (Bidens pilosa L.), and beguiling grass weed (Eleusine
indica L.) will be inhibited.
Plant height is inhibited, because the allelopathic compounds from the absorbed
kirinyuh leaf extract, will damage the reactions of ATP and protein formation. Diana et
al. (2015) stated that allelochemical compounds in vegetable herbicides inhibit the
formation of nucleic acids, proteins, and ATP. A reduced amount of ATP will suppress
the entire cellular metabolic process so that the synthesis of other substances needed by
plants does not occur.
Pebriani, Riza, and Mukarlina (2013) explained that some allelochemical
compounds that can inhibit cell division are terpenoids, flavonoids, and phenolic
compounds. These compounds result in inhibition of the synthesis of ketoglutaric acid,
which is a precursor of amino acids, proteins, and ATP in plants, resulting in disruption
of cell division and enlargement.
According to (Hambali, Purba, & Kardhinata, 2015), the mechanism of inhibition
of plant height is caused by alleocymal compounds in the form of phenols starting from
the inhibition of cell membranes, so that the process of water diffusion into plants is
inhibited which causes the absorption of nitrogen (N), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe),
manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn) inhibition. This results in inhibition of amino
acid transport and causes inhibition of IAA synthesis which inhibits plant tall growth.
Phenolic compounds that include allelochemical compounds in Kirinyuh leaf extract can
inhibit the entry of CO2 into the stomata in the photosynthesis process.
The results of the research that have been carried out are in line with the results of
research conducted by (Alridiwirsah et al., 2020) Regarding the administration of
kirinyuh extract to jawan grass (Echinochloa crussgalli) showed that the height of jawan
grass measured for four weeks decreased at concentrations of 50 g/L, 100 g/L, 150 g/L,
and 200 g/L. Javan grass that was not given kirinyuh extract, The height does not
experience obstacles. The higher the concentration of kirinyuh leaf and root extracts, the
higher the inhibition against the weed height of jawan grass.
Number of leaves
Based on the results of statistical analysis, it was shown that the concentration
treatment of 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% kirinyuh leaf extract affected the number of leaves
of ajeran weed (Bidens pilosa L.) and belling grass weed (Eleusine indica L.). Data from
the analysis of the effect of the concentration of kirinyuh leaf extract on the number of
leaves of the jean weed (Bidens pilosa L.) and belling grass weed (Eleusine indica L.) can
be seen in Table 2.
Potential of Kirinyuh Leaf Extract (Chromolaena odorata L) in Controlling Ajeran Weed
(Bidens Pilosa L) and Eleusine Indica L
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 6097
Table 2
Effect of kirinyuh leaf extract on the number of leaves
Concentration of kirinyuh
leaf extract (%)
Number of leaves
10.26 c
6.73 b
6.13 ab
5.53 ab
4.46 a
Remarks: Numbers followed by the same letter are different from each other according
to the Duncan Multiple Distance Test at a real level of 5%.
In the results of the analysis of the number of leaves of ajeran weed (Bidens pilosa
L.), and beguiling grass weed (Eleusine indica L.), the concentration of 0% was
significantly different from the concentration of 10%, 20%, and 30%, and 40%. It is
suspected that the phenol compounds contained in Kirinyuh leaf extract are absorbed by
the leaves and inhibit the photosynthesis process. Photosynthesis is the process of
entering CO2 into the stomata. Gassa (2011) stated that kirinyuh leaves have bioactive
compounds in the form of phenols that can damage the chlorophyll structure in the leaves
so that they can inhibit the absorption of light needed during photosynthesis. The higher
the concentration of kirinyuh leaf extract, the more effective it will be in inhibiting the
growth of lean plants.
Ziadaturrifah et al. (2019) explained that growth inhibition such as the number of
leaves caused by the administration of vegetable herbicide extracts, the content of
allelochemical compounds in it, namely phenol compounds entering through the plasma
membrane. This causes protein binding to form complex proteins so that cells experience
membrane poisoning and depolarization. Therefore, the activation of plant hormones such
as auxin hormone, which plays a role in cell elongation, and cytokinin hormones, which
play a role in cell division and expansion, are disrupted.
According to Ardianus (2012) the increase in the number of leaves will increase the
capacity of photosynthesis because, with the increase in the number of leaves, the area of
light absorption for photosynthesis will also increase. However, the growth hormone in
the weeds (Bidens pilosa L.), and beguiling grass weed (Eleusine indica L.) that are
disturbed make the plant unable to grow properly, as a result of which the formation of
leaves is inhibited. In addition, the symptoms of damage that occur on the leaves cause
lean weeds (Bidens pilosa L.) and belling grass weed (Eleusine indica L.) to not be able
to carry out the photosynthesis process perfectly. The number of leaves is reduced due to
damage caused by allelochemical compounds contained in kirinyuh leaf extract, causing
the area of light absorption to carry out photosynthesis to be reduced.
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Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 6098
The results of the research that have been carried out are in line with research
conducted by Ziadaturrifah (2019) regarding the potential for allelopathy of kirinyuh leaf
extract. The results of the study showed that there was an inhibition of the number of
leaves due to allelochemical stress, resulting in disruption of cell division and division.
The higher the concentration of kirinyuh leaf extract from 10% to 40%, the stronger the
Leaf area
Based on the results of statistical analysis, it was shown that the concentration
treatment of 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% kirinyuh leaf extract affected the leaf area of ajeran
weed (Bidens pilosa L.), and beguiling grass weed (Eleusine indica L.). Data from the
analysis of the effect of the concentration of kirinyuh leaf extract on the leaf area of the
ajeran weed (Bidens pilosa L.), and beguiling grass weed (Eleusine indica L.) can be seen
in Table 3.
Table 3
Effect of kirinyuh leaf extract on leaf area
Concentration of
kirinyuh leaf extract
Leaf area (
Belulang grass
26.12 b
10.08 c
23.66 b
9.50 cb
24.69 b
8.84 m
20.65 ab
8.42 a
15.51 a
8.09 a
Remarks: Numbers followed by the same letter are not real according to the
Duncan Multiple Distance Test at a real level of 5%.
In Table 3. It can be seen that the leaf area of ajeran weed (Bidens pilosa L.), and
beguiling grass weed (Eleusine indica L.) is highest at a concentration of 0%, while the
concentration of kirinyuh leaf extract that is most effective in inhibiting leaf area is a
concentration of 40%. This can be seen in the results of the analysis data which showed
that the administration of kirinyuh leaf extract to ajeran weed (Bidens pilosa L.) and
belling grass weed (Eleusine indica L.) at a concentration of 0% was significantly
different from the concentration of 30% and 40%, but not significantly different from the
concentration of 10% and 20%. Although the concentration of 0% is not significantly
different from the concentration of 10% and 20% when viewed from the leaf area data
obtained, a high concentration further inhibits the leaf area. It can be said that the higher
the concentration of kirinyuh leaf extract, the higher the inhibition of the leaf area.
Inhibition of leaf area occurs, due to allelopathic compounds reducing the opening
of stomata, decreasing the ability of photosynthesis, inhibiting the respiration process,
Potential of Kirinyuh Leaf Extract (Chromolaena odorata L) in Controlling Ajeran Weed
(Bidens Pilosa L) and Eleusine Indica L
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 6099
and inhibiting of water and nutrient absorption. The stomata open if the guard cells take
in water during the day, thus allowing the entry of CO
necessary for photosynthesis.
Stomata also serves for gas exchange in the atmosphere.
Allelopathic compounds affect leaf area. The area of the leaf affects the rate of
photosynthesis because the leaf is a plant organ where photosynthesis takes place.
Photosynthesis is the process of forming energy in the form of ATP which is used for
plant growth. Photosynthesis begins when light ionizes chlorophyll molecules in
photosystem II thereby releasing electrons to be transferred towards the electron transfer
chain. The energy from these electrons makes photosystem II experience a lack of
electrons. The electron deficiency can result from water ionization that occurs in
conjunction with chlorophyll ionization. Chlorophyll is related to leaves, the wider and
more leaves that grow, the wider the photosynthesis process and produces energy.
The results of the research that have been carried out are in line with the results of
the research of (Kertagosa et al., 2023) Who experimented on the use of kirinyuh extract
on different growth stadia as a bioherbicide to control spinach. The results of the
experiment showed that the administration of kirinyuh extract inhibited the growth of
spinach leaves at a concentration of 40%.
Amount of chlorophyll
Based on the results of statistical analysis, it was shown that the concentration
treatment of 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% kirinyuh leaf extract affected the chlorophyll
amount of ajeran weed leaves (Bidens pilosa L.), and beguiling grass weed (Eleusine
indica L.). Data from the analysis of the effect of Kirinyuh leaf extract concentration on
the amount of leaf chlorophyll can be seen in Table 4.
Table 4
Effect of kirinyuh leaf extract on chlorophyll amount
Concentration of
kirinyuh leaf extract
Amount of chlorophyll
Belulang grass
23.53 b
19.70 c
20.16 ab
19.55 b
18,17 a
17.73 ba
20.25 ab
17,33 a
16.69 a
16.90 a
In Table 4. It can be seen that the amount of chlorophyll in the leaves is highest at
a concentration of 0%, while the concentration of kirinyuh leaf extract is the most
effective in inhibiting the chlorophyll amount of the leaves of learn weed (Bidens pilosa
L.) and belling grass weed (Eleusine indica L.) is a concentration of 40%. This can be
seen from the results of the analysis data showing that the amount of chlorophyll at the
0% concentration looks significantly different from the 20% and 40% concentrations, but
does not differ significantly from the 10% and 30% concentrations, and. The decrease in
Darul Zumani, Titi Ayu Wijayanti
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 6100
the amount of chlorophyll contained in the leaves is due to the inhibition of chlorophyll
synthesis by allelochemistry from Kirinyuh leaf extract.
Ziadaturrifiah et al. (2019) stated that the decrease in photosynthetic pigment levels
in weeds is caused by allelochemical compounds that can damage the permeability of the
membrane. This has an impact on other organelles that are in the mitochondrial cell
membrane, vacuoles, and chloroplasts. When chloroplast activity is inhibited, it will
affect the carotenoids and chlorophyll of green substances (leaf color).
According to Li et al. (2010) and Sharma et al. (2012), allelochemical compounds
are responded to by plants by synthesizing free radicals or Reactive Oxygen species
(ROS) in excess amounts. Excess free radicals can cause oxidative stress in the form of
changes in cell membrane permeability which can interfere with the absorption of water
and dissolved nutrients. Apart from this, the decrease in chlorophyll due to the
administration of kirinyuh leaf extract to the ajeran plant is caused by an increase in
chlorophyll degrading enzymes and a decrease in the activity of enzymes that act on
chlorophyll synthesis reactions.
Plants in synthesizing chlorophyll are affected by genetic factors, light, water,
temperature, and nutrients such as nitrogen (N), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), manganese
(Mn), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), sulfur (S), and oxygen (O). In plants, nitrogen nutrients will
be converted by the enzyme glutamate synthetase to glutamic acid, and glutamic acid is
used in chlorophyll biosynthesis.
The impact of the decrease in the amount of chlorophyll due to chlorophyll damage,
the leaves of the jean plant initially turned green and turned brown. This is a symptom of
chlorosis. Chlorosis is a disease that occurs due to the destruction of color pigments
(chlorophyll), causing color changes. In some events, the symptoms of chlorosis precede
the events of necrosis symptoms. Necrosis is a symptom that occurs due to the
physiological activity of pathogens that cause damage to plant cells, which is in the form
of local tissue death that is visible in brown or black color (Moralita, 2016).
The reduction of chlorophyll content in the treatment of kirinyuh leaf extract is in
line with the research of (Ziadaturrif’ah et al., 2019) On the effect of Kirinyuh
allelochemicals on soybean vegetative growth. Kirinyuh extract had the effect of reducing
the total chlorophyll content but did not affect the carotenoid content of soybean leaves.
The decrease in chlorophyll content occurred at concentrations of 40%, 60%, and 80%,
while at a concentration of 20%, there was no real difference when compared to a
concentration of 0%. The higher the treatment concentration, the lower the total
chlorophyll and carotenoid content.
Root length
Based on the results of statistical analysis, it was shown that the concentration
treatment of 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% kirinyuh leaf extract affected the root length of
jean weed (Bidens pilosa L.) and belling grass weed (Eleusine indica L.). Data from the
analysis of the effect of the concentration of kirinyuh leaf extract on the root length of the
jean plant can be seen in Table 5.
Potential of Kirinyuh Leaf Extract (Chromolaena odorata L) in Controlling Ajeran Weed
(Bidens Pilosa L) and Eleusine Indica L
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 6101
Table 5
Effect of kirinyuh leaf extract on root length
Concentration of
kirinyuh leaf extract
Root length (cm)
Belulang grass
16.38 c
12,28 a
14.12 bc
11.68 a
12.98 b
11.58 a
11.84 ab
10,10 a
9.39 a
10.92 a
Caption: Numbers followed by the same letter are not real according to the Duncan
Double Distance Test at a real level of 5%.
In Table 5. It can be seen that the root length of the jean plant is highest at a
concentration of 0%, while the concentration of kirinyuh leaf extract that is most effective
in inhibiting the root length of the jean weed (Bidens pilosa L.) and belling grass weed
(Eleusine indica L.) is a concentration of 40%. The results of statistical analysis can be
seen that at 0% concentration, there is no real difference from 10% concentration, but it
is significantly different from 20%, 30%, and 40% concentrations. At a concentration of
10%, there is no real difference between a concentration of 20% and 30%, but it is
significantly different from a concentration of 40%. The results of the analysis showed
that there was a difference in root length between plants that were not given kirinyuh leaf
extract and plants that were given kirinyuh extract. When viewed from the data of the
analysis results, it can be said that the higher the concentration of kirinyuh leaf extract
given, the longer the growth of the roots of the jean plant will be inhibited.
According to Ismani (2015), the mechanism of inhibition of root elongation through
allelochemicals, namely phenol, can inhibit the division of plant root cells, reduce the
permeability of cell membranes, inhibit enzyme activity, and cause damage to the
hormones indole-3 acetic acid (IAA) and gibberellin. Phenol compounds and their
derivatives can also increase the decarboxylation of IAA so that IAA becomes inactive
and root growth becomes inhibited.
The concentration of allelochemicals present in the soil determines the occurrence
of weed growth disorders. After allelochemicals are released into the environment, there
will generally be interactions between allelochemicals and soil biotic and abiotic factors
such as leaching, physical and chemical processes, breakdown by microbes, and
absorption by plants that can reduce the concentration of allelochemicals in the soil. In
soil, phenolic compounds are found in both free and bound forms (De Albuquerque,
Gomes et al. (2017) stated that allelochemistry causes a decrease in root activity in
absorbing nutrients so that the photosynthesis process is disrupted. Root cells have a cell
membrane structure composed of phospholipid bilayers, proteins, and carbohydrates.
Allelochemical compounds, especially phenols, will adhere to the lipids that make up the
Darul Zumani, Titi Ayu Wijayanti
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 6102
cell membrane. This will cause fat solubility to decrease, resulting in damage to the cell
membrane. Therefore, it has an impact on organelles in cells, namely mitochondria,
chloroplasts, and vacuoles. Inhibition of the electron transport chain in mitochondria and
chloroplasts will eliminate the cell's energy sources in the form of NADPH, FAD, and
ATP, metabolic products, and also produce ROS (Zhou dan Yu, 2006; Shannon-Firestone
and Firestone, 2015).
At the molecular level, Li et al. (2010) stated that phenol compounds can increase
the permeability of cell membranes which causes cell contents to spill and increase lipid
peroxidation so that plants experience slow growth or tissue death. The inhibition that
occurs is not only in germination but also in growth. This is evidenced by the inhibition
of the increase in the root length of the jean weed (Bidens pilosa L.) and belling grass
weed (Eleusine indica L.). Iilori et al. (2011) stated that kirinyuh extract reduced the root
length of the test plant. The results of the research that have been carried out are in line
with the research conducted by (Alridiwirsah et al., 2020) Regarding the administration
of kirinyuh extract to jawan grass (Echinochloa crussgalli). In the results of the study,
kirinyuh extract was able to inhibit high growth, root length, and a high percentage of
weed death. The concentration of 50 g/L of kirinyuh root extract was able to inhibit root
growth significantly.
Wet and dry weight
Based on the results of statistical analysis, it was shown that the concentration
treatment of 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% kirinyuh leaf extract affected the wet and dry
weight of ajeran weed (Bidens pilosa L.), and beguiling grass weed (Eleusine indica L.).
Data from the analysis of the effect of kirinyuh leaf extract concentration on the wet and
dry weight of plants can be seen in Table 6.
Table 6
Effect of kirinyuh leaf extract on wet and dry weight
Concentration of
kirinyuh leaf
extract (%)
Wet and dry weight (g)
Belulang grass
Wet weight
Dry Weight
Wet weight
Dry Weight
3.09 b
0.58 b
2.92 c
0.55 c
2.37 ab
0.43 ab
2.76 cb
0.52 cb
2.22 ab
0.39 ab
2.50 cba
0.47 cb
1.91 a
0.32 a
2.46 ba
0.44 ba
1.49 a
0,25 a
2.22 a
0.39 a
Remarks: Numbers followed by the same letter are not real according to the Duncan
Multiple Distance Test at a real level of 5%.
In Table 6. Above it can be seen that the wet and dry weight of ajeran weed (Bidens
pilosa L.) and belling grass weed (Eleusine indica L.) is highest at a concentration of 0%,
while the concentration of kirinyuh leaf extract that is most effective in reducing the wet
Potential of Kirinyuh Leaf Extract (Chromolaena odorata L) in Controlling Ajeran Weed
(Bidens Pilosa L) and Eleusine Indica L
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 6103
and dry weight of plants is a concentration of 40%. This can be seen in the results of the
analysis data which shows that in the treatment of 0% concentration of kirinyuh leaf
extract is significantly different from the concentrations of 30% and 40%, but there is no
significant difference with the concentrations of 10% and 20%. At a concentration of
10%, there is no real difference with a concentration of 20%, 30%, and 40%. However,
when viewed from the results of the observation of the wet and dry weight values of the
lean plant. The higher the concentration of kirinyuh leaf extract given, the lower the wet
and dry weight value of the ajeran plant.
The mechanism of wet weight inhibition is caused by damage to the membrane
structure by phenolic compounds in the cell membrane. Pebriani et al. (2013) explained
that phenol compounds damage the phosphate group in the phospholipid cell membrane
so that the phospholipid molecule will decompose into glycerol, carboxylic acid, and
phosphoric acid, this can cause the release of cell constituent substances and metabolites
from the inside.
According to Weraduwage, Jin, and Thomas (2015), the fresh weight of plants can
show the primary metabolic activity of plants, and the value of the fresh weight of plants
is influenced by water content, nutrients, and photosynthesis results. The effect of
allelochemistry in reducing the weight value of fresh by decreasing the speed of water
absorption and photosynthesis results.
According to Yulifrianti, Riza, and Irwan (2015), the inhibition of water absorption
by phenol compounds causes the moisture content to be low as a result of the closure of
the stomata, so the photosynthesis process is inhibited. Allelochemicals affect
photosynthesis and plant growth by lowering the chlorophyll content. The decrease in the
capacity of plants to accumulate chlorophyll, which is an important component in the
photosynthesis process, can affect the decrease in fresh weight and dry weight of plants.
Mariana and Rahayu (2016) also said that the way allelopathy owned by weeds
works is by inhibiting the absorption of nutrients from the environment which will affect
abnormal plant growth. The existence of allelopathy will inhibit water absorption causing
an obstacle to the photosynthesis process because water is the raw material for
photosynthesis. In addition, the process of exchanging water, CO
, and O
in leaf stomata
needed in metabolism is inhibited due to the impact of allelopathy from weed extracts,
thus causing a decrease in wet weight and inhibited photosynthesis causing
photocytositates to produce a little low dry weight. The allelopathic mechanism can
reduce the chlorophyll content and the rate of photosynthesis.
The results of the research that have been carried out are in line with the results of
research from Angraini, Fatonah, and Herman (2013) which showed that the
administration of kirinyuh extract caused a significant decrease in the fresh weight of the
Putri malu weed (Mikania micrantha) starting at a concentration of 5%. Furthermore,
Irma, Afdal, and Soesartrijo., (2016) reported that the dry weight value of jajagoan grass
weed (Axonopus compressus) decreased after the administration of kirinyuh extract at a
concentration of 3%.
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Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 6104
Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions can be drawn:
1. Treatment of kirinyuh leaf extract (Chromolaena odorata L.) affected the growth of
weeds Ajeran weed (Bidens pilosa L.) and belling grass weed (Eleusine indica L.).
2. The concentration of kirinyuh leaf extract (Chromolaena odorata L.) 40% has the
potential to control Ajeran weed (Bidens pilosa L.), and belulang grass weed
(Eleusine indica L.).
Potential of Kirinyuh Leaf Extract (Chromolaena odorata L) in Controlling Ajeran Weed
(Bidens Pilosa L) and Eleusine Indica L
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