p–ISSN: 2723 – 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5782

The Effect of Work-Life Balance and Emotional Intelligence
on Job Satisfaction of K-24 Pharmacy Employees in Jayapura


Dwi Abdur Rouf1*, Yasir Attamimi2

Universitas Cenderawasih, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]*, [email protected]


balance, emotional
intelligence, job

The Effect of Work-life Balance and Emotional Intelligence
on Job Satisfaction of K-24 Pharmacy Employees in
Jayapura City. Management Study Program, Department of
Management, Faculty of Economics and Business,
Cenderawasih University. The objectives of this study are:
1) To find out and analyze whether work-life balance and
emotional intelligence simultaneously affect the job
satisfaction of K-24 pharmacy employees in Jayapura city;
2) To find out and analyze whether work-life balance and
emotional intelligence partially affect the job satisfaction of
K-24 pharmacy employees in Jayapura city; 3) To find out
and analyze which variables between work-life balance and
emotional intelligence are more dominant in influencing the
job satisfaction of K-24 pharmacy employees in Jayapura
city. This type of research is quantitative research. The
population in this study is all employees of K-24 pharmacies
in the city of Jayapura which totals 81 employees. The
number of samples is determined using the total sampling
technique, which is the number of samples equal to the
number of populations. Data analysis using multiple linear
regression with the help of the SPSS version 23 program.
The results of the study showed: 1) There was a
simultaneous influence of work-life balance and emotional
intelligence variables on the job satisfaction of K-24
pharmacy employees in Jayapura city; 2) There is a partial
influence of work-life balance and emotional intelligence
variables on the job satisfaction of K-24 pharmacy
employees in Jayapura city; 3) The variable emotional
intelligence is a more dominant variable that affects the job
satisfaction of K-24 pharmacy employees in Jayapura city.


Organizations have various kinds of resources as inputs to be processed into outputs
in the form of products or services. These resources include capital, technology, methods,

Dwi Abdur Rouf, Yasir Attamimi

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5783

people, and so on. Among these various resources, human resources (HR) are the most
important element (Nadeak, 2019). Good human resource management will have a
positive impact on the organization or company in achieving goals. According to
(RISAMASU & WAMBRAUW, 2020) it is stated that humans always play an active and
dominant role in every activity of an organization or company because humans play a
role in planning, implementing, and determining the achievement of the goals that have
been set.

To achieve the goal optimally, the company must have superior human resources.
One of the representations of the superiority of human resources can be seen from their
ability to meet the demands of the work provided by the company. But in the midst of
these various job demands, employees also have a role in personal life such as
relationships with hobbies and family. So that wise employees must be able to balance
between their work life and personal life.

Work-life balance is a person's ability to harmonize between their work life and
personal life. The term work-life balance first appeared in the UK in the late 1970s and
began to be widely used in the United States in 1986 to overcome the problem of
American workers who often neglect free time for themselves, family, and relationships
to pursue organizational goals. (Nabilah, Maszudi, & Samsinar, 2024). According to
Delecta (2011), work-life balance is a person's ability to fulfill their work commitments
and family commitments as well as other non-work responsibilities.

Based on the results of a survey released in 2022 by SEEK, Boston Consulting
Group (BCG), and The Network as reported in sukabumiupdate.com revealed that as
many as 43% of respondents in Indonesia stated that work-life balance is the top priority
in choosing a job. This indicates that work-life balance participates in determining a
person's level of satisfaction in their work. In a previous study conducted by (Nabilah et
al., 2024) On the effect of work-life balance on nurses' job satisfaction in the nurse
workforce at the Regional Public Service Agency (BLUD) of South Konawe Hospital, it
was stated that work-life balance had a positive effect on the job satisfaction of nurses at
the Regional Public Service Agency (BLUD) of South Konawe Hospital. However, this
is contrary to research on employees at PT. Hasjrat Abadi in Kotamobagu conducted by
(Endeka, Rumawas, & Tumbel, 2020) Where in his research, it was said that work-life
balance did not affect employee job satisfaction.

Emotional intelligence is an ability that alludes to the capacity to understand
feelings in oneself and the sensations of others, the capacity to spur oneself, and the
capacity to monitor feelings well in oneself and engage with others (Prabowo, Widiyanti,
Yusuf, & Adam, n.d.). Emotional intelligence will help each individual in overcoming
various problems that occur in his work and life. In the previous research conducted by
Nurjaya (2015) about the influence of emotional intelligence on the job satisfaction of
employees of PT. Telkom Siporennu Makassar stated that emotional intelligence has a
positive effect on employee job satisfaction. Meanwhile, research conducted by
(Sugiharti, Mas, & Mas’ud, 2024) at one of the tire supply companies in the Cikarang
industrial estate stated that emotional intelligence did not have a significant effect on

The Effect of Work-Life Balance and Emotional Intelligence on Job Satisfaction of K-24
Pharmacy Employees in Jayapura City

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5784

employee job satisfaction. According (Gouwtama, 2024) stated that the better an
employee's emotional intelligence, the more the employee will be liked by both superiors
and colleagues which can create satisfaction in him.

The term satisfaction is a description of an individual's emotions or feelings when
they can feel satisfied with what they do or what they get. When you hear the word job
satisfaction, it can be described as an employee who feels satisfied with the work or the
results of the work they have completed. According to (Nadeak, 2019) Job satisfaction is
an assessment, feeling, or attitude of a person or employee towards his or her work and
the relationship with the work environment, type of work, compensation, relationships
between co-workers, social relations in the workplace, and so on.

(Bukit, Lapian, & Tielung, 2022) In their research entitled "The Effect of Work-
Life Balance and Emotional Intelligence on Work Satisfaction at Hotel Sintesa Peninsula
Manado". The research method used is the associative method. The population in this
study is all employees of Hotel Sintesa Peninsula Manado which totals 150 employees.
The sample taken amounted to 60 employees using the Slovin formula sampling
technique. The data collection technique uses questionnaire distribution. The analysis
method used is multiple linear regression. The results of this study stated that work-life
balance and emotional intelligence simultaneously had a significant effect on employee
job satisfaction. Partially, work-life balance did not have a significant effect on employee
job satisfaction, and emotional intelligence had a significant effect on employee job
satisfaction. The variable of emotional intelligence is more dominant in influencing
employee job satisfaction at Hotel Sintesa Peninsula Manado.

Nathaya, et al. (2022) in their research entitled "The Effect of Emotional
Intelligence with Work-Life Balance and Burnout on Job Satisfaction". The research
method used is quantitative. The population in this study is 3,181 teachers of State
Vocational Schools in DKI Jakarta. The sample taken amounted to 248 teachers using the
purposive sampling technique. The data collection technique uses questionnaire
distribution. The analysis method used is the SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) model.
The results of this study stated that emotional intelligence and work-life balance partially
had a significant effect on teacher job satisfaction at State Vocational Schools in DKI
Jakarta. The variable of emotional intelligence is more dominant in influencing the job
satisfaction of teachers at State Vocational Schools in DKI Jakarta.

Based on the formulation of the problem that has been described above, the purpose
of this research is:
1. To find out whether work-life balance and emotional intelligence simultaneously

affect the job satisfaction of K-24 pharmacy employees in Jayapura city.
2. To find out whether work-life balance and emotional intelligence partially affect the

job satisfaction of K-24 pharmacy employees in Jayapura city.
3. To find out which variables between work-life balance and emotional intelligence are

more dominant in influencing the job satisfaction of K-24 pharmacy employees in
Jayapura city.

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This research was carried out in all K-24 pharmacies operating in the city of

Jayapura. In this study, the population is all employees of the K-24 pharmacy in the city
of Jayapura which totals 81 employees.

In this study, because the population is not greater than 100 people, the researcher
took the entire population at the K-24 pharmacy in the city of Jayapura to be used as a
sample. Thus, the sample in this study is as many as 81 employees of K-24 pharmacies
in the city of Jayapura, and the sample filled out from the respondents is 65 respondents.
Data Source
1. Primary Data

In this study, primary data was obtained through observation, interviews, and the
distribution of questionnaires to employees of K-24 pharmacies in Jayapura City.

2. Secondary Data
In this study, secondary data was obtained from the collection of literature

relevant to the research topic, as well as documents and news about K-24 pharmacies
that have been published on the internet.

Data Collection Techniques
1. Questionnaire

In this study, the researcher compiled a questionnaire based on indicators of the
research variables, namely Work-life balance (X1), Emotional Intelligence (X2), and Job
Satisfaction (Y).
2. Interview

In this study, the researcher conducted interviews with several pharmacists in
charge and also several employees of the K-24 pharmacy in the city of Jayapura.
3. Literature Study

This literature study is a research tool used as secondary data. In this study, the
researcher collected secondary data through various books, journals, articles, and news
related to the research topic.
Data Analysis Methods

The various data tests carried out in this study include frequency distribution for
descriptive statistics, instrument tests, and classical assumption tests. In addition, variance
analysis (ANOVA) was carried out to test the relationship between one dependent
variable and one or more independent variables.

Results and Discussion

Apotek K-24 was officially established on October 24, 2002 by dr. Gideon Hartono.
He is a general practitioner who is on duty at the Gondokusuman II Health Center.
Initially, the K-24 pharmacy itself appeared because there was anxiety or difficulty in
finding medicine in the middle of the night. At that time, there were rarely pharmacies
that could be open until night. Even if there is, usually the pharmacy is difficult to reach
the general public. In addition, the price pegged must be more expensive than the normal

The Effect of Work-Life Balance and Emotional Intelligence on Job Satisfaction of K-24
Pharmacy Employees in Jayapura City

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5786

Description of Work-life Balance Research Variables (X1)
The description of the work-life balance research variable can be seen in the

frequency of respondents' responses to each statement item or indicator used.
Table 1

Work-life Balance Variable Frequency Distribution (X1)


F % F % F % F % F %

X1_1 0 0 0 0 2 3 34 52 29 45 4,42

X1_2 0 0 2 3 7 11 32 49 24 37 4,20

X1_3 0 0 0 0 2 3 31 48 32 49 4,46

X1_4 0 0 0 0 3 5 36 55 26 40 4,35

X1_5 0 0 1 2 9 14 36 55 19 29 4,12

X1_6 0 0 1 2 7 11 38 58 19 29 4,15

Overall average of Work-life Balance variables (X1) 4,28

Source: Data processed, 2024

Based on table 2, it can be stated that the response to the assessment of the work-
life balance
variable obtained an overall average value of 4.28 which is in the interval
(4.20–5.00) or in the very good category. Based on the results of this assessment, it shows
that the work-life balance in the company is felt to be very good by employees.
Description of Emotional Intelligence Research Variables (X2)

The description of the variables of emotional intelligence research can be seen in
the frequency of respondents' responses to each statement item or indicator used.

Table 2

Variable Frequency Distribution of Emotional Intelligence (X2)


F % F % F % F % F %

X2_1 0 0 1 2 8 12 43 66 13 20 4,05

X2_2 0 0 0 0 5 8 45 69 15 23 4,15

X2_3 0 0 0 0 7 11 45 69 13 20 4,09

X2_4 0 0 1 2 2 3 39 60 23 35 4,29

X2_5 0 0 2 3 11 17 35 54 17 26 4,03

X2_6 0 0 0 0 9 14 41 63 15 23 4,09

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X2_7 0 0 0 0 4 6 47 72 14 22 4,15

X2_8 0 0 0 0 3 5 48 74 14 22 4,17

X2_9 0 0 0 0 4 6 41 63 20 31 4,25

X2_10 0 0 0 0 3 5 40 62 22 34 4,29

Overall average of Emotional Intelligence Variables


Source: Data processed, 2024

Based on table 2, it can be stated that the response to the assessment of the emotional

intelligence variable obtained an overall average score of 4.16 which is in the interval
(3.40–4.19) or in the good category. Based on the results of this assessment, it shows that
the emotional intelligence in the company is felt to be good by employees.
Description of Job Satisfaction Research Variables (Y)

The description of the job satisfaction research variable can be seen in the frequency
of respondents' responses to each statement item or indicator used.

Table 3
Frequency Distribution of Job Satisfaction Variables (Y)


F % F % F % F % F %

Y_1 0 0 0 0 3 5 29 45 33 51 4,46

Y_2 0 0 0 0 5 8 34 52 26 40 4,32

Y_3 0 0 1 2 7 11 44 68 13 20 4,06

Y_4 0 0 1 2 6 9 41 63 17 26 4,14

Y_5 0 0 0 0 6 9 38 58 21 32 4,23

Y_6 0 0 1 2 4 6 40 62 20 31 4,22

Y_7 0 0 2 3 13 20 32 49 18 28 4,02

Y_8 0 0 1 2 8 12 40 62 16 25 4,09

Y_9 1 2 0 0 16 25 33 51 15 23 3,94

Y_10 1 2 1 2 8 12 45 69 10 15 3,95

Y_11 0 0 0 0 5 8 36 55 24 37 4,29

Y_12 0 0 0 0 1 2 37 57 27 42 4,40

Y_13 0 0 0 0 2 3 37 57 26 40 4,37

Y_14 0 0 1 2 4 6 48 74 12 18 4,09

Overall average of Job Satisfaction Variable (Y) 4,18

Source: Data processed, 2024

The Effect of Work-Life Balance and Emotional Intelligence on Job Satisfaction of K-24
Pharmacy Employees in Jayapura City

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5788

Based on table 3, it can be stated that the response to the assessment of the job

satisfaction variable obtained an overall average score of 4.18 which is in the interval
(3.40–4.19) or in the good category. Based on the results of this assessment, it shows that
job satisfaction in the company is felt to be good by employees.
Validity Test

The validity test aims to find out how accurate and precise a measuring tool is in
performing its measurement function. The validity test of the measuring tool in this study
uses the correlation of Pearson's product moment, namely by using each statement with
a total score, then the results of the correlation are compared with a significant number of
5% and the r table at n = 65 is 0.244. The test results can be stated in the following table:

Table 4
Validity Test Results

It Items

r table Sig. Information

1. X1_1





2. X2_1





3. Y_1





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Source: Data processed, 2024

Based on table 4, it can be seen that all indicators used have a calculated r value
greater than the r table. This means that all statement items based on feasible or valid
variable indicators are used as research data collection.
Reliability Test

The reliability test aims to measure a questionnaire which is an indicator of a
variable or construct. A questionnaire is said to be reliable or reliable if a person's answers
to statement items are consistent or stable over time. According to Ghozali (2018) it shows
that Cronbach's alpha is acceptable if the value is > 0.6. The closer Cronbach's alpha is
to 1, the higher the internal consistent reliability.
Classical Assumption Test

According to Ghozali (2018), the classical assumption test is the initial stage carried
out before multiple linear regression analysis. This test is carried out to be able to provide
certainty so that the regression coefficient is unbiased and consistent and accurate in
elimination. Classical assumption tests are carried out to show that the tests carried out
have escaped data normality, multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity, and autocorrelation so
that linear regression testing can be performed.
Normality Test

According to Ghozali (2018), the normality test aims to find out whether in the
regression model, the bound variable and the free variable have a normal distribution.
This test can be carried out using Kolmogorov-Simirnov (K-S) statistical analysis, with
the provision that a data is said to be normal if the magnitude of the significant value of
the variable > α = 0.05 and vice versa if the significant value of the variable < α = 0.05
then it does not meet the assumption of normality.

The Effect of Work-Life Balance and Emotional Intelligence on Job Satisfaction of K-24
Pharmacy Employees in Jayapura City

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5790

Table 5
Results of the Normality Test (K-S)

Based on table 5, it can be seen that the bound variable and the free variable have a
normal distribution because the significant value of the variable > α = 0.05.
Multicollinearity Test

Multicollinearity can be detected with tolerance values and Variance Inflation
Factor (VIF) values.
The value to indicate that multicollinearity does not occur is a
tolerance value > 0.10 or equal to VIF < 10 (Ghozali, 2018).

Table 6

Multicollinearity Test Results

Testing Variable

Statistics Information

Tolerance VIF


0,513 1,948
Free of


0,513 1,948
Free of

Source: Data processed, 2024

Based on table 6, it can be seen that all variables have a tolerance value of > 0.10
and VIF < 10, which means that the classical assumption test in this study is free from
multicollinearity deviation.

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

N 65
Normal Parametersa,b Mean ,0000000



Most Extreme

Absolute ,078
Positive ,078
Negative -,077

Test Statistic ,078
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,200c,d
a. Test distribution is Normal.
b. Calculated from data.
c. Lilliefors Significance Correction.
d. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

Source: Data processed, 2024

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Heteroscedasticity Test
According to Ghozali (2018), the heteroscedasticity test aims to find out whether in

the regression model there is an inequality of variance from residual or observation to
other observations, to find out whether the regression model to be used is suitable to be
used in estimating dependent variables influenced by independent variables, it will be
carried out using the glacier test with the provision that if the significance value > 0.05,
no heteroscedasticity occurs.

Table 7
Heteroscedasticity Test Results

Based on table 7, it can be seen that in this regression model, heteroscedasticity
does not occur because the significance value > 0.05.

Type Unstandardized




t Sig.

B Std.


1 (Constant) -3,635 3,706 -




-,106 ,171 -,106 -




,211 ,120 ,303 1,7


a. Dependent Variable: ABS_RES
Source: Data processed, 2024

The Effect of Work-Life Balance and Emotional Intelligence on Job Satisfaction of K-24
Pharmacy Employees in Jayapura City

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5792

Figure 1
Heteroscedasticity Test Results (Scatterplot Graph)

Autocorrelation Test

According to Ghozali (2018), the autocorrelation test aims to test whether in the
linear regression model there is a correlation between the tester error in the t-period and
the tester error in the t-1 period (previously). Autocorrelation testing is carried out by a
run test
with the provisions, if the Asymp value. Sig (2-tailed) < 0.05 then there is an
autocorrelation symptom, on the other hand if the Asymp value. Sig (2-tailed) > 0.05 then
there were no autocorrelation symptoms.

A good regression model is one that is free of autocorrelation. Detecting
autocorrelation can be done using Durbin-Watson values with the following criteria
(Trihendradi, 2013 in Mardiatmoko, 2020):
1. If 0 < d < dL, there is a positive autocorrelation
2. If 4 – dL < d < 4, there is a negative autocorrelation
3. If 2 < d < 4 – dU or dU < d < 2, there is no positive or negative autocorrelation
4. If dL ≤ d ≤ dU or 4 – dU ≤ d ≤ 4 – dL, the test is inconclusive. For this reason, it can

be used for other tests or add data
5. If the value of du < d < 4-du, then there is no autocorrelation

Multiple Linear Regression Analysis

In this study, the data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression. This
technical analysis was used to determine the magnitude of the influence between work-
life balance and emotional intelligence on the job satisfaction of K-24 pharmacy
employees in Jayapura city by data processing using the SPSS version 23 program, the
following regression results were obtained:

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Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5793

Table 8
Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Results

Based on table 8, a regression equation was obtained for the influence of work-life
balance and emotional intelligence variables on employee job satisfaction as follows:
Y = 12,191 + 0,742X1 + 0,657X2 + e

1. Constants = 12,191
This means that if the respondents' responses to the work-life balance and

emotional intelligence variables are assumed to be fixed, the increase in employee job
satisfaction is 12,191.
2. Work-life Balance Coefficient (X1) = 0.742

This means that if the respondent's response with a change of 1 work-life balance
unit every time there is a work-life balance, it will affect the increase in employee job
satisfaction by 0.742.
3. Emotional Intelligence Coefficient (X2) = 0.657

This means that if the respondent's response with a change of 1 unit of emotional
every time occurs, it will affect the increase in employee job satisfaction by
Hypothesis Test

1. Test f (simultaneous)
The f test aims to test the hypothesis of the study that states that work-life balance

(X1) and emotional intelligence (X2) simultaneously affect employee job satisfaction (Y).
The results of hypothesis testing can be seen in the following table:

Type Unstandardize

d Coefficients



t Sig. Collinearity

B Std.

Beta Tolera


1 (Consta


5,498 2,2




,254 ,352 2,9


,513 1,9



,178 ,444 3,6


,513 1,9

a. Dependent Variable: Job Satisfaction
Source: Data processed, 2024

The Effect of Work-Life Balance and Emotional Intelligence on Job Satisfaction of K-24
Pharmacy Employees in Jayapura City

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Table 9
Test Result f (simultaneous)

F count = 36.169

F table

DF1 = k-1 = 3-1 = 2

DF2 = n – k = 65 – 3 = 62

Then, F table = 3.15

Based on Table 9 and the calculation above, it can be seen that this test is carried
out by comparing the value of the F calculation with the F table. Because the calculated
F value is greater than the F value of the table (36.169 > 3.15) with a significant level of
0.000 less than 0.05, the result is obtained that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, which
means that this shows that work-life balance and emotional intelligence simultaneously
affect employee job satisfaction.
Test t (partial)

The t-test aims to test the hypothesis of the study that states that work-life balance
(X1) and emotional intelligence (X2) partially affect employee job satisfaction (Y). The
results of hypothesis testing can be seen in the following table:

Table 10

Test Results t (partial)

Type Sum of

Df Mean

F Sig.

1 Regression 858,222 2 429,111 36,


Residual 735,562 62 11,864

Total 1593,785 64

a. Dependent Variable: Job Satisfaction
b. Predictors: (Constant), Emotional Intelligence, Work-life Balance

Source: Data processed, 2024

Type Unstandardized




t Si


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T calculate variable X1 = 2.920

T calculate variable X2 = 3.687

DF = n – k = 65 – 3 = 62

So, T table = 1.99897

Based on Table 11 and the above calculations, it can be concluded that:
a. The calculated t-value for the work-life balance variable (X1) is greater than the t-

value of the table (2.920>1.99897) with a significant value of 0.005 less than 0.05,
then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, which means that this shows that the work-life
(X1) has an effect on employee job satisfaction (Y).

b. The calculated t-value for the emotional intelligence variable (X2) is greater than the
t-value of the table (3.687>1.99897) with a significant value of 0.000 less than 0.05,
then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, which means that this shows that emotional
(X2) has an effect on employee job satisfaction (Y).

Dominant test
The dominant test aims to test the hypothesis of the study that states that emotional

intelligence (X2) is more dominant in influencing employee job satisfaction (Y). The
results of hypothesis testing can be seen in the following table:

B Std.

Beta Tolera


1 (Consta


5,498 2,2



,742 ,254 ,352 2,9


,513 1,9


,657 ,178 ,444 3,6


,513 1,9

a. Dependent Variable: Job Satisfaction
Source: Data processed, 2024

The Effect of Work-Life Balance and Emotional Intelligence on Job Satisfaction of K-24
Pharmacy Employees in Jayapura City

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5796

Table 11
2. Dominant Test Results

Based on Table 11, it can be concluded that emotional intelligence (X2) is a more

dominant variable that affects employee job satisfaction (Y) with a Standardized
Coefficient Beta value of 0.444 greater than the work-life balance variable (X1) with a
Standardized Coefficient Beta value of 0.352.
Coefficient of Determination Test

Determination analysis in multiple linear regression was used to determine the
percentage of contribution of independent variables consisting of work-life balance (X1)
and emotional intelligence (X2) to the dependent variable, namely employee job
satisfaction (Y). The results of the determination can be seen in the following table:

Table 12
Determination Coefficient Test Results

Based on Table 12, it can be concluded that:
1. An R of 0.734 means that the correlation between the work-life balance (X1) and

emotional intelligence (X2) variables to the employee job satisfaction variable (Y) is
quite high.

2. The R square is 0.538 which means that the relationship of the independent variable
to the dependent variable is quite strong.

3. The value of the Adjusted R Square coefficient is 0.524 (52.4%). This shows that the
variation of employee job satisfaction variables (Y) can be explained by the variables





t Sig.


B Std. Error Beta

1 (Constant) 12,191 5,498 2,218 ,030


,742 ,254 ,352 2,920 ,005 ,513 1,948


,657 ,178 ,444 3,687 ,000 ,513 1,948

a. Dependent Variable: Job Satisfaction
Source: Data processed, 2024

Model Summary

Type R R

Adjusted R

Std. Error of
the Estimate

1 ,734a ,538 ,524 3,444

a. Predictors: (Constant), Emotional Intelligence, Work-life
b. Dependent Variable: Job Satisfaction

Dwi Abdur Rouf, Yasir Attamimi

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5797

of work-life balance (X1) and emotional intelligence (X2) while the remaining 47.6%
are other independent variables that are not explained in this study.

The Simultaneous Effect of Work-life Balance (X1) and Emotional Intelligence (X2)
on Job Satisfaction (Y) of K-24 Pharmacy Employees in Jayapura City

The results of simultaneous testing (f-test) show that the calculated f-value is greater
than the f-value of the table (36.169 > 3.15) and the significant value is 0.000 < 0.05.
Based on this, it can be interpreted that the variables of work-life balance and emotional
simultaneously affect the job satisfaction of K-24 pharmacy employees in the
city of Jayapura. Work-life balance has been very well felt by K-24 pharmacy employees
in Jayapura city because the pharmacy management can manage the work-life balance of
its employees wisely such as a fair division of work schedules and so on. This is also
supported by the attitude of K-24 pharmacy employees in the city of Jayapura who have
an awareness or sensitivity to work-life balance which is characterized by the acquisition
of an average value of the frequency distribution of the research variable is 4.28 where
the number is included in the very good category. Then emotional intelligence (emotional
was also well felt by the employees of the K-24 pharmacy in the city of
Jayapura which was marked by the acquisition of the average value of the frequency
distribution of the research variable was 4.16 where the number was included in the good

The results of this study are in line with the results of previous research conducted
by (Bukit et al., 2022) in his research entitled "The Effect of Work-Life Balance and
Emotional Intelligence on Work Satisfaction at Hotel Sintesa Peninsula Manado" which
stated that work-life balance and emotional intelligence simultaneously affect employee
job satisfaction at Hotel Sintesa Peninsula Manado.

Work-life balance and emotional intelligence serve as important resources that help
manage job demands and improve employee well-being. Work-life balance and
emotional intelligence contribute positively to job satisfaction, with emotional
intelligence allowing employees to more effectively handle stress and conflict, and work-
life balance providing a stable foundation for employee well-being.

The Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model proposed by Bakker & Demerouti
(2007) states that every job has job demands and resources. Work-life balance is
considered a resource that helps employees manage the demands of work. When
employees can achieve a balance between work and personal life, they feel better able to
cope with the demands of the job, which in turn will increase job satisfaction. Emotional
intelligence can be considered as a personal resource that helps employees manage job
demands. With high emotional intelligence, employees can reduce the negative impact of
high job demands, increase the use of available job resources, and manage emotions and
stress more effectively which can lead to increased job satisfaction.

According to Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory, factors that affect job satisfaction are
divided into two categories, namely motivator factors (intrinsic) and hygiene factors
(extrinsic). Motivating factors include achievement, recognition, the job itself,
responsibility, and progress. Work-life balance and emotional intelligence can be

The Effect of Work-Life Balance and Emotional Intelligence on Job Satisfaction of K-24
Pharmacy Employees in Jayapura City

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5798

considered as intrinsic factors that increase motivation and job satisfaction because they
contribute to emotional well-being and the ability to handle stress. Meanwhile, hygiene
factors include company policies, supervision, interpersonal relationships, working
conditions, and salaries. Although work-life balance and emotional intelligence are not
directly included in hygiene factors, they can affect how employees feel about these
The Effect of Work-life Balance (X1) and Emotional Intelligence (X2) Partially on
Job Satisfaction (Y) of K-24 Pharmacy Employees in Jayapura City
1. Effect of Work-life balance (X1) on Job Satisfaction (Y) of K-24 pharmacy employees

in Jayapura City
Based on partial testing (t-test), it was shown that the work-life balance variable

(X1) had a calculated t-value greater than the t-value of the table (2.920>1.99897) with
a significant value of 0.005 smaller than 0.05. So it can be concluded that work-life
balance affects the job satisfaction of K-24 pharmacy employees in the city of
Jayapura. The results of this study are in line with previous research conducted by
(Saputra, Natassia, & Utami, 2021) in his research entitled "The Influence of Work-
Life Balance, Proactive Personality, and Emotional Intelligence on Career
Satisfaction" which stated that work-life balance affects employee career satisfaction
at the Pasaman district secretariat office. It can be concluded that with good work-life
balance management by company management, employees will tend to feel
satisfaction in their work.

Spillover theory states that experiences in one domain of life (work) can affect
experiences in another domain (personal life), both positively and negatively. When
employees have a good work-life balance, positive experiences at work can be felt in
their personal lives and vice versa, which improves the employee's overall well-being
and job satisfaction. (Bakker & Demerouti, 2007) state that every job has job demands
and resources. Work-life balance is considered a resource that helps employees
manage the demands of work. When employees can achieve a balance between work
and personal life, they feel better able to cope with the demands of the job, which in
turn will increase job satisfaction.

2. The Effect of Emotional Intelligence (X2) on Job Satisfaction (Y) of K-24 Pharmacy
Employees in Jayapura City

Based on partial testing (t-test), it was shown that the emotional intelligence
variable (X2) had a calculated t-value greater than the t-value of the table
(3.687>1.99897) with a significant value of 0.000 less than 0.05. So it can be
concluded that emotional intelligence affects the job satisfaction of K-24 pharmacy
employees in the city of Jayapura. The results of this study are in line with previous
research conducted by (Nathaya, Hidayat, & Dalimunthe, 2022) in his research entitled
"The Effect of Emotional Intelligence with Work-Life Balance and Burnout on Job
Satisfaction" which states that emotional intelligence has an effect on job satisfaction
of State Vocational School teachers in DKI Jakarta. It can be concluded that good

Dwi Abdur Rouf, Yasir Attamimi

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5799

management of emotional intelligence by individuals, will tend to have an impact on
increasing feelings of satisfaction in working for the individual.

Goleman (1995) stated that emotional intelligence consists of five main
components, namely self-awareness, self-management, motivation, empathy, and
social skills. Employees who have a high level of emotional intelligence can recognize
their own emotions and their impact on work life, manage emotions, especially
negative emotions so that they can work effectively without excessive emotional
disturbances, have high intrinsic motivation to achieve work goals that can increase
job satisfaction, understand and consider the feelings and perspectives of colleagues
who can improve work relationships and the work environment, and building good
relationships with colleagues and management that contribute to a positive work
environment. Employees who have this ability tend to be more satisfied with their jobs
because they are better able to handle stress, conflict, and other job demands well.

The more dominant variable affects the Job Satisfaction (Y) of K-24 Pharmacy
employees in Jayapura city.

Based on the results of multiple linear regression analysis tests and hypothesis tests,
it can be found that emotional intelligence is a more dominant variable that affects
employee job satisfaction. It can be proven from the significant results of the emotional
intelligence variable which is 0.000 < 0.05 and also the beta value (coefficient) of 0.444
which is greater than the beta value (coefficient) of the work-life balance variable which
is 0.352. The results of this study are in line with previous research conducted by Bukit,
et al. (2022) in his research entitled "The Effect of Work-Life Balance and Emotional
Intelligence on Work Satisfaction at Hotel Sintesa Peninsula Manado" which stated that
the variable of emotional intelligence is more dominant in influencing employee job
satisfaction at Hotel Sintesa Peninsula Manado. Furthermore, research conducted by
(Nathaya et al., 2022) entitled "The Effect of Emotional Intelligence with Work-Life
Balance and Burnout on Job Satisfaction" also stated that the variable of emotional
intelligence has a more dominant effect on the job satisfaction of State Vocational School
teachers in DKI Jakarta.

The Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model proposed by (Bakker & Demerouti,
2007) states that emotional intelligence can be considered a personal resource that helps
employees manage job demands. With high emotional intelligence, employees can reduce
the negative impact of high job demands, increase the use of available job resources such
as social support and recognition, and manage emotions and stress more effectively which
can lead to increased job satisfaction.

Emotional intelligence can influence motivator and hygiene factors in Herzberg's
Two-Factor Theory. With high emotional intelligence, employees can increase motivators
such as being more able to achieve work goals due to good emotional management, more
likely to get recognition because of good interpersonal skills, and feeling more satisfied
with work because they can manage stress and conflict well.


The Effect of Work-Life Balance and Emotional Intelligence on Job Satisfaction of K-24
Pharmacy Employees in Jayapura City

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5800

1. Simultaneously, Work-life Balance and Emotional Intelligence affect the Job
Satisfaction of K-24 pharmacy employees in Jayapura city.

2. Partially, Work-life Balance and Emotional Intelligence affect the Job Satisfaction of
K-24 pharmacy employees in the city of Jayapura.

3. The Emotional Intelligence variable is a more dominant variable that affects the Job
Satisfaction of K-24 pharmacy employees in the city of Jayapura.

Dwi Abdur Rouf, Yasir Attamimi

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5801


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