pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2025 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2025 1
Educational Game for Writing and Introduction of Javanese Script
Based on Augmented Reality
Desy Fitriana
, Sri Wulandari
Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: augmented
reality; learning media;
Javanese script.
The use of augmented reality (AR) in the world of education has
become a trend and an innovative solution in the digital era. The
application of AR or augmented reality in educational software
development is an interesting approach to increasing interest in
learning. The main goal of this research is to develop an
educational game that introduces and teaches the Javanese script
to users through interactive and fun experiences with AR
technology and develops fine motor skills in students. This
application was developed for use by elementary school students
in grades 2 to 3 so that children are more familiar with the
Javanese script and make it easier for teachers to learn. The
methods used include needs analysis, design, development, and
evaluation. The results of this research are in the form of an
application that presents Javanese characters interestingly and
interactively through AR, Puzzles, and writing according to the
Javanese characters displayed. The evaluation was carried out by
black box testing, which showed that the application worked as
expected and was able to attract students' interest in learning.
The Javanese script, known as the Hanacaraka Letters, is a valuable cultural
heritage that needs to be preserved. However, technological developments have made this
script increasingly forgotten, and the reading skills of the Javanese script remain low due
to the diverse and difficult-to-understand letterforms. A survey of 35 junior high school
students aged 12-15 showed that 91.4% still use books, but 60% find learning with
Android games more interesting. With augmented reality (AR) technology, the sound that
appears when the camera is pointed at a marker can help students understand how to read
the script, increasing their interest in learning the Javanese script. (Heru Kurniawan
Ramadani & Walidini Syaihul Huda, 2020).
The Javanese language is still widely used, but the Javanese script is almost extinct
because it is considered difficult and the learning method is monotonous, making students
less interested. The loss of this script will fade the literary richness and noble values of
ancient manuscripts. To preserve it, interesting learning methods, such as Javanese
calligraphy, are needed so that the younger generation understands and appreciates
cultural heritage. (Vijayati, Rahdini, & Sulaksono, 2024).
Desy Fitriana, Sri Wulandari
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2025 2
Based on the above problem, the author is interested in designing an augmented
reality-based Javanese script recognition application. This application aims to make the
learning process more interesting and interactive by recognizing markers and displaying
3D animations of Javanese letters. In addition, there are puzzle games to improve
students' concentration and learning outcomes. This application is also equipped with
voices and a feature to thicken characters to train fine motor skills. It is hoped that this
application can increase students' interest and understanding of the Javanese script
This research is supported by several previous researches, including research
conducted by Widya and Mustagfirin, research conducted in 2020 with the title "3D
Javanese Script Educational Game with Accelerometer", the creation of this application
is not only to apply an accelerometer as a movement control player but also to make an
educational game to introduce the Javanese script to elementary school children in an
interactive way so that it can increase knowledge elementary school children in getting to
know the Javanese script. The method used is the MDLC method (Multimedia
Development Life Cycle) and the result obtained from the creation of this application is
that the Android-based 3D Javanese Script Educational Game can attract and provide
knowledge about the basic Javanese script to elementary school students. (Widya &
Mustagfirin, 2020).
The second research that supports this research is a research conducted by
Yudhoyono with the title "Educational Games with Android Bias" The game makes
players start the game and pass obstacles, collect question marks, and answer questions
then implement to Android. The method used is the Waterfall method and the results
obtained from this study are that the game can be accessed on Android and increase
knowledge about the Javanese script and it is hoped that elementary school children will
know more about the Javanese script. (Yudhoyon, Widodo, 2023).
The third research that supports this research is a study conducted by Leny
Suryaning Astutik in 2020 with the title "The Influence of Media Puzzle on Javanese
Script Learning Outcomes in Elementary Schools" research was conducted to determine
the influence of media use Puzzle on the Javanese script learning outcomes of grade III
elementary school students. The methods used in this study are One Group Pretest
Posttest Design and the result of this study is that there is a very significant influence on
the application of puzzle media on the learning outcomes of Javanese script in grade III
students of SDN Sukorejo 1 Blitar. (Astutik et al., 2020).
The fourth research that supports this study is a study conducted by Agustian in
2021 with the title "Introduction to Javanese Script and Education with Marker Tracking
in Android-Based Augmented Reality", the method used in this study is Block Diagram,
the result of this study is that children in the age group of 9-11 years show good interest
and ability in learning the Javanese script. 9-year-olds, in particular, easily complete the
basic level quizzes with a very satisfactory score, which is between 90 to 100. At the next
basic level, they are still able to achieve quite good scores, which are between 70 and 80.
Educational Game for Writing and Introduction of Javanese Script Based on Augmented Reality
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2025 3
Meanwhile, a 10-year-old has been able to conquer advanced quiz challenges with a score
that shows good comprehension, which is between 50 and 70 (Agustian & Badri, 2021).
The fifth research that supports this research is a study conducted by Susilo with
the title "Application for Recognition of Javanese Hanacaraka Characters Based on
Augmented Reality" in 2021, the method used is the Waterfall In this study, it was found
that applications with augmented reality can attract students' interest in learning Javanese
script and are very feasible to be used by students to learn Javanese script. (Susilo et al.,
Methodology Waterfall was chosen because it offers structured and sequential
stages. The process includes five main steps: requirements analysis, system design, code
writing, testing, and implementation. Modeling is done using UML, including use case,
activity, class, and sequence diagrams. Each stage is designed to meet the needs and
address specific problems. Testing is carried out using the black box testing method to
ensure the functionality of the system, while the implementation includes hardware and
software specifications. This approach provides a systematic framework for the
development of an efficient and accurate assessment information system. (Priyambodo et
al., 2022).
Picture 1
Metode waterfall
The initial stage of the research focuses on identifying game needs, both functional
and non-functional needs. The results of this functional and non-functional needs analysis
will be the basis for the development of the game developed.
The data used in this study is data taken through a literature study, which is a
collection of data using books, journals, papers, and other readings according to the topics
discussed. In the learning stage, the concept of using the Marker base Augmented Reality
method makes 2-dimensional objects into 3-dimensional as a learning medium.
The design of the game will be applied in the developed application. This process
results in the design of the game logically and physically. Logical design includes Use
Desy Fitriana, Sri Wulandari
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2025 4
Case and Activity diagrams, while physical design focuses on designing the application
interface. In this study, UML is used, namely by using a Use Case diagram to describe
the functionality of the game created and the user's interaction with the game or system,
while the activity diagram is used to describe the activities of the game or system created
(Putri et al., 2023).
The implementation of the interface according to the UI design as well as coding
so that the UI is integrated with the application system created and the data displayed.
The result of this implementation is a game that has been running and connected with a
pre-designed UI. At this stage, the author uses the Unity game editor to create the game.
Unity uses Programming languages C-Sharp or C# (Hernanza et al., 2024).
App testing is the most important stage in creating a game. With the guidance on
the results of the analysis of game needs and previous game design, to design an
interactive interface. This interface design will be a record in the next stage of game
development, and to ensure that the designed game runs according to the design.
Augmented reality
Marker-based tracking is a type of Augmented Reality (AR) that utilizes a special
2D image as a marker. These markers have a specific pattern that the device's camera
(such as a phone or computer) can recognize so that the device can track the position and
orientation of the marker in the real world. This marker is a black-and-white image with
a unique pattern. (Apriyani et al., 2016).
Javanese script
Learning the Javanese Legena script in grade 3 elementary school is by the 2013
curriculum. Given the complexity of the Javanese script, the use of interesting learning
media is very important to support students' understanding, especially at an early age.
(Navita Chari, Rashiyaana Ashree, Bistiana, Setiaweti, & Fatikhatone Nazikhah, 2024).
Educational Games
Educational games are learning tools that are packaged in the form of interesting
games. The goal is to provide a fun and educational learning experience for the players.
The use of digital educational games is one of the effective strategies to increase student
learning motivation. Through intensive interaction with various elements in the game,
students can be more enthusiastic to actively participate in the learning process. (Najuah
et al., 2022).
Results and Discussion
The early stages of making this game, begin by analyzing the output and input needs
that will be used in this game. At this stage, the author conducts a literature study by
reading articles and journal journals related to augmented reality and the Javanese script.
The author also does the development of previously created applications. The next step
is to use Unified Modeling Language (UML) modeling.
The comparison of the development of this application with existing applications is
stuck in the writing menu, in addition, students can play Javanese script letter puzzles,
and students can practice writing Javanese script whereby writing Javanese script can
Educational Game for Writing and Introduction of Javanese Script Based on Augmented Reality
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2025 5
train students' fine motor skills. Children are invited to get to know letters and numbers
through activities such as imitating writing and doing mazes. The goal is for children to
be able to connect graphic symbols with sounds and meanings, this trains eye and hand
coordination (Nurbani et al., 2023).
In this script game, students can choose the menu that is scanned to scan the marker,
the game button to go to the puzzle game section, the write button to go to the Javanese
script writing page, the setting button to adjust the volume of the music and the type of
music, there is also an exit menu to exit the application. Figure 2 below is a use-case
diagram image.
Modeling UML What is done is to make an Activity Diagram which will be shown
in Figure 3. Activity Diagram is used to describe the actor or user and the actions
performed by the analysis performed on the Use Case Previous diagram. Users can
perform Input By pressing the button on the menu or page displayed, the system will
display according to the command given. (Putri et al., 2023).
Figure 2
Use Case Diagram
figure 3
Activity Diagram
Desy Fitriana, Sri Wulandari
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2025 6
The Implementation Stage is a stage that transforms the design and analysis to
become an educational game for writing and Javanese character recognition based on
augmented reality with the Unity application to combine 3-Dimensional animation that
has been created using 3-dimensional applications, namely blender, audio, CorelDRAW,
and others. There are various buttons on the main menu page, Scan, Games, Writing, and
others. Figure 4 is the main menu display that will appear after the splash screen. On this
main menu page, there will be various buttons such as Scan, Game, Writing, Setting, and
Exit button, then in picture 5 is the display of Scan on this menu users can scan the
existing markers using the Android smartphone camera and then a 3-dimensional
animation will appear in addition to that will be provided with a voice button and also a
back button to return to the main menu page.
Figure 4
Main Menu Display
Figure 5
Scan Page View
Educational Game for Writing and Introduction of Javanese Script Based on Augmented Reality
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2025 7
Figure 6
Writing Page View
Figure 7
Settings Page View
Picture 8
Writing Page View
Figure 6 displays the writing menu on this page, users can write according to the
image displayed in this display, and if the user has finished writing, can press the next
button to practice writing in other Javanese characters.
Desy Fitriana, Sri Wulandari
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2025 8
Figure 7 is a view of the page Settings So that when the volume is shifted, a sound
will appear and the user can adjust the loudness of the sound and whether or not. Figure
8 is a view of the page Puzzle When the user presses the tempo Puzzle which is on the
main menu, it will be displayed Puzzle randomly and the user will be asked to pair the
Javanese script by reading it if the user places it incorrectly then the answer will return to
its place and if the user is correct then the answer will fill in the bottom of the question.
After that, the user can press next and advance to the next round.
Table 1
Testing Activities
Test Scenarios
Main Menu Page
Displays the main page
containing scans, games,
writing, and settings.
Menu Scan
Pressing the Scan button
will display the scan
Scan Page
Directing the camera to
scan and display 3D
Menu Game
Pressing the game button
will bring up the puzzle
game page.
Puzzle Games Page
Displaying a puzzle
game page displays
Javanese characters and
also answers by reading
Writing Menu
Displays the writing
page section where each
page is different in
Javanese characters so
that users can follow the
displayed characters.
Menu Setting
Displays the sound
settings menu including
the size of the sound.
Exit Menu
The page to exit the
application will then the
application will close
The test method of the game used is black-box testing. Black-box testing is a
software test that requires a functional examination of an application without looking at
Source Code which was done to make the application. The results of the test black box
Educational Game for Writing and Introduction of Javanese Script Based on Augmented Reality
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2025 9
can be seen in table 1. Based on the results of the table, it can be concluded that the
application has been running and successful.
The augmented reality application as a medium for learning Javanese script is
shown for students in grades 3 to 4 of elementary school. This game is built using the
waterfall and through testing black-box. This research, shows that an augmented reality-
based Javanese writing and recognition game has been successfully developed. For
further development, this application can be packaged more with bright colors, and the
writing application can be further developed.
Desy Fitriana, Sri Wulandari
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2025 10
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