pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 12 December 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Social Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6383
Analysis of Liquefaction Potential in The Youtefa Bay Area,
Jayapura City
Emilyano Joel O. Wayangkau1*, Duha Awaluddin Kurniatullah2, Dewi Ana
Rusim3, Alfian Adie Chandra4, Helen Gianditha Wayangkau5
Universitas Cenderawasih, Indonesia
Email: titincivil@gmail.com1*, duhaawaluddin@gmail.com2, dewianarusi[email protected]3,
alfiansipiluncen@gmail.com4, helenwayangkau97@gmail.com5
Keywords: Cyclic
Resistance Ratio (CRR)
Value; Cyclic Stress Ratio
(CSR); Liquefaction
The distribution of soil in Jayapura City, especially the Youtefa
Bay area, consists of three dominant soil types that then form the
stratigraphy of the local soil layer, namely allifial deposits, silt
silt/silt clay, and fine, uniformly grained sand. Soil conditions like
this have great potential for liquefaction, especially since this area
is mostly passed by fault lines that have the potential to cause
earthquakes. The groundwater table factor that is very close to the
surface soil is also an important factor in the occurrence of
liquifaction. There are 2 ways to analyze the potential for
liquifaction, namely by laboratory test and from field test data.
The approach to calculating field test data is CPT (Cone
Penetration Test) testing. The results obtained were the Cyclic
Stress Ratio (CSR) value and the Cyclic Resistance Ratio (CRR)
value obtained by simulating seismic data using an earthquake
strength of 6.5 on the riter scale and a pic ground acceleration
value (0.3), then based on the results of the cone penetration test
(CPT)/Sondir showed a maximum value of CRR 2.88, a minimum
value of 0.21, a maximum CSR value of 3.70, a minimum value
of 2.25. The maximum value of FS is 0.97, the minimum value is
0.07. There are 6 points at the research location that have the
potential for liquefaction (Very High), namely points S1, S2, S5,
S7, S8, S10, while 3 points with medium potential (High), namely
points S3, S4, S9 for those with low potential (Low) S6.
The Jayapura City area often experiences earthquake disasters, this is because the
structure of the tectonic order is in tune with the tectonic structure of the Papua region as
a whole.
The vulnerability of the Jayapura City area to earthquakes with a risk level of
small to large risk can cause a failure due to loss of soil stability (failure of the lower
structure) (Kumar et al., 2023). The failure of this soil structure is caused by the amount
of energy released by the epicenter (hypocenter) in the form of vibrations that propagate
on the earth's surface. One of the damages to the soil structure due to the earthquake is
Emilyano Joel O. Wayangkau, Duha Awaluddin Kurniatullah, Dewi Ana Rusim, Alfian Adie Chandra,
Helen Gianditha Wayangkau
Jurnal Indonesia Social Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6384
Liquefaction is more likely to occur in unconsolidated water-saturated soils with
low porosity, such as sandy loam or fine sand and gravel. During an earthquake, the
unconsolidated sand layer will tend to shrink in volume. At the same time, there is an
increase in water pressure in the pores of the rock and causes a decrease in the shear
strength of the rock, namely a reduction in effective stress. Liquefaction results in the
collapse of bearing capacity, lateral soil movement, and different subductions in
In general, the distribution of soil in Jayapura City, especially the Youtefa Bay
area, consists of three dominant soil types that then form the stratigraphy of the local soil
layer. These three types of layers include (alluvial deposits, silt clay/silt clay, fine sand
with uniform grains). Soil conditions like this have great potential for liquefaction, then
based on the geological distribution map of the location of Jayapura City, Keerom
Regency and Sarmi Regency are often passed by fault lines that have the potential to
cause earthquakes so that it has the potential to cause liquefaction. The groundwater table
factor that is very close to the surface soil is also an important factor that can result in the
potential for liquifaction. However, it is necessary to conduct research to prove the
potential for liquefaction in Jayapura City, especially the Youtefa Bay area, (Holtekamp).
This study uses a quantitative approach with field survey methods and laboratory
testing. Primary data was obtained through Cone Penetration Test (CPT) testing at 10 test
points in the Youtefa Bay area, Jayapura City. This test was carried out to obtain the value
of conus tip resistance (qc), the number of adhesive resistance (JHP), and the value of
Fraction Ratio (FR). This data is then used to calculate key parameters such as Cyclic
Resistance Ratio (CRR), Cyclic Stress Ratio (CSR), and Safety Factor (FS).
1. Research Design
This study uses a field experimental design to evaluate liquefaction potential
based on seismic data simulations with a magnitude of 6.5 on the Richter scale and a peak
soil acceleration (PGA) value of 0.3g. This simulation was carried out to calculate seismic
parameters and soil resistance to cyclic pressure due to earthquakes.
2. Data Collection Techniques,
Data collected through:
Field Testing: CPT testing is carried out at each test point to obtain soil parameter
Seismic Data Simulation: Using geotechnical data processing software to
calculate CRR, CSR, FS, and liquefaction potential index (LPI) values.
3. Data Analysis
Data analysis is carried out in the following stages:
CPT Data Processing: The data from the CPT test results is analyzed to determine
the qc, FR, and soil content weight values.
CRR and CSR calculations: The calculations were performed using a formula
from Seed & Idriss (1971) which was updated by Idriss & Boulanger (2008).
Analysis of Liquefaction Potential in The Youtefa Bay Area, Jayapura City
Jurnal Indonesia Social Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6385
Safety Factor Determination (FS): The FS value is calculated as the ratio between
CRR and CSR. If the FS value is < 1, then the liquefaction potential is declared
Evaluation of the Liquefaction Potential Index (LPI): The calculation of the LPI
is carried out by considering the depth and severity of the liquefaction potential at
each test point.
4. Result Validation
The results of the tests and calculations are compared with international standards
and related geotechnical literature to validate their level of accuracy and reliability.
With this research method, the liquefaction potential in the Youtefa Bay area can
be comprehensively analyzed based on seismic parameters and local geotechnical
conditions obtained through field surveys and seismic data simulations.
Results and Discussion
The results of the CPT/Sondir test provide the value of the conus end resistance (qc)
and the number of adhesive resistance (JHP), the difference in the reading results shows
the value of "Fraction Ratio" (FR). This result, after plotting into a graph, will provide
information on the Soil Type and Contents Weight Value, which can then be used to
calculate the CRR value which represents the value of soil resistance to repeated loads
due to earthquakes (CSR).
The Liquifaction Potential Index can be calculated and funded using sondir/CPT data.
According to Iwasaki et al. in 1982, it was divided into several categories. Starting from
Very Low to Very High. The LPI calculation itself uses a formulation where z is the depth
of the midpoint of the soil layer (0-20 m) and dz is the difference in depth increase. Weight
factor w(z), and severity factor F (z).
For the calculation of the potential liquidation index, it can be calculated with the formula
above and can be formulated using Microsoft Exel Software as seen in the table
- z : 1 m
- SF : 0.83
a. Calculating the value of F (z))
- F(z) = 1-SF
= 1-0,83
= 0,17
b. Calculating the value of w (z)
- w(z) = 10-(0,5.z)
= 9.5
c. Calculating the LPI value
- LPI = LPI depth 0 to depth 20 m
= 67,95 (Very High)
The results of the calculation of CRR, CSR, FS, and Liquifaction Potential Weighting
values that have been carried out with the number of tests of 10 CPT/Sondir test points are then
expressed in the form of tables and maps of liquifaction potential.
Emilyano Joel O. Wayangkau, Duha Awaluddin Kurniatullah, Dewi Ana Rusim, Alfian Adie Chandra,
Helen Gianditha Wayangkau
Jurnal Indonesia Social Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6386
Table 1. Table Recapitulation Results of Calculation of CRR, CSR, FS, LPI Sondir 10
The Cyclic Stress Ratio (CSR) value and Cyclic Resistance Ratio (CRR) values
obtained by simulating seismic data using an earthquake strength of 6.5 on the riter scale
and a pic ground acceleration value (0.3), based on the results of the cone penetration test
(CPT)/Sondir test, the maximum CRR value is 2.88, the minimum value is 0.21, the
maximum CSR value is 3.70, and the minimum value is 2.25. The Cyclic Stress Ratio
(CSR) value and Cyclic Resistance Ratio (CRR) value were obtained based on the results
of the cone penetration test (CPT)/sondir and earthquake zoning to obtain the "Pic
Ground Acceleration" (PGA) value. Sondir testing is carried out to obtain the conus tip
resistance value (qc) and "fraction ratio" (FR) which will be used to obtain the type of
soil, the weight value of soil content and the value of "n" based on the soil type per depth
of 0.00-20 m, the results of this analysis are then used to calculate the behavior of total
Analysis of Liquefaction Potential in The Youtefa Bay Area, Jayapura City
Jurnal Indonesia Social Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6387
soil stress, pore water pressure and effective stress due to the influence of pore water
pressure that occurs below the groundwater surface due to the influence of earthquakes
which result in The total tension of the soil has the potential to experience a reduction in
its strength value. By combining several other variables such as the normalization value
of conus resistance (qcIN), cyclic voltage reduction (RD), CRR and CSR values can be
The "Factor Savety" (FS) value obtained based on the results of the cone
penetration test (CPT)/Sondir showed a maximum value of FS 0.97, a minimum value of
0.07. The value of the "Safety Factor" (FR) is obtained from the quotient of CRR and
CSR values. If the CRR value is less than the CSR value, it can be assumed that
liquifaction has the potential to occur.
The evaluation results of the "Liquifaction Potential Index" (LPI) were obtained
from the calculation of the FS value and the depth of the CPT test, where the calculation
results showed that the liquifaction potential consisted of very high, high, low (high,
medium). Low). The results of the LPI analysis from each test point showed that the
research location was dominated by a very high potential for liquifaction. The results of
the calculation show that there are 6 points at the research location that have a very high
potential for liquifaction (Very High), namely points S1, S2, S5, S7, S8, S10, while 3
points with medium potential (High), namely points S3, S4, S9 for those with low
potential (Low) S6
The results obtained were the Cyclic Stress Ratio (CSR) value and the Cyclic
Resistance Ratio (CRR) value obtained by simulating seismic data using an earthquake
strength of 6.5 on the riter scale and a pic ground acceleration value (0.3), then based on
the results of the cone penetration test (CPT)/Sondir showed a maximum value of CRR
2.88, a minimum value of 0.21, a maximum CSR value of 3.70, a minimum value of 2.25.
The maximum value of FS is 0.97, the minimum value is 0.07. There are 6 points at the
research location that have the potential for liquifaction (Very High), namely points S1,
S2, S5, S7, S8, S10, while 3 points with medium potential (High), namely points S3, S4,
S9 for those with low potential (Low) S6.
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