p-ISSN: 2723-6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 12 December 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6333
Determinants and Strategies for Tourism Development at
Gumumae Beach, Bula District, East Seram
Siti Hasanah Tuasikal1*, Leonard O. Kakisina2 and Yolanda M.T.N. Apituley3
Universitas Pattimura Ambon, Indonesia
Keywords: Strategy,
determinants; East Seram
Gumumae Beach is one of the leading tourist destinations in East
Seram Regency. The attraction is beach tourism characterized by
brown sand and sloping and dominated by coastal vegetation in
the form of coastal cassowaries and mangroves. The problem is
the increase in the number of visitors only on certain holidays. The
purpose of this research is to formulate a development strategy for
Gumumae Beach Tourism. This study uses qualitative methods,
data collected through interviews, field observations and
documentation. Data analysis used multiple regression and
SWOT. The regression results show that the cost of travel and the
length of visit are inversely proportional to the frequency of visits.
That is, the greater the travel cost and the longer the visit, the
frequency of visits will decrease. SWOT analysis resulted in three
prioritized tourism development strategies, namely: 1) optimize
the potential of natural beauty, beaches and mangroves and
improve culinary infrastructure and local culture through
cooperation with the private sector; 2) develop environmentally
friendly, clean and adaptive coastal tourism to the impacts of
climate change; and 3) improve the knowledge and skills of
human resources to serve visitors and increase the contribution of
tourism to local revenue.
East Seram Regency is located in the eastern and southern part of Seram Island,
Maluku Province, which is geographically located at 128 20'-130 10' East 02 50'-04
40' LS. East Seram Regency has an area of 20,656,894 km2 with three regional
dimensions which include lowlands, highlands and sea. The highlands and lowlands have
an area of 5,779.123 km2 while the ocean area has an area of 14,877.771 km2 which is
bordered by the Seram Sea, Banda Sea, Arafuru Sea and Central Maluku (BPS, 2021).
The potential and tourist attractions owned by East Seram Regency are quite diverse,
especially marine tourism (Yusuf et al., 2017).
East Seram Regency has natural and cultural tourism potential that can be
developed into an attraction for tourist visits. Thus, tourism can be a major contribution
to East Seram Regency in line with Law Number 10 of 2009 concerning Tourism which
explains that, tourism development is needed to encourage equitable distribution of
Siti Hasanah Tuasikal, Leonard O. Kakisina, Yolanda M.T.N. Apituley
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6334
business opportunities and benefit and be able to face the challenges of changes in local,
national and global life.
In 2024, East Seram Regency experienced an increase in the number of tourism
objects, it was recorded that the number of tourism objects spread across 15 (fifteen) sub-
districts in this Regency was 70 tourism objects, consisting of 18 Nature Tourism, 3
Historical Tourism, 30 Maritime Tourism, and 19 Beach Tourism (beach) (Libang
Bapeda 2024).
Gumumae Beach Tourism is one of the leading tourist destinations for the people
of East Seram Regency. The characteristics of the beach attraction are characterized by
the type of brown sandy beach and sloping and dominated by coastal vegetation in the
form of coastal cassowaries and mangroves. This beach is also the right location to enjoy
the phenomenon of sunset and sunrise with roaring waves. Gumumae Beach Tourism
Object has several recreational activities that visitors can do including taking pictures,
camping, enjoying the beauty of nature, relaxing, swimming, eating and beach sports
(Keliobas et al., 2019).
Gumumae Beach is relatively easy to reach and close to the center of Bula City,
making it a mainstay tourist destination for the local community. Gumumae Tourism
Beach is very crowded during school holidays, religious holidays, and year-end holidays.
Thus, Gumumae Tourist Beach provides economic benefits to the local government in
the form of Regional Original Revenue (PAD) obtained through the retribution of tourist
tickets (Simanjorang et al., 2020). The existence of this beach also provides business
opportunities for the surrounding community.
Utilization of natural resources and the environment in the Gumumae Beach
Tourism area must be in the corridor of sustainable development, a good development
master plan is needed. The Tourism Office in its management does not know how much
the value of the benefits of the Beach Tourism environment is, due to the lack of
government attention in the management of tourist attractions in a sustainable manner.
This can be seen from various management problems such as an increase in the number
of visitors only on certain holidays, lack of infrastructure, a number of facilities that have
been built are not utilized, facilities built such as photo spots do not last long due to the
lack of awareness of visitors and the malfunction of the Gumumae Beach Tourism
supervision officer.
The development strategy of a tourist attraction is an obligation of the
Government. Tourism development cannot be done carelessly, and instead research is
needed in the form of special studies so that development is efficient and right on target.
One of them is to develop tourism by designing strategies in the management of tourist
attractions as an attraction for tourist visits on the Gumumae tourist beach.
Since 2015, Gumumae Beach has been managed by the East Seram Regency
Government through the Tourism Office, so that the Gumumae Beach Tourism area
provides economic benefits to the Regional Government in the form of obtaining
Regional Original Income (PAD). The tourism sector is one of the industries that
Determinants and Strategies for Tourism Development at Gumumae Beach, Bula District, East
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6335
contributes greatly to regional income, so managers need to play an important role in the
development of Gumumae Beach Tourism to remain sustainable.
According to Sihotang et.al (2019), visitor characteristics include gender, age,
education level, region of origin, occupation, marital status, tourist information, number
of visits, length of time visiting, and purpose of visiting, then can be used as a factor that
affects visitor demand and economic valuation of Gumumae Beach tourism. The research
framework can be seen in Figure 1 below.
However, until now, the potential of Gumumae Beach Tourism has not been
managed properly and has not been developed optimally by the Government of East
Seram Regency so that tourist interest has only increased on certain holidays. In this case,
visitors play an important role in efforts to improve the quality development of Gumumae
Beach Tourism. The role is in the form of costs incurred by visitors for tourism activities
at Gumumae Beach Tourism, where the cost is a proxy (representative) of the revenue of
Gumumae Beach Tourism.
In increasing the number of visitors, the manager of Gumumae Beach Tourism
needs to develop a tourist area. If there is a mistake in managing a natural tourist site, it
can cause environmental and economic damage. Therefore, information is needed using
economic and environmental approaches as a basis for consideration in developing tourist
sites that are oriented towards environmental improvement.
Research Time and Location
This research was conducted from September to October 2024 located at
Gumumae Beach Tourism, Sesar Village, Bula District, East Seram Regency.
Tools and materials used
The tools and materials used in the study were questionnaire sheets, stationery,
cameras and laptops.
Data Type
The data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. According to
Hasan (2002), primary data is data obtained or collected directly in the field by the person
conducting the research or concerned who needs it. Primary data is obtained from
informant sources, namely individuals or individuals such as the results of interviews
conducted by researchers. Meanwhile, secondary data is data obtained or collected by
people conducting research from existing sources. This data is used to support primary
information that has been obtained, namely from library materials, literature, previous
research, books, and so on. Secondary data in this study are data on the condition of beach
tourism, data on the number of visitors in the previous year at Gumumae Tourism Beach,
as well as data from previous studies and other relevant agency information data.
Data Retrieval Technique
Siti Hasanah Tuasikal, Leonard O. Kakisina, Yolanda M.T.N. Apituley
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The sampling technique used in this study was accidental sampling method, which
means a sampling method that relies on the availability of research subjects (Sugiyono,
2009). Researchers select participants from the population based on accessibility or
convenience, without regard to certain characteristics or criteria.
Data Collection and Data Analysis Methods
The data collection and data analysis methods in this study consist of:
a. Analysis of Visitor Characteristics
To find out the characteristics of visitors, descriptive statistics are used. which
functions to describe or provide an overview of the object under study through
sample or population data Sugiyono, (2019) in (Maryanti et al., 2023).
b. Analysis of Factors Influencing Visitors
Analysis of the factors that influence visitors to the high number of visitors
using regression analysis to determine the relationship between the independent
variable and the dependent variable, the analysis was carried out using linear
regression statistical tools or SPSS (Ghozali, 2018).
c. Formulating a Tourism Management Strategy for Gumumae Beach
Data processing to determine the tourism development strategy of Gumumae
Beach used SWOT analysis method and processed through internal and external
factors. Then compile a strategy using SWOT analysis. All elements in the SWOT
analysis will be captured through respondents' answers to the questions asked. (Razak
et al., 2017).
Results and Discussion
Respondent Characteristics
Respondents in this study are visitors who come to Gumamae Beach Tourism.
The characteristics of tourists are clearly identified to facilitate the description of their
characteristics and behavior. According to Nugroho (2023), the socio-economic
characteristics of visitors can help in translating questions, because it will affect visitor
responses and willingness to pay (Ramlan, 2021).
Table 1. Characteristics of Respondents who visited
Respondent Characteristics
Number of
Respondents (People)
Age (Year)
Education Level
Junior High school
Determinants and Strategies for Tourism Development at Gumumae Beach, Bula District, East
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6337
Senior High School
Employment Type Not yet
High school/student
Non-civil servants
Store Employee
Domestic Assistant
Source Primary data processed, 2024.
Descriptive analysis of respondents is determined by several variables that
represent socio-economic characteristics such as gender, age, education, type of work,
income level, origin of residence and length of time visiting. Overall presented in the
table and diagram below.
Based on the results of the study, it shows that the number of female respondents
is greater than that of men. The female gender is 51% while the male is 49%. This means
that women make the most decisions for recreation to Gumamae Tourism Beach.
Source: Primary data processed, 2024.
Figure 2. Gender Comparison of Respondents
This is in accordance with research conducted by Hasanah and Satrianto (2019)
which states that women tend to want to make tourist visits compared to men. Generally,
women travel with their children to play. According to The American Consumer, in a
relationship between men and women, those who plan more travel details, recommend
favorite destinations to relatives or enjoy doing research in traveling are women
(Hudiono, 2022).
In general, the teenage age level tends to do more recreational activities. The
highest number of respondents who visited Gumumae Beach Tourism was at the age of
17-25 years with a percentage of 47% and 26-45 years with a percentage of 46%. While
Siti Hasanah Tuasikal, Leonard O. Kakisina, Yolanda M.T.N. Apituley
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6338
46-65 years with a percentage of 7% is the lowest age of respondents who visited the
Gumumae Beach Tourism site. This is in accordance with the opinion of Wilson (2000),
most young people prefer physically activities such as visiting historical sites, trekking
on hills or mountains and walking around to buy souvenirs.
Source: Primary data processed, 2024.
Figure 3: Characteristics of Respondents by Age
Meanwhile, education requires the potential of qualified human resources with the
knowledge to manage the resources that are available so that the business they run is
sustainable. The education in question is the formal education that business actors have
taken through school. The level of education of the respondents varies greatly from junior
high school to master's degree, which can be seen in the following figure.
Source: Primary data processed, 2024.
Figure 4. Comparison of Education Level
Most respondents who visited Gumamae Beach Tourism had a high school education
with a percentage of 74%, then 17% D3 education students, 7% S1 and 1% were S2 and SMP
education students. The respondent's level of education can describe a person's knowledge, insight
and motivation to travel according to Zulfikar et al, (2017) in (Asmar et al., 2023).
Visitors to Gumumae Beach Tourism are dominated by respondents who have not
worked, namely in adolescence and school children with a percentage of 43%. Visitors who are
Age 17-25 (yrs) Age 26-45 (yrs) Age 46-65 (yrs)
17% 7% 1%
Determinants and Strategies for Tourism Development at Gumumae Beach, Bula District, East
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6339
civil servants with a percentage of 22%, non-civil servants 12%, and employees 8%. This shows
that respondents who have not worked spend more time relaxing at Gumamae Beach. This can be
shown in Figure 5 below.
Source: Primary data processed, 2024.
Figure 5. Comparison of Respondents' Job Types
Respondents' income each month is different. Visitors who are dominated by
students or students only earn less than Rp.500,000 per month (pocket money),
respondents earning Rp.3,000,000 - Rp.4,000,000 as much as 30%, respondents earning
Rp.1,000,000 - Rp.2,000,000 as much as 16%, Respondents who earn more than
Rp.5,000,000 only reach 3%. Comparison of respondents' income can be seen in Figure
6 below.
During a tour, most tourists plan a group trip. Tourist groups usually consist of
family couples, friends, as well as squad or group levels, either in small numbers or in
large numbers.
Source: Primary data processed, 2024.
Figure 6. Comparison of Respondents' Income
From the results of the research of respondents who visited Gumumae Tourism
Beach, the largest number of groups was in the range of 1-2 people who reached 47%,
consisting of couples and friends, while the range of 3-4 people or 37% traveled with
family, the range of 5-10 people or 16% of groups in the form of office employees or
12% 22%
8% 4% 2% 5% 1% 3%
Not working yet
Mrs. RT
Characteristics of Respondents Based on Type of Work
<500000 3-4 Million >5000000 1-2 Million
Siti Hasanah Tuasikal, Leonard O. Kakisina, Yolanda M.T.N. Apituley
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groups of school children. Comparison of the number of groups can be seen in Figure 7
Source: Primary data processed, 2024.
Figure 7: Comparison of Group Size
The arrival of groups of visitors in addition to enjoying the facilities available in
the form of children's games and beach views so that it affects the visit time while at
Gumumae Beach Tourism. Visitors who spend time enjoying the scenery at Gumumae
Beach Tourism range from 1 - 3 hours as much as 59%, then 3-6 hours of visits by 36%
and only 5% above 6 hours. The length of visit can be seen in the table below.
Source: Primary data processed, 2024.
Figure 8. Length of Visit Time
Tourists who visit tourist areas will increase if access to the place is easy to reach
and the available infrastructure functions properly according to Zulfikar, (2017) in (Safitri
et al., 2023). Gumamae Tourism Beach experiences an increasing number of visitors on
holidays and religious holidays. However, to increase tourist visits, the manager needs to
add more interesting photo spots and relaxing places.
1-2 org
3-4 org
5-10 org
1 - 3 Hours 3 - 6 Hours > 6 Hours
Determinants and Strategies for Tourism Development at Gumumae Beach, Bula District, East
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6341
Determinants of Tourist Visits
There are several factors used to see the effect of tourist visits on Gumamae Beach
Tourism. This factor is used to determine the extent of the influence of tourist visits to
Gumumae Beach Tourism. Data obtained from respondents, it can be seen that the cost
of tourist trips to Gumamae Beach tourism is Rp. 22,258,000 with an average per
respondent of Rp. 222,580 per year.
A good regression model must meet classical assumptions and statistical standards
so that the parameters obtained are logical and reasonable. There are 3 assumption tests
in a regression model, namely autocorrelation test, multicollinearity test and
heteroscedacity test (Gani & Amalia, 2018).
Table 2: Factors that Influence Tourist Visits
Number of
People in
(People /
of Visit
/ Visit)
Source: Primary data processed, 2024.
The results of the classical assumption test show that the data is normally
distributed, there are no symptoms of multicollinearity, no autocorrelation problems and
the regression model fulfills the assumptions of heteroscedasticity. Meanwhile, the results
of multiple linear regression analysis show that simultaneously all independent variables.
Travel Cost (X1) and Length of Visit (X7), because the P-value <0.05, have a very real
effect and affect the number of tourist visits at Gumamae Beach Tourism.
Based on the above equation partially, only the variable tourist travel costs (X1)
and X7 (Length of Visit) have a very real effect on the number of tourist visits (Variable
Y). While the independent variables that have no effect on the number of visits (Variable
Y) are variables X2 (Age), X3 (Education Level), X4 (Income), X5 (Distance), and X6
(Number of Members). So it can be concluded that if there is an increase in travel costs,
there will be a decrease in the level of visitation to Gumamae Tourism Beach. According
to the classical assumption test, the multiple linear regression model needs to be corrected.
The results of model improvement through the stepwise method show that there is
1 model produced, namely the first model with 1 independent variable, namely travel
costs (X1), while the other independent variables are removed, namely X2 to X6. In
Wohon et al., (2021) it was found from the results of regression analysis that independent
variables that had no significant effect were not included in the stepwise regression model
and only variables that had a significant effect were included.
Siti Hasanah Tuasikal, Leonard O. Kakisina, Yolanda M.T.N. Apituley
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Table 3. Regression Analysis Results of Factors Affecting the Number of Tourist Visits at
Gumamae Beach Tourism
t Stat
Lower 95%
Upper 95%
Travel Cost
Age (Year)
Level (Years)
Number of
People in a
(People /
Length of
Source: Primary data processed, 2024.
Based on the results of the stepwise test, the variable travel costs (X1) and length
of stay (X7) have a very real effect and affect the number of tourist visits (dependent
variable or Y) by 67.30% or the regression model is acceptable. The regression equation
shows that if travel costs increase, the number of visits will decrease, with the lowest
decrease in average being 4 times/tourists (rounded from the intercept coefficient value =
3.75). Thus, if there is a decrease in travel costs, the level of visits to Gumumae Beach
tourism will increase. The regression coefficient is negative and less than 1 (the value is
-9.89) indicating that tourism services are inelastic, because changes in the number of
tourist visits are smaller than changes in travel costs.
Determinants and Strategies for Tourism Development at Gumumae Beach, Bula District, East
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6343
Figure 9. Tourism Demand Function Curve
Source: Primary data processed, 2024.
Management Strategy for Gumamae Beach Tourism Area
The management of coastal and marine areas on small islands (KDP) is currently
a crucial issue (Marasabessy et al., 2020). Gumamae tourist area is an area that has a
certain area that is deliberately built and provided for tourism activities or tourist services.
If associated with water tourism, this definition means an area provided for tourism
activities with the attraction of water areas. The development of a tourist area depends on
what the area has to offer to tourists. This cannot be separated from the role of tourist area
managers. According to Nugraha (2024), the success of a tourist area is highly dependent
on 4A, namely attractions, easy to reach (Accessibility), facilities (Amenities), and
institutions (Ancilliary).
Gumamae Beach is one of the coastal areas which is also a tourist area that is
managed so that there are no crucial problems. In accordance with the stages of the
analysis results used, internal and external factors from tourists can be identified which
can be used to develop a development strategy for the Gumamae Tourism Beach tourist
area. To make Gumamae Tourism Beach a favorite tourist destination for tourists, a
development strategy is needed.
The number of activities that will be placed in a space in the Gumumae Beach
Tourism area, it is necessary to pay attention to the suitability between the needs and
capabilities of the tourist area. The results of the analysis of internal and external factors
of Gumumae Beach Tourism are shown in the following table.
y = -3E-06x + 3,6905
- 200.000 400.000 600.000 800.000 1.000.000 1.200.000 1.400.000 1.600.000 1.800.000
Frequency of Visit (Times/Year)
Travel Cost (IDR/visit)
Frequency of Visit (Times/Year)
Siti Hasanah Tuasikal, Leonard O. Kakisina, Yolanda M.T.N. Apituley
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6344
Table 4. Results of Internal and External Factor Analysis of Gumumae Beach Tourism
Beauty of Nature
Natural beauty with beautiful scenery
Dependence on Season
Uncontrollable weather and
Economic Potential
Coastal and marine potential sources
of local income
Environmental Impact
Environmental damage and
Job Opportunities
Creating jobs
Management capacity
Limited human resource
Culture and Tradition
Local traditional culture can add to
the attractiveness of tourism
Maintenance Cost
Maintenance operating costs
Beach Ecotourism
Environmental conservation
policies can attract tourists
- Enrich photo spots that are likely
to attract tourist interest;
- Improve infrastructure and product
diversification in collaboration
with the private sector;
- Making SBT's distinctive cultural
attractions to attract tourists.
- Protect the environment
from the threat of
abrasion, adding wave-
retaining embankments;
- Cooperate with
stakeholders to cover
operational costs
Partnership and Investment
Collaborate with the private
sector for facility development,
promotion, attraction and
revenue generation
Diversification of Tourism
Creative economy development
Climate change.
Climate change and sea level
rise threaten coastal
- Preserve the beach environment by
planting plants and adding wave
- Utilizing local wisdom to deal with
disaster risk and environmental
- Local government prepares
cleaning staff, POKDARWIS;
- Maintain political stability and
quality of environmental and social
- Provide input to the
central government
Caring for environmental
sustainability to reduce
the impact of climate
- Strengthening the
capacity of Human
Resources, including
local wisdom, to cope
with disaster risks
- Operational cost
efficiency to improve
tourism competitiveness
Natural Disasters
The risk of sunami and coastal
erosion will usually damage the
infrastructure and attractiveness
of the beach.
Competition and socio-
political instability
Price and quality competition
from other beach destinations
and socio-political disruption
The results of the SWOT analysis show that the Gumamae Beach Tourism Area
requires several strategies in accordance with internal and external factors. Internal
factors are the quality of Human Resources (HR), facilities, infrastructure, management,
organization, finance, marketing, promotion, and environmental conservation. While
external factors are government policy, economy, socio-culture, technology, competition,
environment, and tourism trends.
Determinants and Strategies for Tourism Development at Gumumae Beach, Bula District, East
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6345
Based on the results of the analysis, several conclusions can be drawn that tourists
who visit Gumumae Beach Tourism are almost dominated by women as much as 51%
and teenagers with a percentage reaching 49%, this is indicated by the number of students
with a percentage of 74% and the most visited by visitors around the Gumumae Beach
tourist location as much as 73%. The increase in the number of visits at Gumumae Beach
Tourism is influenced by the cost of travel and the length of visit of the tourists. The
higher the cost of travel and the longer the visit, the lower the frequency of tourist visits.
The development strategy of the Gumamae Beach tourism area that needs to be done is
to optimize the potential beauty of beaches and mangroves followed by infrastructure
improvements and culinary spots in collaboration with the private sector. In addition,
local governments need to develop tourism that is environmentally friendly, clean and
managed by human resources who serve professionally. Tourism needs to be a leading
sector in order to make a real contribution to the local revenue of the East Seram district.
The suggestion as a recommendation from the results of this study is that the local
government and the manager of the Gumumae Beach tourist site need to improve
supporting facilities such as restaurants and restaurants, lodging, cultural tourism
attractions such as food sales and local specialties. It is important for local governments
to collaborate with third parties to increase the contribution of tourism to local revenue.
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