p–ISSN: 2723 – 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5727
Utilization of BIM Technology, Autocad Software, and Sketch
Up in Architectural Design Drawings
Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]
Keywords: BIM
technology; AutoCAD
software; sketch up;
architectural design
Architecture is a science that studies designing a building by
applying 3 principles, namely strength, function, and beauty.
A building generally consists of a form or pattern in the form
of 2 dimensions, for example, the floor plane, the ceiling
plane, and others, and the shape/form consists of the
shape/shape of a volume (3 dimensions), for example, the
space in the building. In designing a building, an architect
who is an expert in the field of architecture is needed. This
study uses a descriptive method to find out how to make
design drawing documents by utilizing BIM technology,
AutoCAD software, and SketchUp. The results show that
BIM technology, AutoCAD software, and Sketch can
produce architectural design drawings more efficiently in
terms of time, and cost and produce more accurate image
quality. From the explanation above, it can be concluded that
the results show that the use of BIM technology, AutoCAD
software, and sketch-up in architectural design can produce
architectural design drawings more efficiently in terms of
time, and cost and produce more accurate image quality.
Architecture is a field of science that not only designs the construction of a building
but is also needed to learn about the art of designing buildings that use three basic
principles, namely strength (families), function (utility), and beauty (venustas)
(Warmadewa University, 1992). A building generally consists of planes and spaces. A
plane is an abstract idea that can be interpreted as a flat surface, extending in all directions
infinitely, and not having a two-dimensional thickness such as floor plans, ceiling planes,
and others that have widths and lengths or heights and bases. (Boulanger, 2022).
Shape/appearance Space is an element that expresses the depth of the impression of space
and can be expressed in three-dimensional form, for example as space in a building.
(Raden, 2021).
In designing a building, an architect who is an expert in the field of architecture is
needed (Indriyati, 2020). Chapter III Article 4 of Law of the Republic of Indonesia
number 6 of 2017 concerning Architects, explains architect practice services in the form
of the provision of professional services related to the implementation of architect
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5728
activities which include the preparation of preliminary architectural studies, the design of
buildings and their environment, the preservation of buildings and their environment, the
design of building layout and their environment, the preparation of technical planning
documents; and/or supervision of architectural aspects in the implementation of building
construction and its environment (Putra & Ekomadyo, 2022). In addition, architectural
practice services can be carried out jointly with other professions. Furthermore, in
Chapter III article 5 explains the architect's performance standards which explains that
the Architect's Practice service must meet the Architect's performance standards which
includes the architect's ability to provide design drawing documents apart from the plan
document, calculation of the volume of documents, work plans and conditions and
periodic supervision documents (Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 6 of 2017,
In the past, drawing and designing techniques were done in a manual way which
was done by pouring concepts or ideas first on blank paper and then after that it was
scratched using pencils, rapids, and other equipment. (AlFajri & Nasution, 2016).
Drawing manually is a difficult job and takes a long time because it has to be etched first
before the drawing is approved because the drawing really cannot be changed after it is
poured into drawing paper (Gerry, 2023).
For this reason, it is necessary to know how to make design drawing documents
that are by standards and are more efficient in terms of time cost, and accuracy (Wasista
et al., 2024). Currently, the architectural modeling program is a tool in architectural
design that continues to develop along with the development of technology that can act
as a drawing and design tool for architects where this modeling program is based on visual
graphics and Drafting. (Karista, S, Fadhilah, & Wijayanto, 2022). Architectural modeling
programs that are often used in making architectural design drawings are BIM, Autocad,
and Sketch Up technology in order to help architects produce design drawings that meet
standards from the design stage to the construction and construction stage so that it is
more efficient in terms of time, cost and also produces more accurate image quality.
The research method in the article entitled Utilization of BIM Technology, Autocad
Software and Sketch Up in Architectural Design Drawings uses a qualitative descriptive
method where this article describes architectural design drawings by utilizing BIM
technology, Autocad Software, and Sketch Up.
Results and Discussion
Some of the architectural modeling programs that are often used in making
architectural design drawings are as follows:
1. Autocad
Used for 2D and 3D drawing developed by Autodesk. Initially, Autocad was
released in 1982 and was designed with simple software which was later developed in
Utilization of BIM Technology, Autocad Software, and Sketch Up in Architectural Design
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5729
1984 to develop 3D features. Until now autocad is the most popular software used by
architects and teams to produce Design Drawing products.
Figure 1
Drawing Plans using Autocad
But often in a Design Drawing, to continue to 3D modeling is more using 3D
Sketch software because its features are more complete than 3D by Autocad.
2. Sketch Up
Sketch Up is a 3D modeling program designed for architects (Bhirawa, 2021). This
application is easier to use than 3D CAD programs. SketchUp has a feature called 3D
Warehouse that allows SketchUp users to search for models created by others and
contribute models. SketchUp was developed by the startup company @ Last Software,
Boulder, Colorado which was formed in 1999. Sketch Up was first released in August
2000 as a general-purpose 3D content creation tool. The app won the Community Choice
Award at an exhibition in 2000. The key to early success is a shorter learning period than
other 3D tools. On March 14, 2006, Google acquired @Last Software, as Google was
interested in creating a plugin for Google Earth. On January 9, 2007, SketchUp 6 was
released, which featured new tools as well as a beta version of Google SketchUp Layout.
Vector 2D Layout includes tools, as well as page layout tools intended to make it easier
for paraprofessionals to create presentations without collaborating with third-party
presentation programs. On February 9, 2007, an update was released. It corrects some
bugs, but it doesn't bring any new features. On November 17, 2008, SketchUp 7 was
launched, with its ease of use, integration of SketchUp's Browser Components with
Google 3D Warehouse, and a dynamic 2-component layout that responded appropriately
to scaling and improving the performance of the Ruby API. On April 27, 2006, Google
announced Google SketchUp, a free downloadable version of SketchUp. This free version
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5730
differs from the Pro version of SketchUp, but it includes tools for uploading content to
Google Earth and Google 3D Warehouse, a repository of models created in SketchUp.
Figure 2
3D Drawing Buildings using Sketch-Up
3. BIM
Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a process that involves the creation and
management of digital information about the physical and functional characteristics of a
building and is supported by various tools, technologies, and contracts. (Bhirawa, 2021).
Building Information Modeling is a digital representation of the physical and functional
characteristics of a facility. BIM can integrate structured and multidisciplinary data to
produce a digital representation of a building throughout its lifecycle, from planning and
design to construction. BIM is different from architectural drawing tools like AutoCAD,
as it allows for the addition of further information (time, cost, manufacturer details,
sustainability, maintenance information, etc.) into the building model. BIM also uses
intelligent models that can be adapted to changes in design or specifications. BIM has
many benefits for architects such as:
1) Improve design and construction quality by reducing errors, non-conformities, and
change costs.
2) Increase efficiency and productivity by accelerating the design and construction
process, as well as facilitating collaboration between various parties.
3) Improve the performance and sustainability of buildings by analyzing environmental
and energy aspects, as well as monitoring the condition and maintenance of buildings.
4) Increase customer value and satisfaction by providing accurate and transparent
information about buildings.
One of the BIM-based software that will be used to get more effective and efficient
results is the Autodesk Revit software. (Muhamad Alimin, Imron Imron, & Muhammad
Taulani, 2023).
In the use of Revit, the integration between 2D images and 3D models is very
efficient as any changes made to one view will be automatically updated in all other
views. For example, if there are revisions in a 2D plan drawing, the 3D model, cutouts,
and elevation will automatically adjust without the need to manually redraw. This saves
time and reduces the risk of errors, as each element that is changed only needs to be done
Utilization of BIM Technology, Autocad Software, and Sketch Up in Architectural Design
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5731
once and is instantly reflected throughout the project document. This efficiency makes
the design and documentation process much faster and more accurate.
Accuracy in Revit is also higher because the calculation of volume, area, and
amount of material can be done automatically through the "Schedule Quantity" feature.
This eliminates the need to move data to Excel as it does in AutoCAD and SketchUp,
reducing the risk of errors and speeding up the material estimation process directly from
the model.
Figure 3
3D Drawing of Buildings using Revit
Figure 4
The floor of Bill Quantity on Revit
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5732
Visualizations in Revit can be set up with more advanced settings than SketchUp,
allowing users to produce better 3D visualizations even if they have not yet reached the
rendering stage. Revit offers a variety of options for adjusting lighting, materials, and
perspectives, resulting in a more realistic and detailed view of the model without the need
for full rendering. This makes it easier for designers to evaluate and improve design
elements before moving into the final stage.
Figure 5
Visualization in Revit
From the explanation above, it can be concluded that the results show that the use
of BIM technology, AutoCAD software, and sketch-up in architectural design can
produce architectural design drawings more efficiently in terms of time, and cost and
produce more accurate image quality.
Utilization of BIM Technology, Autocad Software, and Sketch Up in Architectural Design
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5733
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