p-ISSN: 2723-6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 12 Desember 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 5947
Analysis of Supply Chain Risk Management in The Lubricant
Industry Using the House of Risk (HOR) Method
Muthia Putri Hidayati
, Iwan Vanany
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Keywords: Supply Chain;
Supply Chain Operation
Reference; House of Risk
PT.X is a company engaged in lubricant manufacturing.
Based on the results of field studies, several risks hinder the
company's supply chain process, and PT.X has never
conducted a risk assessment. Therefore, risk analysis and
mitigation are needed to minimize the risks that arise in the
company's supply chain. This research uses the Supply Chain
Operation Reference (SCOR) model to map the company's
supply chain activities and the House of Risk (HOR) method
to identify risks in the supply chain, including risk events, risk
agents, and their correlations. The results reveal a total of 32
risk events and 26 risk agents. Then, a Pareto diagram
calculation is conducted, identifying 3 priority risk agents
that need to be addressed: supplier inability to provide raw
materials, lack of work supervision, and inadequate
workforce competence. From these 3 priority risk agents, 8
risk mitigation measures have been determined: evaluating
supplier performance, establishing contracts with suppliers,
planning alternative supplier selection, conducting periodic
supervision, establishing company standard operating
procedures, providing skills training and work discipline,
recruiting workers more selectively and rigorously, and
placing workers according to their expertise.
The company's ability to face competition against its competitors in the industrial
world is very important. The essence of competition between companies lies in how
companies produce products that are better in quality, cheaper in price, and always have
the availability of these goods. This can all be achieved with good supply chain
management so that the company's activities can run effectively and efficiently. A supply
chain includes all stages, directly or indirectly, of meeting customer demand. The supply
chain includes not only manufacturers and suppliers but also parties involved in
transportation, warehousing, retailers, and the customers themselves (Chopra & Meindl,
2001; Haial et al., 2020). In any organization, the supply chain includes all functions
involved in fulfilling customer demand.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 5948
Supply Chain Management is a series of activities that manage the supply chain
which includes procurement, production, inventory, and delivery of products to
consumers. The main objective of managing the supply chain is to align customer needs
with the flow of materials from suppliers to provide a balance between what are often
seen as conflicting objectives of high customer service, low investment in inventory and
low unit costs. The design and operation of an effective supply chain is essential for any
Good cooperation between suppliers, manufacturers and distributors can achieve
all of this. Therefore, a supply chain management system is needed to manage all these
stakeholders. In its application in the manufacturing world, SCM must be able to meet
customer satisfaction, incur low costs in inventory and product delivery, develop timely
products, and run the industry carefully and flexibly.
The benefits of supply chain management in a company are very important,
including customer satisfaction, increasing revenue, reducing costs, and making the
company stronger. Because of the various benefits of SCM, the company will progress if
it manages the supply chain well. Therefore, good supply chain management is necessary
in a company.
However, sometimes, this supply chain management does not work as expected.
Every activity carried out by the company cannot be separated from the risks that can
affect the flow of materials and components in the supply chain. Risk is a potential
adverse event caused by uncertainty over the occurrence of an event, where uncertainty
is a condition that causes the growth of risks originating from various activities (Suryatika
et al., 2021). Based on research conducted by Hendriks and Sinhal (2003) in (Gurgoglione
et al., 2023), it is found that disruption to the supply chain has a long-term negative impact
on the company and many companies are unable to recover quickly from this negative
impact. And based on data from the Center for Risk Management Studies (CRMS)
Indonesia in 2019, it states that the maturity level of risk management implementation in
Indonesia is 76%. This high figure shows that the implementation of risk management in
Indonesia is increasingly mature, but the implementation of risk management on
increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of the company's supply chain is only 33%.
This means that many companies have not paid attention to risk management in the supply
PT.X is a subsidiary established on September 23, 2013 and spun-off the
Lubricants Business Unit of PT. A on October 30, 2013. PT. X's line of business is to
produce, distribute and market lubricants, grease and specialties products. In order to
support these business activities, PT. X built four Production Units, seven Sales Regions,
and established various other supporting facilities such as Depot Supply Point (DSP),
Bulk Terminal, and Production Laboratory. The total production capacity of PT. X is
540,000 KL/year, with a total domestic production capacity of 480,000 KL/year and
overseas production capacity of 60,000 KL/year.
Based on the results of field studies conducted at PT.X, several risks were
obtained that could hinder the supply chain process. One of the problems is the quality of
Analysis of Supply Chain Risk Management in The Lubricant Industry Using the House of Risk
(HOR) Method
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 5949
raw material receipt which is quite fluctuating where the expected quality of raw materials
is in the middle of the specification limit but not a few raw materials received are on the
borderline of the minimum or maximum specification limit. Although based on the
provisions of the raw material specifications can be accepted, it will cause a shift in results
during the blending process to produce products. In addition, there are also several risks
that occur along the supply chain flow, including products experiencing Off Spec which
requires a rework process, delays in shipping finished products, shortages of raw
materials and many other risks that often occur along the supply chain flow which cause
supply disruptions to end consumers to the detriment of all stakeholders in the supply
chain. If these risks occur and are not handled, it will cause losses or reduce profits for
the company. Until now, PT.X has never conducted a detailed risk assessment for
handling these obstacles.
Risk assessment is an effort to find out, analyze, and control risks in every
industrial activity with the aim of obtaining higher effectiveness and efficiency
(Darmawi, 2016). Therefore, an analysis is needed to identify, measure, and handle the
occurrence of obstacles or risks at PT.X.
In addition, based on the results of research that has been conducted on 209
companies in Asia, it explains that there are still many company owners who have not
realized the presence of a risk and still have the mindset that the risk will not happen to
them (Adeyele & Osemene, 2018; Balasubramanian, 2022). The results of the study are
relevant to what happened at PT.X considering that the company is also still not optimal
in understanding risks, as well as how to control the risks themselves even though they
understand in detail the business processes they do. This is the basis for this research so
that the company better understands the importance of managing existing risks, by
providing an explanation of the risks in the supply chain process from upstream to
downstream, identifying the risks that exist in the company and providing risk mitigation
strategies for companies based on risks that may occur now or in the future to maximize
the performance of the company so that the vulnerable points of risk occurrence can be
known and minimized (Settembre-Blundo et al., 2021).
Risks in the supply chain can be reduced when a company implements Supply
Chain Risk Management. The framework consists of several stages or phases, namely
risk identification, risk measurement, risk assessment, risk evaluation, risk mitigation &
contingency plans, and risk control & monitoring Tummala & Schoenherr, (2011) in
(Pradita et al., 2020). Risks in the supply chain can be minimized if the company applies
good supply chain rules, one of which is by applying SCOR (Supply Chain Operation
Reference) modeling. SCOR is a reference model of the supply chain that is able to map
the parts of the supply chain which aims to measure the performance of the supply chain
itself. The implementation of the SCOR model at certain limits is quite flexible and can
be adjusted to increase productivity to meet consumer needs (Darojat & Wuryaningtyas,
2017; Haial et al., 2020). The SCOR model is used to identify supply chain activities
carried out at PT.X based on five different management processes, namely plan, source,
make, deliver and return from suppliers to consumers, where the processes in the SCOR
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 5950
model have represented all activities in SCM from upstream to downstream in detail, so
as to explain and classify the processes that build the measurement indicators needed in
measuring SCM performance. The advantage of SCOR compared to other models is the
performance measurement that applies a balance between financial and non-financial
Then the House of Risk (HOR) method is used to identify risks along the PT.X
supply chain flow. The HOR method is divided into two phases, phase 1 begins with the
process of identifying risks based on activities that have been mapped with the SCOR
model. Furthermore, phase 2 by processing the risk agent and risk event matrix to
prioritize the source of risk that will be treated, then re-processing the risk cause matrix
with preventive action and the final result is the risk mitigation priority as the output of
HOR. The approach with the HOR method presents the final result, namely the priority
of risk mitigation actions. Broadly speaking, the priority of risk mitigation is only
determined by the correlation between preventive action and risk agent, but there are
several criteria desired by policy makers in prioritizing risk mitigation actions (Mohsin et
al., 2022; Pescaroli, 2018).
Based on the formulation of the problem that has been prepared, this research aims
to identify the risks that occur in the supply chain flow at PT. X. In addition, this study
also aims to determine an effective risk mitigation strategy to reduce the potential for
risks in supply chain activities at PT X. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research on
the supply chain activities of PT.X, especially in the Gresik Production Unit. In
identifying risks and designing handling strategies to reduce the probability of occurrence
of risk agents by providing preventive measures to risk agents in the supply chain at PT.X
which can hinder the supply chain process, the HOR (House of Risk) method is used.
Thus it is hoped that the risks faced by PT.X can be overcome properly so as to create
sustainable company development towards operation excellence.
The object of research is supply chain activities at PT X, especially the Gresik
production unit, with a focus on risk analysis to determine priorities and mitigation
required. Primary data was obtained directly from the source through interviews,
questionnaires, and brainstorming, including supply chain activity mapping, risk event
data, risk agents, and mitigation priority assessment. Secondary data, such as company
annual reports and literature, complemented the primary data and provided additional
The data collection process was conducted through direct observation and
interviews with PT X workers. The research flow begins with problem identification,
followed by literature and field studies, problem formulation, goal setting, supply chain
activity mapping using the SCOR method, risk identification and assessment, risk agent
prioritization evaluation with Pareto diagrams, and risk mitigation strategy assessment.
The analysis and discussion stage compares field results with scientific theory, ending
with conclusions and suggestions. Tools such as Microsoft Visio and Excel are used to
Analysis of Supply Chain Risk Management in The Lubricant Industry Using the House of Risk
(HOR) Method
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 5951
support the research, which aims to determine the priority of risk mitigation that should
be implemented immediately.
Results and Discussion
Analysis of Risk Identification Results of PT.X
Based on the results of business process mapping with the SCOR model that has
been carried out in each PT.X supply chain process both from the supplier stage to the
customer. The supply chain process starts with the plan process which includes planning
for customer order fulfillment, raw material procurement planning, production planning,
and delivery planning. At the customer order fulfillment stage, an agreement is made
regarding the design, specifications, and price of the product desired by the customer.
Then after there is an agreement between the company and the customer, the company
will carry out the production procurement planning stage which is the stage where the
company orders the raw materials needed for the production process. This stage is carried
out after receiving an order from the customer because PT.X implements a combined
production system between Made to Stock (MTS) and Made to Order (MTO) where the
company produces products to fulfill stock and based on orders received so that it affects
the stock of raw materials owned by the company. The PT.X source process includes
receiving raw materials and storing raw materials. In the activity of receiving raw
materials, checking the quantity and quality of raw materials sent from suppliers is carried
out whether it is in accordance with orders from the Company and in quality conditions
in accordance with predetermined specifications. The make process includes the
implementation of production activities, inspection of finished products, and storage of
finished products. Inspection of finished products is very important considering that the
products produced by PT.X are lubricant products that are used both in vehicle engines,
industrial machinery and others. In the product delivery process (deliver) is carried out
by the delivery method by the TPL (Third Party Logistics) company. In the PT.X return
process includes returning finished products from & to the customer and returning raw
materials to the supplier.
In the activity of returning finished products from and the customer will be carried
out when the customer makes a claim about the defect of the product received. Then the
company will take the defective product that has been received by the customer and
immediately replace the defective product according to the agreement with the customer.
This is done in order to maintain trust and service to customers. And also if in the
receipt of raw materials there is a mismatch between the order and the raw materials that
come, the company will immediately return the raw materials to the supplier.
Based on the results of risk identification that has been carried out by interviews
and direct observation of the reality of the problems that occur in the company, 32 risk
events and 26 risk causes (risk agents) are obtained. In the House of Risk (HOR) phase
1, an assessment of the risk event is carried out based on the level of impact caused
(severity) of the risk event and an assessment of the risk agent based on the level of
probability of occurrence and the level of correlation or relationship between the risk
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agent and the risk event (Hamka et al., 2021). After the assessment, the ARP value is
calculated. Of the 26 risk agents that have been assessed, A3 is obtained as the risk agent
that has the highest ARP value of 4095. Then testing is done with a pareto diagram that
uses the 80/20 principle where 20% of the risk can minimize 80% of the risk occurrence.
Based on the tests that have been carried out using pareto diagrams, the 3 largest risk
agents are obtained which are explained as follows: (Anvari et al., 2021)
1. Supplier inability to provide raw materials (A3): Supplier inability to provide raw
materials is the biggest risk at PT.X with an ARP value of 4095. This risk greatly
affects the production process and occurs quite often. The types of products produced
by PT.X have many variations, this causes the raw materials needed by the company
to also have many and varied types. The same type of product does not necessarily
have the same raw material because the specifications of each product are different
and for ATPM (Single Agent Brand Holder) customers are made based on the needs
or desires of the customer. One example of raw materials that usually experience
constraints in supply capability is the main raw material base oil because the supply
of base oil is highly dependent on the operation of the Refinery Unit, if the Refinery
Unit is experiencing a shutdown then the supply of base oil will be disrupted. This
causes a shortage of raw materials so that PT.X must find another supplier who has
the desired raw materials. Looking for other suppliers who have the raw materials the
company wants is what takes a lot of time for the production process. Often companies
get raw materials from locations that are quite far away, for example, companies get
imported base oil which causes a long delivery time for raw materials and also
requires high shipping costs which burden production costs. Therefore, the inability
of suppliers to provide raw materials is the biggest risk agent and causes the following
risk events:
Table 1. Impact of Risk agent A3
Risk Event
Increase in raw
material prices
The inability of suppliers to provide raw materials causes an
increase in raw materials, this is because suppliers who usually
provide raw materials to the company cannot meet demand so
the company must find other suppliers to meet production
needs. Often replacement suppliers sell
more expensive raw materials.
Running out of
raw materials
This problem is also caused
by the inability of suppliers to provide raw materials. If raw
materials run out, it takes longer for the company to complete
orders from customers. Production that exceeds the agreed
deadline can have an impact on customer satisfaction, thus
worsening the company's image.
Delayed arrival
of raw materials
This problem is also caused by the inability of suppliers to
provide raw materials in accordance with the wishes of the
company, especially the availability of raw materials and the
delivery time of raw materials. Usually this delay is caused by
Analysis of Supply Chain Risk Management in The Lubricant Industry Using the House of Risk
(HOR) Method
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 5953
Risk Event
suppliers who are late in sending raw materials to the company
or the company must find other suppliers who have the
required raw materials. This causes delays in the arrival of raw
Raw material
quality is not up
to standard
Several times it has happened that the quality of raw materials
sent is not in accordance with company standards, for
example, base oil raw materials sent OFF SPEC so that the
company has to wait for replacement raw materials or in
urgent conditions make special treatment that makes
production time late
Raw materials
that do not arrive
according to the
Sometimes raw materials come not in accordance with the
order given, this usually happens to the quantity of goods that
come, for example, it happens to the arrival of additive drums,
additives that come are less than the order given to the
Production stops
Raw materials are the most important thing in the production
process, if raw materials are not available, the company cannot
carry out the production process.
Less raw
The lack of raw materials is also caused by the inability of
suppliers to provide raw materials in accordance with the
required quantity.
Delay in
Delays in the production process are caused by many things,
one of which is the inability of suppliers to provide raw
materials so that raw materials that arrive late cause delays in
the production process.
Delayed delivery
This is the last effect caused by the supplier's inability to
provide raw materials. Raw materials that are sent late by the
company cause the production process to take longer so that
the ordered products will also experience delays in the
delivery process.
2. Lack of work supervision (A9): The lack of work supervision is the third largest risk
at PT.X which has an ARP value of 3861. The lack of work supervision causes
workers to often not do work during working hours. Often workers carry out rest
activities during working hours so that they can cause delays in the production of a
product. The absence of work supervision also causes workers to carry out activities
that they should not do while at work, besides not wearing personal protective
equipment in accordance with the SOP when doing quite dangerous work such as not
wearing safety hardness when climbing into tanks to take samples, this has the
potential to cause work accidents that can be experienced by workers. The following
is a risk event caused by the lack of work supervision:
Table 2. Impact of Risk agent A9
Muthia Putri Hidayati, Iwan Vanany
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 5954
Risk Event
Raw materials
delivered are not
Lack of supervision during the arrival of raw materials sometimes
makes workers not check the quality and quantity of raw materials
sent by the supplier.
Work accident
Work accidents can occur due to weak supervision of workers,
causing workers to ignore the rules in doing a risky job.
Raw materials
are wasted
The use of raw materials should be done efficiently so as not to
burden production costs. In its application, sometimes workers do
not use raw materials efficiently, this often happens when putting
drum additives into blending tanks, even though they have used
an automatic process, there are still additives left in the drum.
ent breakdown
Damage to a machine or equipment is caused by a lack of work
supervision which makes workers use a machine or equipment
available regardless of the applicable SOP.
Delay in
Worker indiscipline is also caused by the lack of work supervision
which makes workers work not according to the targets that must
be achieved at that time, causing the production process to take a
relatively long time.
Many defective
The lack of work supervision in the production line can cause
every stage of work carried out not according to procedures so
that the products produced have defects.
3. Incompetent labor (A8): Incompetent labor is the second biggest cause of risk at PT.X
which has an ARP value of 3822. Incompetent labor can hinder the ongoing
production process because workers do not have the skills and experience of what
they will do and how they use the available production tools. This is due to the absence
of skill requirements needed to apply for existing jobs in the company. For example,
a person can work for the company even if they do not have any special skills, so they
will be assigned to work stations that do not require special skills. And also, in looking
for workers, the company prioritizes partners from workers who have already worked
at PT.X and also the surrounding community who do not have jobs. The following is
a risk event caused by incompetent labor:
Table 3. Impact of Risk agent A8
Risk Event
Contracts are
This problem can also be caused by workers who do not
understand the details of the order from the customer so that the
contract that has been agreed between the company and the
customer is not implemented properly.
Raw material
Errors in calculating the amount of raw materials needed usually
occur because workers do not understand the details of a product
order so that there is an error in conveying information to the
owner of the company who later orders raw materials to the
Analysis of Supply Chain Risk Management in The Lubricant Industry Using the House of Risk
(HOR) Method
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 5955
Risk Event
Work accident
Lack of knowledge of the importance of personal protective
equipment when doing risky work or workers who do not have
experience in using certain tools and machines can cause work
accidents. An example of an incident is splashing lubricant
products during the filling process to packaging
This problem usually occurs due to workers' ignorance of how
to use a machine or tool that can cause damage to the machine
or tool.
Delay in
Incompetent workers cause the stages of work carried out to take
a long time due to lack of work expertise, for example in the
work of cleaning tanks or pipe manifolds.
checking is not
This problem is also caused by the lack of worker expertise to
inspect the finished product whether it is suitable to be sent to
consumers or whether improvements are still needed on the
Many defective
Workers' lack of understanding of the steps involved in making
a product can cause the product being worked on to be defective.
damaged in
Sometimes in storing finished products, workers are less careful,
resulting in damage to the stored products due to the absence of
protection that protects the product, such as leaks in doos caused
by forklift forks.
Risk Mitigation Strategy Analysis of PT.X
In phase 2 of the House of Risk, the design of risk mitigation strategies is
determined based on prioritized risk agents. Risk mitigation strategy planning is the
process of developing options and actions to reduce the impact of risk and reduce the rate
of occurrence of a risk. In House of Risk phase 1, the results of 3 priority risk agents with
the largest ARP value based on the 80/20 pareto diagram rule were obtained. After
determining the risks to be mitigated, the process of planning risk mitigation strategies
that can be implemented in the company is carried out. The risk mitigation strategy
planning process is based on literature review and discussions with experts in
entrepreneurship. Based on these stages, 8 risk mitigation strategies were determined
based on 3 risk agents. Meanwhile, to determine the validity of risk mitigation strategies,
discussions were held with research subjects to determine the ability to implement risk
mitigation which includes readiness in terms of costs and human resources so that after
determining the strategies, the prioritization of risk mitigation strategies was carried out.
The following are the prioritized risk mitigation strategies based on the results of the
House of Risk phase 2 and its explanation:
1. Make a plan in determining alternative suppliers (PA3): Making plans in determining
alternative suppliers is one of the ways used to overcome the inability of suppliers to
provide raw materials in terms of quality, quantity and arrival time of raw materials.
Raw materials are an important component in the production process. Making plans
in determining alternative suppliers is done by collecting data related to alternative
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suppliers that provide the required raw materials, both the price of raw materials and
shipping costs, so that when the raw materials run out the company does not waste
time surveying alternative suppliers. The reason for choosing this strategy is that often
companies only entrust their raw material needs to raw material suppliers without
thinking about existing risks such as raw material unavailability.
2. Conduct skill training and work discipline (PA6): Workers who work at PT.X usually
come from local residents and partners of workers who have worked before, therefore
not all workers have special skills. The work performed is usually very flexible and
does not have a fixed jobdesc. Then the level of worker discipline is considered to be
lacking because workers are often found not doing work during working hours and
the production floor is messy which often causes work accidents. Therefore, there is
a need for skill training and work discipline that aims to improve the quality of human
resources and the quality of business from the company.
3. Placement of workers in accordance with expertise (PA8): Placement of workers
according to their expertise is considered quite important so that workers can
maximize their expertise in order to minimize the risks that might occur. This strategy
was chosen because in its implementation there is no clear job description for each
worker, so the company must be sensitive enough to the expertise or competence of
each worker.
4. Making contracts with suppliers (PA2): The cooperation between suppliers and PT.X
is bound by a short contract that must be renewed every certain period, so it is often
late to order raw materials because the contract has not been extended. Problems that
often occur are delays in the delivery of raw materials, errors in the type of raw
materials sent, and stock vacancies of raw materials on the supplier's side. Therefore,
a long-term contract is needed that binds cooperation between the company and the
supplier to avoid this from happening.
5. Conduct regular supervision (PA4): At PT.X, sometimes workers do not follow the
applicable rules. During working hours, workers sometimes do not do work but rest.
In addition, many workers do not wear personal protective equipment when working
and the production floor is messy, so work accidents often occur due to worker
indiscipline. Therefore, regular supervision needs to be implemented so that it is
expected to minimize the risks that can occur. Periodic supervision was chosen
because it can also be a benchmark for assessing each worker in doing their job so
that the company can find out which workers deserve appreciation and workers who
must receive a warning.
6. Conducting more selective and strict recruitment of workers (PA7): More selective
and rigorous recruitment of workers was chosen because previously the company
mostly accepted workers from partners and local residents without considering their
skills. This meant that new workers could not immediately carry out activities with
specific skills. Therefore, more selective recruitment of workers is needed so that new
workers can immediately work professionally and can minimize existing risks.
Analysis of Supply Chain Risk Management in The Lubricant Industry Using the House of Risk
(HOR) Method
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 5957
7. Establishment of standard operating procedures for the Company (PA5): Considering
the unclear job descriptions that must be carried out and the lack of discipline of
workers, it is important to develop standard operating procedures. Currently, there is
a standard operating procedure for each activity, but to improve workers'
understanding, a pictorial standard operating procedure will be created. This strategy
serves as a work guideline so that worker performance is more directed so that
workers will know what to do and what not to do when working. And also the creation
of pictorial company operational standards also functions as a work discipline
controller with consequences in the form of sanctions, automatically making workers
more disciplined in doing their work.
8. Evaluate supplier performance (PA1): Suppliers are an important component in the
smooth running of the company's supply chain because they are one of the
stakeholders in the supply chain. Supplier performance in providing raw materials is
an important assessment in supplier selection, so an evaluation is needed to assess
how well each supplier is performing. Supplier performance assessment can be based
on the level of quality, quantity, and availability of raw materials.
Cost Benefit Analysis
Table 4. Cost Benefit Analysis
Mitigation plan
Positive Impact
Make a plan
1. Conduct a
dual supplier
system for raw
materials used in
large quantities
2. Increase the
resilience of raw
material stocks
3. Raw material
contracts are
made with price
formula clauses
4. Strategic
partnership plan
within a certain
Plan Cost:
1. Reduce risks associated
with dependence on a
single supplier including
the risk of supplier
bankruptcy, drastic price
changes, and supply chain
Alternative suppliers may
have different
technologies or
production methods that
can be utilized for
product innovation and
production process
Relationships with
multiple suppliers can
create a stronger and
more stable support
network for the company
in the long term.
Procurement Cost
Reduction: 10%.
Expenditure on
Savings: $200,000
* 0.10 = $20,000
per year.
Total Profit in 5
Years: $20,000 *
5 = $100,000.
ROI (Return on
($100,000 -
$20,000) /
$20,000 = 400%.
Conduct skill
training and
1. Make a
routine training
schedule both
external and
1. Skills training and
work discipline help
employees work more
efficiently and
effectively, which in turn
Annual Income:
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Mitigation plan
Positive Impact
before starting
3. Digitization of
changeover form
$30,000 per
Number of
$30,000 *
600 =
increases the overall
productivity of the
Employees who feel
valued and have the
opportunity to grow tend
to be more loyal to the
company, reducing
turnover rates and
recruitment costs
Employees trained in new
skills can bring fresh
ideas and innovative
solutions, which promote
company development
and growth
Profit from
$120,000,000 *
0.10 =
$12,000,000 per
Total Profit in 5
$15,000,000 * 5 =
ROI (Return on
($60,000,000 -
$18,000,000) /
$18,000,000 =
Placement of
according to
Refreshment of
according to the
$10,000 per
Number of
$10,000 *
20 =
1. When workers perform
work they are good at, the
quality of work tends to be
better, reducing errors and
resulting in increased
customer satisfaction
2. Workers who are
experts in their field are
faster and more effective
in identifying and
resolving problems,
reducing downtime and
increasing operational
Reduction: 15%.
Replacement Cost
per Employee:
Number of
Replaced Each
Year: 10.
Savings from
$15,000 * 10 *
15% = $22,500
per year
Profit from
Reduction in 5
Years: $22,500 *
5 = $112,500.
1. Make a
contract with a
longer period
2. Conduct a
mandatory audit
of the items that
have been
determined by
PT.X before the
1. Long-term contracts
ensure a consistent supply
of goods or raw materials,
reducing the risk of
supply shortages that
could disrupt business
2. Long-term contracts
allow companies to better
plan for growth and
expansion, as they can
rely on consistent support
from suppliers.
Cost Savings: 5%
of $1,000,000 =
$50,000 per year.
Profit from
Savings in 5
Years: $50,000 *
5 = $250,000.
ROI (Return on
($250,000 -
$100,000) /
$100,000 = 150%
Analysis of Supply Chain Risk Management in The Lubricant Industry Using the House of Risk
(HOR) Method
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 5959
Mitigation plan
Positive Impact
contract process
3. Suppliers often offer
discounts or incentives to
customers willing to sign
long-term contracts,
which can reduce overall
purchasing costs
1. Real-time
digitization of
every quality
check point
2. Digitalization
of shift change
3. Anti-
counterfeit fight
against the
circulation of
products 4.
per year.
1. By conducting regular
surveillance, problems or
errors can be detected
early before they become
larger and more difficult
to resolve, thereby
reducing repair costs and
operational disruptions
2. Regular surveillance
ensures that company
assets, such as equipment
and machinery, are used
and maintained properly,
which extends the life of
the assets and reduces
maintenance costs 2.
Cost Savings: 5%
Annual operating
costs =
Profit from
Savings in 5
Years: $1,500,000
* 5 = $7,500,000.
ROI (Return on
($7,500,000 -
$3,000,000) /
$3,000,000 =
selective and
of workers
1. Recruitment
of workers
whose fields are
related to human
2. Recruitment
of workers is
prioritized who
have experience
in the
appropriate field
or have
certification in
the appropriate
t Fee:
$15,000 per
1. Rigorous selection
helps ensure that the
company gets employees
with skills, experience
and personalities that
match the company's
needs and culture
Employees who have the
right skills and experience
will adapt more quickly
to new roles and
Reduction: 10%.
Replacement Cost
per Employee:
Number of
Replaced Each
Year: 20.
Savings from
$10,000 * 20 *
10% = $20,000
per year.
Profit from
Reduction in 5
Years: $20,000 *
5 = $100,000.
ROI (Return on
($100,000 -
$15,000) /
$15,000 = 567%
t of standard
1. Pictorial SOPs
that are easily
accessible and
SOP Creation
1. Consistency and
Quality Standards
2. Well-documented
Cost Savings:
Annual operating
Muthia Putri Hidayati, Iwan Vanany
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 5960
Mitigation plan
Positive Impact
understood by
of checklists
related to work
3. Digitalization
of the SOP
review process
in the Company
it easier if there
is an update.
Cost: $20,000.
procedures help reduce
operational errors and
risks as employees follow
established steps
costs =
Profit from
Savings in 5
Years: $600,000
* 5 =
ROI (Return on
($1,2000,000 -
$20,000) /
$20,000 =
1. Conduct
assessment to
suppliers based
on 5 criteria
2. Annual
supplier audits
3. Providing
rewards and
punishments to
suppliers based
on performance
assessments 3.
$100,000 per
1. Supplier performance
evaluation helps ensure
that the products received
meet the desired quality
By ensuring consistent
and reliable supply
quality, companies can
better meet customer
expectations, increasing
customer satisfaction and
Data and information
from supplier
performance evaluation
provide a solid basis for
better decision-making
regarding supply chain
management and supplier
Supply Risk
Reduction: 20%.
Cost of Loss due
to Supply Risk:
Savings from
Evaluation in 5
Years: $200,000 *
20% = $40,000
per year.
Profit from
Savings in 5
Years: $40,000 *
5 = $200,000.
ROI (Return on
($200,000 -
$100,000) /
$100,000 = 100%
The following is a comparison of the benefits and costs of the mitigation strategies
carried out,
Mitigation Strategy
% (profit/cost)
Make a plan in determining
alternative suppliers
Conduct skill training and work
Placement of workers according
to expertise
Analysis of Supply Chain Risk Management in The Lubricant Industry Using the House of Risk
(HOR) Method
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 5961
Establishing long-term
contracts with suppliers
Conduct regular supervision
Conduct more selective and
rigorous recruitment of workers
Establishment of standard
operating procedures
Evaluate supplier performance
From the CBA study, 3 mitigation strategies were obtained that have the potential
to generate large profits with small costs, namely making the Company's standard
operating procedures, recruiting more selective and strict workers and making plans in
determining alternative suppliers. By carrying out 3 mitigations in the process, it is hoped
that it can represent the completion of risk events as a whole.
Based on the results of research that has been conducted at PT.X, it can be
concluded as follows: From the results of mapping business process activities based on
the SCOR model at PT.X, the plan process includes planning for customer order
fulfillment, raw material procurement planning, production planning and delivery
planning. The source process includes receiving raw materials and storing raw materials.
The make process includes the implementation of production activities, inspection of
finished products and storage of finished products. The deliver process includes
shipments made by the company and shipments made by logistics providers. The return
process includes the return of finished products from and to the customer and the return
of raw materials to the supplier. Based on the results of risk identification at PT.X, 32 risk
events and 26 risk agents were obtained. Then processed with a pareto diagram through
the 80/20 principle which means dealing with 20% of the causes of risk can minimize
80% of the risks that occur at PT.X, based on the 3 largest ARP values, 3 priority risk
agents have been determined, namely the inability of suppliers to provide raw materials,
lack of work supervision and workforce competence.
Based on the results of the House of Risk, 8 risk mitigation strategies were obtained
which were then ranked from the highest to the lowest effectiveness to difficulty value,
namely making plans in determining alternative suppliers (PA3), conducting skill training
and work discipline (PA6), placing workers according to their expertise (PA8), making
contracts with suppliers (PA2), conducting regular supervision (PA4), recruiting more
selective and strict workers (PA7) and making standard operating company procedures
(PA5). By taking into account the Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA), 3 mitigation strategies
were obtained that have the potential to generate large profits at a small cost, namely
making the Company's standard operating procedures, recruiting more selective and strict
workers and making plans in determining alternative suppliers.
Muthia Putri Hidayati, Iwan Vanany
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 5962
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