p-ISSN: 2723-6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 12 Desember 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 5854
The Use of Taro as A Potato Substitute and The Addition of
Aglio Olio Sauce in The Manufacture of Gnocchi
Fatimah Nur Azzahra
, Riza Taufiq
Universitas Telkom, Indonesia
Keywords: Taro, potatoes,
gnocchi, aglio olio sauce,
innovative food products,
This research aims to explore the utilization of taro as a substitute
for potatoes in making gnocchi and the addition of aglio olio sauce
to enhance taste and texture. The research findings indicate that
taro can be used as a substitute for potatoes with a relatively high
level of acceptability. The addition of aglio olio sauce also
enhances the overall taste and aroma of gnocchi. This research
contributes to the development of innovative and sustainable food
products, offering a new perspective on the utilization of lesser-
used plants in the culinary industry. This research is an
experimental study. Taro was chosen as the raw material because,
although it has many benefits and is underutilized, it has a high
nutritional value. The organoleptic test of the taro utilization as a
substitute for potatoes and the addition of aglio olio sauce in the
production of gnocchi was conducted using a Likert scale from 1
to 5, with higher values indicating better quality. The panel
consisted of 20 members of the public, with an equal number of
men and women and an average age of 30 years. They were
randomly selected and had no special skills in the culinary field.
The product received good ratings in terms of sensory taste, such
as spicy, sweet, sour, savory, and general. The findings of this
study are that the optimal process of utilizing taro as a substitute
for potatoes and adding aglio olio sauce in the production of
gnocchi requires a series of meticulous and efficient steps. From
the soaking and cleaning stages to the serving stage, each step
must be carefully executed to ensure the quality of the final
Food is the main human need and continues to increase as the population grows.
Food needs can be met from existing natural resources, especially from the plant group
(Nurchayati & Ardiyansyah,2019). The fact that the staple food of the Indonesian
population depends on a single source of carbohydrates that can weaken food security
and faces difficulties in its procurement today shows that meeting the food needs of
people across the region at all times according to their diet and desires is not an easy task.
The increasing population in Indonesia affects the food needs of various traditional events
The Use of Taro as A Potato Substitute and The Addition of Aglio Olio Sauce in The Manufacture
of Gnocchi
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 5855
or celebrations (Fauzi & Kurniawan, 2024). Examine the market potential for taro-based
products and their impact on the local culinary industry.
One of the food sources used by the plant group is Colocasia esculenta (L.). School
is commonly known as taro. Examine the use of taro in manufacturing modern food
products, including pasta and gnocchi (Maharani, 2021). Taro is a tuberous plant whose
use is still very limited and even increasingly displaced by other types of tubers. In
Indonesia itself, taro, especially in rural areas, is widely used as the main raw material to
replace rice and interlude food, and it is even allowed to grow. In addition, taro can also
be used as processed food, such as taro chips, getuk, and onde-onde, and even some
Indonesian people make taro for the manufacture of taro flour, which can then be
processed into noodles or cakes (Suhartono, 2019). Taro has great potential as an
alternative food ingredient that is rich in nutrients.
Taro can be processed using various processing techniques, such as frying,
steaming, boiling, or burning. In addition, taro is also often processed into various types
of processed taro that we often encounter, such as chips, talam, compote and so on, from
which we can conclude that taro is usually only processed as a local or traditional food.
According to Hembing Wijayakusuma, (2002), Taro tubers contain iron, calcium,
phosphate, and protein, as well as vitamins A and B, which makes them a healthy
alternative to potatoes in food products. The high fiber content is also beneficial for
digestion, making it a better choice in a health context. Therefore, a new way is needed
to process taro so that people are more interested in consuming it. This also increases food
diversity and inspires culinary innovation. One way is to combine processed taro with
processed gnocchi with aglio olio sauce so that it becomes more attractive. Pasta is a food
originating from Italy that is quite popular in Indonesia, and we can find it anywhere.
Pasta can be a substitute for rice as a source of carbohydrates. In European countries,
pasta is the main food ingredient. Pasta has become a favorite food for many people
because of its practicality, ease of storage, and universal taste, which makes it easy for
everyone to accept it. Gnocchi is one of the various types of pasta called gnocchi because
of its small clumps, like snails. The Use of Taro as a Potato Substitute and the Addition
of Aglio Olio Sauce in Making Gnocchi Gnocchi is a type of Italian pasta; Aglio Olio
sauce is a classic pasta sauce made from garlic and olive oil. According to Segari (2022),
it is made from the basic ingredients of potatoes and wheat flour. However, the majority
of Indonesians are still not very familiar with gnocchi, and gnocchi is rarely found in
Italian restaurants in Indonesia. Therefore, the author made a gnocchi test by replacing
the base ingredient with taro. The purpose of this trial is to introduce gnocchi, find out if
taro can be used as a basic ingredient for making gnocchi, and find out the level of
preference for gnocchi that uses taro in terms of texture, taste, aroma, and color. In this
study, the author uses taro as a material for making gnocchi. Research conducted by
Wahyuningtias et al. (2021) also includes an analysis of the quality of gnocchi produced
from taro compared to potatoes. Using the experimental method.
Food is a primary human need that continues to increase with population growth.
Meeting food demands, especially from plant-based sources, is crucial to ensuring food
Fatimah Nur Azzahra, Riza Taufiq
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 5856
security. One of the underutilized plant sources is taro (Colocasia esculenta), a tuber with
high nutritional value, including iron, calcium, and vitamins A and B, as well as dietary
fiber. Despite its potential, taro is often overshadowed by other tubers like potatoes,
limiting its application in modern culinary products (Pagán-Jiménez & Mickleburgh,
2023; Suhartono, 2019; Wijayakusuma, 2002).
Previous studies have explored taro's use in traditional and modern food products.
For instance, Suhartono (2019) demonstrated taro's potential in traditional snacks like
getuk and onde-onde, while Maharani (2019) investigated its application in pasta
products. Similarly, Wahyuningtias et al. (2023) analyzed the sensory qualities of gnocchi
made from taro and reported promising results regarding texture and taste. However,
these studies often focus solely on the nutritional and sensory aspects without integrating
complementary culinary elements, such as sauces, to enhance the overall gastronomic
This research introduces a novel approach by not only substituting potatoes with
taro in gnocchi production but also incorporating aglio olio sauce to improve the taste
profile and culinary appeal. Unlike previous studies, which mainly emphasize the
functional and nutritional properties of taro, this study combines these aspects with flavor
innovation to create a more holistic and market-ready food product. By integrating taro
with aglio olio sauce, this research addresses gaps in flavor diversity and consumer
acceptability that are less explored in prior studies.
Moreover, this study provides a comparative perspective on the sensory qualities
of taro-based gnocchi versus traditional potato-based gnocchi, offering new insights into
optimizing taro utilization in modern cuisine. This differentiation not only highlights the
novelty of this research but also underscores its significance in promoting sustainable and
innovative food products.
In accordance with the explanation in the background above, the research has
Problem limitations, namely: : The number of taro available is inconsistent or limited,
limiting the production of taro as a potato substitute in the manufacture of gnocchi. The
technology required to process the production of Taro as a potato substitute in gnocchi
manufacturing has not been tested or is expensive, limiting production efficiency.
Producing taro products as a potato substitute in gnocchi manufacturing with satisfactory
taste, texture, and nutritional value can be challenging, limiting consumer appeal to the
product. The marketing of taro products as a potato substitute for gnocchi can face
obstacles in gaining wide market acceptance, limiting the product's potential for success.
Limitations of Previous Research: The lack of relevant research or available data on the
use of Taro production as a potato substitute in gnocchi manufacturing may limit further
understanding and development in this area.
The purpose of the research, in accordance with the explanation in the formulation
of the problem above, is to find out if taro can be used as an alternative raw material for
gnocchi and to determine the sensory quality (taste, aroma, color, texture) of potato
substitution in the manufacture of Gnocchi.
The Use of Taro as A Potato Substitute and The Addition of Aglio Olio Sauce in The Manufacture
of Gnocchi
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 5857
Research Methods: The following are research methods that can be used for research on
the Utilization of Taro as a Potato Substitute and the Addition of Aglio Olio Sauce in the
Making of Gnocchi:
Purpose and Focus
• Objective: To find out how the use of taro as a potato substitute and the addition
of aglio olio sauce can improve the quality and acceptability of gnocchi. To examine
consumer acceptance of pasta products that use local ingredients, including taro
(Setiawan, 2021).
• Focus: Investigating the effect of taro flour substitution on gnocchi quality and the
addition of aglio olio sauce on gnocchi taste and aroma.
Research Methods
• Research Methods: A fully randomized design (RAL) experiment consisting of four
treatments and three replicates.
• Variable:
Independent Variable (X): Taro flour substitution of 0%, 25%, 50%, and 75%.
Bound Variable (Y): The quality of gnocchi, which includes shape, color, texture,
aroma, and taste.
Samples and Sampling Techniques
• Sample: 120 copies of gnocchi made with taro flour substitution and the addition of
aglio olio sauce.
Sampling Technique: Samples were distributed to 20 panelists from the general public.
• Research Procedure:
1. Gnocchi Manufacturing:
2. Addition of Aglio Olio Sauce: Aglio olio sauce is added to gnocchi made with
taro flour substitution.
3. Organoleptic Test: The organoleptic test was carried out by 20 panelists from the
general public who gave answers to a questionnaire consisting of 5 items: shape,
color, texture, aroma, and taste.
Data Analysis:
The data obtained from the organoleptic test were analyzed using the Multiple
Range Test (DMRT) method.
Organoleptic Table of Multiple Range Test (DMRT) Method for Research on the
Utilization of Taro as a Potato Substitute and Addition of Aglio Olio Sauce in the Making
of Gnocchi:
Significant Difference
39.3 > 20.7, 39.3 > 11.3
20.7 > 11.3
39.3 > 20.7, 39.3 > 11.3
Fatimah Nur Azzahra, Riza Taufiq
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 5858
Significant Difference
20.7 > 11.3
39.3 > 20.7, 39.3 > 11.3
20.7 > 11.3
39.3 > 20.7, 39.3 > 11.3
20.7 > 11.3
39.3 > 20.7, 39.3 > 11.3
20.7 > 11.3
• Variables: Shape, color, texture, aroma, and taste.
• Ranking: The ranking of the variables consisting of 3 treatments.
• Count: The amount of data for each treatment.
• Mean: The average value for each treatment.
• SD: Standard deviation for each treatment.
• Q-value: The value of q for each treatment.
• Significant Difference: Significant difference between treatments.
In the table above, DMRT is used to determine the significant difference between
treatments in each variable. Treatments that have a Q-value greater than the Q-value listed
in the table above are considered to have a significant difference from other treatments.
Relevance of Methods to Research Problems
This method is designed to answer the main problem in the study, namely how taro
substitution and the addition of aglio olio sauce affect the quality and consumer
acceptance of gnocchi. With this experimental design, the study was able to identify the
optimal proportion of taro use as an alternative base ingredient and the impact of the sauce
on the overall quality of the product.
Results and Discussion
The Use of Taro as A Potato Substitute and The Addition of Aglio Olio Sauce in The Manufacture
of Gnocchi
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 5859
Figure 1. Product Results
The results showed that a 50% substitution of taro flour and the addition of aglio
olio sauce could improve the overall quality of gnocchi.
The discussion of the results of the study was carried out by analyzing the
difference in the influence of taro flour substitution and the addition of aglio olio sauce
on the quality of gnocchi.
The following are the advantages of products using taro as a potato substitute and
the addition of aglio olio sauce in the manufacture of gnocchi:
1. Quality of Gnocchi: Gnocchi made with taro substitution is of better quality than
gnocchi made with potatoes. Taro has a finer texture and is easier to use in the
manufacture of gnocchi.
2. Preference Level: Panelists' preference for gnocchi made with taro substitution
was higher than that for gnocchi made with potatoes. The average preference score
of the panelists for gnocchi made with taro substitution was 5.20%, while for