p–ISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 1 January 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Doi: 10.59141/jist.v5i01.882 233
Syaifudin Zuhri1*, Rozaqul Arif2
UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, Indonesia
Email : [email protected]* , [email protected]
Keywords: Digital literacy,
Guideen; Disruption.
The rapid development of information and communication technology
(ICT) in the last 15 years has made people aware of digital technology is
importance in life. However, the impact of this technology has created
an "information tsunami" on a large scale, even an explosion of
information explosions (information explosions) at any time. It spreads
widely without knowing boundaries, space and time so people often get
confused about which information is correct and which is false. Hoax,
which one can educate and which one plunges. This research wants to
explore the urgency of digital media literacy in dealing with the flood of
information amidst the ongoing digital disruption. Media and digital
literacy can be used as an approach that focuses on critically analysing
media content and the right way to behave. When the Internet presented
a variety of new media platforms, the era of media convergence
occurred; literacy is very important for society because it can be a guide
(guide) in behaving, including selecting and analysing any information
received from digital media. In this study, researchers used a qualitative
descriptive method, using a literature study method, because this
research is intended to explore the phenomenon of the development of
digital literacy as one of the new challenges in today's era. This article is
intended to provide an understanding of digital literacy, so it is hoped
that it can be helpful as a contribution to knowledge about community
empowerment in the era of globalisation.
Various groups have used digital and conventional media, such as television, radio,
newspapers and social media, regardless of age and class, for almost a decade and a half
(Fathurokhmah, 2021). The more massive use of media aligns with the rapid development
of information and communication technology (ICT). More or less, the media has
reconstructed people's behaviour and lifestyle, for example, starting from the habit of
communicating, dressing, appearance, house model, and so on (Kamaluddin & Suparno,
With all its benefits and uses, media can make it easier for humans to obtain
information quickly and accurately, which is what everyone expects. However, a lot of
media content is not by ethics, violates the noble culture of the East and can even appear
negative. It can damage morals (morals) if not anticipated by understanding the use
(literature) of the media. As stated (Ramadhan 2019), it is undeniable that in today's
digital era, what we know as the information explosion has mixed and spread widely to
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the public without knowing the boundaries of space and time. The presence of
information is also speedy in vast quantities.
Indeed, it is human nature to have curiosity about something, giving rise to ways to
get answers or explanations about what is happening or reality (Tsanawiyah, 2016).
Humans need the information to understand or explain the reality that occurs. The ease,
speed, and diversity of information in accessing it make users continue to be curious about
their curiosity (Musbikin, 2021).
Although the information is abstract, human needs for information cannot be
considered less critical than concrete physical needs, such as the need to fulfil the body's
metabolic processes (eating, drinking, breathing, exercising, refreshing, reproduction
(sexual), and others that are concrete. Human civilization, with all its developments and
dynamics, is very dependent on the development of information. The existence of
cooperation, harmonisation, and conflict in every interaction between individuals and
groups that can affect the existence of society is also greatly influenced by developing
information (Nuryadi & Widiatmaka, 2022).
Information communication technology (ICT), which is always connected to the
internet network today, has resulted in an overflow of information (Khoiruzzadi &
Tresnani, 2022); on the other hand, the development of ICT which then gave birth to
digitalisation is actually like two sides of a coin, on the one hand, it brings positive effects,
on the other hand, there is a negative impact. Hence, digital literacy inevitably must
continue to be used to fortify the community (Atallah Naufal) in Perspective. So actually,
what happens due to the enormous influence of information with all its impacts requires
skills for the community to be able to sort and own information quickly, precisely and
effectively, which is already known as information literacy (information literacy skill)
(Adrianda & Tisa, 2022). When all information and communication channels have used
digital technology as they do today, digital literacy is also critical.
(Bu’ulolo, 2021) state that literacy is the ability every individual possesses in
language when communicating skills in reading, speaking, listening, and writing
according to their purpose. Therefore, literacy has a fundamental goal for human survival,
such as solving problems and analysing and understanding the information received.
According to (Novianti and Riyanto, 2018), media literacy is a set of perspectives actively
used when accessing mass media to interpret the messages received. Literacy skills are
beneficial in dealing with various existing information through conventional media and
new media, including social media with all its platforms. Because the characteristics of
social media, in principle, can connect and disseminate information in various regions of
the world without knowing borders, space, and time.
The ability of individuals in digital literacy, according to (Arnus, 2018), concerns
the ability to use digital devices appropriately so that they are facilitated in accessing,
managing, integrating, evaluating, and analyzing digital resources, which in turn can
build new knowledge. Digital media is a medium for expressing and communicating with
others through social interaction. Some of these digital literacy include computer literacy,
technological literacy, visual literacy, media and communication literacy.
Digital Literacy As A Media Guide Amid Digital Disruption (Study Of The Importance Of
Digital Literacy In The Era Of Globalization)
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Research Methods
This research uses a qualitative approach with a library research data collection
method. The type of research includes qualitative research, which, according to
(Alexander, 2008), includes the type of research that produces information in the form of
notes and descriptive data contained in the text studied. At the same time, the analysis
uses descriptive analysis. This study is based on the initial step in the form of collecting
the data needed. Qualitative research principally observes people in their living
environment, interacts with them, and seeks to understand language and their
interpretation of the surrounding world.
Therefore, data collection in this study uses library research methods. The literature
study in question is a study used in collecting information and data using the help of
various sources, including books, magazines, journals, stories or stories. Added by
(Yulianti et al., 2021) literature studies can also study various reference books and similar
previous research that is useful to obtain a theoretical basis for the problem to be studied.
Thus literature research is a research activity carried out by collecting information
and data with the help of various kinds of materials in the library such as books, references
and similar previous research results, articles, notes and various journals related to the
problem being solved. There are several steps that must be taken in literature research,
including: 1). Topic selection, 2). Information exploration 3). Determine the focus of the
research. 4). Collection of data sources 5). Preparation of Data Presentation, 6).
Preparation of reports.
Related to this study entitled Digital Literacy as a Media Guide in the era of Digital
Disruption, researchers want to explore the importance of literacy, especially digital
literacy, amid a large wave of disruption in all fields that then affects digital disruption.
Researchers begin by collecting data or information from various sources, reviewing the
data, and then analyzing it, resulting in a conclusion.
Results and Discussion
Internet and Social Media Users
The internet began to appear in Indonesia between 1995 and 1996 with a limited
number of users. However, ten years before the birth of ITE Law 11/2008 (during the
1998 Reformation), the number of users continued to increase. At that time, both
individuals and public service institutions, both government and private, all axed the
internet, including the print media industry, television, and radio broadcast, because
online media became a means of transformation that was able to provide the fastest
information and communication services. Around 1998, before and after the fall of the
New Order regime under the leadership of H.M. Suharto, the internet became increasingly
popular; this media became a space of resistance against the New Order regime, which at
that time was very strict in monitoring media spaces, (Margianto H, 2017).
The presence of online media is considered something that can make a major
contribution, supplying all activities quickly, efficiently and effectively. Moreover, in the
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current era, online media has been considered a major need because of its enormous
function, even penetrating all fields and joints of life.
Six years after the 1998 reform, precisely in 2004, when the democratic party of the
Legislative Elections and Presidential Election, which for the first time was held directly,
a number of new features were born in the gadget universe (smartphone) that can be used
as a social network, with the number of users continuing to increase. The era of social
media is finally really present and has become a tool many people love, such as Face
Book (Fb), Twitter, Whass App (WA), etc. The Facebook tool was invented for the first
time on February 4, 2004, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States, by Mark
Zuckerberg, assisted by his colleagues Eduardo Saverin, Andree McCollum, Dustin
Moskovitz, and Chris Huges (CNBC Indonesia. 2020).
In 2005, the social media platform Fb had more and more users, and in 2006, it
began to bomb everywhere as technology continued to develop and the number of users.
The most widely accessed social media users in Indonesia are types of FB, Twitter, WA,
etc., as social networks that are interesting, cheap, and preferred by Mazda and adults.
Even Indonesia ranks 4th in the world as the largest social media user, only inferior to the
USA, Brazil and Japan, while the UK occupies the 5th position.
The data shows that the more accessible information is, the easier communication
is to do locally and regionally and already across countries. More and more information
in cyberspace, both positive and negative, continues to pass like an industry that continues
to produce its products. Good and useful information is so numerous that it benefits the
community. But bad information, even lies or hoaxes are no less numerous. Quoting
Jacob Oetama (former owner of KKG) "We are flooded with information today, but the
information is not all true, there is also a lot of wrong information." Misinformation can
certainly be misleading, various invalid or negative information sometimes also causes
mutual beration, degrading and causing hatred between users, this if left unchecked will
trigger conflicts in the community. All of this happens because of a lack of understanding
of differences.
Meanwhile, the number of Internet users according to data from the Indonesian
Internet Service Providers Association (APJII) survey in the 2022-2023 period is 215.62
million people, an increase of 1.17% from the total population of Indonesia of 275.77
million people. This means that until 2023 internet penetration in Indonesia has reached
78.19% (Katadata.co; 2023). As the following table explains.
Table 1
Data on the Number of Internet Users 2017-2023
Internet Users
Percentage of
1 2022 -
215.62 million
78,19 %
2 2020 -
210.03 million
77,02 %
3 2019 -
196.71 million
73,70 %
Digital Literacy As A Media Guide Amid Digital Disruption (Study Of The Importance Of
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4 2018 171.17 million
64,80 %
5 2017 143.26 million
54.68 %
While We Are Social's report on the number of active social media users in
Indonesia as of January 2023 is 167 million people, this number is equivalent to 60.4%
of Indonesia's population of 275.77 million people. Of these, social media users are the
most for the Wash App (WA) platform, followed by others, as in the following table:
Table 2
Social Media Users From Various Platforms In 2022-2023
No Platform
Percentage Sum
1 Wash App 92,1 % 153.80 million
2 Face book (Fb). 83,3 % 139.11 million
3 Tiktok 70,8 % 118.23 million
4 Telegram 64% 106.80 million
5 Twitter 60,2% 100.50 million
6 Fb Messenger 51,9 % 86.67 million
7 Snack Vedeo 37,8 % 63.1 million
8 Line 31,9 % 53.3 million
Facts about Hoaxes
The data above is proof of the rapid development of digital technology in the era of
the industrial revolution that continues to this day, with increasing user penetration.
However, the increase in internet use, which when examined in more detail on various
social media platforms, has not been followed by digital literacy skills in the community.
Whereas in the current development of globalization the demand is literacy, considering
the influence of information is very large in life, both positive and negative impacts. The
rapid development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and the way of
literacy of society should also be balanced.
There is a lot of attention and criticism about the low literacy in Indonesia, because
the reading interest rate is also low. The results of a survey conducted by the Programe
For International Student Assessment (PISA) released by the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Develompent (OECD) in 2019 placed Indonesia in 62nd place out of 70
countries or the bottom 10 countries that have low literacy rates. (Aska YQ.; 2022). The
Digital Literacy Index survey in 2020 also shows that the digital literacy of Indonesian
people is still at a moderate level. The Kominfo data is almost the same as the release of
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the ICT Development Index by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in
2017 that digital literacy in Indonesia is ranked 114th in the world or the 2nd lowest in
the G20.
Due to disruption, the increasing and massive use of the internet or digital
technology in Indonesia is considered to open up opportunities for misuse of digital
technology. For example, this can be seen as the results of Sabrina's research (2018)
which shows the misuse of technology through a series of events, such as legal cases
related to the misuse of digital media, there are more than 144 people since 2008 (after
the issuance of ITE Law 11/2008) who have been prosecuted for committing criminal
acts of violating the ITE Law (Electronic Information and Transactions), especially
related to fake news (hoaxes) and hate speech (hate speech) in the media social. This fact
shows that the practice of using digital technology is far from ideal, so digital media
literacy is very important for the Indonesian people.
As a result of this low literacy, there is a widespread spread of fake news (hoak),
the number of online fraud, the occurrence of cybercrime, increasing cases of hate speech
and radicalism. Therefore, literacy is very important for people in the current era in
supporting technological balance.
The occurrence of disruption
The rapid development of ICT in the digital realm from year to year is actually
inseparable from the industrial revolution 4: 0 which then encourages very rapid changes
(disruption). This then affects the order of people's behavior. The normal pattern of
orderly life through social interaction suddenly changed due to technology and the
influence of information. Now everything has been disrupted so that sometimes blurred
the boundaries. Therefore, literacy skills are needed as a guideline to navigate the digital
world without barriers.
This disruption phenomenon has actually emerged since the early 2000s. Disruption
that occurs is not only in small changes, but on a broad scale that can change the
fundamental order. The era of disruption also not only changed the face of the media and
its industry, but also changed the way of working, systems, ways of communicating and
behaving to policies. This also extends to the public service sector in the fields of
education, economics, law, politics and even religion. Changes in communication, for
example, can be seen from the use of sophisticated communication tools as a sign of
changes in the way of communication. And one of those fundamental changes is the actual
evolution of technology to look for gaps in human life. This condition ultimately
facilitates the digitization process resulting from the development of technology itself.
Finally, digitalization is changing almost all areas of life, including the world of work.
As a result of all these things, human activities shifted from the real world to the
virtual world, from energy that relied on muscles and brains to mechanical systems, from
computerization to robot power, and this all made the previous order change. This is all
as the exposure above which eventually has a negative impact as often happens, for
example the emergence of fake news, the amount of data and user privacy leaked, data
theft, hacking, decreased productivity and increasing unemployment.
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Digital Literacy In The Era Of Globalization)
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The process of disruption accompanied by the development of increasingly
sophisticated ICT must be realized to have changed competition in the present, many new
industries are present and have an influence on the world, as a result many business
players in the business world who survive with old patterns lose in global competition.
Causes of Disruption
The occurrence of disruption has changed people's habits from old ways, habits,
traditional lifestyles to new models to styles (lifestyles) that occur massively. Among the
causes are:
1. The more massive use of the internet. The beginning of ease of service actually
departed from the emergence of the internet, even until now it continues to grow as the
so-called industrial revolution 4: 0 which then puts everything using the internet as an
important tool needed (IoT), communication between humans is always connected to
the internet network and almost to all ecosystems, so hunting for any information is
easy to get, including the last presence of artificial intelligence-based technology (AI).
2. There is a trend of digital technology. The results of research conducted by Harvard
Business Review say that digital trends are now in a new era of disruption, examples
that we often see include: trends in transportation modes from manual to online
services (gojek, ojol, grab, maxim, indriver etc.); payment method models that can
now be done online digital trends (e-ticketing, PLN, tariffs, taxes, salaries, PDAMs
etc.) and concern public services; The trend of buying and selling transactions
anywhere without space and time limitations, including cash withdrawal features.
3. Changing Community Behavior. The presence of advanced technology then has an
influence on changing people's behavior, because technology is basically to facilitate
humans. Starting from its superiority to the habits of the order also changed. Even
though change will not be easy to do if the society does not change.
Impact of Disruption
Humans are actually the main controllers in this era of disruption, because the
development of digital technology is also a result of civilization and discovery through
human innovations, so the impact of disruption is very important to continue to be studied
in order to secure humans themselves, especially in the field of human business as the
main key holder. (Haqqi & Wijayati, 2019) the results of his research stated that the
impact of digital technology that transforms into an industrial revolution 4: 0 in the next
5 years will be very pronounced, it is even predicted that there will be 52.6 million types
of jobs there will be a shift, nanusia jobs will be replaced by machines. This indicates that
everyone if they want to remain recognized for their existence and be able to survive in
the competition of the business world must prepare all their abilities and psychic and
continue to innovate differently from others.
On the one hand, disruption can foster business spirit and create innovation and new
opportunities, but on the other hand, it is also a serious threat that can change the flow of
business competition. In other aspects the impact also occurs, among others:
1. Digital disruption brings various conveniences, the most felt of which are the speed of
accessing information, communicating and a number of services. However, due to the
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extraordinary speed of information, it sometimes raises doubts about the veracity of
the information.
2. Business competition is becoming increasingly fierce and real to face. Those who act
quickly and are ready to adjust to this era then the potential for success is higher, and
vice versa.
3. Another impact of the community is that it is required to quickly adapt to various
changes that arise, because disruption also touches various aspects of daily life,
including in education services.
4. Disruption requires companies to adjust their previously conventional business models
to modern, while also always developing their products (Product Development)
according to market responses.
How to Deal with Digital Disruption
So great is the impact due to digital disruption, while changes continue to occur
along with the development of digital technology, anticipatory steps are needed so that
digital media users are not trapped in the error of choosing information and using existing
tools. According to (Laudya, Ariany, & Kabullah, 2023), there are several views that may
differ between before and after digital disruption, and this can be a benchmark (standard)
if people want to make changes, including: First, the needs of the present are not
necessarily the same as the needs of the past, so they must prepare according to current
conditions; Second, following changing trends so as not to be left behind, for example
exploring various developments through social media; Third, always look at the
opportunities (opportunities) of various changes that occur, so that if there is an
opportunity can take advantage of the opportunity.
Even for the business world or companies, it is recommended to take six steps in
facing the current era of technological disruption, including: 1) improving the quality and
capability of human resources, 2) following the flow of change and adjusting the rhythm
of technological developments that occur, 3). transforming towards digital, 4). adopt or
collaborate with the latest technological developments, 5). It is not easy to be satisfied
with results that are too early and 6). does not stop to continue to innovate (Suandewi &
Maradona, 2023).
Solutions Through Digital Literacy
Facing the rapid changes in the era of disruption, digital literacy can be a better
solution. Because there is readiness to make changes by always developing sensitivity
and critical attitude towards everything that happens. Through digital literacy skills,
people are expected to be able to process various information, understand messages, and
communicate effectively in accordance with norms and ethics to achieve good goals.
The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kemenkominfo)
built a strategy in maximizing digital literacy activities called the Digital Literacy
Roadmap for the 2021-2024 period (Ind.Baik). This road map is also called the literacy
pillar which consists of 4 things, namely: Digital Skills, Digital Culture, Digital Ethics
and Digital Safety.
Digital Literacy As A Media Guide Amid Digital Disruption (Study Of The Importance Of
Digital Literacy In The Era Of Globalization)
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First, Digital Skills is the ability to understand and use digital devices, proficient in
understanding information and communication technology (ICT) both software and
hardware, and understanding the operating system. The community, especially young
generations, needs to be given an understanding of these digital skills, and must be
mastered to answer the challenges of the times. Digital skills, for example, skills in
analysis or the ability to examine and process data from various sources to produce
information that can be used as a basis for decision making.
Second, Digital Culture (digital culture) which means the ability to build national
insight, when interacting with digital media must be in accordance with the values of
Pancasila and Bhinneka Tunggal Eka. People are not only proficient in digital, but must
be in accordance with Indonesian culture, for example being able to create interesting and
useful vedeo content while still respecting the diversity of the nation, making vedeo art
of the nation's culture, the beauty of tourism and love of domestic products and so on.
Third, digital ethics is a person's ability to adjust, be able to think rationally
according to manners in digital media, pay attention to ethics and manners in
communicating. For example, speaking politely, not spreading information that contains
elements of lies (hoaxes), not spreading hate speech, not accusing each other or
slandering, not spreading pornographic images and so on.
Fourth, digital safety means the ability to practice and develop digital ethics,
through the ability to analyze and improve digital security (Setu, Ferdinandus, 2021).
Digital media users must be aware of the importance of protecting the security of their
personal data, of course by applying the principle of prudence in using digital media. For
example, understanding how to protect their digital identity, understanding their digital
track record in terms of uploading or downloading data or information. The rise of online
fraud must be addressed with an understanding of the security of personal data in digital
media. For this reason, you must be careful not carelessly as long as you click on links
from untrusted sources, because it could be that the perpetrator steals someone's identity
which is actually confidential.
Digital Media Literacy Practices
Digital literacy activities can be carried out anywhere as needed, but must still
maintain the signs as described above. This literacy is in the form of action or attitude by
emphasizing ideas, ideas, creativity and expediency. The following is an example of
digital literacy activities, which the researchers describe in the form of a table.
Table 1
Examples of digital literacy actions at home and the surrounding environment
No. Digital Literacy Based
on Place
Action (Form of Activity)
1 At Home 1) Communicate with parents using social
2) Use the internet and laptop at home for
useful activities.
3) Use your phone to open emails
4) Participate in online seminars for families
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5) Use email to communicate between family
6) Access YouTube to get creative and make
useful things at home
7) Search for part-time job information over the
8) See useful tutorials to help with homework,
such as tutorials on cleaning things, cooking,
9) Listen to music through official and legal
10) Watch movies through official and legal
2 In the Neighborhood 1) Fundraising for social causes, using the
2) Promotion of sales of community
merchandise through social media.
3) Maximize online meeting applications for
meetings at the RT or RW level.
4) Using social media to create WA groups as a
medium of information communication at
the RT or RW level.
5) Maximize the browser to sort out credible
information that can be accounted for.
6) Create a website to write the development of
information around the community
7) Create an online polling platform for the
election of surveys, polls or elections for RT
chairpersons or RW chairmen
8) Create a village management profile using
the baggage maker app.
9) Find the latest issues through the online
By applying this literacy, a person can work efficiently and effectively because he
is in a single-place environment or not far from his home.
Table 2
Examples of digital literacy actions in schools and campuses
No. Digital Literacy Based
on Place
Action (Form of Activity)
1 At School 1) Maximize the use of social media to communicate
with teachers or friends
2) Use e-mail to send tasks
3) Maximizing the use of mobile phones to make
school assignments
4) Use online meeting applications or websites to
undergo online learning
5) Using the internet to find trusted learning
6) Search for information about lessons using a
Digital Literacy As A Media Guide Amid Digital Disruption (Study Of The Importance Of
Digital Literacy In The Era Of Globalization)
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7) Maximize using laptops and internet networks to
complete assignments from school.
8) Use a photo or video editing app to create a task.
9) Take online classes using online meeting
applications or Zoom meetings.
10) Use interactive whiteboards at school and allow
students to use them.
1 On Campus 1) Create a new job or original work
2) Evaluating results
3) Analyze interrelated ideas.
4) Apply the information you have obtained in the
right situation
5) Understand the information obtained so that you
can explain ideas or concepts appropriately.
6) Recalling basic facts and concepts gained while
accessing digital resources.
7) Using laptops and the internet to study.
The application of digital literacy on campus can be done while the course is in
progress or outside lecture hours with the following examples:
Table 3
Examples of digital literacy actions on campus when the KBM process is underway
No. Digital Literacy Based
on Place
Action (Form of Activity)
1 On-campus and off-
1) Using laptops and the internet to study.
2) Maximize online meeting applications for online
3) Using the internet to access scientific journals.
4) Send assignments to lecturers using email.
5) Use the internet to search for coursework.
6) Use video streaming services to find learning
resources to support courses.
7) Conduct online seminars using online meeting
8) Take online classes from overseas campuses
9) Create clippings online using the app.
10) Use an online dictionary to look up the meaning of
11) Apply for an internship or social work using email.
12) Create online quizzes or assignments to test
students' understanding.
13) Looking for current issues through online
newspapers as student assignment material.
14) Using the internet network to integrate all student
15) Implement an online course registration system.
16) Use the website to display student grades.
17) Utilize online applications to broadcast news on
campus in real time.
18) Input KRS through a special website.
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19) Send input or suggestions for lecturers and
educators through the campus website or
application from campus.
20) Using social media or other platforms to collect
college assignments.
Ultimately, a person's proficiency in digital literacy will give birth to a society with
a critical and creative mindset and outlook. As a result, people will not be easily consumed
by the emergence of negative, provocative hoaxes, information, and digital-based fraud.
In general, this literacy is for the digital user community (warrant, netizen) but can be
focused on young people, adolescents, and millennials; they must have special skills in
adequate digital literacy. Through digital literacy programs that continue to be promoted
and carried out correctly, the digital independence of the Indonesian nation can be
realized with brilliant achievements.
Digital literacy is the ability to obtain, understand and utilize information from
various sources in digital form. However, digital literacy is the ability to access data or
information from digital media and analyze it with thoughts rooted in information,
computer, and technological literacy. For the community, the huge impact of digital
disruption must be anticipated by actively carrying out digital literacy, understanding all
the information received, and being ready to make changes following the trend of
technological development.
Digital literacy skills will eventually enable people to access, sort, choose, and
understand the information received. It can then be used to improve the quality of life
because, with digital literacy, a person can filter every information that enters their
environment well, so digital literacy activities need to continue to be encouraged and
developed so that people understand, have a responsibility as users of information that
obtained and responsible for using digital devices, including being able to maintain data
security and privacy in the online world, considering that everything is connected.
Digital Literacy As A Media Guide Amid Digital Disruption (Study Of The Importance Of
Digital Literacy In The Era Of Globalization)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 01, January 2024 245
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