Ivana Ardhia Larasati, Rika Ernawati, Shofa Rijalul Haq, Nurkhamim, Tedy Agung Cahyadi
Jurnal Indonesia Social Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5838
factors, management factors, and work environment factors. Workers' knowledge and
attitudes play an important role in preventing work accidents.
Notoatmodjo (2013) explained that knowledge is obtained through the five senses
and is influenced by internal factors such as education, interests, experience, and age, as
well as external factors such as economy, environment, and culture. Winardim (2020)
defines attitude as a mental state that is studied and organized based on experience, which
affects a person's reaction to others, objects, and situations. Zuchdi (2022) added that
attitudes are influenced by personal experiences, culture, important people, mass media,
educational and religious institutions, as well as emotional factors. Effective supervision
is key to ensuring that work is carried out in accordance with safety plans and standards.
Sarwono (1991) emphasized the importance of inspection, checking, matching,
inspection, and control activities in supervision.
The Jelitik Industrial Estate in Bangka Regency is one of the industrial estates that
has a high potential for work accidents. This area has abundant tin sand content and is the
location for several companies engaged in mining, processing, and refining tin ore,
including PT Pemurnian Oreh Timah. Although the company has recorded a few incidents
of work accidents in the past 1 year, potential risks still exist. This study aims to analyze
the close correlation between knowledge and attitude, knowledge and supervision, and
attitude with supervision in the Engineering Department of PT Pemurnian Ore Timah in
the Jelitik Industrial Estate, Bangka Regency. By examining these factors in depth, it is
hoped that the results of the research can make a significant contribution to the
development of more effective accident prevention strategies, as well as improve the
implementation of safety practices in accordance with industry standards. In addition, the
results of this study can enrich the occupational safety literature and provide practical
guidance for companies in an effort to minimize risks and promote a safe work
This research uses a quantitative approach with a correlational descriptive design,
conducted in the Engineering Department of Tin Ore Refining Company in the Jelitik
Industrial Estate, Bangka Regency. The research sample consisted of 68 engineering
department workers who were selected by purposive sampling. Data was collected
through observation in the form of in-depth interviews with the Head of K3 and the
company's summit, as well as a questionnaire consisting of 15 questions for each variable
(knowledge, attitude and supervision). Instruments and classical assumption tests have
tested the questionnaire data. The test of the instrument in the form of validity and
reliability uses the Eviews 10 program, with a table value of 0.2387 and an Alpha
Cronbach value of > 0.05, where if the result is > table, the data is declared valid and
reliable. After that, a data normality test and a heteroskedasticity test were carried out.
The data normality test in the Eviews 10 program using the Jarque-Bera method is seen
with the condition that if the probability value > 0.05, the data is normally distributed.
Meanwhile, the heteroskedasticity test uses the scatterplot graph method and the White