p–ISSN: 2723 – 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5676
Political Branding Analysis of @Gibran_Rakabuming Tiktok
Accounts during the 2024 Presidential Election Campaign
Merlyana Ryandaresta1*, Muhammad Thoyib Amali2
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]
Keywords: political
social media campaign;
TikTok politics.
Social media, especially TikTok, is a platform that is
currently used for political campaigns. Ahead of the 2024
Presidential Election, talks about presidential candidates and
vice presidential candidates, especially Gibran, are
increasingly being discussed in various media. The many
pros and cons that have arisen among the public regarding
the candidacy of Gibran Rakabuming Raka as a vice
presidential candidate have become the culmination of the
polemic. This study aims to analyze the political branding of
TikTok @gibran_rakabuming accounts during the 2024
presidential election campaign. This research method uses a
descriptive qualitative method and is analyzed using theories
from Gelder and Sonies which consists of three indicators,
namely, appearance, personality, and key political messages.
Case studies on TikTok accounts @gibran_rakabuming
were taken during the period from November 28, 2023, to
February 10, 2024. The results of the research show that
Gibran has successfully used the TikTok platform to build
an image as a vice presidential candidate who is ready to
bring positive changes to Indonesia with a relevant, close to
the community, and adaptive to technological developments
and the needs of the community, especially the younger
generation. The use of social media platforms such as
TikTok is also a powerful strategy to reach young people and
make them candidates who not only talk about the future but
also invite the public to work together to realize a more
advanced Indonesia.
The significant increase in internet use during the pandemic to date has had a
considerable impact on various aspects of life. Based on data presented by the Indonesian
Internet Service Providers Association (APJII), in 2024 internet users have reached
221,563,479 people out of a total population of 278,696,200 people in 2023. The
Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association also mentioned that the Indonesian
population connected to the Internet in 2023 reached 78.19%. This indicates a significant
increase in the positive trend graph of internet user penetration in Indonesia. The internet
Political Branding Analysis of @Gibran_Rakabuming Tiktok Accounts during the 2024
Presidential Election Campaign
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5677
also has a very important role in obtaining or disseminating information. Over time, the
role of the Internet is not only a source of information but has developed into a very
powerful platform to lead or influence public opinion. An increasingly wide internet
connection has opened the door to opportunities, including in the political realm.
According to (Festy Rahma Hidayati, 2021) This digital transformation has brought new
political opportunities. In the world of politics, elections are a crucial moment where
candidates compete to win public support to achieve the desired position. The 2024
election in Indonesia is now in the main spotlight, where national political dynamics will
play an important role in determining the country's future direction. The election of the
president and vice president is one of the most important aspects of the election. In
obtaining election vote support, candidates not only rely on political platforms and
political parties but also through one of the strategies that are increasingly gaining public
attention, namely through social media by building political branding to build and manage
the image of politicians in the eyes of the public.
In the world of politics, branding is the most important thing to minimize the
public's bad stigma regarding the world of politics political branding is carried out with
the aim of building, managing, and maintaining the image of a politician or political party
in the eyes of the public. (Dharma Putra, Armawati Sufa, & Ratnasari, 2022). In the
previous election, many politicians actively communicated and built political branding
through social media.
As a media of change that continues to develop, social media has a very important
role, especially for politicians who can later foster a culture of participation, and
aspirations, and establish and maintain interaction relationships with the audience without
any limitations of space or time. (Atiek Nur Hidayati, 2024). The existence of social
media also makes political campaigns more open and easily accessible. One of the
platforms that is currently popular is TikTok. TikTok has become the center of attention,
especially for millennials, and has a considerable influence in shaping cultural trends and
public opinion. According to data from We Are Social, in October 2023, there were
106.51 million TikTok users and of this number, Indonesia is the 2nd country with the
most TikTok users in the world. When compared to last year in the same period, the
number of TikTok users increased by around 28.8% or 272 million users. So in the
political context, TikTok can be an effective tool to build a positive image of politicians,
expand the reach of campaigns, and build political communication through posted content
that can later increase political participation among the younger generation.
The 2024 General Election in Indonesia is an opportunity to re-strengthen the
foundation of democracy, which has recently declined. According to the Democracy
Index published by The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), Indonesia has been included
in the category of less-than-optimal democracy for the past 13 years. Several political and
legal events are often a challenge to the progress of democracy in Indonesia. One example
is the Constitutional Court's decision regarding the requirements for presidential and vice
presidential candidacy in October 2023, which received a variety of responses from
various circles of society. Many figures from various backgrounds, such as academics,
Merlyana Ryandaresta, Muhammad Thoyib Amali
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5678
religious figures, artists, and activists, expressed concern and disappointment over the
decision, which was considered to prolong the era of dynastic politics in Indonesia. The
results of the poll from Kompas Research and Development also reflect the public's view
of political progress which is considered to be related to dynastic political practices that
are less popular in the context of electoral democracy.
The many pros and cons that have arisen among the public regarding the candidacy
of Gibran Rakabuming Raka as a vice presidential candidate have become the
culmination of the polemic. With the change in the minimum age limit for presidential
and vice presidential candidates contained in Article 169 letter q of the Election Law, it
states "at least 40 (forty) years old or have/is occupying a position elected through general
elections, including the election of regional heads". This decision is considered to provide
opportunities or open opportunities for Gibran to be further involved in the world of
politics. In addition, the Constitutional Court (MK) Decision rejecting all applications for
testing Article 169 letter q is also an additional factor that affects this situation. Based on
information gathered from the MKRI which decided to reject all applications for testing
against Article 169 letter q of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections, as
interpreted in the Constitutional Court Decision Number 90/PUU-XXI/2023. Reporting
from Kompas.id, various negative public reactions such as the emergence of opinions that
assessed that material testing efforts were indeed carried out to provide a political path
for Gibran as a vice presidential candidate and this was considered by the public as
dynastic politics. Therefore, this is interesting to research and it is necessary to know the
political branding of Gibran Rakabuming Raka as the 2024 vice presidential candidate
through Tiktok social media.
The emergence of new media with several available platforms, such as social
media, blogs, podcasts, and video sharing, can be used by individuals to build, strengthen,
and manage their image online. Some of these platforms are a platform for individuals to
express their personality, interests, and expertise through relevant, creative, and
consistent content with continuous interaction with followers to strengthen their self-
image. According to (Yoneji Masuda 1981) in (Greetings, 2020) There are 3 advantages
of new media, namely the nature of information is non-transferable, in this media the
information is not consumable, which means that the information can be used repeatedly
by different users, the nature of information is accumulative, which means that this
information is relevant and various needs can access the information.
Political branding by politicians is a strategy used to build, manage, and promote
political images and identities clearly and consistently to the public. According to (Abidin
& Cindoswari, 2019) (Arnanda, 2023), branding can also be used by politicians to change
and maintain their image and to gain public support. This includes a variety of efforts to
highlight their values, vision, and mission, as well as something that sets them apart from
their political opponents. This political brand is a concept that appears in the minds of
individuals related to political products such as political parties, political organizations,
or political candidates in the context of elections (Mulyani, 2021)Political branding also
includes efforts to build trust and credibility to maintain a positive image. This often
Political Branding Analysis of @Gibran_Rakabuming Tiktok Accounts during the 2024
Presidential Election Campaign
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5679
involves a quick response to negative issues, to show transparency and commitment to
addressing existing issues, because political branding is an approach similar to consumer
branding which is used to form a political reputation/identity.
Previous research that examined Prabowo-Gibran's political branding in the 2024
election on their Tiktok content, focused on highlighting the visual aspects and branding
strategy of the Prabowo-Gibran pair in general which was analyzed using Charles Sanders
Pierce's semiotic theory. (Fitri, Ichsan, & Yunita, 2024). Meanwhile, research by
(Fatikha, 2023) Who used a comparative analysis of political branding by Ganjar
Pranowo and Anies Baswedan in building political communication ahead of the 2024
Presidential Election through their Twitter account shows that the political branding they
carry out is massive and intensive. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct more specific
research with different theories to examine the political branding built by Gibran
Rakabuming Raka as a 2024 vice presidential candidate amid the dynastic political
controversy that surrounds him.
This study uses a qualitative approach with a type of descriptive research, by
Creswell's view which means that qualitative research is a method used to understand
problems involving humans and the social environment, to produce a comprehensive
picture which is then explained in detailed words and supported by data obtained from
accurate information sources. (Stocks, 2016). The main focus of this study is to analyze the
content posted by Gibran Rakabuming on his TikTok account by using theories from
Gelder and Sonies to look at appearances, personalities, and key messages to find out the
political branding that is built. The data collection techniques used in this study include
observation, documentation, and literature studies. Observations were carried out online by
observing interactions with the public and analyzing content related to political branding
from TikTok @gibran_rakabuming accounts posted during the 2024 presidential election
campaign or from November 28, 2023, to February 10, 2024. The types of data or
documents that can be used in this study include photos, audio, visuals, and audio-visuals
by collecting data from content posted during the campaign period by sorting out content
that is related to political branding. The literature study conducted refers to references,
journals, and various sources that discuss political branding in the context of politics or
general elections through social media. This study uses data reduction data analysis
techniques, data presentation, and conclusions drawn. According to Miles & Huberman,
this data analysis technique consists of three categories, namely, data reduction, data
presentation, and conclusion drawing. (Noor, 2011). The analysis in this study uses source
triangulation by comparing and evaluating the data obtained from each source which is then
used to search and dig deeper into the validity of the information obtained.
Merlyana Ryandaresta, Muhammad Thoyib Amali
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Results and Discussion
Political Branding Gibran Rakabuming Raka
Gibran Rakabuming Raka's political branding in the 2024 Presidential Election
campaign shows a very structured approach. Through three indicators, namely, a fresh
and modern appearance, a personality that is close to the community, and a key political
message oriented to the welfare of the community, Gibran has succeeded in building his
image as a vice presidential candidate who is ready to lead and provide positive changes
for Indonesia. The use of social media platforms such as TikTok is also a powerful
strategy to reach young people and make them candidates who not only talk about the
future but also invite the public to work together to realize a more advanced Indonesia.
Appearance Indicators
This appearance indicator can be seen from the aspects of clothing, campaign
attributes, hand gestures, hairstyles, and symbols used in the campaign. In TikTok content
posted in January, Gibran often wears clothes that are not too formal such as long/short
sleeve shirts, peci, and contemporary denim jackets with motifs of images and writing.
This casual outfit gives the impression of being close to the people and does not seem
rigid, especially for young voters or from the lower middle class. On several occasions,
Gibran also wore batik clothes and traditional clothes that reflected Indonesia's cultural
identity. This reinforces the impression that Gibran is part of Indonesian society, not just
an elite politician. In several videos, Gibran wears a piece in his campaign that gives a
positive impression, ranging from simplicity, authority as a vice presidential candidate,
the relationship with religious values, and the local culture of Muslims. In each campaign,
Gibran often wears shoes from the local brand Aerostreet. Wearing shoes from domestic
brands is interpreted as a strategic effort to build closeness with the community, especially
millennials, and also shows that Gibran supports local brands and invites the public to
appreciate and use local products more. In addition to the style of clothing, Gibran also
used several campaign slogans such as posters, banners, campaign t-shirts, and jackets
that read "SAMSUL". Gibran's campaign poster or banner is one of the visual elements
that are most often seen in his TikTok account uploads. This poster generally displays
Gibran's image with a modern and simple graphic design. This poster often contains
slogans or taglines that are easy to remember, such as the use of the tagline "Gibran
Mendengar" at the Gibran Hearing Tour Indonesia Meet the Community event which was
shared through his Tiktok post. This poster or banner is also an important tool to introduce
the image and vision of the mission to the public. The use of technology for the campaign
is such as the use of a Videotron that displays Prabowo-Gibran's 3D animation with visual
effects in the form of animation coming out of the screen and highlighting the number 2
which is their serial number. 3D campaigns with Videotron are very different compared
to traditional advertising that only uses billboards. This can interpret Gibran as a figure
who is adaptive to the development of modern communication technology and also
provides a modern touch that can attract the attention of the audience, especially young
people. Gibran's hairstyle is also an important part of his appearance in the campaign. In
his TikTok posts, Gibran is often seen with a hairstyle that seems neat and modern. Gibran
Political Branding Analysis of @Gibran_Rakabuming Tiktok Accounts during the 2024
Presidential Election Campaign
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also had time to share his activities through a TikTok livestream entitled "Sua-karta" on
January 7, 2024. This show lasted for approximately 1 hour and received a positive
response with a total of 2.8 million likes. On the same day, Gibran shared a post while
getting a haircut with the title "Cut Your Hair Before Watching the Presidential Debate".
This post stole a lot of attention from netizens with a total of 3.7 million views, 51.6
thousand likes, and 1.5 thousand comments. T-shirts with Gibran's logo or campaign
slogan are also attributes that are often used in his TikTok content. This t-shirt is designed
using the party logo, serial number, passport name, and dominating colors. In addition,
hand gestures play an important role in the way messages are conveyed to the public. In
his Tiktok uploads, Gibran often uses natural and expressive hand gestures that are
impressive with movements that show emphasis on certain words. The two-finger hand
gesture (V sign) has a meaning that refers to the number 2 which is the number of the
Prabowo-Gibran candidate in the presidential election. Campaign t-shirts are not only
used by Gibran but also by volunteers or supporters. In the TikTok post, this t-shirt is an
easily recognizable symbol of support and can build a sense of togetherness among
Prabowo-Gibran supporters. In addition to physical attributes, Gibran often highlighted
the dominant colors associated with his party during the campaign period. Light blue
often called sky blue is used in campaigns that contain the meaning of coolness and
tranquility. The consistent use of symbols or colors also aims to strengthen the image of
political identity and party affiliation among voters. So overall, the performance
indicators used by Gibran in the 2024 presidential election campaign posted on his
TikTok account are very strategic and designed to increase visibility to build an emotional
connection with voters, especially the younger generation who are active on social media.
By using various elements such as clothing, campaign attributes, hand gestures,
hairstyles, and symbols used in the campaign, Gibran tries to present a fresh, modern, and
easily accepted image by the public so that it can attract wide support among the public.
Personality Indicators
The personality of a political candidate can be observed from various elements
including personality. Gibran's personality includes his speaking style, behavior, body
language, relationships with society, persuasion skills, and a career track record that has
been built. Starting from his speaking style, Gibran shows a simple but clear speaking
style in every one of his TikTok uploads. Gibran often speaks in language that is easy to
understand, does not seem formal, more relaxed, and familiar which is tailored to the
young audience who is the main target in social media. This also reflects his image as a
vice presidential candidate who is "down to earth" and does not seem far from the
community. As seen in his Tiktok upload with the title "hi kidz hai" which shows the use
of millennial language. In the video, Gibran uses a light greeting "Hi kidz" which creates
a familiar and relaxed impression as if he is talking to his peers, not with voters or a
formal audience. This greeting also shows that Gibran wants to be closer to young people
by eliminating the distance between himself as a vice presidential candidate and the
community. In his TikTok post, Gibran showed his behavior as a confident and not
awkward figure in front of the camera. Gibran often shows a smile and cheerful
Merlyana Ryandaresta, Muhammad Thoyib Amali
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5682
expression to the audience. His body movements also tend to be simple but full of
meaning, such as raising two fingers (symbol number 2) or giving an open hand gesture
and adding to the impression of himself as an open vice presidential candidate. Building
close relationships with the community is also one of the characteristics of his campaign.
In his Tiktok uploads, Gibran often interacts directly with the community, starting by
talking about the importance of change and the vision and mission that will be
implemented. As seen in his TikTok post which shows the atmosphere of a visit to Trusmi
Batik MSMEs in Cirebon, fun futsal sarung with samples, playing football with the
Tulehu community, fun match games fest, Sunmori, visits to the digital marketing
marketplace social bread, visits to the Kendal area, visits to Wonogiri, Papua, Bali, East
Java, Central Java, and West Java. Visits to various regions, participation in social
activities, and support for MSMEs and the local economy help strengthen Gibran's image
as an innovative figure, socially concerned, caring for MSMEs, and able to reach various
levels of local society and the younger generation. In addition, Gibran's persuasion ability
is also reflected in the delivery of campaign messages. In his TikTok upload, Gibran not
only talks about his vision and mission but also tries to touch the emotions of his audience
by using language that is inviting, not coercive, and often conveys his messages in the
form of questions or motivational invitations. For example, by using phrases such as
"Let's make changes together!" or "We are the golden generation that built a Golden
Indonesia". Gibran not only conveyed the vision and mission to be achieved but also
invited the audience to be involved in the change process. Gibran's career track record is
also one of the important parts of shaping his personality in the eyes of the public. As the
Mayor of Solo, Gibran already has experience in government and city development which
he is often proud of in his TikTok account uploads. Such as uploading a video titled "What
Do They Think About Solo" with the concept of an interview video with visitors which
essentially discusses positive changes in the city of Solo. Gibran also shared a video
related to the Solo Safari tour which is not only a tourist destination, but also a catalyst
for economic movement for the local community. In addition, as the Mayor of Solo,
Gibran also emphasized Solo as a tolerant city that guarantees the freedom and security
of every religious community in every celebration. This shows that Gibran can lead and
manage a region. This experience interprets Gibran not only as a presidential son but as
a leader who has been tested at the local level and is ready to take on greater
responsibilities at the national level.
Political Key Message Indicators
The key political message indicators include political promises, political ideas,
aspirations, hopes, and political ideologies. In his TikTok uploads, Gibran often conveys
political promises that focus more on improving the welfare of the Indonesian people.
The promises mentioned in his TikTok upload include free lunch programs, millennial
start-up credits, Islamic boarding school endowments, healthy child cards, more
prosperous ASN, and virilization for mining, agriculture, and fisheries commodities. In
addition, in several videos uploaded Gibran often conveys his vision, namely Golden
Indonesia. This vision emphasizes the importance of human resource development from
Political Branding Analysis of @Gibran_Rakabuming Tiktok Accounts during the 2024
Presidential Election Campaign
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5683
an early age. Gibran's political vision reflects the ideals for a more advanced and
prosperous Indonesia by providing opportunities for children as the next generation
through better access in the fields of Education, Health, and creative empowerment. Then
the political ideas highlighted are oriented toward a government that is transparent,
efficient, and free from corruption. The aspiration is to jointly build Indonesia by
providing equal opportunities for all levels of society, both in big cities and in remote
areas. Gibran's main hope, which is often conveyed in TikTok uploads, is to realize a
developed and prosperous golden Indonesia. Gibran invited voters to unite in achieving
their goals and believe that positive change can be achieved through cooperation between
the government and the community. In various uploads, Gibran uses narratives that invite
hope and optimism, such as saying "Indonesia can be better". In the context of political
ideology, Gibran carries nationalism that is oriented towards the welfare of the
community. This political ideology is reflected in many of his TikTok uploads, where
Gibran voices the importance of sustainable economic development and the
empowerment of domestic sectors. Gibran is trying to introduce himself as a vice
presidential candidate who can bring real change to Indonesia.
This research reveals that Gibran Rakabuming Raka's political branding in the 2024
Presidential Election campaign has succeeded in creating a positive, modern, and close
image to the community, especially the younger generation through the use of the social
media platform TikTok. Gibran uses three main indicators in building his political image,
namely appearance indicators, personality, and key political messages.
In terms of appearance, Gibran uses casual clothes such as shirts, peci, and denim
jackets that reflect his closeness to the community. The use of consistent campaign
attributes such as t-shirts, and posters, and the use of campaign technology in the form of
3D videotrons further strengthens the impression that Gibran is a candidate who is
adaptive to the times. In terms of personality, Gibran shows himself as a committed
figure. His relaxed and easy-to-understand speaking style and interaction with the public
shared through his uploads on TikTok give the impression that Gibran is close to young
voters. His visits to various regions also strengthened Gibran's image as a caring and
innovative vice presidential candidate, especially in supporting MSMEs and regional
development. The key political message conveyed by Gibran focuses on the welfare of
the community with promises such as free lunch programs, assistance for millennial start-
ups, and support for Islamic boarding schools. The vision of "Golden Indonesia" also
emphasized the importance of developing clean and transparent human resources and
government with the hope of realizing a more advanced and prosperous Indonesia.
Overall, Gibran has succeeded in building an image as a vice presidential candidate who
is ready to bring positive changes to Indonesia with a relevant, close to the community,
and adaptive to technological developments and the needs of the community, especially
the younger generation.
Merlyana Ryandaresta, Muhammad Thoyib Amali
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