p–ISSN: 2723 – 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5980
Determination Of Subsurface Aquifers and Distribution of
Groundwater Table Depth in Wamena City, Jayawijaya
Regency, Mountainous Papua Province
Raymond Feril Hattu1*, Mujiati2, Duha Awaluddin3, Ira Widyastuti4, Dewi Ana
Rusim5, Bernathius Julison6
Universitas Cenderawasih, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]*, [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Keywords: subsurface
geoelectric resistivity;
groundwater management.
This study was conducted to determine the existence of
subsurface aquifers and the distribution of groundwater-
surface depth in Jayawijaya Regency, Mountainous Papua
Province. The background of this research is the need for
optimal groundwater management in areas with high
topography such as Wamena City. The method used was a
geophysical survey with the Wenner-Schlumberger
configuration resistivity geoelectric technique to identify the
aquifer layer. Primary data was obtained through direct
measurements using geoelectric devices and GPS, while
secondary data was obtained from related literature. The
results showed that there were free aquifers with a depth of
25-105 meters and depressed aquifers at a depth of 145-270
meters in various research locations. The distribution of this
aquifer is highly dependent on local geological conditions,
with the availability of groundwater quite high in some areas
and minimal in other areas such as Kampung Sabulama and
Wasawa. In conclusion, the resistivity geoelectric method is
effective for mapping the distribution of aquifers, which can
further be used as a basis for groundwater management in
the study area.
Water is one of the main elements of the life of living things. Water is divided into
two classifications, namely surface groundwater and subsurface groundwater (Akbar,
Mahardhika, & Sari, 2023). Surface groundwater is water that is on the surface of the
earth in the form of rivers, lakes, etc. Subsurface groundwater is groundwater that
occupies cavities in rock layers or geological formations such as underground rivers, well
water, etc. Subsurface groundwater can be found in water-saturated layers or aquifers
(Zaenurrohman, Indrawan, & Permanajati, 2023).
Determination Of Subsurface Aquifers and Distribution of Groundwater Table Depth in
Wamena City, Jayawijaya Regency, Mountainous Papua Province
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5981
The resistivity method is one of the geophysical methods used to determine the
aquifer layer by utilizing the electrical properties of rocks (EFFENDI, 2021). The lack of
proper utilization in the use of groundwater is a problem that is being experienced by the
community in Wamena City, Jayawijaya Regency (Kristanto & Khafid, 2021).
Topographically, Wamena City is in a fairly high area. The importance of using the
resistivity geoelectric method is because this method is the only effective method to
determine the conductivity properties of a layer. The existence of groundwater in a place
is due to its geological conditions and rainfall (Kristanto & Utami, 2024). Groundwater
is found below the surface of the ground, in a natural container called the Groundwater
Basin (CAT). The analysis of the geometry and configuration of the groundwater aquifer
system was carried out to find out the boundaries and constituent layers of the
groundwater aquifer in more detail locally (ROMADHONA, SOEDARMO, &
MUSSADUN, 2025). Using the Wenner-Schlumberger configuration resistivity
geophysical method, this study aims to provide input, suggestions, and technical
recommendations on groundwater management in Wamena City based on the creation of
a conceptual model of the groundwater aquifer system. This can be used as a reference in
groundwater basin-based groundwater management to meet the needs of clean water in
the Wamena City area (Pulu, Mosey, Tongkukut, & Suoth, 2023).
(Dharmayasa et al., 2024) "Comparison of Ordinary Kriging and Inverse Distance
Weighted Methods for Elevation Estimation in Topographic Data (Case Study:
Topography of FMIPA Area, Mulawarman University)". This study examines the
application of the ordinary kriging and IDW methods for elevation estimation in
topographic data in the FMIPA area of Mulawarman University. The researcher wanted
to find out if there was a difference in the results of elevation estimation in the topographic
data in the FMIPA area of Mulawarman University using the ordinary kriging and IDW
methods (Suhendar, Hadian, Muljana, Setiawan, & Hendarmawan, 2020). In addition, the
researcher also wanted to find out what method was more accurate to use in estimating
elevation in topographic data in the FMIPA area of Mulawarman University.
The conclusions obtained from this study are:
a. Based on the results of the cross-validation calculation, there was no significant
difference between the results of elevation estimation in the topographic data in the
FMIPA area of Mulawarman University using the ordinary kriging and IDW methods.
b. The ordinary kriging method provides more accurate estimation results compared to
the IDW method. This can be seen from the RMSE value produced by the best model
in the ordinary kriging method, which is 0.431 and 0.432 minimum when compared to
the RMSE value produced by the optimal power parameter in the IDW method, which
is 0.456.
(Maulana, Santosa, & Adji, 2023) "Groundwater Potential and Groundwater Use
for Domestic Needs in the Limboto-Gorontalo Alluvial Plain, Gorontalo Province". The
research method used is the survey method, namely by making observations and
measurements directly in the field. The sampling technique used is systematic random
sampling for geoelectric measurements and field hydrogeological data measurements
Raymond Feril Hattu, Mujiati, Duha Awaluddin, Ira Widyastuti, Dewi Ana Rusim, Bernathius
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5982
(Shoedarto, Tada, Kashiwaya, Koike, & Iskandar, 2022). Data analysis was carried out
using an integrated approach between geology, PJ, and GIS-based geomorphology, as
well as geophysical and hydrogeological approaches in the field.
The results of the study show that:
a. Hydrogelogically, the research location is the discharge area of the Gorontalo CAT
system, the typology of the alluvial plain aquifer system, with the type of aquifer
consisting of undepressed, semi-depressed, and depressed aquifer layers. The
characteristics of the subsurface lithology of the study site generally show the cross-
section between clay material (aquiklud), sand clay clay and clay sand (aquifer), and
sand and gravel (aquifer). The type of lithology that constitutes an undepressed aquifer
consists of sand with a resistivity value of 20-150 ohm-meters. The thickness of the
aquifer is not depressed, especially in the western part of Lake Limboto is identified
as having a relatively uniform aquifer thickness with an average thickness of 5 meters,
while in the northern and southern parts, it is quite varied, namely from a thickness of
1.5 meters to a thickness of 27.5 meters,
b. Free groundwater potential zones consist of 4 (four) categories, namely high and very
high potential zones, medium potential zones, and low potential zones spread across
the northern and southern regions of the research location.
c. The free groundwater paving zone consists of 4 (four) paving zones, namely paving
zone I (high class) with the characteristics of groundwater potential both in terms of
quantity and quality, can be paved and utilized without limiting factors, paving zone
II (medium class) has a fairly good groundwater potential in terms of quantity and
limited quality potential locally, can be paved and utilized with supervision, and the
paving zone III (low class) is a zone with a low quantity of groundwater, which can be
paved very limited.
The objectives of this study are as follows:
1. To obtain the depth and thickness of the aquifer layer in Jayawijaya Regency,
2. Get a map of the distribution of aquifer depth in Jayawijaya Regency.
The research method used is the survey method, which is a method of making
observations and measurements directly in the field. The series of research activities
includes several stages, starting from the preparation/pre-field stage, fieldwork, post-
field, and the result stage designed by the research objectives. The location of the research
is in Jayawijaya Regency, geoelectric measurement points are spread across Wamena
City with a total of 23 test points.
Data Collection Techniques
To be able to analyze the determination of subsurface aquifers and the distribution
of ground surface water depth, it is necessary to have data or theoretical information about
basic concepts and adequate tools so that the need for data is very definitely needed in the
data collection stage during the implementation of this research. The data that is used as
Determination Of Subsurface Aquifers and Distribution of Groundwater Table Depth in
Wamena City, Jayawijaya Regency, Mountainous Papua Province
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5983
a reference in the implementation and preparation of this thesis report can be divided into
two types of data, namely:
Primary Data
Peripheral data is data taken directly by the researcher by digging up the source of
the object being studied. Primary data is data obtained by taking data in the field,
including measurements with geoelectric tools, and taking measurement coordinate
points with Global Positioning System (GPS) tools.
Secondary Data
Secondary data is indirect data that is able to provide additional data and strengthen
research. Secondary data is obtained from literature studies with the help of print media
and internet media Secondary data is data obtained from previous research related to the
use of natural materials in pavement thickness.
Results and Discussion
Geological Conditions of Jayawijaya Regency
Figure 1 Geological Map
Based on geological maps, the basic condition of the soil layer structure in
Jayawijaya Regency is an inseparable layer containing deep-sea facies, namely well-
layered pelagic limestone, limestone inserts, napal, puritan, micro-crystalline limestone,
and consists of reef facies, namely bioclastic limestone, limestone sea sedimentary rocks
and limestone inserts. In most of the Jayawijaya area, especially in low-lying areas, the
surface layer consists of alluvial rock distributions formed from sedimentary deposits by
water that forms layers.
Geoelectric Data Interpretation
Raymond Feril Hattu, Mujiati, Duha Awaluddin, Ira Widyastuti, Dewi Ana Rusim, Bernathius
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5984
The interpretation of this data analysis is carried out from several field analysis data
in a geoelectric cross-section. The results of this interpretation are presented in the form
of a cross-section of type resistance, and a geoelectric interpretation of type resistance, as
well as a map of the slip plane analysis of the subsurface lithological arrangement at the
measurement site. To determine the lithology of rocks on the trajectory, data
interpretation is carried out, the interpretation of this data goes through two stages,
1. Qualitative interpretation
This interpretation was carried out to read a pattern of rock resistivity anomalies
and then combined with the geology of the rock area and the data of the rock resistivity
value, the result obtained from this interpretation is an overview of the subsurface
geological structure of the research area.
2. Quantitative interpretation
This interpretation is carried out to analyze a resistivity anomaly pattern along a
predetermined trajectory during qualitative interpretation. This interpretation is carried
out based on the results of quantitative interpretation shadows. The results obtained are
the anomalous parts of the subsurface geological structure that we want to interpret. In
quantitative interpretation, there is ambiguity due to the variety of models that can be
produced, which is due to the uncertain parameters of geometric factors, density of mass,
and depth. Therefore, it is necessary to have supporting data in the form of geological
data of the research area and other geophysical data.
Qualitative Interpretation of the Trajectories of the Research Area
According to the results of the correction of geological data, the research area is in
a medium-high fracture. It is an inseparable layer that contains deep sea facies, namely
well-layered pelagic limestone. In low-lying areas, the surface layer consists of a
distribution of alluvial rocks formed from sedimentary deposits by water that forms the
Quantitative Interpretation
1. Hurekama Village (WMX 1)
Determination Of Subsurface Aquifers and Distribution of Groundwater Table Depth in
Wamena City, Jayawijaya Regency, Mountainous Papua Province
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5985
Figure 2 SEQ ARABIC 3 Stretch Pieces B1 & B2
The acquisition of Spans 1 and 2 of Hurekama village produced subsurface data as
shown in figure 4.3. The results of the resistivity value readings in span 1 and span 2 show
that at the geoelectric measurement location, there is a free aquifer at a depth of 0–60 m.
Free aquifers are aquifers that are influenced by surface water sources such as rainwater
and river water. This aquifer is greatly influenced by the weather, generally, free aquifers
will have abundant water in the rainy season but decrease in the dry season.
The following aquifer layer is at a depth of 145 – 300 m. The presence of aquifers
in the second layer has quite a large volume. The resistivity value of the aquifer in B1 and
B2 is between 0 – 40 ohm, which is an aquifer of breccia rock with medium to high cracks.
The results of geoelectric measurements, lithological analysis, and resistivity
values, showed that in all research locations, there were free aquifers with varying
thicknesses ranging from 25 to 105 m calculated from the ground surface. Meanwhile,
some locations such as Adventist clinics and free aquifer-like roads, are located 15-40 m
from the ground level with a layer thickness ranging from 20-25 meters. This shows that
the availability of surface groundwater in Jayawijaya Regency is quite high, except in the
areas of Sabulama Village and Wasawa Village where there are no surface aquifers.
As for the depressed aquifer, it can be found at a depth varying between 145 – 270
m from the ground level with the thickness of the aquifer layer between 20 -65 m, with
the deepest aquifer location found at the location of the cross monument, LMA, SD
Kulitarek, Kampung Sabulama, Kampung Parema, and Kampung Wasama with the depth
of the depressed aquifer at 245 - 270 m, while in other research locations the depth of the
depressed aquifer is in the range of 145 – 165 m from the ground surface.
Aquifer Depth Distribution Map
The data obtained in the field are the location of the measurement points, the
elevation of the groundwater level in two measurements, and the difference in the
Raymond Feril Hattu, Mujiati, Duha Awaluddin, Ira Widyastuti, Dewi Ana Rusim, Bernathius
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5986
elevation of the groundwater level from the results of the geoelectric survey. Based on
two measurement surveys conducted at the research site, there were differences in
groundwater level elevation values. This is due to differences in hydrological conditions
in each measurement survey. High rain intensity and long rain duration will increase
groundwater level elevation. This event is part of the hydrological cycle, where
groundwater is replenished from rainwater that enters the soil.
The data table of the survey results at the research site containing the groundwater
level elevation is superimposed with the Survey Location Area Map, Wamena, Wesaput,
and Hubukiak Districts, and the Wamena District Road Network Map, thus producing a
map of the distribution of measurement points.
After that, interpolation was carried out using the Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW)
method. In this study, the shape of the groundwater elevation contour map (equipotential
line) is smooth and regular, making it easier to describe. The groundwater level elevation
contour map is used as the main data in making groundwater flow patterns at the research
site. The groundwater flow pattern was created using a second measurement survey
because the number of measurement points was greater and the contour of the
groundwater level elevation spread throughout the Wamena, Hubikiak, and Wesaput
Geoelectric Longitudinal Layout and Pieces
The stratigraphic depiction of the subsurface soil layer in the longitudinal direction
aims to obtain an overview of the location, depth, and distribution of the aquifer of each
survey area. From the results of the depiction, it can be seen that the type of soil layer on
the surface, the waterproof zone/layer which is the layer before the aquifer, the depth of
the aquifer, the slope, and the location of the aquifer along the longitudinal cut plane. In
general, the position of the aquifer is at a depth of more than 150 m below the ground
level. For the next time, the depth and position of the aquifer can be seen in the image of
the longitudinal cut of the geoelectric test results in the attachment of the following page.
Based on the results of geoelectric measurements, lithological analysis, and
resistivity values, shows that:
In Jayawijaya Regency, there are free aquifers with varying thicknesses ranging
from 25 – 105 m calculated from the ground surface. Meanwhile, in some locations such
as Adventist clinics and free aquifer-like roads, they are located 15-40 m from the ground
level with a layer thickness ranging from 20-25 meters. This shows that the availability
of surface groundwater in Jayawijaya Regency is quite high, except in the areas of
Sabulama Village and Wasawa Village where there are no surface aquifers.
Depressed aquifers, can be found at depths varying between 145 – 270 m from the
ground level with the thickness of the aquifer layer between 20 – 65 m, with the deepest
depressed aquifer locations located at the location of the cross monument, LMA, SD
Kulitarek, Kampung Sabulama, Kampung Parema and Kampung Wasama, which are
Determination Of Subsurface Aquifers and Distribution of Groundwater Table Depth in
Wamena City, Jayawijaya Regency, Mountainous Papua Province
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5987
found at a depth of 245 – 270 m while in other research locations, the depth of the
depressed aquifer is in the range of 145 – 165 m from the ground surface.
Based on the map of the distribution of the depth of the aquifer and the layout of
the aquifer cross-section, the position of the free aquifer is evenly distributed in
Jayawijaya Regency except for several data collection points where there are no free
aquifers. As for the distribution of depressed aquifers in Jayawijaya Regency extending
for the north-south areas as a result of geoelectric testing at the observation point in
Sinakma sub-district – Jl. Bayangkara – PU Workshop The pieces of depressed aquifers
are found at a depth of 140 – 160 m with the thickness of the aquifer layer between 40 –
150 m, while for the observation point of Kampung Sabulama – Kampung Parema –
Kampung Waysaput – Jalan Pikhe, the depressed aquifer is in an elongated position with
a depth of 160 – 270 m with a thickness of 20–140 m of aquifer layer. For the northwest
of Jayawijaya Regency, namely Jl. Pike – Jl. JB Wenas – Jl. Patimura, the distribution of
the aquifer is evenly depressed along the track with an aquifer depth between 160 – 300
m. The east-west cross-section of the Sabulama village – LMA office yard shows the
distribution of depressed aquifers with a small volume, the trajectory of the LMA-
Sinakma Village office yard begins to show an increase in the volume of depressed
aquifers, and the volume of aquifer distribution is evenly distributed in the slopes of
Sinakma Village-Sinakma Old Regional Government with a depth of 140 – 300 m.
Raymond Feril Hattu, Mujiati, Duha Awaluddin, Ira Widyastuti, Dewi Ana Rusim, Bernathius
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5988
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