pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 12 Desember 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Social Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 5830
Study of Humanistic Learning with The Among Approach to
Improve Teacher Performance at The Lumajang Regency
Education and Culture Office
Agus Salim
, I Nyoman S Degeng
, Punaji Setyosari
Made Duananda Kartika Degeng
, Henry Praherdhiono
Institut Negeri Malang, Indonesia
Keywords: Humanistic
Learning; The Among
Approach; Teacher
Performance; Education and
Culture Office; Lumajang
This research aims to explore the effectiveness of the humanistic
learning approach with the Among method in improving teacher
performance in the Lumajang Regency Education and Culture
Office. The humanistic approach, which puts students at the center
of the learning process, is expected to increase teacher
involvement, motivation, and competence in managing the
classroom and developing student potential. The research method
used is a qualitative case study, with data collected through in-
depth interviews, participatory observations, and document
analysis. The results showed that the Among approach
significantly improved teachers' performance in terms of
creativity, emotional engagement, and managerial ability. The
study also identified some limitations and provided
recommendations for further research. In conclusion, the
application of humanistic learning with the Among method can be
an effective model for improving teacher performance and
education quality in Lumajang Regency.
Education has an important role in the development of quality human resources,
which in turn contributes to the economic and social progress of a region. As expressed
by Paulo Freire (2019), education is a tool to liberate human beings and enable them to
reach their full potential. In Lumajang Regency, the quality of education is highly
dependent on the performance of teachers. A qualified teacher not only plays the role of
a teacher but also a guide and inspiration for his students (Dewey, 1986). However,
various challenges often hinder the learning process and teacher performance. Some of
the main challenges faced by teachers in Lumajang Regency include lack of motivation,
limited pedagogical skills, and low emotional involvement in the learning process.
Teachers' motivation is often influenced by various factors, including work
environment, recognition, and opportunities for professional development (Herzberg,
1965). When motivation is low, the impact can be seen in the quality of teaching and
interaction with students. In addition, limited pedagogical skills hinder teachers' ability
Study of Humanistic Learning with The Among Approach to Improve Teacher Performance at
The Lumajang Regency Education and Culture Office
Jurnal Indonesia Social Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 5831
to implement effective and engaging learning methods (Bruner, 2009). Many teachers
still use traditional teaching methods that do not involve students actively, thus reducing
the effectiveness of learning.
Emotional involvement is also an important aspect of education. Teachers who are
able to build good emotional relationships with students tend to be more successful in
creating a positive and supportive learning environment (Rogers, 1995). However, many
teachers have difficulty building these relationships, either due to the high workload or
lack of training in the emotional and psychological aspects of teaching.
To overcome these problems, a humanistic learning approach with the Among
method was introduced as a potential solution. The humanistic approach places students
at the center of the learning process and emphasizes the importance of meeting their
emotional and psychological needs (Maslow, 1970). The Among method, which
originated from Ki Hadjar Dewantara's (1967) educational philosophy, teaches learning
principles that respect the freedom and uniqueness of each individual. Through this
method, teachers are expected to create a more inclusive, interactive, and supportive
learning environment that supports the holistic development of students.
This study aims to explore the effectiveness of the humanistic learning approach
with the Among method in improving teacher performance in the Lumajang Regency
Education and Culture Office. The main focus of this study is to understand how the
Among method can improve teachers' motivation, pedagogical skills, and emotional
involvement in the learning process. Thus, the results of this research are expected to
make a positive contribution to the development of more effective and humanistic
learning strategies, as well as improve the quality of education in Lumajang Regency.
Through this study, it is hoped that the findings obtained can provide new insights
into the importance of a humanistic approach in education and how the Among method
can be implemented effectively to overcome various challenges faced by teachers. Thus,
this research is not only beneficial for improving teacher performance but also contributes
to improving the overall quality of education in Lumajang Regency.
This study uses a qualitative approach with a case study design to gain a deep
understanding of the effectiveness of the humanistic learning approach with the Among
method in improving teacher performance at the Lumajang Regency Education and
Culture Office. The qualitative approach was chosen because it allows for a
comprehensive exploration of complex and dynamic phenomena through the perspective
of participants (Creswell, 2019).
Research Subject
The study's subjects were teachers who worked under the auspices of the Lumajang
Regency Education and Culture Office. Subject selection was carried out by purposive
sampling to ensure the representation of teachers from various backgrounds and
experiences relevant to the implementation of the Among method. In addition to teachers,
Agus Salim, I Nyoman S Degeng, Punaji Setyosari, Made Duananda Kartika Degeng, Henry
Jurnal Indonesia Social Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 5832
this study also involves school principals and education supervisors to gain a broader
perspective on teacher performance and the effectiveness of the Among approach.
Data Collection
Data is collected through several methods to ensure data triangulation, which
1. In-Depth Interviews: Interviews are conducted with teachers, principals, and
education supervisors to explore information about their experiences, perceptions,
and views related to applying the humanistic learning approach with the Among
method. These interviews are semi-structured to allow for further exploration of the
issues that arise during the discussion (Kvale, 2007).
2. Participatory Observation: Observation is carried out in the classroom to see
firsthand how the Among method is applied in the learning process. These
observations help researchers understand the dynamics of interaction between
teachers and students and how the Among method affects teacher performance and
engagement (Spradley, 1980).
3. Document Analysis: The documents analyzed include educational policies, teacher
performance reports, and learning materials used. The analysis of the documents
helped to supplement the data from interviews and observations and provide
additional context regarding the implementation of the Among method in schools
(Bowen, 2009).
Data Analysis
The data collected were analyzed using thematic analysis techniques (Braun &
Clarke, 2006). The analysis steps include:
1. Initial Coding: Marking and categorizing raw data to identify early themes that
emerge from the data.
2. Theme Review: Review the identified themes to ensure their relevance to the data
and research objectives.
3. Theme Naming: Provides a representative name for each theme that reflects the
main meaning of the data.
4. Theme Preparation: Organizing themes into a coherent and in-depth narrative
about the effectiveness of the Among method in improving teacher performance.
Data Validity
To ensure the validity of the data, this study applies the triangulation technique of
data sources and data collection methods. In addition, member-checking is carried out by
asking participants to review the results of interviews and research findings to ensure
accuracy and proper representation (Lincoln, 1985).
With this comprehensive research method, it is hoped that the research can provide
in-depth insights into the effectiveness of the humanistic learning approach with the
Study of Humanistic Learning with The Among Approach to Improve Teacher Performance at
The Lumajang Regency Education and Culture Office
Jurnal Indonesia Social Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 5833
Among method in improving teacher performance and its implications for the
development of education in Lumajang Regency.
Results and Discussion
1. Creativity in Learning: Teachers who apply the Among approach show a significant
improvement in creativity when designing and implementing learning. They use a
variety of innovative strategies and methods to make learning materials more
engaging and relevant for students. This finding is in line with the view of
Csikszentmihalyi (1997) regarding the importance of creativity in education to
increase student engagement and motivation to learn. Teachers are able to integrate
digital technology, multimedia materials, and local learning resources so that they
can create a more dynamic and interactive learning experience. Collaborative
projects, simulations, and educational games are part of learning activities designed
to stimulate students' interest and active participation.
2. Emotional Engagement: The application of the Among method also has a positive
impact on emotional engagement between teachers and students. Teachers are better
able to build better relationships with students, creating a supportive and empathetic
learning environment. This supports Rogers' (1961) view that a good interpersonal
relationship between teachers and students is an important factor in creating a
learning environment that supports the holistic development of students. The results
of interviews and observations showed that students felt more valued and
emotionally supported, which contributed to increased learning motivation, self-
confidence, and active involvement in the learning process.
3. Managerial Ability: The application of the Among method has a positive impact on
teachers' managerial ability. They are more skilled in managing classes, including
planning, implementing, and evaluating learning activities. Teachers also showed
improvements in collaboration with colleagues and other stakeholders, such as
parents and the school community. The ability to organize time, resources, and
classroom dynamics has improved significantly. Teachers are able to maintain
classroom discipline, manage conflicts more effectively, and create a learning
environment that is conducive to the holistic development of students. These results
are consistent with previous research that shows that good managerial skills are
essential for creating organized classes and supporting effective learning (Marzano
& Marzano, 2003).
The results show that the Among approach is effective in improving teacher
performance in various aspects, including creativity, emotional engagement, and
managerial ability. This is in line with the literature that states that the humanistic learning
approach can improve the quality of interaction between teachers and students and
Agus Salim, I Nyoman S Degeng, Punaji Setyosari, Made Duananda Kartika Degeng, Henry
Jurnal Indonesia Social Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 5834
encourage a more inclusive and supportive learning environment (Dewey, 1986; Maslow,
The Among approach, rooted in Ki Hadjar Dewantara's educational philosophy,
emphasizes the importance of freedom and the uniqueness of each individual in the
learning process. Applying this method not only improves teachers' pedagogical skills but
also changes the traditional teaching paradigm to be more student-centered. This allows
students to be more actively involved in the learning process, develop their full potential,
and build positive relationships with teachers.
Creativity in Learning: These findings reinforce the argument that creativity is an
important component of education. By using the Among approach, teachers can design
learning that is not only engaging but also relevant to students' daily lives. The use of
technology and varied learning methods helps in creating a fun learning atmosphere and
motivates students to learn harder.
Emotional Engagement: Strong emotional engagement between teachers and
students is key to creating a healthy and productive learning environment. The Among
approach allows teachers to understand students' emotional needs better, provide
necessary support, and build relationships based on mutual trust and empathy. This is
important to build students' intrinsic motivation and create a harmonious classroom
Managerial Skills: Good managerial skills are essential for successful classroom
management and the achievement of learning goals. The Among approach assists teachers
in developing better managerial skills, allowing them to plan, execute, and evaluate
learning more effectively. Collaboration with peers, parents, and the school community
is also increasing, which in turn strengthens support for the learning process.
Overall, the results of this study provide strong evidence that the humanistic
learning approach with the Among method can be an effective strategy to improve teacher
performance and education quality. The practical implications of these findings are the
need for wider adoption of the Among method in various educational contexts and the
provision of ongoing training and mentoring for teachers. Thus, this approach can
contribute to improving the quality of education in Lumajang Regency and other areas,
as well as creating a generation of students who are more creative, emotionally engaged,
and ready to face future challenges.
This study concludes that the humanistic learning approach with the Among method
has high effectiveness in improving teacher performance at the Lumajang Regency
Education and Culture Office. The Among method increases teachers' creativity in
designing and implementing lessons, strengthens emotional involvement between
teachers and students, and improves teachers' managerial skills. The increase in creativity
can be seen in the ability of teachers to use various innovative strategies and methods that
make learning more interesting and relevant for students. Better emotional engagement
creates a supportive and empathetic learning environment, which supports the holistic
Study of Humanistic Learning with The Among Approach to Improve Teacher Performance at
The Lumajang Regency Education and Culture Office
Jurnal Indonesia Social Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 5835
development of students. Better managerial skills allow teachers to manage classes more
effectively and collaborate with various stakeholders.
Thus, the application of the Among method can be an effective model for improving
the quality of education in Lumajang Regency. These findings support the importance of
adopting humanistic learning approaches in various educational contexts and demonstrate
the great potential of the Among method in creating a more inclusive, creative, and
supportive learning environment that supports students' overall development.
Based on the findings of this study, some practical implications that can be taken
are as follows: The Lumajang District Education and Culture Office should prioritize
teacher training and professional development to enhance their understanding and
application of the Among method. Schools must be equipped with adequate resources,
such as learning materials, technology, and facilities, along with strong support from
school leaders and education supervisors. Building collaboration with parents and the
community is essential to foster an inclusive learning environment and holistic student
development. Additionally, a robust evaluation and monitoring system should be
established to ensure the effective implementation of the Among method.By
implementing these practical implications, it is hoped that the quality of education in
Lumajang Regency will continue to improve and that teacher performance will be more
optimal in creating meaningful learning experiences for students.
Agus Salim, I Nyoman S Degeng, Punaji Setyosari, Made Duananda Kartika Degeng, Henry
Jurnal Indonesia Social Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 5836
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