p-ISSN: 2723-6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 12 Desember 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 5964
The Influence of Local Government Integrity on Local
Government Budget and its Implications for Development
Indra Jaya
Institut Pertanian Bogor, Indonesia
Keywords: APBD;
Integrity; Local
Government; GRDP;
Regional Development
This research aims to analyze the influence of local government
integrity on APBD management and its implications for the
quality of regional development in Indonesia. Secondary data
from BPS, SPI, and APBD records for cities and regencies in
Indonesia in 2022 were used. Data were analyzed using the
Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS)
method. This method integrates measurement models to validate
indicators and structural models to assess relationships between
latent variables. Key evaluation criteria, including reliability,
validity, and hypothesis testing, were employed to ensure
robustness. The results indicate that higher local government
integrity improves APBD management, albeit with a relatively
modest effect. Integrity plays a crucial role in preventing
corruption and enhancing the sustainability of regional
development, highlighting its importance in public financial
management. These findings underscore the necessity of
promoting high-integrity practices in local governance to achieve
sustainable development goals.
The concept of regional autonomy encompasses the prerogative, responsibility,
and capacity of autonomous regions to regulate and manage community interests in
accordance with their own initiatives, grounded in community aspirations and within the
confines of statutory regulations (Widjaja, 2019). Quoted from Law Number 23 of 2014,
the implementation of regional government is directed at accelerating the realization of
community welfare through improved services, empowerment, and community
participation, as well as increasing regional competitiveness by taking into account the
principles of democracy, equity, justice, and the distinctiveness of a region within the
system of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. The existence of regional
autonomy encourages local governments to be independent in political and financial
aspects. This delegation of responsibility and authority is expected to increase the
capacity of local governments in carrying out development in their regions so that they
are able to compete with other regions in the context of regional development
(Setianingsih, 2015).
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The concept of regional development entails the strategic allocation of available
resources to enhance the overall well-being of a community. A significant aspect of this
endeavor pertains to the augmentation of income, a critical component of the financial
well-being of the community. The efficacy of regional development initiatives can be
gauged by the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) data of each respective region.
The GRDP signifies the total value of goods and services generated within a specific
region by all economic entities, representing the sum of the value of final (net) goods and
services produced by these economic units. It serves as an indicator of economic growth
trends on an annual basis, providing insights into the region's economic resources and
capabilities (BPS, 2023).
The Regional Budget (APBD) plays a pivotal role in measuring regional
development based on GRDP, serving as the primary instrument in planning and
implementing development programs. As from Sukirno (2006), explains, the theory of
government spending posits that government expenditure on various development
activities will increase aggregate spending and stimulate economic activity within the
country. When considered in the context of local government spending in the execution
of APBD expenditures, which is a reflection of GRDP, it can be inferred that an increase
in local government spending will have a corresponding increase in the impact on the
regional economy (Darise, 2006).
As delineated above, the APBD emerges as a pivotal instrument in the pursuit of
regional development in Indonesia. The financial resources allocated within the APBD
are allocated toward the financing of infrastructure projects, public services, and other
developmental programs that are foundational to economic growth and community
welfare. The utilization of the APBD is to be supported by documentation in the form of
a budget realization report, balance sheet, cash flow statement, and notes to the financial
statements, in accordance with the provisions stipulated in Government Regulation
Number 8 of 2006.The government's internal control system is entrusted with the
responsibility of overseeing the accountability of state finances, inclusive of the
utilization of the APBD (Ayem & Kusumasari, 2020). The effectiveness of the
government's internal control system is influenced by various factors, both internal and
external to the APBD. Internal factors include the size of the APBD budget, while
external factors may include government complexity, size, and economic growth.
Good regional financial management is a concrete step in realizing government
administration with the principles of good governance (Muhyarsyah, 2008). Good
governance can be said to be effective if it has good coordination and integrity,
professionalism, and high work ethic and morals in carrying out its functions through
formal and informal institutions (Nazsir, 2003). Therefore, it is important to ensure that
the APBD is managed properly, efficiently, and transparently, so as to achieve sustainable
development goals with a commitment to government integrity.
Integrity as a form of self unity that is consistent with the commitments that have
been determined in the regulations (Ardiani, 2019). Integrity in government agencies has
a significant impact on APBD management. The Corruption Eradication Commission
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(KPK) annually conducts an Integrity Assessment Survey (SPI) to map the risk of
corruption and the progress of corruption eradication efforts carried out by Ministries /
Institutions / Local Governments (M / I / RG). This survey is expected to be the basis for
KPK to develop recommendations for improvement as an effort to prevent corruption.
Government agencies with a high level of integrity will have regional financial
management apparatus that avoids irregularities or misuse of regional finances managed
(Suryani, 2019). On the other hand, agencies with a low level of integrity will be more
vulnerable to corrupt practices and actions that harm regional development. In the context
of government agencies, integrity is very important because the government is
responsible for the public interest and the management of public resources. Strong
integrity in government agencies ensures that decisions and actions taken are based on
the interests of society as a whole, not the interests of certain individuals or groups.
In practice, integrity is closely related to ethics because with good ethics, high
integrity will be created. The government in maintaining its integrity needs to pay
attention to the elements and functions of ethical infrastructure. According to the
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (2000), there are
three points that become ethical infrastructure, namely guidance, management, and
control. Guidance is provided by a strong commitment from the leadership, strongly held
values such as a code of ethics, and through regular education and training to increase
public employees' awareness and understanding of the importance of integrity in carrying
out their duties. Management can be implemented through coordination by an existing
central management body, taking into account the conditions of public services, policies
and management practices. Controls are ensured by a legal framework that allows for
independent investigation and prosecution, accountability and control mechanisms that
are effective, transparent, and involve public participation and oversight.
The integrity of someone who adheres to anti-corruption principles should be
unwavering and will not be tempted by the temptation of bribes and gratuities. However,
sometimes there is an integrity dilemma condition that makes a person in the middle of
an indecision. If the integrity dilemma is not resolved immediately, the individual may be
caught in a corruption case (Aksi-informasi, 2023).
Corruption is a pervasive problem that many countries, including Indonesia, are
grappling with. The 2022 Corruption Perception Index (CPI) reveals that Indonesia is still
struggling to combat corruption, with a 7th-place ranking out of 11 Southeast Asian
countries and an 110th-place ranking out of 180 countries in the 2022 Corruption
Perception Survey (Transparency International, 2023). The dissemination of corruption
corruption propagates both horizontally and vertically within the governmental structure.
Horizontal corruption, defined as the spread of corruption among equal powers,
disseminates in nearly all representative institutions, including the executive, legislative,
and judicial branches. Conversely, vertical corruption, characterized as the propagation
of corruption from the highest power holders to the lowest level, is a phenomenon that
occurs within hierarchical structures.
The Influence of Local Government Integrity on Local Government Budget and its Implications for
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Corruption exerts a detrimental influence on various levels of society, including
the younger generation, politics, the nation's economy, and bureaucracy (Setiadi, 2018).
Within Indonesia, instances of corruption frequently manifest at the local government
level, encompassing local financial management. According to the "Overview of Audit
Results for Semester II of 2022," a report by the Supreme Audit Agency, the local
government sector recorded the highest number of findings, with a total of 1,818. Notably,
local governments identified 2,775 issues, leading to state losses amounting to Rp369.24
billion. This figure represented the most significant loss among various budget managers,
accounting for 69% of the total losses. In addition to the substantial losses, the findings
related to inefficiency, inefficiency, and ineffectiveness of local governments numbered
828, although the total value of these findings was not the largest at Rp38.43 billion..
Local financial management includes the management of local revenues and
expenditures, as well as the supervision of the use of public funds. If corrupt practices
such as bribery, nepotism, embezzlement, etc. are implemented in an economic project,
the projected economic growth of the project will not be achieved (Meier & Baldwin,
1957). The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) handled a total of 120 corruption
cases throughout 2022. Of the total cases, 100 of them were cases of corruption
committed in local government areas (outside the central government) (KPK, 2023).
Corruption cases involving local leaders and questionable practices in the use of APBD
have been a major highlight in the history of the Indonesian government. Quoted from
several news published by detik.com, some examples of APBD corruption cases by local
governments are described in Table 1.
Table 1. Examples of APBD corruption cases by local governments
Name of convicted person
Raharjo Minulyo
District Head of
Purbalingga, Central
Romadhon (2022)
Regent of Simeulue,
Detikcom (2019)
Ahmad Yantenglie
Katingan Regent,
Central Kalimantan
Saputra (2019a)
Herman Felani and Jornal Effendi
Actor and Head of
Legal Bureau of DKI
Jakarta Regional
Saputra (2019b)
Khairil Anwar Mahdi
Tourism Office of
East Lombok, NTB
Detik.com (2019)
The Indonesian government faces significant challenges in combating corruption
and enhancing local financial management. The implementation of measures to prevent
corruption, coupled with the augmentation of transparency in local financial management,
has the potential to address these issues. Policy reforms, stringent law enforcement, and
the active involvement of the public in local financial oversight can contribute to the
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establishment of a more transparent and efficient environment for public financial
management at the local level.
Based on the research background, this research was carried out with the following
objectives: Analyzing the effect of local government integrity level on APBD
management and its implications on the quality of regional development in Indonesia.
Analyzing the extent to which local government integrity can minimize the risk of
corruption and irregularities in the implementation of the APBD. Develop
recommendations that can be implemented by local governments and other stakeholders
to increase integrity in APBD management and improve regional development in
In Indonesia, instances of corruption frequently manifest at the local government
level, encompassing local financial management.According to the "Overview of Audit
Results for Semester II of 2022," a report by the Supreme Audit Agency, the local
government sector recorded the highest number of findings, with a total of 1,818. Notably,
local governments identified 2,775 issues, leading to state losses amounting to Rp369.24
billion. This figure represented the most significant loss among various budget managers,
accounting for 69% of the total losses.In addition to the substantial losses, the findings
related to inefficiency, inefficiency, and ineffectiveness of local governments numbered
828, although the total value of these findings was not the largest at Rp38.43 billion.
Structural Equation Model - Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS)
The relationship or influence between variables can simply be measured using the
simple regression method. If the variables measured are more numerous and more
complex, a more capable model needs to be used to handle this. Structural Equation
Modeling (SEM) is a multivariate analysis that combines models between regression
analysis and factor analysis (Santoso, 2018). SEM is able to simultaneously estimate the
complex relationship between several independent variables (indicators) and dependent
variables (latent variables) (Hair et al., 2011, 2019). SEM has the ability to estimate the
relationship between variables that are multiple relationships with output in the form of a
measurement model (outer model) from a number of indicators and a structural model
(inner model) composed of a number of constructs (latent variables) (Anggita et al.,
2019). In its use, SEM requires several assumptions, including normal data distribution,
linearity, indirect measurement, multiple indicators, recursivity, interval data, high
accuracy, random and small residuals, uncorrelated error terms, uncorrelated residual
errors, complete multicollinearity, and a minimum sample size of 100 (Sarwono, 2010).
Data Analysis Procedure
1. To find out whether the integrity of local governments at the city / district level in
Indonesia affects the APBD which has implications for regional development, the
following data analysis procedures are carried out. Perform descriptive analysis on each
2. The subsequent step involves the design of a structural model (inner model) based on the
aforementioned hypothesis.
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3. The design of the measurement model, otherwise known as the outer model, is contingent
upon the nature of the indicator, whether it is reflective or formative.
4. The construction of a path diagram constitutes a sophisticated phase in the design process
of the inner and outer models.
5. The evaluation of the measurement model (also known as the "outer model") is essential
for ascertaining the validity and reliability of an indicator when utilized as a
measurement tool. The evaluation of the outer model is conducted through a meticulous
analysis of convergent validity and discriminant validity. This analysis involves the
comparison of the square root of the average variance extracted (AVE), composite
reliability, and Cronbach's alpha.
6. The structural model, also known as the inner model, is evaluated to ascertain the
relationship between latent variables in the model. This evaluation employs two criteria:
the coefficient of determination (
) and the predictive relevance (
7. The objective of hypothesis testing is to ascertain the effect between endogenous and
exogenous latent variables. In essence, this process involves determining the significance
of the observed relationship. The criteria employed for evaluating the statistical
significance of a hypothesis test include the t-statistic value and the p-value. Specifically,
if the t-statistic value exceeds 1.96 or if the p-value is less than 0.05, with α set at 5%,
then the effect is deemed to be significant.
8. Model interpretation.
Results and Discussion
Data Analysis Using SEM-PLS Method
1. Outer Model
Figure 1. Path diagram of outer model testing
a) Outer Loading
Table 2. Outer loading value of each indicator
Outer Loading
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Table 7 shows that the outer loading value of each indicator shows a value
>0.7. Therefore, all indicators can be included in the research and do not need to be
excluded from the research process.
b) Construct Validity and Reliability
Cronbach alpha
Table 3. Cronbach's alpha reliability value of each variable
Cronbach's alpha
Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget
Local Government Integrity
Regional Development
As illustrated in the above table, all variables displayed values greater than
0.7, indicating that all variables employed in this study exhibited a satisfactory
degree of consistency in each measurement. Consequently, all indicators can be
incorporated into the research framework without the necessity of exclusion from
the research process.
Composite Reliability
Table 4. Composite reliability value of each variable
Composite Reliability
Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget
Local Government Integrity
Regional Development
Based on the composite reliability value, all variables have a value above
0.700, this indicates that each variable used in this study meets the standard. Thus,
all indicators can be included in the research and do not need to be excluded from
the research process.
Average Variance Extracted (AVE)
Table 5. Average variance extracted (AVE) test value
average variance extracted (AVE)
Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget
Local Government Integrity
Regional Development
The table above shows that each variable has an AVE value that exceeds
0.5. Therefore, each variable used in this study has the ability to reflect the latent
variable they represent. Thus, all indicators can be included in the study and do
not need to be excluded from the research process.
c) Discriminant Validity
Fornell-Lacker Criterion
Table 6. Fornell-Lacker Criterion Test
The Influence of Local Government Integrity on Local Government Budget and its Implications for
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Regional Revenue and
Expenditure Budget
Regional Revenue and
Expenditure Budget
Local Government
Regional Development
Heterotrait-Monotrait (HTMT)
Table 7. Heterotrait-Monotrait Test (HTMT)
Regional Revenue and
Expenditure Budget
Regional Revenue and
Expenditure Budget
Local Government
Regional Development
Based on the table above, the HTMT value for each variable is less than 0.9,
so each variable meets the HTMT pre-conditions and meets discriminant validity.
Cross Loading
Table 8. Cross loading value of each indicator
Regional Revenue
and Expenditure
Local Government
The cross-loading value of each indicator employed in this study has been
determined, and the results indicate that all indicators have a cross-loading value
above 0.700. This finding suggests that these indicators have the highest
correlation with their latent variables. Therefore, it can be concluded that no
indicators require removal.
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2. Inner Model
Figure 2. Testing the inner model
a) R Square
Table 9. R Square Test Results
R Square
R Square Adjusted
Regional Revenue and
Expenditure Budget
Regional Development
The results of the R-squared test demonstrate that the dependent variable,
Regional Development, is influenced by the independent variable to the greatest
extent of 0.536, or 53.6%. The residual 46.4% is influenced by extraneous factors
not included in the study's scope. The Regional Budget variable demonstrates a
0.027, or 2.7%, influence from the independent variable. The remaining 97.3%
of the variance is attributable to factors not encompassed within the purview of
this study.
b) F Square
Table 10. F Square Test Results
Effect Size
Local Government Integrity -> Local
Revenue and Expenditure Budget
Regional Budget -> Regional
The results of the F-square test demonstrate that the Local Government Integrity
variable has an F Square (f²) value on the Regional Budget variable of 0.027, indicating
a negligible effect. Additionally, the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget variable
on Regional Development has an F Square (f²) value of 1.156, suggesting a substantial
The Influence of Local Government Integrity on Local Government Budget and its Implications for
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c) Model Fit
Table 11. Model Fit Output
Saturated Model
Estimated Model
As illustrated in the above table, the SRMR value in the saturated model is
0.054 <0.08, and the estimated model is 0.072 <0.08. Therefore, the model
formed is declared to meet the feasibility of the model.
3. Hypothesis Test
Table 12. Hypothesis Test Results
Local Government
Integrity - > Local
Revenue and
Expenditure Budget
Regional Budget ->
Regional Development
Local Government
Integrity - > Local
Budget -> Local
A series of empirical tests have been executed and subsequently analyzed. The
ensuing conclusions, derived from these empirical tests, are as follows:
1) The impact of local government integrity on the regional budget is statistically
significant, as evidenced by the original sample value of 0.163, the t-statistic of
2.693, and p-values less than 0.05. This indicates that local government integrity
exerts a substantial positive influence on the regional budget. Consequently, the
initial hypothesis is substantiated.
2) The impact of the Regional Budget on Regional Development has an original
sample value of 0.732, with a t-statistic of 10.498 > 1.960 and p-values of 0.000
< 0.05. Consequently, it can be concluded that the Regional Budget exerts a
significant positive effect on Regional Development. Consequently, the initial
hypothesis is endorsed.
3) The study's findings indicate that the Regional Budget plays a significant
mediating role in the relationship between Local Government Integrity and
Regional Development. The original sample value is 0.119, with a t-statistic of
2.241 > 1.960 and p-values of 0.025 < 0.05. These results support the hypothesis
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that the Regional Budget can mediate the influence of Local Government
Integrity on Regional Development. Therefore, the hypothesis is accepted.
The Effect of Local Government Integrity on APBD Management and its
Implications for Development Quality
The hypothesis test results obtained show that all research hypotheses can be
accepted. The effect between one variable and another is positively significant, meaning
that each one unit increase in variable 1 will increase the value of variable 2. The value
of the influence between variables is shown in Table 12 in the Original sample (O)
column. The effect of local government integrity on the APBD has an original sample
value of 0.163, which means that if the integrity of the local government increases by one
unit, the APBD can increase by 16.3%. The effect of APBD on regional development
(GRDP) has an original sample value of 0.732, which means that if the APBD of each
local government increases by one unit, regional development will increase by 73.2%. In
addition to direct influence, there is an indirect effect on this path analysis, namely the
role of the APBD in mediating the influence between local government integrity on
development which has an original sample value of 0.119. This means that if the integrity
of the local government increases by one unit, regional development will increase directly
or indirectly through the APBD by 11.9%.
The findings of the data analysis suggest a direct correlation between the integrity
of the local government and its capacity to enhance the management of the regional
budget. Conversely, a decline in the integrity of the government can adversely impact the
management of the local regional budget.The impact of local government integrity on
APBD is relatively modest, and the efficacy of APBD management is also influenced by
factors that extend beyond the purview of this research. Nevertheless, the management of
APBD necessitates a high degree of integrity on the part of the local government, as the
APBD management process can be utilized as a conduit for the disbursement of specific
funds to individuals or groups.Local governments that exhibit a high level of integrity
tend to be more transparent in their execution of APBD planning, budgeting,
implementation, and accountability processes. This can contribute to the prevention of
corrupt practices, abuse of authority, and misuse of public funds. Local governments that
maintain their integrity also tend to exercise greater caution and professionalism in the
management of regional finances.Stakeholders in this area prioritize the efficiency and
effectiveness of public funds, ensuring the successful implementation of programs funded
by the APBD and the maximization of benefits for the community's well-being.
High local government integrity towards APBD management will also have a direct
impact on public and investor confidence in regional economic and financial conditions.
Governments that are considered to have high integrity will get more support and trust
from the public and financial institutions, both in terms of investment and development
cooperation. Communities and / or institutions that will carry out cooperation or
investment will definitely pay attention to the risk management of the APBD
management. Governments that have a good level of integrity tend to be better able to
The Influence of Local Government Integrity on Local Government Budget and its Implications for
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control financial risks that may arise in managing the APBD. They conduct regular risk
evaluations, implement effective internal control mechanisms, and ensure compliance
with applicable financial regulations. The most important thing about a culture of integrity
in APBD management is its impact on the quality of development in the region. APBDs
managed with high integrity will focus more on development projects that are sustainable,
beneficial to the wider community, and oriented towards improving the welfare and
empowerment of the community.
The Effect of Local Government Integrity in Minimizing the Risk of Corruption in
the Implementation of the APBD
Integrity in government institutions has been demonstrated to reduce the risk of
corruption (Law Number 20 of 2001 amending Law Number 31 of 1999). When grouped,
the contents include state financial losses, bribery, embezzlement in office, extortion,
fraudulent acts, conflicts of interest in procurement, and gratuities. The correlation
between enhanced local government integrity and the augmentation of the APBD is a
salient finding, with higher levels of integrity being associated with more robust APBDs.
Consequently, the integrity of local government assumes a pivotal role in the preservation
of local financial prosperity and the promotion of community welfare.
Currently, the integrity of local governments can be said to be quite high with an
average SPI value score of 70.92. When viewed from all districts / cities in Indonesia,
Boyolali Regency received the highest SPI value of 88.32, while Waropen Regency
obtained the lowest SPI value of 45.26 from a maximum value of 100. This is an
illustration of the existing conditions of integrity in regional governments. Local
governments need to strengthen their integrity because integrity is the main foundation
of good and sustainable governance. With good integrity in APBD management, it will
increase the GRDP value of the region. Effective and efficient, targeted, and transparent
APBD management can optimize the results of investments made, thus potentially
increasing the contribution to GRDP. APBD management that is clean from corrupt
practices and misuse of public funds is able to attract investors and private partners to
invest in the area. High trust in the integrity of regional financial management can open
up new investment opportunities, both in the form of direct investment and partnerships
in strategic projects. These opportunities can be an additional driver for GRDP growth.
This study reveals the fact that the integrity of local governments can significantly
affect the APBD which has implications for regional development represented by GRDP.
in line with research conducted by Kurniawan (2023) which states that the lower the
morality (which includes integrity) of the government apparatus, the fraud in the financial
statements of the Solok City government will increase. Ardiani's research (2019) also
produced a similar conclusion, namely integrity has a significant influence on the
accountability of village fund financial management.
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Recommendations to Improve Local Government Integrity
The integrity of local governments still varies widely with considerable variation.
Therefore, integrity needs to be strengthened in running the government. Efforts that can
be made include:
1. Increased awareness and anti-corruption education. Local governments need to
raise awareness of the importance of integrity and good governance at all levels of
the bureaucracy. Training programs, anti-corruption campaigns, and outreach to
government employees and the public can help build a strong culture of integrity.
2. Strengthening internal and external oversight. Strengthening internal and external
oversight systems can help detect, prevent and act against fraud and corruption.
Local governments need to have professional and independent internal oversight
units, and work with external oversight institutions such as the Supreme Audit
Agency (BPK) to ensure compliance with applicable rules and standards. The
government also needs to enforce penalties on those who commit fraud and
3. Exemplary local government leaders who can be used as good examples in terms
of integrity. Leaders must model high integrity behavior in every action and
decision taken. This includes avoiding conflicts of interest, rejecting bribery, and
setting an example of transparency in the use of public funds.
4. Simplification of administrative processes and the use of information technology
can help improve transparency, efficiency, and control in APBD management. The
implementation of an integrated financial information system, the use of e-
procurement for internet-based procurement of goods and services with an auction
system, and the development of a financial transparency portal can be effective
5. Active participation of the public in monitoring and controlling the use of public
funds is also an important step. Local governments can open up spaces for social
scrutiny, involve NGOs and citizens in decision-making processes, and facilitate
grievance and whistleblower mechanisms to report violations.
With a commitment to implementing the suggestions that have been outlined
comprehensively and consistently, the government is expected to boost integrity in APBD
management, thus creating an environment that supports sustainable and quality regional
The findings of this study, based on rigorous research and data analysis,
demonstrate that local government integrity exerts a substantial influence on the APBD,
thereby impacting regional development. This assertion is substantiated by the findings
of the SEM PLS analysis, which yielded the acceptance of all postulated hypotheses.
These hypotheses include the following: (1) the presence of local government integrity
exerts a substantial positive influence on APBD, (2) APBD exerts a substantial positive
influence on regional development, and (3) APBD is capable of mediating the impact of
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local government integrity on regional development.The enhancement of local
government integrity by a single unit is predicted to result in an increase in the value of
APBD by 16.3%. While the direct impact of local government integrity on APBD may
be modest, the necessity of high-integrity commitment from the local government in
APBD management is paramount. External factors, independent of integrity, play a
substantial role in determining the success of APBD management.Effective and efficient
APBD management, targeted and transparent, has the potential to optimize the returns on
investments, thereby contributing to an increase in the contribution to GRDP.
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