The Influence of Local Government Integrity on Local Government Budget and its Implications for
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 5965
The concept of regional development entails the strategic allocation of available
resources to enhance the overall well-being of a community. A significant aspect of this
endeavor pertains to the augmentation of income, a critical component of the financial
well-being of the community. The efficacy of regional development initiatives can be
gauged by the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) data of each respective region.
The GRDP signifies the total value of goods and services generated within a specific
region by all economic entities, representing the sum of the value of final (net) goods and
services produced by these economic units. It serves as an indicator of economic growth
trends on an annual basis, providing insights into the region's economic resources and
capabilities (BPS, 2023).
The Regional Budget (APBD) plays a pivotal role in measuring regional
development based on GRDP, serving as the primary instrument in planning and
implementing development programs. As from Sukirno (2006), explains, the theory of
government spending posits that government expenditure on various development
activities will increase aggregate spending and stimulate economic activity within the
country. When considered in the context of local government spending in the execution
of APBD expenditures, which is a reflection of GRDP, it can be inferred that an increase
in local government spending will have a corresponding increase in the impact on the
regional economy (Darise, 2006).
As delineated above, the APBD emerges as a pivotal instrument in the pursuit of
regional development in Indonesia. The financial resources allocated within the APBD
are allocated toward the financing of infrastructure projects, public services, and other
developmental programs that are foundational to economic growth and community
welfare. The utilization of the APBD is to be supported by documentation in the form of
a budget realization report, balance sheet, cash flow statement, and notes to the financial
statements, in accordance with the provisions stipulated in Government Regulation
Number 8 of 2006.The government's internal control system is entrusted with the
responsibility of overseeing the accountability of state finances, inclusive of the
utilization of the APBD (Ayem & Kusumasari, 2020). The effectiveness of the
government's internal control system is influenced by various factors, both internal and
external to the APBD. Internal factors include the size of the APBD budget, while
external factors may include government complexity, size, and economic growth.
Good regional financial management is a concrete step in realizing government
administration with the principles of good governance (Muhyarsyah, 2008). Good
governance can be said to be effective if it has good coordination and integrity,
professionalism, and high work ethic and morals in carrying out its functions through
formal and informal institutions (Nazsir, 2003). Therefore, it is important to ensure that
the APBD is managed properly, efficiently, and transparently, so as to achieve sustainable
development goals with a commitment to government integrity.
Integrity as a form of self unity that is consistent with the commitments that have
been determined in the regulations (Ardiani, 2019). Integrity in government agencies has
a significant impact on APBD management. The Corruption Eradication Commission