p–ISSN: 2723 – 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2025 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2025 48
Designing a Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) System in E-Commerce
Daffa Sholah Islamey1*, Joko Sutopo2
Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Keywords: system design;
two-factor authentication
(2fa); android application.
The development of digital technology has given significant
changes to human life, especially in the Internet world, the
Internet makes it easier for humans to carry out daily activities and
work. However, this convenience can also increase the threat of
cybercrime. This research aims to implement a security system
based on Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) with a One-Time
Password (OTP) on Android applications, to protect data from
cybercrimes such as Phishing data theft and ransomware. The
research method used is the waterfall model, which contains
system analysis discussing what is needed in building applications
with 2FA and OTP security, system design discusses the system
flow that will be applied and created, coding discusses how the
backend can run the system flow created, and implementation
discusses the application of previous results. The result of the
research obtained is that the implementation of Two-Factor
Authentication (2FA) using a One-Time Password (OTP) can
improve the security of user data by providing an additional layer
of security that reduces unauthorized access rights, this also
provides a safer experience for application users who implement
The development of digital technology has flourished in recent years, affecting
almost every aspect of human life, from information to the economy, and the latest is the
integration of artificial intelligence (AI). The need for internet access today is huge, with
almost everyone using the internet for various daily activities, both for social purposes
and work that depends on a network connection. (Wiyono & Susilowati, 2018). One of
the positive impacts of technology is the ease of access to search for things and
knowledge, especially through smartphones, which is increasingly becoming a necessity
in daily activities in Indonesia. However, behind these advances, threats to the security
of personal data are increasing, especially through cybercrime. (Akhuai et al., 2022).
Cybercrime is a criminal act committed using digital technology, such as the
internet and computer devices. One clear example of its impact in Indonesia is the theft
of 6 million Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP) data, including data belonging to
the President of Indonesia, which was illegally sold on forums. Cases like this show how
important it is to protect personal data in today's digital era (Ilmi et al., 2023).
Designing a Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) System in E-Commerce Applications
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2025 49
The security of personal data is not only about the privacy of each person but also
their right to control sensitive information, such as names, addresses, phone numbers, and
financial data. (Romansky, 2022). Misuse of this data can be detrimental to users, such
as fraud, fake account opening, or identity misuse. Therefore, maintaining the security of
personal data is very important to minimize the occurrence of data theft.
In the face of this challenge, the Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) method with
One-Time Password (OTP) is one of the security options that is increasingly adopted.
2FA adds an extra layer of protection by relying not only on passwords but also on unique
codes sent via text messages or authentication apps. The combination of 2FA and OTP
has been proven to reduce the risk of unauthorized access and improve data security in
modern applications. (Alfaruqi et al., 2022).
Previous research has shown the success of 2FA implementation in improving
application security. (Taqwim et al., 2021) Implemented the SPECK 128/128 algorithm
to encrypt OTPs, so that only authorized users can access the app via OTP sent via SMS.
Similarly, another study by (Aprilia et al., 2024). Shows that the combination of 2FA and
firewall policies can improve the security of website administrators' page access.
This research aims to design and implement a 2FA-based security system with OTP
on Android applications. The system is expected to run smoothly and improve the security
of user data by adding a significant layer of protection against data theft or leakage.
(Mahardhika & David, 2020). The use of OTPs, which are unique and can only be used
once, provides stronger security assurance. (Cahyadi et al., n.d.). Thus, this research seeks
to contribute to the protection of personal data in the increasingly evolving digital era.
This researcher uses the waterfall method. The waterfall SDLC software
development method is often referred to as a linear sequential model or classic life flow.
The waterfall model provides a sequential approach to software life starting from system
analysis, system design, coding, and system implementation. (Xu et al., 2017).
Picture 1
Waterfall Groove
Research using this waterfall has several stages, namely the following and its
Daffa Sholah Islamey, Joko Sutopo
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2025 50
1. System analysis, at this stage we analyze the needs that need to be applied to the
2. System design, after knowing the needs needed, we make a system design such as the
application flow using use cases and activity diagrams.
3. coding, at this coding stage we make a flow like the system flow that has been designed
4. implementation, i.e. applying everything that has been done previously from the stage
of system analysis, system design, and coding
Results and Discussion
System Analysis
In this stage of system analysis, we examined previous findings to design this 2FA
security. Next, we identified weaknesses in the findings. Once all of this is found, the
researcher makes a scope of the system to be developed. This involves detailing
functional needs, such as the design of the login button, and non-functional needs, such
as the ability of the Android chipset to be adequate for downloading apps. This process
aims to ensure that system development focuses on measurable and relevant needs.
System Design
System design is the process of planning and determining the structure,
components, modules, interfaces, and other features of a system. This design includes the
technical and functional aspects necessary to implement the needs that have been
identified during the analysis stage. The system design used is a use case diagram and an
activity diagram as follows.
Use Case Diagram
Figure 2 Use Case Diagram
The explanation of Figure 2 use case is the implementation process on the
application, the first is that the user registers then Firebase saves the data and then the
user is in the command to verify the OTP to add to the security system after successfully
registering, while the login takes data from firebase if the data is available or has been
registered in the firebase data then the user can log in to the application.
Activity Diagram
Designing a Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) System in E-Commerce Applications
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2025 51
Picture 2 Activity Diagram
The explanation from Figure 3 shows that after opening the app, the user will face
two conditions. The first condition is that if the user already has an account, they can go
directly to the login page. If the user does not have an account yet, then they are required
to register first.
At the registration stage, users are asked to fill in data such as email addresses and
passwords. Next, the system will ask for approval and send an OTP code via the
previously registered email. The user is then asked to verify the OTP code. If the
verification is successful, the process will proceed to the main page (home).
Meanwhile, at the login stage, if the user already has an account, they are allowed
to fill in the data that has been registered. If the data entered is incorrect, the user will be
prompted to re-enter the data that has already been registered. However, if the data is
valid, the user will be immediately redirected to the home page.
In this coding stage, the researcher is responsible for developing a backend that can
execute commands from the application according to the predetermined system design.
In addition, it is necessary to create a user-friendly and responsive user interface. The
result of this coding process includes the implementation of several features and
functionalities that are organized in the system design. By detailing each step and
component, researchers can ensure that the results of these coding stages are in line with
pre-set needs and expectations. As follows
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Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2025 52
Registration UI Display
The display on this UI contains an email bar, password, and password
confirmation, the user is expected to fill in all the bars correctly, and there is also a
signup and login button.
Picture 3
Registration View
OTP Verification UI Display
The verification user interface includes a verification button and several fields to
enter the OTP code that has been sent via email. Users are expected to fill in these fields;
If it is not filled in, access to the app will not be available. The importance of filling out
this OTP code is to ensure user security and authentication before accessing the
application. By filling in the code, users can proceed to the next screen and use the
application more safely and verified.
Picture 4
OTP Verification UI Display
Login UI Display
The display in the login section displays a bar similar to the registration process.
There is only a difference in the password confirmation section, where the login process
does not require login confirmation and OTP code verification anymore. As such, the
login process is designed to be simpler and more efficient, minimizing the steps that users
must take to access their accounts. By reducing the elements of confirmation and
verification, it is hoped that it can increase the convenience and speed of the login process.
Designing a Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) System in E-Commerce Applications
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Picture 5 Login UI Display
In the implementation stage, the application that is made can run in line with what
is desired as the registration process functions well from filling in emails, and passwords,
then confirming passwords are successfully applied and providing an OTP verification
code in the form of 6 digits to continue the otp verification stage, then in the OTP
verification process the system succeeds to run the command, namely to enter 6 digits of
numbers sent to the email, And during the login session after the registration process and
OTP verification was successful, we conducted a trial on the login session, in this login
session we entered the email and password to successfully enter the main page of the
application, so in this research process we succeeded in implementing 2FA OTP security
well, and can prevent data theft because only the account owner or registered email owner
can only enter the application.
The results of the research that has been carried out show several successes. First,
this application provides a simpler and safer user experience, especially with 2FA OTP
protection. This feature not only improves the ease of use of the app but also provides an
additional layer of security, thus protecting personal data from the risk of theft. With 2FA
OTP, users can feel more confident in the security and integrity of their data when using
this application.
This research can successfully implement two-factor authentication with a one-time
password. The waterfall method has provided a structured system flow design. Starting
from needs analysis to implementation, the results of the research conducted successfully
show that the use of 2fa with OTP effectively succeeds in reducing unauthorized access
rights. With the application of this technology, users can have a safer experience in using
applications, and also keep sensitive information safe, this study, emphasizes the
Daffa Sholah Islamey, Joko Sutopo
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2025 54
importance of implementing sophisticated security systems to protect data from unwanted
things in the ever-evolving digital era and provide a foundation for future researchers in
the field of data security and privacy protection. The next suggestion for researchers is to
simulate cyber attacks directly so that the use of 2FA with OTP can be structured and
proven in dealing with various types of cyber attacks.
Designing a Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) System in E-Commerce Applications
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