p–ISSN: 2723 – 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5990

Innovation of Otak-otak based on sweet potatoes

Cantika Choirunnisa1, Eva Mardiyana2
Universitas Telkom, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]

sweet potato; public

This study aims to evaluate the innovation of making otak-
otak by replacing tapioca flour with sweet potatoes as the
basic ingredient of otak-brain. Otak-otak is a traditional
Indonesian food that is generally made from fish, tapioca
flour, and other spices. Along with increasing awareness of
healthier lifestyle patterns, these innovations are expected to
offer more nutritious alternatives. Sweet potatoes with low
glycemic content and high fiber are expected to increase the
nutritional value of the brain and support digestive health
and weight management. The research method used is an
experimental method. The manufacturing process involves
shredded sweet potatoes, processing ebi, processing other
ingredients, and steaming. The product quality assessment
was carried out by an organoleptic test involving 50 panelists
to assess aspects of taste, color, texture, aroma, and
appearance. The results of the organoleptic test showed that
the tuber-based brains were well-received by the panelists.
Taste rating 86% of panelists rated the product as good to
very tasty. The color of the product was considered attractive
by 78% of the panelists. The texture of the product was rated
soft by 70% of the panelists, and the assessment of aroma
and appearance had positive values, 86%, and 76%
respectively by the panelists. The results of this study state
that brain-brain innovation by using sweet potatoes as a
substitute for tapioca flour has succeeded in producing
healthier and still delicious products. In addition to being
beneficial to health, the use of sweet potatoes can also
support the local economy and strengthen food security.
Therefore, it is hoped that this research can be useful for
people who are interested in tuber-based brains.


Otak-otak is a traditional food made from fish and spices and has long been a
favorite food of the Indonesian people. According to (Potabuga, Sulistijowati, & Mile,
2022), fish otak-otak is a gel product from fish meat mixed with tapioca flour and added
with other spices such as salt, sugar, coconut milk, garlic, and pepper. However, with the
development of the times and increasing public awareness of the importance of healthier

Innovation of Otak-otak based on sweet potatoes

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5991

and more nutritious culinary variations, the need to innovate in the manufacture of brains
is increasingly urgent. One of the interesting innovations is the use of sweet potatoes as a
basic ingredient as a substitute for tapioca flour (Amalia, Darmanto, & Rianingsih, 2016).

In addition, sweet potatoes contain a lot of calcium, which is necessary for the
growth of bones and teeth. Sweet potato carbohydrates have a low glycemic index
(LGI,54), so they are excellent for diabetics because they do not increase blood sugar
significantly, in contrast to carbohydrates with a high glycemic index such as rice and
corn (Agustini, Fahmi, & Amalia, 2009). Most of the sweet potato fiber is soluble fiber,
which helps absorb excess fat and cholesterol in the blood and maintains controlled
cholesterol and fat levels. Now, the natural oligosaccharide fiber of sweet potatoes is an
important commodity for enriching processed food products, such as milk.
Oligosaccharides help with bowel movements and prevent constipation. Nonetheless, it
can cause bloating.

According to (Ayeleso, Ramachela, & Mukwevho, 2016), Jalan is the second
agricultural product that is widely produced in Lampung, so it is easy to get into markets.
Sweet potato jams that have white flesh are also yellow and purple variants, which have
health benefits such as anti-cancer and antioxidants. This innovation not only provides an
alternative for those who reduce sugar levels but also increases the nutritional value of
these foods. According to (Ginting, Yulifianti, & Jusuf, 2014) stated that yellow sweet
potatoes are a type of sweet potato that has yellow flesh, besides that yellow sweet
potatoes also have antioxidants, beta-carotene, and anthocyanins that are beneficial for
health. The beta-carotene contained in sweet potatoes can reduce the likelihood of
developing heart disease by 40%, protecting the prevention of cancer, premature aging,
stroke, cataracts, and muscle disorders. By using sweet potatoes, the texture of the otak-
otak becomes softer but still savory, attracting consumers who want healthy yet delicious

In addition to health benefits, the use of sweet potatoes as a raw material can also
support the local economy. According to research conducted by (Leksono et al., 2023).
Sweet potatoes are one of the potential products because of their high economic value
and seen from the other side have many advantages. (Leksono et al., 2023) stated that
currently food is not only used to meet the basic needs of the body, such as hunger and
nutrient intake, but also used to meet secondary needs, such as taste, tertiary, such as
performing certain physiological functions for the body.

According to (Fromm & Vidler, 2015), Sweet potatoes can be used as a basic
ingredient for various types of products. The sweet potato brain-brain innovation is a
creative effort to create a healthier and more nutritious variety of traditional foods.
Replacing flour with sweet potatoes in brain-making offers several significant health
benefits. Consuming too much flour in our daily diet is not good for our bodies. Excessive
consumption of processed foods from flour can lead to weight gain, considering that flour
often has a high-calorie content.

In addition, flour-based foods tend to have a high glycemic index, which can trigger
drastic blood sugar drops. This, in the long run, can increase the risk of metabolic diseases

Cantika Choirunnisa, Eva Mardiyana

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5992

such as type 2 diabetes. The use of sweet potatoes as a substitute for flour in the
manufacture of brain brains provides a healthier alternative because sweet potatoes
contain carbohydrates with a low glycemic index, which provides more stable energy and
helps control blood sugar. Additionally, sweet potatoes are rich in fiber that aids digestion
and provides a feeling of fullness for longer, which can aid in weight management.

Sweet potatoes are also rich in vitamins and minerals, including beta-carotene,
which functions as an antioxidant and supports eye health and the immune system
(Susanti, 2017). By adopting this innovation, the brains not only become healthier but
also remain delicious and can be enjoyed by various groups, including those who want to
develop a healthy diet. Sweet potato brains innovation also supports food verification and
can be a positive step in promoting healthier and more nutritious local ingredients.


This study uses an experimental descriptive method. The choice of this method is
based on careful considerations related to the purpose of the study, namely to describe
the effect of replacing starch flour with sweet potato on the quality of brain-brain
products. The experimental descriptive method was considered most appropriate because
researchers could observe and record the changes that occurred in the brain-brain product
after starch flour was replaced with sweet potato. The results of these observations are
then analyzed to determine how the substitution affects various aspects of product quality,
such as texture, taste, nutritional content, and durability of the product.
Tools and Materials

In this study, the tools and materials to be used are as follows:

Material Qty Unit

Sweet potato 250 Gr
Ebi 1 Gr

Garlic 6 Gr
Tapioca Flour 1 Tsp
Flavoring 1/2 Tsp

2 Sheet

How to Make
1. Grate the sweet potato
2. Roast the ebi until fragrant and slightly browned
3. Then mashed using a chopper
4. Put the refined ebi into the grated tube
5. Then add the flavorings and onions and stir all the ingredients until evenly distributed
6. Prepare banana leaves that have been pruned and cut into small pieces
7. Wrap the ingredients that have been mixed using banana leaves
8. Steam for about 15-20 minutes over medium heat The sweet potato Otak-otak is ready

to serve.

Innovation of Otak-otak based on sweet potatoes

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Results and Discussion

The results of the tuber-based brain-brain organoleptic test, it was divided into five
assessment indicators, namely color, texture, taste, aroma, and physical shape of the brain.
This study involved 50 panelists to determine the public acceptance of tuber-based brain-
brain products.
Acceptance by Taste

Based on the results of data collection for taste in tuber-based brains involving 50
The following are the results of the assessment based on taste:

Figure 1

Assessment of taste

The results of data processing carried out by involving 50 panelists to assess the
taste in the brains made from sweet potatoes which were divided into 5 aspects, namely
very tasty, delicious, quite tasty, not tasty, and very unpleasant.22% for a very good
assessment, 64% for a good assessment, 14% for a quite good assessment, 0 for bad
assessment, and 0 for very bad assessment.
Acceptability by Color

Based on the results of data collection for color in tuber-based brains involving 50
The following are the results of the assessment based on color.


sangat enak enak

cukup enak tidak enak

sangat tidak enak

Cantika Choirunnisa, Eva Mardiyana

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5994

Figure 2

Judgment by color

The results of data processing were carried out by involving 50 panelists to assess
the color of the tuber-based brains which were divided into 5 aspects of assessment,
namely, very interesting, not interesting, quite interesting, interesting, and very
interesting. 22% for very interesting assessments, 56% for attractive ratings, 20% for
quite interesting assessments, 2% for uninteresting ratings, and 0 for very unattractive
Acceptability Based on Texture

Based on the results of data collection for texture in tuber-based brain-brain
products involving 50 panelists.
Here are the results of the assessment based on texture:

Figure 3

Judgment based on texture

The results of data processing were carried out by involving 50 panelists to assess
the texture of tuber-based brains which were divided into 5 assessment aspects, namely,
very soft, soft, moderately soft, not soft, and very not soft. 16% for very soft assessment,


sangat menarik menarik

cukup menarik tidak menarik

sangat tidak menarik


sangat lembut lembut

cukup lembut tidak lembut

Sangat tidak lembut

Innovation of Otak-otak based on sweet potatoes

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5995

54% for soft assessment, 28% for fairly soft assessment, 2% for not soft assessment and
0 for very soft assessment.
Acceptance by Aroma

Based on the results of collecting data for scents in tuber-based brain-brain products
involving 50 panelists.
The results of the assessment based on aroma are:

Figure 4

Assessment by aroma

The results of data processing were carried out by involving 50 panelists to assess
the aroma in the tuber-based brains which were divided into 5 assessment aspects,
namely, very smelly, sellable, quite smelly, not smelled, and very unsmelled. 24% of the
rating was very smelly, 62% for the rating smelled, 12% for the rating was quite smelly,
2% for the rating was not smelled, and 0 found for the rating was very unsmiling.
Acceptability Based on Display

Based on the results of data collection for the display of tuber-based brain-brain
products involving 50 panelists.
The following are the results of the assessment based on the appearance:


sangat tercium tercium

cukup tercium tidak tercium

sangat tidak tercium

Cantika Choirunnisa, Eva Mardiyana

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5996

Figure 5

Ratings based on views

The results of data processing were carried out by involving 50 panelists to assess
the appearance of sweet potato-based brains which were divided into 5 assessment
aspects, namely, very interesting, interesting, quite interesting, not interesting, and very
interesting. 32% for very attractive ratings, 44% for interesting ratings, 24% for quite
interesting ratings, 0 for disrespectful ratings, and 0 for very unattractive ratings.


From the results of the research that has been carried out, starting from the process
of making tuber-based otak-otak to data collection from the panelists, it can be concluded
that starting from the formulation of the otak-otak recipe by replacing most of the starch
flour with sweet potatoes can be said to be successful by making otak-otak into a healthier
food because the starch flour is replaced with sweet potatoes and makes it easier for
diabetics or those who are doing a diet program to enjoy delicious dishes and healthy.
This sweet potato-based otak-otak recipe consists of 250g of grated sweet potato, 1g of
roasted ebi, 6g of garlic, 1 tsp of tapioca flour as chewy, 1/2 tsp of flavoring, and 2 banana

The results of the organoleptic test carried out with questioner which were
distributed to 50 panelists to assess the taste, color, texture, aroma, and appearance of
tuber-based brain-brain products involving 23 students, 20 employees, 3 educators, and
2 others. The rating was based on the taste of 7 people for the rating of quite good, 32
people for the rating of good, and 11 people for the rating of very good. The assessment
based on the color of 10 people for the assessment is quite interesting, 28 people for the
assessment is interesting and 11 people for the assessment is very interesting. The
assessment was based on texture: 1 person for a soft assessment, 14 people for a fairly
soft assessment, 27 people for a soft assessment, and 8 people for a very soft assessment.
The assessment was based on the smell 1 person for the rating of not smelling, 6 people
for the rating of somewhat smelling, 31 people for the rating of smelling, and 12 people
for the rating of very smelling. The assessment was based on the appearance of 12 people


sangat menarik menarik

cukup menarik tidak menarik

sangat tidak menarik

Innovation of Otak-otak based on sweet potatoes

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5997

for the rating was quite interesting, 22 people for the rating was interesting and 16 people
for the rating was very interesting. It can be concluded that bringing this tuber-based otak-
otak product can be accepted by the community.

Cantika Choirunnisa, Eva Mardiyana

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5998


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