pISSN: 2723 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 12 Desember 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 5755
Designing a Recommendation System at Yense Restaurants
, Hugeng
, Manatap Dolok Lauro
Universitas Tarumanagara, Indonesia
Recommendation System;
web; SDLC; Assocation
Rule Mining
The culinary industry in Indonesia is experiencing rapid
growth, driven by the increasing use of online food delivery
platforms, which have transformed consumer behavior. This
study aims to design a web-based recommendation system
for Rumah Makan Yense, a restaurant in Jakarta, to enhance
customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. The
research utilizes the Association Rule Mining method with
the FP-Growth algorithm to analyze customer transaction
data and identify purchasing patterns. The system provides
personalized menu recommendations to customers,
addressing the challenge of information overload in menu
selection. The findings demonstrate that the
recommendation system effectively improves customer
satisfaction by delivering relevant menu suggestions, while
also increasing sales and service efficiency. The study
concludes that implementing such a system enables Rumah
Makan Yense to remain competitive in the dynamic culinary
industry, showcasing the potential of technology in
supporting business operations.
The culinary industry in Indonesia continues to grow rapidly, driven by
digitalization and the increasing use of online food ordering platforms such as GoFood,
GrabFood, and ShopeeFood. Digitalization has become the main factor that drives
Indonesia's economic progress in the current digital era (Gultom et al., 2024).
This digitalization not only makes it easier for customers to choose and order food
but also significantly changes people's consumption patterns. In an increasingly
competitive ecosystem, service personalization is becoming a critical element to provide
a relevant customer experience and increase their loyalty.
Rumah Makan Yense, a restaurant located in Jakarta, serves a variety of signature
dishes such as Hainan rice and grilled chicken. To reach more customers, Yense
Restaurant has taken advantage of an online ordering platform. However, the presence of
many menu options often makes customers feel confused, which can ultimately affect
their purchase decision. Therefore, a system is needed that can help customers choose
menus that suit their preferences, while encouraging restaurant operational efficiency.
The phenomenon of excess information faced by most people in Indonesia opens up
opportunities as well as a challenge to prove the role and existence of information experts
Benhard, Hugeng, Manatap Dolok Lauro
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 5756
in the midst of the accelerating flow of information (Hariyati & Heriyanto, 2021;
Prawitasari, 2022).
The recommendation system is one of the technological solutions that can be used
to deal with the problem of information overload. The system works by analyzing
customer historical data, such as ordering patterns, to provide relevant menu suggestions.
With proper implementation, a recommendation system can not only improve the
customer experience but also contribute to increased restaurant satisfaction, loyalty, and
revenue (Pratondo, 2023; Rane et al., 2023).
Approaches such as Association Rule Mining are one of the potential methods in
building a recommendation system. Algorithms such as A priori and FP-Growth are used
to find association patterns among various items in sales data. This pattern can help
restaurants understand the relationship between items, for example, menu combinations
that are often ordered together. This information is useful not only for recommendation
systems but also for promotion strategies, stock planning, and inventory management,
which can ultimately improve restaurant operational efficiency (Swink et al., 2022; Zuhri
& Utami, 2023).
This study aims to design a recommendation system that utilizes the Association
Rule Mining approach to improve service efficiency, customer experience, and sales at
Yense Restaurant. With this solution, it is hoped that Yense Restaurant can remain
competitive in the midst of increasingly fierce competition in the culinary industry.
Table 1. Journal References
Discussion Results
Dino Akbar Pratondo
The content-based filtering-
based recommendation
system with TF-IDF, SVD,
and Cosine Similarity
algorithms managed to
achieve 85.22% accuracy in
providing relevant campaign
recommendations on the
fundraising platform.
The research focused on food
menu recommendations
based on customer transaction
data for Yense Restaurant,
while the journal utilized
campaign text metadata, not
related to transaction data or
specific dishes.
Savina Choirina Zuhri
The AHP method-based
menu recommendation
system helps customers
choose menus based on
criteria such as taste, price,
and quality, with a consistent
hierarchical approach through
the calculation of the
Consistency Ratio.
This research prioritizes
order history data to compile
recommendations based on
customer preferences, while
this journal uses explicit
criterion weights (AHP) to
provide recommendations,
focusing on manual analysis
of individual criteria.
Dhananjaya et al. (2022)
Research on personalized
recommendation systems for
e-learning using content-
based filtering and machine
learning approaches, shows
the challenges of improving
the accuracy and relevance of
recommendations on big data.
This journal focuses on
recommendations in digital
content-based education and
machine learning, while this
research applies a
recommendation system for
cuisine with a more data-
Designing a Recommendation System at Yense Restaurants
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 5757
based approach to restaurant
user transaction data.
Research methods
The association method works with the Association Rule Mining. Association rules
are one of the techniques in descriptive data mining that serves to identify patterns of
relationships between various items in data (Saputra et al., 2023). This method has a
relationship between items (menus) formulated in the form of rules such as the following
example rule: If a customer orders Hainan Rice, then they are likely to also order sweet
iced tea. Each of these rules has several important evaluation parameters:
1. Support
The support of an association rule is the percentage of combinations of items in the
database or the percentage of transactions that contain certain combinations of items
to the overall transaction (Maulidah & Bachtiar, 2021). Support is used to identify
relationships between words (Fauzy et al., 2023).
2. Confidence
Measure how often item B is purchased when item A is purchased.
3. Elevator
Measure how much the relationship between two items compares if the two items are chosen
at random.
In the application of this association method, there is an FP-Growth algorithm that
has a very close relationship with the association method because this algorithm is a
technique used in the application of association rule mining. FP-Growth with the concept
of building a tree (FPTree) in looking for frequent itemsets (Ardianto & Fitrianah, 2019).
This algorithm builds an FP-tree (Frequent Pattern Tree) structure to store data and look
for patterns of frequently appearing items without having to go through the entire dataset
Figure 2. Association method formula
Source: (Nissa, 2020)
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Results and discussion
After conducting the analysis, the next step is to create a web-based
recommendation system application. In this application, there are menus at Yense
restaurants and there are recommendations given to customers when they want to choose
a menu.
In designing this application, several stages are needed.
1. Needs Analysis
Determining the main purpose of the web, for example providing
recommendations on the food menu and showing the entire menu at the restaurant so
that buyers can be helped in determining the food menu to order.
2. Design
- UI/UX Design Make a sketch or wireframe about how the web looks and layout starting
from logos, menu lists, food recommendations and others.
- System Architecture Design Create flowcharts to easily understand the interactions that can
occur in the application.
3. Development
- Frontend Development
Create a basic framework using HTML, then add styles or layouts using CSS and add
interactivity like JavaScript or React/Vue.js.
- Backend Development
Implement recommendation logic using Python and then build an API to connect the
frontend and backend.
- Responsiveness and Testing
Ensure the design is responsive and compliant with CSS or frameworks and then test
compatibility across various browsers.
3. Testing
Conducting tests both in terms of functionality and usability. Ensure that the feature
is working for the intended purpose and that the layout is easy to use.
After visiting the stages above, the design of the recommendation system can begin.
The design of the recommendation system application to be made can be seen in Figure
Figure 3. Web application view
Designing a Recommendation System at Yense Restaurants
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 5759
The design of a web-based recommendation system application for Yense Restaurant
is a strategic solution in answering the challenge of information overload in the
competitive culinary industry. Using the SDLC Waterfall method, each stage, from needs
analysis to maintenance, is carried out systematically to ensure the system can run
according to its goals. This recommendation system leverages Association Rule Mining-
based algorithms, such as FP-Growth, to analyze buying patterns and generate relevant
menu recommendations. In addition to improving service efficiency, the system is also
designed to support a more personalized customer experience and increase customer
loyalty. With an intuitively designed interface through a UI/UX approach, as well as
responsive frontend and backend integration, the app offers ease of use while supporting
data-driven decision-making. Rigorous functional and usability testing ensures the system
is able to meet user needs, while regular maintenance allows for further development
based on the latest data and trends. With the implementation of this system, Rumah
Makan Yense is expected to increase its competitiveness in the midst of the rapid growth
of the digital-based culinary industry.
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