Andyka Yuliatama A, Aidul Fitriciada Azhari, Nuria Siswi Enggarani
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 1, January 2024 30
this system, taxpayers are passive and wait for tax determination by the fiscus, then pay
the tax owed according to the amount of tax assessment set by the fiscus (Nasution,
Ginting, Bastari, & Barus, 2023).
The tax revenue structure has a vital role and is the most significant component and
the primary source of domestic revenue to support government administration financing
and national development (Setiawan, 2020). Among the sources of revenue or state
revenue from the tax sector is the Land and Rural and Urban Building Tax (PBB-P2),
which is a type of tax levied by the central government in its implementation, is carried
out by the Ministry of Finance through the directorate general of taxes which in its entirety
the revenue is handed over to the regions. In the Regional Budget (APBD), UN-P2
revenues are included in the local government group from tax quotients (Lintang, 2021).
The Madiun City Government has also succeeded in carrying out large-scale
development in its area (especially the infrastructure and urban planning sectors); this
spurred an increase in the Regional Original Revenue (PAD) of Madiun City, which
makes the interest of investors outside the city of Madiun and foreigners competing to
build and open businesses in the Madiun City area. The revenue obtained by the Madiun
city government is obtained from various tax sectors such as Entertainment Tax, Hotel,
Restaurant, Street Lighting, Parking Tax, Groundwater Tax, Land and building Rights
Acquisition Tax, Land and Building Tax, and Other Income from taxes (Tax Fines). Data
from the Regional Revenue Agency of Madiun City states that tax revenue consistently
exceeds the annual tax target (Wibowo, 2021). In 2020, the tax target of Madiun City was
76,350,000,000 and realized at 90,389,463,175. Meanwhile, in 2021, the tax target is
82,260,000,000 and realized at 88,034,697,717. Revenue through the Land and Urban
Building Tax significantly contributes to the opinion of Madiun City. This can be seen
from the exceeded UN Tax target yearly. In 2020, the UN Tax Target is 18,250,000,000,
realized at 22,379,466,936. Meanwhile, in 2021, it is targeted at 21,350,000,000 and
realized at 22,852,741,293.
Although local original revenue is collected through taxes through predetermined
targets, Madiun city tax revenue cannot be separated from tax issues. According to data
collected from the Madiun City Regional Revenue Agency Office, one of the issues that
have not been resolved by the Madiun City Regional Revenue Agency Office is the
determination of the NJOP Value of land and buildings (Pratiwi, 2021). One example is
determining the high value of NJOP land and buildings set by Bapenda on land and
shophouse buildings in the PGM Kavling No A 24 complex.
The problems faced by the Madiun City Office in solving it using Tax Objection
settlement standards. The legal basis is guided by existing rules, such as Law No. 28 of
2009, concerning Regional Taxes and Regional Retribution. This regulation gives
BAPENDA Madiun City authority to manage land and building taxes (Waqidah, 2017).
The choice of the title of this study is based on the author's curiosity about how to
resolve disputes and objections and review and correct data sources, especially the Land
and Building Tax sector at the Regional Revenue Agency (BEPENDA) of Madiun City.
Based on the background description of the problem, the problem can be formulated,