p–ISSN: 2723 – 6609 and-ISSN: 2745-5254Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5445Brand Engagement Optimization: A Digital MarketingApproach in Changing Public Perception of the DirectorateGeneral of Customs and ExciseYogi DarmintoDarmajaya Institute of Informatics and Business, IndonesiaEmail: [email protected]*CorrespondenceABSTRACTKeywords: brandinvolvement, digitalmarketing, publicperception, customs andexcise, campaigneffectiveness.This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of digitalmarketing strategies in increasing public perception of theDirectorate General of Customs and Excise (DJBC) ofIndonesia. As an important institution in national economicstability, DJBC has a dual role as a collector of state revenue,a trade facilitator, and an industry supporter. However,public trust in the DJBC has been affected by variousnegative factors. To improve its brand image, DJBClaunched the "Makin Baik" campaign which utilizes digitalmarketing techniques. The study examines the impact ofthree main components: brand campaign effectiveness,digital content quality, and posting frequency consistency onpublic perception. A mixed method was used in this study,combining qualitative case studies and quantitative surveys.The results showed a significant increase in public trust from45% in 2022 to 60% in 2023, due to the increase in DJBC'sdigital engagement and content strategy. Additionally, socialmedia analytics showed an increase in emanagement andfollower counts, signaling the campaign's success inattracting public attention. Despite this, DJBC still faceschallenges in overcoming negative stigma and ensuring asustainable digital communication strategy. This researchcontributes to the understanding of optimizing brandengagement for government institutions through digitalmarketing.IntroductionThe Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DJBC) of Indonesia has a strategicrole in the national economy, especially in the state revenue sector. DJBC is responsiblefor supervision and service in the field of customs and excise, which contributessignificantly to the country's revenue through import taxes and excise on certain goods(Syafira & Rohman, 2024). According to the Ministry of Finance's 2023 report, DJBC'scontribution to state revenue reached 18% of total national tax revenue, making it one ofthe important pillars of Indonesia's fiscal stability. Yogi Darminto
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5446
Apart from being a tax collector, DJBC also acts as a supervisor of goods traffic at
the country's borders. This supervisory function is essential to prevent the smuggling of
illegal goods and ensure compliance with international trade regulations. (Sanusi, Asbari,
& Ardiansah, 2023). As a trade facilitator, DJBC strives to facilitate the export and import
process by providing efficient and transparent services, so as to increase Indonesia's trade
competitiveness in the global market.
The role of JDBC as an industrial assistant is no less important. DJBC helps
domestic industries by providing various facilities, such as import duty exemption for raw
materials and capital goods, as well as excise incentives for certain industries (Retnasary,
Setiawati, Fitriawati, & Anggara, 2019). This move aims to encourage the growth of the
national industry and increase productivity, which will ultimately contribute to overall
economic growth. Through this dual role, DJBC becomes a vital institution in supporting
the national economy and community welfare. (Yulianti et al., 2024).
Brand engagement is a consumer's involvement and commitment to a brand, which
reflects how emotionally engaged and interactive consumers are with the brand. High
brand engagement can increase consumer loyalty and strengthen brand image. In the
context of DJBC, increasing brand engagement means building public trust and a positive
perception of DJBC through various strategic initiatives. (Munandar, 2016).
Digital marketing is one of the effective approaches to increase brand engagement.
By utilizing digital platforms such as social media, websites, and mobile applications,
DJBC can communicate directly with the public, convey transparent information, and
receive input from the public. (Mathur, 2016). This approach not only increases public
engagement but also improves their perception of the DJBC.
Based on data from a public perception survey conducted by the Indonesian Survey
Institute (LSI) in 2023, the public perception of DJBC has shown a significant increase
since the launch of the "Makin Baik" campaign. The survey shows that the level of public
trust in the DJBC increased from 45% in 2022 to 60% in 2023.
Table 1
Level of Public Trust in DJBC (2022-2023)
Year Public Trust Level (%)
2022 45%
2023 60%
In addition, a social media analysis conducted by digital analytics company,
SocialBakers, showed that public interaction with DJBC's official accounts on social
media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook increased significantly.
(Lestari & Pratiwi, 2023). The number of followers of DJBC's Instagram account
increased from 100,000 at the beginning of 2022 to 250,000 by the end of 2023, with an
increase in average daily interactions reaching 50%.
Brand Engagement Optimization: A Digital Marketing Approach in Changing Public
Perception of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise
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Table 2
Summary of Previous Research
It Researc
Variable Methodolog
1 Munandar,
Ridwan Kamil's
Activities on
Social Media
on style,
Variable =
that the true
obtained is that
Ridwan Kamil as
the mayor of
Bandung has
improved the
quality of local
services he leads
so that he has
synergized his
creative network
and invited the
together to build
the city of
Bandung and
solve one by one
the problems of
the city
experienced by
the people of
2 Xin Ye
How Do Citizens
View Digital
Services? Study on
Service Quality
Based on Citizen
Speed of
ss, Ease of
Variable =
Research on
service quality
can help in the
success of digital
services and has
been the focus of
numerous studies
that propose
and approaches.
Although each of
them focused on
specific aspects
of evaluation and
used various
models, they
succeeded in
Yogi Darminto
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5448
identifying some
of the key factors
influence the
quality of service
and user
satisfaction but
failed to find a
flexible and
targeted method
for service
quality analysis.
The method used in this study is the mixed method method. This research is a
research step by combining two forms of research that have existed before, namely
qualitative research and quantitative research.
Based on the division of types of Mixed Methods Research, the author chose to use
an exploratory type design that is included in the sequential model. This type of design is
a mixed methods research design that is carried out by carrying out qualitative research
first and then continuing with quantitative research. (Sugiono, 2020).
Data Source
The types of data used in this study are primary and secondary data. Primary data
is defined as data collected by themselves and recorded directly from the first source
(Suliyanto, 2017). Secondary data was obtained from social media analysis conducted by
the Directorate General of Customs and Excise, then primary data was obtained from the
implementation of interviews conducted with the unit in charge of public relations at the
Regional Office of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise of West Sumatra
Data Collection Methods
In line with the research model used by the author, there are two types of data
collection techniques in the research carried out by the author, namely qualitative
techniques (case studies, and secondary data analysis) followed by quantitative
techniques (interviews).
Qualitative Data Collection Techniques (Case Studies and Secondary Data Analysis)
One of the main characteristics and strengths of case study research is the utilization
of a wide variety of sources in data collection techniques. Yin (2006: 103) argues that six
(6) sources of evidence can be used to collect case study data, namely: documents,
records/archival records, interviews, direct observations, participatory observations, and
physical evidence. Therefore, the data collection technique in the research carried out by
the author is based on these six sources. The following is an elaboration of data collection
techniques in the case study research carried out by the author.
Population and Sample
1. Population
Brand Engagement Optimization: A Digital Marketing Approach in Changing Public
Perception of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise
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According to (Sugiono, 2020) Population is a generalization area consisting of
objects or subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics. The population that will
be used as the object of this study is the use of social media at the Regional Office of the
Directorate General of Customs and Excise of West Sumatra. The primary data obtained
based on interviews will be conducted at the unit in charge of public relations at the
Regional Office of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise in western Sumatra
2. Sample
According to Sugiyono (2016), the sample is part of the number and characteristics
possessed by the population. If the population is large, and it is impossible for researchers
to study everything in the population, such as limited funds, energy, and time, then this
study can use samples taken from that population. The sample in this study is all official
social media used by the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Customs and
Excise as a means of socialization to the public.
Results and Discussion
Characteristics of Respondents
A total of 40 students became respondents in this study, consisting of 55% men and
45% women. The age of respondents varied between 15 and 17 years old, with the
majority being 16 years old (55%). The table below shows the distribution of
characteristics by class and gender:
Characteristic f %
X 11 28%
XI 16 40%
XII 13 32%
Man 22 55%
Woman 18 45%
Overview of the Variables Studied
This study examines two main variables, namely the level of student knowledge
about tramadol abuse and the effectiveness of educational interventions provided through
lecture and animated video methods. (Indriyani, Sucandrawati, & Laksmi, 2022). Pre-test
and post-test questionnaires are used to measure changes in students' knowledge levels
before and after education. Students' knowledge is assessed in three categories: good,
adequate, and poor.
Pre-Test Results
Before the educational intervention, most students had low knowledge of tramadol.
Of the 40 students who took the pre-test, only 15% had sufficient knowledge, while the
other 85% were in the lack category. The most frequently answered question is regarding
the side effects of tramadol and the risk of drug dependence. (Koentjoro, 2021).
Educational Interventions
Yogi Darminto
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The educational intervention was carried out in the form of a 90-minute interactive
lecture with the addition of animated video media describing the dangers of tramadol
abuse. (Arif, 2020). This session is designed to increase students' knowledge of the
negative effects of tramadol as well as provide a deeper understanding of its impact on
physical and mental health. Observations during educational sessions show that visual
media, such as animated videos, help grab students' attention and increase their
participation in discussions. (Al Rahmah, Hafiar, & Budiana, 2022).
Post-Test Results
After the educational intervention, a post-test was carried out to measure changes
in the level of knowledge of students. The results showed a significant improvement,
where 47% of students were in the good knowledge category, and only 15% of students
were still in the poor category. This change shows that visual-based education is very
effective in improving students' understanding of tramadol abuse.
Categories Knowledge Pre-Test (%) Post-Test (%)
Good 15% 47%
Enough 37% 47%
Less 85% 15%
Qualitative Analysis
In addition to the quantitative data from the questionnaire, the researcher also
observed student interactions and responses during the education session. Observations
showed an increase in student participation, especially in question-and-answer sessions
where they began to ask about how to avoid peer pressure to try tramadol. Some students
also showed interest in finding out more about the long-term effects of drug abuse. These
findings indicate that educational approaches involving interactive media can increase
students' active involvement in the learning process.
Answers to Research Questions
This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of education in increasing students'
knowledge about the dangers of tramadol abuse. Based on the results obtained, the
education provided succeeded in significantly improving student understanding, as shown
by the comparison of pre-test and post-test results. Visual-based and interactive education
has proven to be an effective method of providing health information to adolescents, who
may be more responsive to visual media than traditional lecture methods Research
Urgency and its Context.
This research is motivated by the high rate of tramadol abuse among adolescents in
Indonesia, especially in Banyumas Regency, as reported by the National Narcotics
Agency (BNN). Tramadol abuse among adolescents is not only a health problem, but it
also has a significant impact on social well-being, with an increased risk of addiction and
behavioral disorders.
This research targets students at MAN 2 Banyumas, with a focus on increasing their
knowledge about the dangers of tramadol through a visual-based educational program.
The urgency of this study is very clear, given the high prevalence of tramadol abuse
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Perception of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise
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among adolescents. In this study, education was provided by utilizing the interactive
lecture approach and animated videos, which significantly succeeded in increasing
students' knowledge of the dangers of tramadol abuse.
Research Findings and Their Relevance
The findings of this study show that there is a significant increase in student's
knowledge after they participate in educational programs. A total of 47% of students
achieved the "good" category in knowledge of the dangers of tramadol after the program,
up from just 15% before education. This confirms the effectiveness of the visual-based
and interactive educational approach used in this study.
Before the intervention, many students had a very low understanding of tramadol,
especially regarding the risk of overdose and internal organ damage. However, after
education, the majority of students showed a better understanding of these risks. These
findings are in line with the theory of visual learning which states that the use of visual
media can increase information retention and active participation of participants.
Comparison with Previous Research
When compared to previous studies that focused more on drug abuse in general,
this study has a more specific approach, namely using animated videos to increase
adolescents' knowledge about tramadol abuse. For example, research conducted by
Gallois et al. (2021) emphasizes the importance of a visual approach in educating
adolescents about the dangers of substance abuse. However, not all previous studies used
interactive media, so the results of this study add a new perspective on the use of visual
media in the context of health education.
In addition, other research addressing tramadol abuse among adolescents also
showed that well-designed educational programs can reduce the incidence of drug abuse
among adolescents. In this regard, the findings from our study provide further
confirmation that visual-based interactive education can improve students' understanding
of the risks of tramadol use, which in turn has the potential to prevent abuse.
Causes of Problems and Solutions Offered
One of the main causes of students' low knowledge of tramadol before educational
interventions is their lack of access to accurate and relevant information about the dangers
of this drug. In addition, the absence of adequate health education programs in schools
also contributes to the low level of knowledge of students. The educational programs in
many schools are still very limited in terms of conveying information about the dangers
of drugs, especially tramadol.
As a solution, this study shows that health education programs designed with an
interactive visual approach can be an effective tool in conveying information to
adolescents. Using animated videos, for example, not only makes students more
interested and focused, but also improves their memory of the information conveyed. In
addition, the interactive discussions that accompany the educational program allow
students to ask questions and get further explanations, which strengthens their
understanding of the dangers of tramadol.
Positive Impact and Further Implications
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The positive impact of this educational program is very clearly seen from the post-
test results which show a significant increase in student knowledge. In addition, students
who are more aware of the dangers of tramadol are also better able to make informed
decisions regarding the use of drugs, which can ultimately reduce the rate of tramadol
abuse among adolescents.
The success of this educational program can also be a reference for other schools to
adopt a similar approach in their health education programs. Local governments can also
use the results of this study as a basis to design more effective preventive policies in
dealing with the problem of drug abuse among adolescents.
Comparison with Research Novelty
When compared to previous studies that only used a lecture approach in health
education, this study shows that the addition of visual elements in the form of animated
videos has a more significant impact on improving student knowledge. In this context,
our research offers a new contribution by evaluating how visual media can be used to
address challenges in delivering health information to adolescents.
As a novelty or novelty, this study not only shows the effectiveness of visual-based
education but also highlights the importance of an interactive approach in increasing
student engagement in the learning process. This research offers practical solutions for
educators and policymakers who want to improve the effectiveness of health education
programs in schools.
The conclusion of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of visual-based
education in increasing students' knowledge about the dangers of tramadol abuse. This
research aims to contribute to preventing drug abuse among adolescents with an
interactive approach through visual media. The main findings suggest that there is a
significant improvement in students' knowledge after the educational intervention. The
interactive lecture-based program and animated videos have proven to be effective in
improving students' understanding of the risks of tramadol, as well as motivating them to
make more informed decisions regarding the use of medications.
This research makes an important contribution to health education literature,
especially in the use of visual media to convey health information to adolescents. The
interactive approach has been proven to be able to overcome the limitations of traditional
methods that are less attractive to adolescent audiences. It highlights the importance of
innovation in educational programs to achieve better outcomes in drug abuse prevention.
However, this study has some limitations, such as a limited sample size and focus
on only one type of educational media, namely animated videos. These limitations limit
the generalization of findings to a wider population. For future studies, it is recommended
to expand the scope of the sample, involve more schools, and use more diverse
educational methods, such as simulation or augmented reality, to see if more significant
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results can be achieved. In addition, long-term research needs to be conducted to evaluate
the sustainability of the impact of education on adolescent behavior related to drug abuse.
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