pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 01 January 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Doi: 10.59141/jist.v5i01.878 92
Dewi Reca Litha
Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesias
Keywords: Mask; Power;
This study aims to analyze the construction work of senior students in
the LDKM of new PIPS students and analyze the factors of the
construction of senior students in the LDKM of new students of PIPS.
To achieve the study's objectives, Heidegger used a Phenomenology-
Hermeneutics research approach. These research data were obtained
through participatory observation, non-intervention strategies, non-
structural interviews, and documentation. The data were analyzed using
interpretation analysis methods and Nvivo data analysis program version
12. The results showed (1) The construction work of HMPS PIPS senior
students in LDKM (Basic Leadership Training) activities began with a
narrative of skills, skills, leadership, agents of change, the title of God,
and students who have. The presence of this ideal fantasy (object a)
makes them participate in LDKM (Basic Leadership Training) activities
in which they are dominated through the path of requiring an
understanding of the materials in LDKM (Basic Leadership Training),
which are covered with symbolic violence that works through
euthanizations leading to psychological and physical violence as a
closure. (2) The working factor of HMPS PIPS senior students in LDKM
(Basic Leadership Training) activities because it maintains the existence
of the HMPS PIPS internal institution to compete for the position of
President of BEM (Student Executive Board) from the Faculty to
University level, where HMPS PIPS senior students, especially alums,
get pride and recognition as senior figures who create PIPS new student
cadres (maba) who can occupy as President BEM (Student Executive
Often, knowledge itself brings up problems that ironically display its grim face; The
more withered and stretched because he was dirty, used as an instrument of domination.
Knowledge also goes out of its epistemic path, which places knowledge incompatible
with its epistemic path (Watloly, 2016). Knowledge is then like a commodity that displays
the form of power of its producers. Thus, knowledge is not authentic but becomes the
face of that power. This happens even in all territories of human life economically, socio-
culturally, politically, legally, and educationally so that energy can be spread throughout
the arena, even if there is almost no center of power.
Universities are infiltrated by the power of senior students, who are figures sowing
seeds of knowledge. However, they use knowledge only as a mask that hides their interest.
Every time the younger siblings come from high school, they will be crammed with
various kinds of knowledge discourse as an instrument of domination behind which is
Mask Of Power Senior Student Power Hmps Pips In LDKM New Students Of Pips Faculty Of
Social And Law Sciences State University Of Makassar
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 01, January 2024 93
hidden the interest of senior students. Not a few juniors must submit and obey the words
of senior students for various reasons; there is no resistance even though it requires
dominance, hegemony, and even symbolic violence in the event.
Until now, scientific investigations of the knowledge of senior students used as a
form of mask have not been so numerous. Ada tries to explore it by describing through
discourse that the knowledge used by senior students can cause junior students to fall into
the abyss of hegemony (Fitri, Syukur, & Justice, 2019). Also, through the discourse of
knowledge, senior students are trying to disseminate the body and mind of junior students
in the regeneration process (Asnur, 2020). Even more ironically, there is also the
knowledge that it is only used as violence, which then turns into hazing.
However, these scientific investigations have yet to depict the narrative of senior
students in constructing junior/senior students. In the narrative of senior students, there is
a discourse of knowledge as a form of their domination instrument and identified
junior/high school students. This identification seems to be able to patch up his anxiety
desires so that it implies that he is in terrible faith or willing to compromise on the practice
of power, domination, hegemony, and symbolic, psychological, and physical violence to
underestimate himself even though he is in a circle of self-restraint to obtain an ideal self-
image. Ideal. This is so because cultural-symbolic reality requires taming the wild desires
of its subjects. The senior student's will-to-power aspect should have been addressed. This
aspect of old student desire is a form of emptiness that requires recognition of junior /
MBA students to fill it. In other words, the dominant and subordinate actors are dialectical
relations lacking both.
This study will fill the gap in previous scientific investigations by bringing it into
the context of LDKM (Basic Leadership Training) at HMPS PIPS, which students
consider as a channel for instilling values and stamping the role of students who are
echoed as agents of change, agents of social control, and agents of iron stock.
Implementing LDKM (Basic Leadership Training) has become a tradition for generations
to be carried out intended for new students (mamba). At this LDKM (Basic Leadership
Training) moment, the identity of new students (maybe) who were initially only students
was transformed into students by HMPS PIPS senior students. This is inseparable from
the knowledge contained in LDKM (Basic Leadership Training).
Based on the formulation of the problem above, the objectives of this study are:
1. Analyze the work of constructing HMPS PIPS senior students in the PIPS freshman
LDKM (mamba)
2. Analyze the working factors of HMPS PIPS senior students in the LDKM of new
students (mamba) PIPS.
Lacanian Psychoanalysis: The Illusion of Me Up to Jouissance
Lacan's psychoanalysis critiqued Sigmund Freud's thinking about the concept of the
ego" which Lacan considered problematic. "The ego should not be considered centered
on the perceptual-conscious system nor does the principle of reality govern it." Because
the subject's Ego lapses itself into the lure of spatial identification and fantasy produced
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by the unconscious, the Ego is considered a pure mirage, as once echoed by (Masrur,
2022). In other words, the Ego is part of that prison of the unconscious.
In addition to his criticism of Freud's concept of the Ego. Lacan also addressed
Freud's concepts of consciousness and unconsciousness. However, according to
(Fachrunnisa, Armiyati, and Jayusman, 2023), "Lacan criticizing Freud does not mean
that he completely rejects Freud's entire conception, but seeks meaning behind the
arguments of Freud's writings". Suppose Freud positioned consciousness along with the
unconscious as opposition and the cold as subconscious, and if Freud understood
incomprehensible dreams and symbols as analogy in the unconscious space. Lacan, then,
has a different meaning. According to (Jung, 2018), "the unconscious is structured like a
language." Lacan's ejection is not without reason because, according to him, the
unconscious is related to the formation of the signification system (Han, Setchi, Lacan,
Gu, & Evans, 2017).
Research Methods
This research is classified as qualitative-interpretive research. Within the
framework of social science-humanities research, the qualitative study seeks to explore
and build propositions or explain the meaning behind reality. Heidegger's
Phenomenology-Hermeneutics approach is needed to explore subjective experience
ontologically to uncover the meaning behind reality. To achieve this ontology, Heidegger
entered the Hermeneutic universe based on understanding (verstehen) and interpretation
as a process. The term Interpretation is in German Auslugeng and is interpreted by
Heidegger as "letting him open" (Hardiman, 2015).
That is why phenomenology is Hermeneutics or interpretation for Heidegger
because phenomenology allows what shows itself to appear to be seen from itself in the
way it sees itself from itself. We understand things as they exist without imposing the
interpreter concept on informants. The author will undoubtedly give an example. For
example, X understands Z to be less intelligent. The author understands that "less clever"
is "stupid." The author tries to express (in this case, leaving it open) so that what the
author interprets is the same as what X understands Z. So if it is clear that Heidegger's
hermeneutics are different from the others,
Time and Location
The research time conducted by the author ranges from three months or, in other
words, when secondary data and primary data are sufficient to answer the research
problems formulated in the introductory chapter. The research location is at Makassar
State University, Faculty of Social Sciences and Law, Department of Integrated Social
Studies Education.
Data and Data Sources
The source of data is the nature of the existence of the object under study, and the
object is a material and formal object. Material objects are things that are used as objects
of thought (Gegendstand) and are something that is investigated or something that is
studied. Material objects include anything, whether concrete things, such as humans,
Mask Of Power Senior Student Power Hmps Pips In LDKM New Students Of Pips Faculty Of
Social And Law Sciences State University Of Makassar
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plants, or stones, or something abstract, such as ideology, norms, or spirituality. In
contrast, formal objects have a way of looking at and reviewing the material object or
perspective used in seeing material objects (Faruk, 2017). Departing from that point, there
are two data universes residing in it. Data are relevant facts and correspond logically. In
other words, data as facts are selected based on the relevance of the problems to be
answered using a theoretical framework.
Data Collection Methods
For the benefit of research, that refers to the conceptual framework and research
approach that is useful to answer questions from research. With that, the data collection
method uses participatory observation using non-intervention strategies. This non-
intervention strategy fits this research approach: Heidegger's Phenomenology-
Hermeneutics lets the phenomenon manifest itself to the observer as an interpreter.
Because the strategy is non-intervention, finding the expression of the informant's
ejection uses non-structured interview techniques. Non-structured interviews do not
require interview guidelines but follow the flow or rhythm of the research subject as an
informant, and the author only seeks to modify the questions so that the understanding of
the author and informant is similar. In addition, documentation methods are also used that
aim to support research data needs, documentation in the form of official PIPS social
media accounts and historical data both videos, photos during the LDKM PIPS process,
notes on LDKM PIPS study materials, relevant theories, books, theses, previous research
and internet sources that support research.
Data Analysis Methods
The data obtained departs from the two research questions that will be classified by
category into information that will be the basis of conceptual analysis using interpretation
methods in dismantling the phenomenon of LDKM (Basic Leadership Training) as a
mask of power for HMPS PIPS senior students. In the scheme of Psychoanalysis-
Symbolic Power, the first step taken is to dismantle the narrative (in this case, it is
language) as a form of their inducement to dominate PIPS new students (maybe) to take
part in LDKM (Basic Leadership Training).
The second is to see the imaginary identification of PIPS freshmen (mamba) as
clues to enter the depths of the desire hidden by the informant through himself to the
narrative of HMPS PIPS senior students and their minions. "We must be attentive to the
unsaid that dwells in the holes in discourse, but the unsaid is not to be understood like
knocking coming from the other side of the wall." This needs to be emphasized because
the author needs not to inform the truth of the subject's identification efforts but rather
provoke the subject to find the truth himself even though the author already knows it.
Third, dismantle the form of knowledge of senior students. Of course, this is also
the knowledge capital of HMPS senior students. The aim is to show that knowledge is
used domineeringly, in which symbolic violence is unknown to PIPS first-year students
(maybe) because it is covered in a thick fog of narratives so that it falls into psychic and
physical violence.
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Fourth, dismantle the interest of HMPS PIPS senior students in dominating new
students (mamba). This is to justify that everything offered in LDKM (Basic Leadership
Training) is only a mask for senior students to master new students (maybe) to a further
Results and Discussion
HMPS Social Studies Education is an internal student institution under the umbrella
of the Department of Social Studies Education, Faculty of Social Sciences and Law,
Makassar State University. Historically, the integrated Social Studies Education HMPS
institution was established in 2009 and is the fifth-order internal institution born. Since
its establishment in 2009, the head of the Social Studies Education HMPS, first chaired
by Adil Ihsan in (2010-2011), is the result of the agreement of the History Education
HMPS, which first conducted cadres in the form of LDKM for the 2009 Social Studies
Education Department because the Department did not yet have senior students who
could support in the regeneration of new students and was agreed upon by the students of
the Social Studies Education Department class of 2009.
List of Informers
To determine the informant of this study, the author uses a purposive sampling
technique with the category of PIPS new students (MBA) in the class of 2023 and HMPS
PIPS senior students as key informants. As for additional informants, they are senior
students who are not included in the HMPS PIPS institution but are considered to have a
scope of knowledge of the research problem. In addition, the technique of determining
informants for this research also uses snowball sampling techniques based on initial
informant referrals to meet subsequent informants. At the beginning of the study, the
author first interviewed PIPS new students (MBA) in the 2023 class and then interviewed
HMPS PIPS senior students and PIPS senior students who were not part of HMPS PIPS.
List of Informant Names Position and Force
Senior 01
Senior 1/2009
Senior 02
Senior 2/2009
Senior 03
Senior 3/2010
Senior 04
Senior 4/2012
Senior 05
Senior 5/2016
Senior 06
Senior 6/2016
Senior 07
Senior 7/2016
Senior 08
Senior 8/2016
Senior 09
Senior 9/2017
Senior 10/2018
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Senior 11
Senior 11/2019
Senior 12
Senior 12/ 2019
Senior 13
Senior 13/ 2020
Senior 14
Senior 14/2021
Dr. Ibrahim, S.Ag, M.Pd
Head of Prodi PIPS
In this section, only data exposure becomes information (connectivity between
data) about the work story of HMPS PIPS senior students constructing new students
(mamba) PIPS. The construction work of HMPS PIPS senior students begins with the
seduction and discourse of knowledge related to all kinds of violence intertwined in every
event. In the demolition of the event, the author referred to it as the "Domination of
Deception." Reason? Of course, his work was very productive but ended in a traumatic
tragedy, which will be told in the episode. After this section is said, the author certainly
dismantles and describes the factor of the complete domination of deception as a fetishism
of symbolic power that is re-interpreted through the research discussion chapter according
to the framework of his analysis.
Construction Work: Deceptive Domination
When the sun begins to set on April 21, 2023, the author again traces the historical
traces as a story of the seduction of knowledge discourse. Through video reels,
@hmps_pips_unm's Instagram account started promoting LDKM to new students
(mamba) PIPS. If possible, the author is like an advertisement promoting knowledge
products suitable for consumption by consumers of new students (mamba) PIPS. Of
course, a product advertisement uses an actor/artist, the Head of the PIPS Study Program.
As shown in the video ad screen that reverberated throughout the hearing of PIPS first-
year students,
Picture 1 Video Narration of the Head of PIPS FIS-H UNM Study Program
With the presence of all of you, I hope that there will be skills, skills related to the
implementation of this activity, which will undoubtedly be very useful in the future for
work and academic processes, and later, the follow-up is social skills that will be obtained
by participating in this activity. Therefore, the presence of my anandaku is significant.
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This is a provision to become a leader outside of campus activities and after my anandaku
is finished from campus. God willing, your seniors treat me well, guide and protect me;
all rest assured and trust.
Dismantling Interest: Seniority as a Fetish Object
As an emphasis, the author needs to say what is meant by the term interest for
Bourdieu (not that the author starts with theory). The term "interest" in Bourdieu's
framework signifies the meaning of engaging in economic games or passions. The
meaning of interest is commensurate with illusion, investment, and libido. Despite this,
Bourdieu felt that the term was too "vulgar" to be expressed directly. That is why such
interests are often repressed, especially in society, bourgeois or aristocratic groups, and
replaced by interests that have symbolic meaning.
This section is a re-interpretation of the findings of this research, which is
elaborated in the study's results. It is referred to as re-interpretation because it re-reads
the research findings. Lacan uses the term "reification" as an explanation. "Reification"
(error) is how the researcher can show through his discourses that the subject
misunderstands his relationship with his true desires and that the discourse is essentially
his creation to compensate for the unawareness of his wishes so that he is trapped in the
complete domination of the deceptions of senior students who have various interests
(interests). So the notation "subject-reality" must be corrected (reified) to "subject-
fantasy-domination-topemg power-reality." So, if it is clear, this section has nothing to
do with meaning. Instead, this section is a dismantling of the meaning of this research
1. Full Domination Wisdom: Knowledge Transformation/Domination?
Figure 2 Nvivo Data Visualization Chart Full Dominance of Deception
In chart two towards complete domination, the deceptiveness of HMPS PIPS senior
students educates PIPS new students (mamba) through a narrative of skills, skills,
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Social And Law Sciences State University Of Makassar
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leadership, agents of change, and the title of "omnipotent" only God, and students who
have the title of identity. In presenting this narrative, the head of the PIPS Study Program
assisted senior students of HMPS PIPS in generating the trust of new students (mamba)
PIPS. In this case, social capital can help individuals/groups obtain symbolic capital, such
as prestige, recognition, and trust (trust) to improve their social position. Through the
social capital owned by HMPS PIPS senior students with the head of the PIPS Study
Program, they get recognition to guide PIPS new students so that the narrative becomes
a mirror of their imaginary identification.
Through imaginary identification, PIPS first-year students yearn for critical
thinking, courage, democracy, contribution to change, good speech, wanting to be heard,
professionalism, intelligence, and avoiding ignorance. For Jacques Lacan, it was object
A. The object causes desire by moving and driving the subject's desire (Fachrunnisa et
al., 2023). It is certainly a goal or navigation for them to get the fullness of the ideal self
(object a).
The pursuit of the ideal self (object a) because the mirror (narrative) is "che voui?
(What do you want or what do you want from me?)". It is as if the narrative speaks, and
the PIPS freshman answers the call through the ideal fantasy (object a) without realizing
it. Lacan calls the voui a gaze, which is the point where the object seen itself seems to
return the gaze, and the subject images it (Jahan et al., 2021). PIPS freshmen (mamba)
are a reflection of the images offered by all narratives from HMPS senior students so that,
in the end, they merge into the call of gaze/seduction of these images.
Being trapped in the language prison is a domination that requires them to think
logically, be good at rhetoric, and become a leader through LDKM (Basic Leadership
Training) material. That is why dominance occurs: dominant actors perform through
knowledge discourse. PIPS first-year students accept that act of domination because it is
an obligation to their identity as students. Thus, they also fall into Doxa (dominant
discourse). Doxa plays a powerful role in shaping the human understanding of social
Requires PIPS new students to think logically, be good at rhetoric, and be able to
become leaders because HMPS PIPS senior students assume they are still unstable, have
disabled thinking, are not good at talking, and are not good at negotiation. This is certainly
a form of symbolic violence through language against PIPS first-year students. In other
words, domination over the doxa opens up opportunities for symbolic violence. In
Bourdieu's framework, symbolic violence through euphemism mechanisms refers to
using indirect or vague language to describe something considered taboo or unpleasant
(Maiwan, 2014). HMPS PIPS senior students, in committing symbolic violence, affirm
their narratives by using diction that is not good at accidents, thinking, and reasoning
processes. That is why, for Bourdieu, symbolic violence is invisible, works subtly, and is
unrecognizable (euphemism). That is why PIPS first-year students cannot recognize
(misrecognition) because this violence is not direct.
The domination that is tucked into symbolic violence in the event makes the forms
of psychic and physical violence justified. PIPS first-year students get developmental
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actions in the middle of the night, yelling and squatting punishments that suppress their
psychics. However, they justify this action because none other than the doxa-doxa have
been ingrained in their subconscious and covered with the fantasy of the ideal self (object
a). Thus, action is the complete domination of the deception of HMPS PIPS senior
students directing the mirror to the PIPS new students (maybe) so that it leads to a very
ironic and traumatic tragedy, namely psychic and physical violence. The knowledge
offered is just a mask that deceives PIPS first-year students. To criticize this knowledge
as a mask, the author will describe all the interests they fetishize about their identity.
2. Fetised SeniorpowerPower
Figure 2 Data Visualization ChartNvivoSeniorityEfficacy
Before justifying interest, the author first describes why acts of violence occur
historically, thus forming a culture that continues to repeat in LDKM (Basic Leadership
Training) activities. The violence occurred as a form of taking a mirror of action from the
History Education HMPS. The violent acts were also direct, such as yelling and coercion.
These acts of violence lasted until the class of 2016 ended in 2017. The end occurred due
to the closing of half of the Class of 2016 to senior students of HMPS PIPS. Scott refers
to this as covert resistance, which refers to how subordinate groups resist domination and
oppression in everyday life, often through subtle and indirect means. In other words, this
resistance is a silent resistance without protest. However, it makes HMPS senior students
change their course with deceptive dominance, presents seduction, and dominates at the
end of the cover.
Acts of psychological and physical violence are carried out aimed at making PIPS
new students submit and appreciate HMPS PIPS senior students. Every power is always
violent. In other words, the power forces it to control what it perceives as legitimacy to
conceal the relationship of interest to its symbolic power.
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The Association is a party, and the BEM (Student Executive Board), from the
Faculty to the University level, is a State where parties (in this case, the Association)
contest over the campus arena.
HMPS PIPS senior students are very ambitious to make their cadres as President of
BEM (Student Executive Board) from the Faculty to the University level, not solely the
existence of their institution because the institution is an inanimate object. However, they
feel pride and recognition as the creator of PIPS's new student products, especially HMPS
PIPS alums. That is why, for Lacan, the Big Others lack. In other words, HMPS PIPS
senior students also desire pride and recognition through PIPS new students (MBA),
which is used to obtain their ideal self-image. The knowledge in LDKM (Basic Training
is just a mask of dominating PIPS freshmen (mamba) where HMPS PIPS senior students
must be respected because they have experience and knowledge capital and serve their
interests (interests) so that they are a fetish of power because they consider themselves to
be senior figures who can control PIPS freshmen (mamba) and PIPS freshmen (mamba)
are also basically falling into the symbolic power of their seniority.
Based on a comprehensive explanation of the story of the power mask of HMPS
PIPS senior students in LDKM activities, PIPS new students (maybe) as material objects
based on the perspective of Lacanian Psychoanalysis and Bourdieu's Symbolic Power as
formal objects, namely, HMPS PIPS senior students build identity construction in LDKM
with an ideal narrative of skills and leadership. This ideal fantasy drives them to follow
LDKM, but the process is full of symbolic violence and euphemizations, ending in
psychic and physical violence. The motivation of senior students is motivated by efforts
to maintain the existence of HMPS PIPS and seize the position of President of BEM up
to the university level. Its alums create cadres to utilize these positions in achieving the
image of a senior figure, gaining pride, and controlling the political interests and mass
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