p–ISSN: 2723 – 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5070The Utilization of Infographic-Based Learning Media toIncrease Students' Interest in LearningAde Taufiq Khaeranda1*, Hamsi Mansur2, Agus Salim3Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, IndonesiaEmail: [email protected]1*, [email protected]2, [email protected]3*CorrespondenceABSTRACTKeywords: learningmedia, infographics,learning interest.Technological developments have had a major impact oneducation, especially in increasing the effectiveness of thelearning process. Infographics are one of the innovative andtechnology-based learning media, which combinesinformation with interesting visual elements. This studyanalyzes various literature to examine the influence of theuse of infographics in learning on students' learninginterests. The results of the study show that infographicscan increase students' interest in learning by presentinginformation visually, making it easier to understand, andmaking the material more interesting. Infographics also helpstudents remember information, increase engagement, andsupport independent learning. In addition, infographics areeasily accessible and shared digitally, making it easier forstudents to repeat the material. Research shows thatstudents are more focused and motivated when using visualmedia compared to conventional lecture methods.Therefore, the use of infographics as a medium of learningcan be used as an effective strategy for overcoming variousobstacles in learning activities and resulting in animprovement in the quality of education. Educators areadvised to utilize infographics in their learning strategies toachieve more optimal results. In conclusion, infographicsare an effective tool to make learning more interactive andinteresting and to increase students' interest in learning.IntroductionThe growing education is inseparable from the development of technology as aninfluencer. Educators can help by optimizing the duration of learning and making iteasier for students to understand learning materials by utilizing technology (Sugiarto,Widjanarko, & Rosidi, 2024). Growing technology has a progressive impact on severalaspects of life, especially in the scope of education. Advanced technology that continues The Utilization of Infographic-Based Learning Media to Increase Students' Interest in Learning
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to develop brings many benefits to the teaching and learning process, both for educators
and students. In an era filled with technological developments, the education sector
must also keep up with those developments. Teachers as educators can take advantage
of it by providing innovative and technology-based learning media by teachers.
According to (Ariyanto, Aditya, & Dwijayanti, 2019), learning media or facilities
that support the teaching and learning process must be designed in such a way that the
information to be provided can be conveyed so that educational goals can be achieved
effectively and efficiently (Gebre & Polman, 2016). Therefore, the use of appropriate
media is important in achieving educational or learning goals optimally, effectively, and
efficiently, by emphasizing increasing students' interest in learning. This is reinforced
by (Mario & Muhdy, 2021) who said that the use of learning media has a big impact on
students' interests. Learning media can avoid boredom and cater to various learning
styles of students, which ultimately increases their motivation and interest. Therefore,
the use of appropriate learning media has a significant positive impact on students'
interest in learning.
Infographics are a type of reading media that combines interesting graphics and
information, so that readers are more interested in reading it, and make it easier for them
to understand information (Prameswari & Hasanudin, 2023). According to (Sauers,
Miller, Delgado, Incorvaia, & Bacon, 2023), infographics blend text and images to
present information in a very engaging format. Infographics are also very effective in
conveying information in an interesting and easy-to-understand manner. By
incorporating information and visual elements, infographics can help readers understand
and remember information better. This is in line with the opinion of Kurniasih (2017)
who stated that infographics are representations of ideas, messages, data, or
understanding through graphics, schedules, charts, and other forms, so that the
presentation of information is not limited to the form of text, but also has high visual
value to attract readers' attention (Martin, 2024). This is also reinforced by the opinion
of (Ukpai & Fomsi, 2023) who said infographics are popular in various fields, including
education because they help students and others quickly understand complex concepts
through the use of visually appealing representations of information. So that it allows
the interaction of information or material in learning to be faster.
Based on previous research by (Sihabudin & Sharfina‘Alaniah, 2023) students
tend to focus more on learning when using image media compared to the lecture
method. These findings are supported by research by Al Amin & Sofyan (2021) in the
History learning process in class X social studies is often less interactive due to the lack
of creativity of educators and not understanding the procedures for choosing appropriate
learning media. Learning media should be selected based on an analysis of student
needs. Meanwhile, the results of observations and interviews by (Zain, Muzani, &
Munandar, 2024) in grade IV of SDN Petamburan 05, which consists of three learning
groups, found several obstacles in learning activities. One of the main problems is the
lack of use of learning media. Educators often choose the lecture method in delivering
material. Even though lectures are included in a good learning method, students still
need other supporting media to make it easier to understand the material. This is
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strengthened by the opinion of (Navia et al., 2020) that one of the methods that is
considered effective in building the character of students is developing special programs
or utilizing supporting media during the learning process (Fadhillah, Julia, Zuhra, &
Ananda, n.d.). Therefore, the use of infographic media can be an effective strategy to
increase students' interest in learning, because images make learning more interesting
and easy to understand.
With these problems, the use of infographic media can be an effective strategy to
increase students' interest in learning. Infographics can create more interesting and easy-
to-understand learning conditions because they present information in an attractive and
concise visual form. By utilizing infographics, educators can convey the subject matter
more interactively so that students can easily understand it. In addition, the use of
infographics can also help students in remembering the information they have learned,
because images and visualizations tend to be easier to remember compared to texts or
lectures alone.
Literature study was chosen as the research method, by analyzing various articles
from previous research. According to Mardalis (1999), literature studies can be done by
collecting references from several previous studies and then compiling them to conclude
(Hartanto & Dani, 2020). Literature study in scientific research is a crucial component
of all stages of research methods (Saadah & Hasanah, 2023). This literature study
approach includes searching, collecting, and analyzing literature from several references
such as books, journals, magazines, archives, articles, and other documents that are
aligned with the focus of the research. The data collected is processed and compiled
based on its relevance to the research topic, and then rewritten to form a research
concept. Therefore, through previous research, conclusions were obtained to answer
research questions related to the use of infographic-based learning media to increase
students' interest in learning.
Results and Discussion
Factors Inhibiting Students' Interest in Learning
Interest in learning is a person's desire, enthusiasm, or tendency to be involved in
learning activities. Interest in learning is an interest in a material that ultimately
encourages a person to learn and explore it further. This is reinforced by (Anggita,
Subekti, Prayito, & Prasetiawati, 2023) who said that interest does not arise suddenly or
spontaneously, but develops through causes, experiences, and habits in learning.
Therefore, interest is often linked to student achievement in academic endeavors.
Students' interest in learning is a key factor in the educational process that reflects the
extent to which students are involved and interested in learning activities. This interest
not only affects students' ability to understand and absorb subject matter but also has an
impact on their academic achievement and overall learning motivation. In the context of
education, interest often refers to students' interest and motivation in the learning
process and subject matter.
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According to Sukardi, interest can be described as a preference, tendency, or
interest whose appearance is not spontaneous or sudden or spontaneous, but develops
through active involvement, experiences, and habits during the learning process.
Meanwhile, learning is a process when individuals gain new skills, knowledge,
attitudes, and values through experience, education, and even teaching. According to
Slameto, (2015) argues that learning is an activity that arises from the individual to
create changes in individual attitudes or behaviors about their environment, and to gain
experience in cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects (Nasution & Ramadhani,
2023). Based on the previous description, learning interest is a factor that affects the
success of the learning process. Learning interests not only include a liking or fondness
for subject matter but also involve active participation and experiences that affect
students' involvement in the learning process. However, the lack of implementing
innovative and interesting learning media can be an obstacle to building a strong interest
in learning.
Based on the observation of students' interest in learning, in line with the findings
of Gustian & Al-Farits (2023) in 2019, around 35% of students showed interest in
learning. However, in 2020, the interest declined by about 10%. In 2021, this number
remained stable with no increase or decrease. Then, in 2022, student interest decreased
again by 10%, even more drastically to only 15% who showed interest in learning. The
low interest in learning is also shown in the research of Hartati & Copriadi (2023) that
the decline in students' interest in learning is caused by various factors, including
internal factors such as themselves and family, as well as external factors. The author
identifies several problems faced by students, such as difficulties in participating in
online learning, too many assignments, difficulty communicating with teachers, and
getting learning materials in an unstructured manner, so that students lack interest in
learning. Meanwhile, there are limitations for students in learning such as limited time
for students to learn independently, misunderstanding of information in class, and lack
of supporting media to remember learning. In addition, the use of infographics is very
easy because students can access them through their mobile phones without any
additional devices, and only need an internet connection so that students can open the
media anywhere and anytime.
Thus, it can be concluded that the decline in students' interest in learning is caused
by various internal and external factors, including difficulties in online learning,
excessive number of tasks, and supporting media. To improve it, the application of
appropriate learning media and adequate support from family and the surrounding
environment is needed. Learning media can be the right solution. Infographics present
information visually, help students to easily understand and remember the material,
make learning more interesting and efficient, and increase their engagement.
Additionally, infographics are easy to share and access digitally, addressing
communication and material access issues. With the use of infographics as a learning
medium, it can be used as an effective innovation in increasing interest and quality of
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Infographic-Based Learning Media in Learning
Learning media is a means or tool that can be used in the learning process as a
method of delivering material to students. Learning media is one of the crucial elements
in the implementation of learning, where teachers should be able to sort, utilize, and
apply the media as an integral element of the learning process (Fatimah et al., 2022).
The use of learning media aims to stimulate the cognitive, emotional, and interest
development of students, which results in the effectiveness and efficiency of the
learning process. Learning media can function as a tool in conveying material,
clarifying abstract concepts, and facilitating deeper understanding. In line with the
opinion of (Sari, Amanda, & Rahman, 2024) that learning media is used to support
teaching activities so that the material discussed can be well understood by students and
also help teachers in delivering subject matter. Learning media functions as a tool that
helps the teaching process, to clarify information to achieve more effective and optimal
learning outcomes. The use of interesting learning media can make it easier for students
to understand the material, increase their engagement, accelerate the receipt of
information, and increase the effectiveness of learning. Infographics are one of the
learning media that can be used.
Infographic Learning Media is a tool that combines information with interesting
graphic elements to make it easier for students to understand. Infographics present data,
ideas, and knowledge through visualizations such as graphs, schedules, charts, and other
forms. According to Aldila (2015), infographic media is a visual representation that uses
graphic elements to convey knowledge, information, and data in a fast and clear way,
facilitating the understanding of complex information. Meanwhile, according to
(Jaleniauskiene & Kasperiuniene, 2023), infographics are useful in teaching because
they present all the necessary information to students in a nutshell, making it easier for
students to understand. This is in line with Aswan's (2020) information presented in
graphic form on Infographics. An infographic ad will display data visually, so that
information can be presented quickly and clearly.
Through the description above, it is known that learning media, especially
technology-based ones such as infographics, can significantly improve the quality of
learning. According to (Adam, Loades, & Wallace, 2024), infographics can be an easily
accessible and well-accepted method. Thus, this media makes it easier for students to
understand, increases engagement, accelerates the receipt of information, and overall
increases the effectiveness of the teaching and learning process. Infographics, which
combine graphic elements with information, present data, and ideas visually so that they
are understood faster and clearly. The use of learning media is in line with the results of
Wahyugi & Fatmariza's (2021) research that the integration of technology in learning
media can improve the quality of learning.
The Effectiveness of Infographic-Based Learning Media in Learning
Infographics in learning can outline a topic because the presentation of
information by utilizing visuals produces faster understanding than text-based
explanations. According to (Lerman Ginzburg et al., 2021), successful infographics
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have several characteristics that make reading and comprehensibility easier, such as
short language and clear and neat visuals. There are several benefits of infographics,
namely making information or data easier to understand, making information or data
more interesting, and making information easier to share. Infographics are visual
representations of knowledge, information, or data that are designed to convey
information in a way that is easier to understand and more engaging. Physically,
infographics contain information materials designed with attractive images and color
visualizations to make them look as attractive as possible. This finding is supported by
the argument of Baiti (2020) which reveals that Infographics are learning media in the
form of visual media that plays an important role in providing information or learning
materials through visual symbols. The goal is to illustrate complex concepts so that they
are easier for learners to understand. In increasing students' interest in learning, visual
delivery of information not only makes students understand faster but can also produce
a more fun and interesting learning process. Some of the benefits of using infographics
in learning are as follows:
1. Simplify Understanding
Infographics present information concisely and clearly through images, icons, and
graphs, which help students understand the material more quickly and efficiently. This
is especially beneficial for complex or abstract concepts.
2. Increase Interest
Interesting and creative visuals can spark students' interest in exploring the
material. Well-designed infographics can result in more interactive and fun learning
activities, so students can be encouraged to learn.
3. Increase Retention
Information presented visually tends to be easier to remember. By using
infographics, students can remember important concepts for longer compared to just
reading the text.
4. Easy to Share and Access
Infographics can be easily shared and accessed through various digital platforms
such as school websites, social media, or learning applications. This makes it easy for
students to replay the material at home or share it with their friends.
5. Encouraging Learning Independence
With infographics, students can learn independently. They can see and understand
information without always having to rely on the teacher's explanation. This can help
students develop independent learning abilities and manage their own study time.
Overall, the use of infographics in education can be a very effective tool to
increase students' interest in learning and make the learning process more dynamic and
engaging. This is in line with the research of (Mansur & Rafiudin, 2020) that the use of
infographics in learning can increase students' interest in learning, as evidenced by more
active interaction among students during the learning process in the classroom.
Based on research conducted by Salsabilla Prameswari & Hasanudin (2023), the
use of infographic media can help increase students' interest in learning. Infographics
simplify the material or information presented, so students are more motivated to read
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it. Similar research by (Norman & Zoncita, 2023) showed that students' interest in
learning was initially low and their pre-test scores were below average. However, after
the application of infographic media, students showed increased enthusiasm and
involvement in learning dance, as well as experiencing an increase in grades. This
shows that infographics can be an effective alternative to learning media to increase
students' interest in learning. Additional research by Indah Faizah & Fatimatur
Rusydiyah (2023) also confirms that infographic media is very useful in motivating
students to learn. The questionnaire data showed that 55% of students "strongly agreed"
with the use of infographics, while another 44% of students also "agreed". The results of
interviews with teachers of the subject indicate that infographic media significantly
attracts students' interest in learning.
Based on various studies, it can be concluded that the use of Infographic media
has a positive effect on increasing students' interest in learning. Infographics simplify
the material or information provided, so students are more motivated to read and
understand. Therefore, infographics can be considered as an effective alternative
learning medium in stimulating students' interest in learning.
The use of infographic-based learning media has great potential in increasing
students' interest in learning. Infographics, which combine information with interesting
visual elements, have been shown to make learning materials more engaging, easy to
understand, and memorable for students. The use of infographics can facilitate access to
materials, increase student involvement in learning, and support independent learning.
Research shows that infographics can overcome various obstacles in the learning
process, such as boredom and difficulty in understanding complex material.
Infographics make information easier to understand and remember because they are
presented visually. This is in line with the opinions of experts who emphasize the
importance of using visual media in education to improve understanding and retention
of information.
In addition, the use of infographics also makes it easier to disseminate and access
learning materials digitally, which is very relevant in today's technological era. Thus,
infographics can be an effective strategy to improve students' interest and quality of
learning, providing a significant positive impact on the educational process. Overall,
infographics are an effective alternative learning medium, which not only makes
learning more engaging and interactive but also motivates students to be more involved
in the learning process. Therefore, educators are advised to utilize infographics as part
of their learning strategies to achieve more optimal educational outcomes.
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