pISSN: 2723 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5200
Adaptation Of Measuring Instruments: The Adolescent
Distress Eustress Scale (The Ades)
Salim Andeslan1*, Gardhika Rizky Sudarsono2, Fadhillah Zahra Widafina3,
Aisyah Safira4, Eva Noorlatifah5, Dian Sari Utami6
Universitas Islam Indonesia, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]
Keywords: adaptation,
distress, eustress,
adolescents, the ades.
Adolescence is a transitional age, an individual has left a
weak and dependent childhood but has not been able to reach
a strong and responsible age, both for himself and society.
One of the problems that arise among early adolescents is
stress. The purpose of this study is to test the adolescent
distress-eustress scale in adolescents spread across several
islands in Indonesia. The research method carried out in this
study is quantitative research. Based on the results of the
analysis carried out on the 2 aspects measured in the scale
adaptation, the ades meet the results of the scale adaptation
test, namely the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) test, the
internal reliability test, and the construct validity test so that
the ades scale can be used to measure distress and eustress
in adolescents. It was concluded that The Adolescent
Distress-Eustress Scale instrument can measure stress
through two dimensions, namely distress and eustress. The
results of this study show that there is evidence of good
validity and reliability.
Quoted from CNN Indonesia, several examples of mental health disorders are
mentioned, including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and anxiety. Disorders in mental
health are classified as severe mental disorders. (Zatari, Hoor, & Nasereddin, 2022).
However, if you look at it again, mental health has a wide spectrum. Mental health or
psychiatric problems not only dwell on severe mental disorders but also mild mental
health disorders such as stress and depression. Mental disorders of stress and depression
are not only experienced by adults but children and adolescents are also prone to
experiencing them. (Alsepianingsih & Esabella, 2023).
Based on data from Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) by the Ministry of Health
in 2014, in Indonesia, there are one million people as patients with severe mental
disorders and 19 million people with mild mental disorders (Thekkum Kara, 2021). It was
recorded that 2.03% of patients with mental disorders or as many as 385,700 people
suffered from mental disorders in Jakarta which became the number one city with the
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Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5201
most patients with mental disorders in Indonesia. Currently, data on mild mental disorders
in the adolescent age group is quite difficult to find. However, the condition of
adolescents with depressive symptoms does exist (Toscano, Cobo, & Herrera-Viedma,
2022). For example, what happened to Renita (17), when asked when she last felt high
tension to the point of feeling hopeless? "Just last night I cried for a long time. The
problem is more because I feel like I don't have time to rest. Saturday and Sunday are also
used to do assignments," said the student of a high school in South Jakarta (quoted from
CNN Indonesia "Stress in Teenagers, It Feels Like Jelangkung").
This is the opinion of (Hidayat et al., 2022) Who stated that adolescence is a
transitional age where an individual has left a weak and dependent childhood but has not
been able to reach a strong and responsible age, both for himself and society. The more
advanced the society, the longer the adolescent life because he must prepare himself to
adapt to a society that has many demands (Lubis, Prihandi, & Ismail, 2024). From the
data and exposure that has been explained above, various kinds of problems arise among
early adolescents, one of which is stress. (Faizy & Sutopo, 2024) Define stress as a special
relationship between a person and his or her environment that is considered beyond his
or her abilities and endangers his well-being.
So far, stress has been associated with a lot of negative things. Stress can also have
a positive impact on humans. Stress is classified into two types, namely positive stress
(eustress) and negative stress (distress). Positive stress (eustress) is stress that can be
controlled and can improve a person's performance or student achievement because with
this stress, mental readiness, cognitive, health, and performance increase so it also affects
a person's productivity for the better. (Saputra, Nazaruddin, Yunardi, & Andriyani, 2019).
Furthermore, negative stress (distress) is uncontrollable stress where a person's condition
feels excessively anxious, afraid, and worried so that a person's performance decreases.
An example is academic stress which causes students to experience disorders such as
sleep disorders where the number of normal hours of sleep is reduced due to many things
such as dense activities. (Zaki & Putra, 2018).
From this phenomenon, researchers are interested in researching stress holistically
or comprehensively. Stressful conditions caused by stress and pressure from the
environment on a person can have both negative and positive impacts. Not a few previous
studies and articles have discussed negative stress or distress that leads to other
psychological symptoms such as anxiety and even depression. (Sudiatmika, Dewi, &
Jayaningsih, 2021). However, positive stress or eustress research is still rare. Therefore,
this study seeks to lift positive and negative stress by developing a scale that measures
stress holistically. This study will develop The Adolescent Distress-Eustress Scale (2019)
to be adapted to Indonesian based on relevant research principles. (Faizy & Sutopo,
The purpose of this study is to test The Adolescent Distress-Eustress Scale in
adolescents spread across several islands in Indonesia. This scale has two aspects, namely
distress and eustress. (Putra, Piarsa, & Sukarsa, 2020).
Leonardus Alexandri Damiato, Wahyu Sri Utami
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5202
The research method carried out in this study is quantitative research. This study
selects participants based on predetermined characteristics. The criteria for participants
in this study:
1. Teenagers aged 13 - 18 years old
2. Experiencing a sad condition in the last 7 days.
3. Domiciled on the islands of Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Papua, Riau Islands,
and Bangka Belitung Islands.
Research Procedure
The researcher used guidelines from Beaton et al (2000) to adapt the measuring
instrument in this study. Beaton et al (2000) stated that there are several stages, including:
1. Stage I (Forward Translation)
The first stage is the process of translating the scale from English to Indonesian by
two translators (T1 and T2). The ADES scale in this study was translated by two people,
namely: T1 is a graduate of a master's degree in English education in Riau with a TOEFL
ITP score of 563 and T2 is a graduate of a master's degree in English education in
Yogyakarta with a TOEFL score of 607.
2. Stage II (Synthesis)
The second stage is the stage of combining the translation results so that they can
be processed to compare and examine the equivalent of the word that is closest to the
meaning of the original scale. Synthesis is carried out by the researcher and the two
translators by comparing the translation results and making translation decisions on a
scale with an effective, easy-to-understand, and appropriate word or sentence structure.
This synthesis resulted in a translation of the scale of the T12 version as per mutual
3. Stage III (Back Translation)
The Back Translation process is to re-translate the scale of the T12 version from
Indonesian to English by two Back Translators (BT1 and BT2) who do not know the
original version and the concept of the measuring tool. This process is done to ensure that
the previous translation can explain the content of each item as it originally scaled.
4. Stage IV (Expert Committee Review)
The fourth stage is a review from an expert committee or expert. At this stage, the
experts examine the entire original questionnaire in terms of language and sentence
structure to obtain the final item of the adapted scale so that it is worth testing. The task
of the experts is to make a decision on which items are worth using in the study so that
the adaptation scale can achieve equivalence between the original version scale and the
adapted version scale. This stage is carried out by psychological experts (psychology
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Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5203
lecturers) and linguists. The Expert Committee Review was conducted by a psychologist
who is also a lecturer at a university in the city of Pekanbaru, Riau.
5. Stage V (Test of the Pre-Final Version)
The last stage is the trial of the final measuring instrument on the participants
according to the characteristics of the participants that have been determined by the
researcher. This stage is carried out to generate psychometric properties and see which
items are missing and need to be repaired.
This study will use The Adolescent Distress-Eustress Scale by Branson et al. (2019)
which has 2 indicators, namely eustress and distress to be adapted to Indonesian. The
Grand Theory used in this measuring tool uses the stress theory by Hans Selye (1974)
which states that stress is divided into two, namely distress and eustress. Then, the
Adolescent Distress-Eustress scale in its development was compared with 5 other
measuring tools, namely the Perceived Stress Scale, Big Five Inventory, Academic
Eustress Scale, General Self-Efficacy Scale, and Orientation to Life Questionnaire, and
produced a scale that is now used in Australia and several countries.
The newness of the measuring instrument made in 2019 is one of the reasons for
researchers to adapt this measuring instrument to Indonesian. Another reason to adopt
this measure is that the aspect being measured is stress holistically or thoroughly. The
Adolescent Distress-Eustress Scale has never been adopted in Indonesia and there are still
not many studies using this measuring tool.
Data Analysis
The data collection process in this study was carried out to test the validity and
reliability of the ADES scale. Validity testing is carried out to find out whether the
measuring tool used is for the measurement. If the instrument is valid, then the measuring
tool used to obtain the data is also valid. Valid means that the instrument can be used to
measure what should be measured (Sugiyono, 2019). The validity technique used in this
study is the corrected item-total correlation technique. This technique is used to correlate
the sum of factor scores with the total score. Sugiyono (2019) stated that if the correlation
coefficient r ≥ 0.3, the instrument is considered valid.
Meanwhile, reliability testing is carried out to see if the measuring instrument
instrument has good quality and can produce a careful score with a small or reliable
measurement error. Azwar (2018) said that reliability itself refers to the reliability or
consistency of measurement results, which contains the meaning of how high the
accuracy of the measurement is. The reliability coefficient (r) is in the range of 0 to 1. If
the reliability coefficient is getting higher and closer to 1.00, it means that the
measurement is also more reliable (Sugiyono, 2019). In this study, the reliability
measurement used by the researcher is the Alpha Cronbach technique. This validity test
and reliability test were carried out with the help of the IBM SPSS computer program
version 22.0 for Windows.
In addition, data analysis can also be carried out using the ADES measuring tool to
measure distress and eustress in adolescents as predictors for other psychological
variables to test the validity and reliability of this measuring tool. Research conducted
by Asnita, et al. (2015) found that the higher the level of stress experienced by
Leonardus Alexandri Damiato, Wahyu Sri Utami
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5204
adolescents, the lower the self-esteem of the adolescents, and vice versa. Research
conducted by Hastuti and Baiti (2019) obtained the result that the higher the emotional
intelligence that adolescents have, the lower the level of stress they will experience and
vice versa.
Results and Discussion
Exploratory Factor Analysis Test Results
a) EFA KMO Bartlett's Test Assumption Test
Table 1
KMO Measure of Sampling Adequacy
Sum 0.805
Based on the results of the assumption test using the KMO Measure of Sampling
Adequacy, the numbers are 0.805 > 0.500, so the data can be said to meet the exploratory
factor analysis assumption test and can be further analyzed.
b) Exploratory Factor Analysis
Table 2
Exploratory Factor Analysis
r of
factor information
1 5 0.360
2 5 0.460
Total 10
Based on the results of the Exploratory Factor Analysis, 2 factors were obtained
from the loading factor, for factor 1 consisted of 5 indicators, namely D1, D2, D3, D4,
and D5. As for factor 2, 5 indicators were obtained, namely E1, E2, E3, E4, and E5. Based
on the distribution of statements in each indicator, factor 1 can be said to be a distress
factor, while factor 2 is said to be an eustress factor. Here is the distribution of the
statements based on the loading factor:
Table 3
Factors, Items, and Codes for Distress and Eustress
Factor Items Code
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Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5205
I felt anxious D4
I felt
I felt panicked D2
I was frustrated
with myself.
My mind was
racing out of
I felt the
outcome was
worth the
E2 (ADES3)
I felt
E4 (ADES8)
I felt proud for
dealing with
the pressure
E5 (ADES9)
I felt motivated E1 (ADES1)
I was satisfied
with how I
dealt with the
E3 (ADES4)
c) Factor Summary
Table 4
Factor Summary
Factor SS Loadings % of Variance Cumulative %
1 2.40 24.0 24.0
2 2.16 21.6 45.7
Based on the results of the summary factor above, in factor 1 there is a cumulative
value of 24.0%, while in factor 2 there is a value of 45.7%. This figure shows that the
ability of factor 1 and factor 2 is not so good at explaining all the origin variables or stress
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d) Eigenvalues
Table 5
Initial Eigenvalues
Factor Eigenvalue
1 2.8526
2 1.3535
Based on the table above, the Initial Eigenvalues are set at 1.00 to explain a factor.
As for the analyzed data, 2 factors were obtained that met the initial eigenvalues with a
value of 2.8526 for factor 1 and a value of 1.3535 for factor 2. So, 2 factors can explain
the variable, namely distress and eustress.
Internal Reliability
Table 6
Per-Dimensional Reliability
of Items
α Ket
Valid Fall
Distress 5 0.476
0.694 5 - 0.8
Eustress 5 0.508
0.609 5 - 0.7
Total 10 - 10 - 0.7
Based on the results of the reliability test of all items on the THE ADES measuring
instrument for eustress items, a reliability value of 0.784 was obtained. In the item-rest
correlation value, it was also obtained that all items had a table r value of more than 0.138
for the number of samples of 200 subjects. Based on the results of the reliability test of
all items on the THE ADES measuring instrument for distress items, a reliability value of
0.808 was obtained. In the item-rest correlation value, it was also obtained that all items
had a table r value of more than 0.138 for the number of samples of 200 subjects.
Construct Validity
Table 7
Per-Dimensional Validity
Dimension Number of
Items Pearson's r p-value Ket
Distress 5 0.645 0.820 < 0.001 Reliable
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Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5207
Eustress 5 0.652 0.774 < 0.001 Reliable
Total 10 - < 0.001
Based on the output of the table above, the person-organization fit obtained the
result that the item p-value < 0.001 so that the 5 items are valid and can be used and can
measure what to measure about eustress itself. Then, based on the output of the table
above person-organization fit, the result was obtained that the item p-value < 0.001 so
that the 5 items were valid and P could be used and able to measure what to measure
about their distress.
Hans Selye, the inventor of the first stress theory, defined stress as the body's non-
specific response to all the demands that a person gets. Stress arises when there is a
stimulus that demands the individual. Individuals themselves can assess the stimulus in
two forms, namely distress (positive stress) and eustress (negative stress). Distress is an
individual's response to a negative, unwanted, and harmful stressor. Meanwhile, eustress
is an individual's response to stressors that are positive, desirable, and beneficial for the
individual concerned. The two responses are two different constructs and individuals can
experience both at the same time (Branson et al., 2019). The Yerkes-Dodson Law reveals
that a certain amount of stress in an individual can provide a positive force that can
increase productivity and help the individual to develop, once it reaches its optimal point,
the stress can be destructive and cause negative effects (in Musabiq & Karimah, 2018).
Adolescence is a transitional period where individuals transition from a childhood
full of dependence to a time when they are more responsible and strong for their
environment, but individuals are not fully capable of these responsibilities (Hurlock,
2003). Bhargava and Trivedi (2018) explained that adolescence is a critical period
because many new things happen so it is necessary to adapt to the environment. New
things that happen in adolescence create stress and distress in adolescents. Distress that
occurs in adolescents is like academic stress (Rahmawati, W.K., 2017). The impact of
psychological distress on adolescents last longer than adults (Leung et.al., 2020).
Research conducted by Pertiwi, et al. (2021) obtained the result that there is a fairly
large percentage of stress experienced by adolescents, which is 34.7%. This number must
be a concern because if stress is not treated immediately, it can have an impact on
physical, cognitive, emotional, and behavioral aspects. Bressert (in Musabiq and
Karimah, 2018) explained that in the physical aspect, the form of symptoms that appear
are sleep disturbances, increased heart rate, tense muscles, dizziness, and fatigue. In the
cognitive aspect, the symptoms that appear are confusion, easy to forget, easy to feel
worried, and easy to panic. In the emotional aspect, the symptoms that appear are easily
sensitive and irritable, feelings of helplessness, and frustration. In the behavioral aspect,
the symptoms that appear are a loss of interest in socializing, a tendency to always want
to be alone, and a sense of laziness.
Based on the results of the analysis carried out, the Adolescents Distress-Eustress
Scale (THE ADES) did not experience any changes in items from the original scale,
Leonardus Alexandri Damiato, Wahyu Sri Utami
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5208
namely the number of fixed scale items amounted to 10 items with 5 distress items and 5
eustress items. Based on the results of the analysis carried out on the 2 aspects measured
in the adaptation of THE ADES scale, it meets the results of the scale adaptation test,
namely the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) test, the internal reliability test, and the
construct validity test so that THE ADES scale can be used to measure distress and
eustress in adolescents.
The conclusion from the results of the research on the adaptation of The Adolescent
Distress-Eustress Scale in adolescents spread across several Indonesian islands is that the
measuring tool can be used. Based on the results of the EFA analysis, it can be concluded
that The Adolescent Distress-Eustress Scale can measure stress through two dimensions,
namely distress and eustress. The results of this study show that there is evidence of good
validity and reliability. From the data obtained, all items can meet the value and show a
fit result and no items are wasted.
The suggestion from the results of this study show that The Adolescent Distress-
Eustress Scale can measure stress in adolescents, but it can still be improved by
comparing other stress variables so that it can be a better measurement tool when applied
to find out the stress phenomenon. In addition to comparing other stress scale variables,
it can also be done by adding a larger number of samples such as early or late adults so
that wider demographic data will be obtained about the stress phenomenon in Indonesia.
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