p–ISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 4904The Influence of Cyber Security Knowledge, Cyber SecurityAwareness, and Behaviour Protection on Intention to UseAmong Mobile Banking Users in JakartaDiki Muliawan1*, Hasnawati2Universitas Trisakti, IndonesiaEmail: [email protected]1*, [email protected]2*CorrespondenceABSTRACTKeywords: cybersecurityawareness; cybersecurityknowledge; behaviorprotection; intention touse.Businesses and individuals, especially banks, must use riskassessment methods and preventive measures to protectmobile banking application users. Looking at these events,the researcher aims to see whether cyber security awareness,knowledge & behavior protection of users affect theintention to use mobile banking applications and whetherthese three variables are important for mobile banking usersto understand in maintaining the security of transactionsusing mobile banking which will test the influence of these3 variables on users' interest in continuing to use mobilebanking even though users know the high risk if there isnegligence in carrying out these 3 things and believing in thesecurity of the mobile banking system in Indonesia. Thepopulation of this study is people who work in Jakarta. Therespondents' answers were taken using Google Docs anddistributed in general. The researcher obtained a total of 130respondents. The data was processed using SPSS 27 with theanalysis method of validity, reliability, and hypothesis testincluding the R2 test, F test, and T-test.IntroductionThe Industry 4.0 era has had a significant impact, especially in the field of onlinebuying and selling through platforms by each E-Commerce company in Indonesia. Thedissemination of information and the online buying and selling process have made theemergence of various types of data spread online in Indonesia to meet the needs of today'ssociety. The emergence of the Big Data phenomenon that requires technologicaldevelopment in processing and integrating data in large quantities and variants aims tomake it easier for information users to be faster in making decisions. (Gao, 2022) arguesthat with the help of big data technology, paperless offices can also be realized, whichcan comprehensively improve network transmission efficiency, reduce paper waste,reduce investment costs, and improve company efficiency in the field of financialaccounting information. The Influence of Cyber Security Knowledge, Cyber Security Awareness, and Behaviour
Protection on Intention to Use Among Mobile Banking Users in Jakarta
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 4905
The amount of data that must be processed due to the existence of this big data
phenomenon is also supported by the development of payment technology to make it
easier for users to make payments quickly and safely. This certainly causes the increasing
number of online transactions that occur in Indonesia. The change in payment transactions
that were originally cash to non-cash has become the current trend. The type of payment
that is currently developing in Indonesia is the electronic wallet. According to
(Rahmawati & Sari, n.d.), an electronic wallet is an electronic service that functions as a
place to store payment instrument data, either in the form of a payment instrument using
cards and/or electronic money, which can accommodate funds to make payment
transactions. Users tend to use e-wallets for convenience reasons, therefore consumers
prefer to use e-wallets over cash. Because they don't need to carry money and debit/credit
cards and feel safe with the right money and change when transacting. The use of
electronic wallets is currently regulated by the Central Bank of the Republic of Indonesia
in Regulation Number 20/6/PBI/2018 itself in 2018. The most use of mobile banking is
in developing countries, according to Hameed research (2023) developing countries such
as Malaysia have an increase of 29% in 2023 in the use of mobile banking, of course, one
of these is also supported by tourists who visit developing countries because vacationers
certainly tend to adjust to using the most familiar means of payment in the country
because tourists prefer to use mobile banking which is easy in currency conversion, safe
and familiar with local payments. According to (Usman, 2022) in several locations of the
Glodok Jakarta Trade Area, most businesses there have used payment methods to
suppliers through bank transfers, online debits, and virtual account transfers. According
to (Usman, 2022) research, this payment method is a payment method that is quite
dominant among traders. In this case, transactions through E-commerce platforms
increased to 65% compared to the previous one which was only less than 30% of total
transactions. These merchants not only sell online through online marketplaces but offline
businesses also make online payments as well.
The increase in the use of mobile banking is due to the development of the times
that require people to make payments online, even though some restaurants now do not
accept cash payments. Mobile banking is also often used anywhere as long as it is
connected to the internet, making it easier for buyers to make payments. According to
(Limna, Kraiwanit, & Siripipattanakul, 2023), mobile banking allows customers to make
financial transactions from anywhere, anytime, using mobile phones, handheld devices,
and internet data packages, which certainly eliminates the limitations of space and time
associated with traditional banking activities such as checking account balances or
transferring funds from one account to another.
In addition to the convenience of using mobile banking, some risks arise from its
use. Security risks in using mobile banking are real and can be experienced around us.
According to the 2023 Indonesian Cyber Security Landscape Annual Report from the
State Cyber and Cryptography Agency (BSSN), Indonesia is ranked first above the United
States and Singapore in terms of anomalous traffic detection, which briefly states the
number of hackers using Indonesian IP addresses and the source of the hack's purpose
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also the most in the world is Indonesia. The total anomalous traffic in Indonesia during
2023 is 403,990,813 anomalies with the highest type of anomalous traffic, namely the
Generic Trojan RAT, which indicates backdoor communication activities to malicious
domains that are indicated as command and control servers belonging to threat actors.
According to this BSSN report, the activities of this Generic Trojan RAT have the
potential to be used to carry out various suspicious activities such as information theft,
data deletion, blocking, copying information, and running programs on infected devices
against the user's will. Based on the results of Cyber Threat Intelligence monitoring and
analysis, BSSN also traced alleged cyber incidents with a total of 347 alleged cyber
incidents with the highest number of alleged incident types, namely Data Breach. The
results of a search on the darknet found that there were 1,674,185 findings of exposure
data that had an impact on 429 stakeholders in Indonesia. In the case of web defacement,
it was found that as many as 189 cases had been notified by BSSN with the most case
classification being web defacement on hidden pages. Based on reports received from
stakeholders in the cyber complaint service, 1,417 complaints were obtained with the
most complaint category being cybercrime at 86%. As we know, fraud or scams in the
form of cybercrime that occur in our daily lives are increasingly rampant. This crime may
befall the people closest to us, thus lowering our intention to use technological advances
that help our lives and also our daily activities.
Seeing the many cases of Cybercrime, there is therefore a previous study that tested
the role of Cyber Security Knowledge, Awareness & Behaviour Protection in the use of
mobile banking in Thailand. According to (Limna et al., 2023), Cyber Security
Knowledge & Cyber Security Awareness has a positive effect on the Behavioural
Protection of mobile banking users in the ability to choose, not only being told what to
do or only given one thing, but users are aware of the high risk of Cyber Security,
therefore mobile banking users prefer actions that aim to prevent and guard against user
behavior on the internet that causes data leaks to protect their respective devices from the
threat of Cybercrime. The results of (Zwilling et al., 2022) research show that internet
users who understand the term cyber security, users with good cyber security knowledge,
cyber security awareness & behavioral protection have a positive influence on interest in
using better and safer measurable protection when using advanced technology. Reid
(2016) showed that the campaign to increase cyber security knowledge, awareness, and
behavioral protection also has the effect of increasing cyber security culture or culture to
maintain cyber security in the lives of respondents from this research by instilling
education about these 3 things which certainly affect the respondents' daily actions and
intentions Respondents in maintaining cyber security in their respective environments.
The purpose of these 3 things is of course to maintain security in our transactions or work.
This study modifies the previous research by adding the dependent variable Intention to
Use from the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model
(Venkatesh, Thong, & Xu, 2012) and making the variables Cyber Security Knowledge,
Cyber Security Awareness & Behavioural Protection as independent variables that affect
users' interest in using Mobile banking that exists now and beyond when cybersecurity
The Influence of Cyber Security Knowledge, Cyber Security Awareness, and Behaviour
Protection on Intention to Use Among Mobile Banking Users in Jakarta
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threats are emerging in the surrounding environment. The researcher wants to test the 3
variables with different objects, namely testing in Indonesia with mobile banking
available here, the purpose of this study is to see if cyber security awareness, knowledge
& behavior protection affect the intention to use mobile banking applications. By seeing
whether these 3 things are important for mobile banking users to understand in
maintaining the security of transactions using mobile banking, which affects the user's
interest in continuing to use mobile banking even though the user knows the high risk if
there is negligence in carrying out these 3 things and believes in the security of the mobile
banking system in Indonesia to make transactions daily.
The practical benefits of this research are expected to provide input for bank
management as a consideration in improving the preparation of cybersecurity strategies.
The theoretical benefit of this study is to provide additional empirical evidence on the
development of the concept theory of the cyber security awareness, knowledge &
behavior protection model. The results of this study are also expected to clarify the
concept of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model,
especially the variable-dependent intention to use in the mobile banking phenomenon in
Indonesia. This study is expected to add additional references from previous research by
changing the research object.
This study will use a quantitative approach by distributing questionnaires to
employees who use mobile banking applications. The questionnaire questions used
references from (Limna et al., 2023) which were modified with questions for dependent
variables of the UTAUT model from (Zhao, Anong, & Zhang, 2019). The questions in
the questionnaire were also modified by the researcher to adjust to the research object
because there was a difference between the research object and the previous researcher.
Research Population and Sample
The population of the study is mobile banking users in Jakarta in 5 banks with
book 4 status. Researchers use the convenience sampling method, namely convenience
sampling which is considered the best way to get basic information quickly and
efficiently. Convenience sampling is the collection of information from members of the
population who are easily contacted to provide it (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016). The sample
of this study is respondents from the population, namely people who use mobile banking
applications in Jakarta.
Independent Variable (X)
Independent variables are variables that can influence other variables that have a
positive or negative influence on other variables. According to (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016),
independent variables are variables that affect dependent variables positively or
negatively. Independent variables can influence and be the cause of changes or the
emergence of dependent variables, so it can be concluded that an increase or decrease in
the independent variable will affect an increase or decrease in the dependent variable. The
independent variables in this study are:
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1. Cyber security knowledge (X1)
2. Cyber security awareness (X2)
3. Behaviour protection (X3)
Variabel Depend (Y)
Dependent variables are variables that can be influenced by independent
variables, so dependent variables can change based on the influence of independent
variables. Dependent variables are variables that can be influenced or changed due to the
existence of independent variables, the purpose of the study is to be able to describe or
forecast dependent variables (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016). This study will use intention to
use (Y) as a dependent variable or variable that can be influenced by independent
Data Analysis Methods
This study uses SPSS with a classical assumption test and then if it is normal, it
will proceed to multiple linear regression analysis on the condition that it does not contain
multicoloniality, autocorrelation, and heteroscedasticity. Multiple linear analysis is used
to determine the influence of independent variables that number more than one dependent
variable. IU = α + β1CSK + β2CSA + β2BP + ε
The validity test will use the Pearson correlation which according to (Utami, 2023)
if the correlation is less than a value of 0.05, then the question item will be considered
valid if it is greater than 0.05, then the question item is considered invalid and must be
removed. Reliability will be tested with Cronbach alpha (Utami, 2023) arguing which
will test whether the instrument used in this study reliable is or not and will be considered
reliable if the test result is greater than 0.60.
Researchers will also conduct hypothesis testing. Hypothesis testing is a test based
on sample evidence that is used to examine whether the hypothesis that has been made is
a reasonable statement and therefore not rejected, or the hypothesis is unreasonable and
therefore rejected. This hypothesis test is useful for examining or testing, whether the
regression coefficient obtained is significant or different from real and hypothesis testing.
Hypothesis tests include the R2 Test, F test, and T-test.
Using the SPSS program all variables are abbreviated such as:
1. Cyber security knowledge (CSK)
2. Cyber security awareness (CSA)
3. Behavior protection (BP)
4. Intention to use (IU)
The researcher made changes in the construction and measurement of questionnaire
questions from sources to adjust to the form of research made by the researcher. The form
of the questionnaire construct will be tested with validity and reliability tests to show that
the item has been tested.
The Influence of Cyber Security Knowledge, Cyber Security Awareness, and Behaviour
Protection on Intention to Use Among Mobile Banking Users in Jakarta
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Results and Discussion
Demographic Respondent
One hundred and thirty-eight (138) respondents who have filled out the
questionnaire online through Google documents that have been created by the researcher.
However, the researcher only took a sample of employees who worked in the Jakarta area,
so the researcher set aside 8 respondents who did not work in Jakarta and only used the
answers of 130 respondents who worked in Jakarta. The following are the characteristics
of the respondents researched by the researcher.
Table 2
Respondent Demographics
Frequency Presented
a. Man 86 66,2%
b. Woman 44 33,8%
Total 130 100%
a. 20-30
126 96,9%
b. 30.1-40
3 2,3%
c. 40.1-50
1 0,7%
Total 130 100%
a. SMA 2 1,5%
b. D4 1 0,8%
c. S1 112 86,2%
d. S2 15 11,5%
Total 130 100%
Job Type
a. Self-
17 13,1%
b. Employee 111 85,4%
c. Other 2 1,5%
Total 130 100%
Income or allowance for a month
Diki Muliawan, Hasnawati
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 4910
a. <5
14 10,8%
b. 5.1-15
68 52,3%
c. 15.1-30
39 30.0%
d. 30.1-45
3 2,3%
e. > 45
6 4,6%
Total 130 100%
Length of Use of Mobile Banking
a. 2-3
11 8,5%
b. >4
119 91,5%
Total 130 100%
Frequency of Mobile Banking Usage
a. 1x a
1 0,8%
b. 2-5x a
38 29,2%
c. >5x a
91 70,0%
Total 130 100%
Sumber: Processed
Most of the respondents were male (66.2%), younger than 31 years old (96.9%),
educated as S1 (86.2%), working as an employee (85.4%), and earning the most in the
range of 5.1 million – 15 million per month (52.3%). It can be concluded from the
characteristics in the demographic table of these respondents that the average respondent
has a minimum S1 education and an income above 5 million Rupiah with most of them
under the age of 31 years. Most of them have been using mobile banking for more than 4
years and the frequency of using mobile banking is 5x a week, so it can be concluded that
according to demographic characteristics, it is appropriate to be used as a respondent.
The most common types of transactions made by respondents when using mobile
banking are making payments using QRIS (22.2%), the same bank transfers, different
banks, and virtual accounts (21.7%), the third checking savings balances, mutations, and
deposits (20.2%), and the fourth e-wallet top up(19.5%), fifth, payment of credit card
bills, internet, telephone, electricity, PDAM, train tickets, BPJS, and insurance (15.7%),
and others amounted to (0.7%).
Hypothesis Test Results
The Influence of Cyber Security Knowledge, Cyber Security Awareness, and Behaviour
Protection on Intention to Use Among Mobile Banking Users in Jakarta
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Table 3
Uji Hipotesa
IU = α + β1CSK + β2CSA + β2BP + ε
Variable Prediction Unstandardized
t Sig Sig/2 Decision
B Std Error
(Constant) + 5,827 1,750 3,33
+ 0,208 0,053 3,88
<0,001 <0,001 H1:
+ 0,304 0,081 3,76
<0,001 <0,001 H2:
+ 0,178 0,044 4,03
<0,001 <0,001 H3:
Adjusted R2 0,508
F test 45,311
Dependent Variable: Intention to Use
Sumber: SPSS
It can be stated that the results of the answers to the tested variable items are
declared valid because the significance value (Sig/2) is at < 0.05. The model explains that
the magnitude of the correlation value of the output can be obtained with a determination
coefficient (R Square) of 0.508 which means that the influence of independent variables
(cyber security knowledge, cyber security awareness, & behavior protection) on
dependent variables (intention to use) is 50.8%. It can be explained that the variable
dependent can be explained by the predictor of 50.8%.
From the table above, it is also explained that the F value is calculated at 45.311 with a
significance level of 0.000<0.05. It can be stated that the regression model can be used to
predict independent variables (cyber security knowledge, cyber security awareness, &
behavior protection) and variable dependent (intention to use).
The significance value of the F test in the table explains that the sig value < 0.05, then it
can be stated that simultaneously there is an influence between the independent variable
and the dependent variable. In the table above, it is explained that the Constant value is
5.827 while the CSA, CSK, and BP values are 0.208; 0.304; and 0.178 so that the
regression equation can be written.
IU = 5.827+0.208+0.304+0.178
This means that every 1% increase in the values of CSK, CSA, and BP also
increases by 0.208; 0.304; and 0.178 IU coefficient values. The regression value
Diki Muliawan, Hasnawati
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coefficient is positive so it can be said that the influence of the variables CSK, CSA, and
BP on IU is positive.
Figure 2
Regression Model Test Results
The regression model and the results of the above test prove that cyber security
knowledge, cyber security awareness, & behavior protection have a significant effect on
the intention to use. Therefore, H1, H2, and H3 in this study are all supported overall, the
relationship phenomenon can be explained by about 50.8% (R2=0.508).
Hypothesis 1: Cybersecurity knowledge has a positive effect on the intention to use
mobile banking.
This study shows that cyber security knowledge has a positive effect on the
intention to use mobile banking because the results of the t-test < 0.001, the significance
value of the t-test in the table shows a < number of 0.05 which is smaller than the standard
error of 0.05 and the beta coefficient of 0.053 which indicates that having cyber security
knowledge increases the intention to use mobile banking. Knowledge such as having
participated in training to maintain online data security, the importance of keeping data
from leaking, understanding the importance of using licensed software, proper
authentication mechanisms in every mobile banking, and avoiding sharing personal data
affect people's intentions to use technology, especially in this case mobile banking.
According to the Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) Theory, humans in general will use
something when the use of this innovation is more profitable or beneficial (Feng, 2023),
when someone is faced with an innovation around them they may choose to avoid the
innovation and reject it, and other people may be open-minded and more willing to adopt
the innovation. Users with an open mind and more willing to use innovations are proven
to be supported by a deeper knowledge of cybersecurity so that it affects users' interest in
continuing to use mobile banking because it can be concluded that the use of mobile
banking for people who know about cybersecurity can be felt safe so that mobile banking
proves to be useful and profitable because users can transact safely.
The results of this study are in line with research from Bruijin and Janssen (2017)
who stated that knowledge about cyber security from IT Infrastructure and types of cyber
Adjusted R2
The Influence of Cyber Security Knowledge, Cyber Security Awareness, and Behaviour
Protection on Intention to Use Among Mobile Banking Users in Jakarta
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 4913
attacks allows people to understand and avoid leaking security data from the technology
we use so that person's intention to continue to feel safe and use the application appears.
The results of this study also support the research of (Limna et al., 2023) that cyber
security knowledge can be improved by increasing the perception that not sharing
personal information can also minimize security breaches or as a form of action to
maintain the security of personal data. The increase in awareness of online transactions,
either from oneself or from an application, will increase a person's intention to continue
using the application or technology. Human resources and cybersecurity knowledge are
the most important factors to achieve technical competence in the field, the cybersecurity
competency model, is a form of contextual and high-value information and experience
that is ready to be applied to decisions and actions. Wang (2013) proved that the lack of
cybersecurity knowledge and a clear understanding of cybersecurity solutions results in
reduced protection against phishing, and the potential for leakage of sensitive personal
information that causes a person to be reluctant to use the application he or she has to
Hypothesis 2: Cybersecurity awareness has a positive effect on the intention to use
mobile banking.
This study shows that cyber security awareness has a positive effect on the intention
to use mobile banking because the results of the t-test < 0.001, the significance value of
the t-test in the table shows a < number of 0.05, which is smaller than the standard error
of 0.05 and the beta coefficient of 0.081. Of course, this states the importance of
awareness of maintaining cyber security, always being aware of cyber attacks, guarding
when entering passwords, changing passwords regularly, and realizing that before using
a mobile banking application, one must know the security techniques in personal mobile
banking to be able to increase one's intention to use mobile banking because it is felt that
it is the importance of security that determines whether someone will continue to use
technology or not.
In other words, this study supports the theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) which
explains that subjective norms, behavioral control, and behavioral attitudes can affect a
person's intentions (Tian, 2023). So it can be concluded that for users who have cyber
security awareness, it has a positive effect on the user's intention to use mobile banking.
This study supports research from (Mamonov & Benbunan-Fich, 2018) that
awareness of information security threats increases the protection of behavioral choices,
a person's intention to continue using mobile banking is influenced by a person's level of
awareness of the importance of cybersecurity. According to Limna et al (2022),
promoting and encouraging users to take precautions and train them on online security
measures is very important because it can influence a person to or increase their behavior
on someone's intention to use and believe in the security of the mobile banking application
they use or not. The more mobile phone users are informed about cybersecurity awareness
regarding threats, attacks, and cybersecurity protection measures, the better they can
make decisions according to So (2013).
Diki Muliawan, Hasnawati
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 4914
Hipotesis 3: Behaviour protection berpengaruh positif terhadap intention to use of
mobile banking.
This study shows that cyber security awareness has a positive effect on the intention
to use mobile banking because the results of the t-test < 0.001, the significance value of
the T-test in the table shows a < number of 0.05 which is smaller than the standard error
of 0.05 and the beta coefficient of 0.044 which means that passwords are never shared
with others, periodic password changes, The nature of being careful in uploading
applications to personal devices, and the use of good antivirus software show good
protective behavior and can affect the level of a person's intention to want to use a mobile
banking application because they already have protection from within themselves.
In other words, the results of this study are also about behavior protection having a
positive effect on supporting the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) theory. So it can be
concluded that for users who have protective behavior in using the internet, it has a
positive effect on the user's intention to use mobile banking.
This research supports the research of (Zhao et al., 2019) which states that it is
important for mobile payment companies, as well as merchants, to emphasize technology
security features to protect consumer data when promoting mobile banking applications,
to maintain security, and avoid data leaks that cause financial losses as well as a person's
interest in using the mobile banking application. It also supports the research of Linma et
al (2022), which realizes that the precautions and behaviors displayed by internet users
are very useful to protect their devices from all cyber attacks, thereby ensuring that the
use of safe and convenient applications increases a person's intention to use the mobile
banking application. This can be attributed to the application of behavior protection
techniques to ensure the security of services and transactions, privacy and data protection
are considered top priorities among mobile banking users (Almaiah et al., 2023).
This study proves that cyber security knowledge, cyber security awareness, and
behavior protection have a positive effect on the intention to use mobile banking in
Jakarta. This research contributes to the existing literature on cyber security knowledge,
cyber security awareness, behavior protection, and intention to use, especially for mobile
banking applications in Jakarta. Banks need to pay attention to the level of knowledge
and awareness of users, and the level of knowledge in marketing their products and
services. Increasing user training and knowledge levels can lead to user acceptance and
adoption of mobile banking applications. The importance of keeping data from leaking,
always being aware of cyberattacks, and showing good protective behavior when using
the internet are important things that users pay attention to and must be considered by
banks when conducting promotions, especially if their marketing targets are vulnerable
users in the age of 20-30. This can be said to be one of the things that users pay attention
to if they want to continue using mobile banking applications.
It is also an opportunity and social responsibility for educational institutions to
provide more effective cybersecurity programs and courses to increase user knowledge
The Influence of Cyber Security Knowledge, Cyber Security Awareness, and Behaviour
Protection on Intention to Use Among Mobile Banking Users in Jakarta
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 4915
about cybersecurity risks. The results of this study can also be used to assess how
important the security factor is to increasing the frequency of a person's use of mobile
banking, of course, if it is used more often, it will also increase the revenue from the bank,
which will have a positive impact on the bank's financial statements. Of course, if we
increase knowledge, awareness, and user protection behavior, we can support the
advancement of the use of technology around us to make human work easier in Indonesia.
The limitation of this research is more specific to areas in Indonesia, namely in
Jakarta with a range of age groups that tend to be young (20-30 years old) and are more
open to changes and technological developments. The researcher suggested for future
research to further increase the number of samples by enlarging the search coverage area,
namely throughout Indonesia if possible with a more diverse age group and a more
diverse field of work. The researcher also provided advice for banks operating in Jakarta
to create a targeted marketing strategy to be able to market mobile banking promotions
for the age group of 20-30 years old, it is known that in this study there is a significant
positive tendency to continue using their mobile banking application.
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