p-ISSN: 2723-6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 11 November 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5431
The Relationship Between Work Motivation and Employee
Performance in Women with Dual Roles
Yasmin Rahman
, Annisa Warastri
Universitas 'Aisyiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Work
Motivation; Employee
Performance; Dual Role
Women; Quantitative
Research; Dual Role
This research aims to determine the relationship between work
motivation and the performance of female employees who play a
dual role in Sleman Regency's local government agencies. This
dual role phenomenon is challenging for women, as they must
fulfil their obligations as housewives and workers, potentially
affecting their motivation and performance. This study used a
quantitative approach with a correlational method. The research
subjects were married female employees aged between 20-57
years who work in government agencies in Sleman Regency. The
sampling technique used was purposive sampling with specific
criteria. Data were collected using a Likert scale measuring work
motivation and employee performance. The data analysis using
SPSS 25 showed a significant positive relationship between work
motivation and the performance of female employees in dual roles
(r = 0.480, p = 0.000). This finding indicates that the higher the
work motivation, the higher the performance displayed by female
employees, even though they also have responsibilities at home.
This research contributes to understanding how work motivation
can influence women's performance in the face of dual role
demands and provides recommendations for policies that support
women's well-being in the workplace.
The role of women in the workforce has undergone significant changes in recent
years. In Indonesia, women's participation in the labor market is increasing, which is
marked by the increasing number of women contributing as employees in various sectors.
According to the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) report in (2020), the proportion of
working women in Indonesia reached 38.53%. Further data from the Yogyakarta
Regional Civil Service Agency shows that out of 48,122 civil servants, there are 5,605
female employees in Sleman Regency. This increase in the number of working women
shows that women now not only play a role in the domestic sphere but are also active in
the public and professional world.
This dual role phenomenon is a challenge for many women. Amid demands to
carry out responsibilities as housewives and workers, women often face conflicts between
obligations at home and work. Rumampuk (2020) states that women are expected to be
versatile, which requires them to carry out various activities simultaneously. In this
context, multitasking is a common term where women not only do household chores such
Yasmin Rahman1, Annisa Warastri
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5432
as washing, cooking, and taking care of children but also carry out professional duties at
work. This often tests the limits of women's ability to manage their time and priorities,
potentially affecting their psychological and physical well-being.
Employee performance is one of the essential aspects that can affect the
achievement of organizational goals. Bukit et al. (2020) define performance as the results
achieved by individuals or groups during a specific period, measured against
predetermined standards. Employees who can perform their duties well despite the
challenges faced show significant achievements that contribute to organizational success.
According to Bernardin and Russel (1993), one aspect of performance is the quantity of
results produced, which is essential for organizational sustainability and productivity.
Research conducted by Susanti (2022) shows that work motivation positively influences
employee performance, where motivated individuals tend to make better contributions to
the company, indicating that the relationship between motivation and performance is very
Work motivation is the main driving factor that directs individual behavior in
achieving goals. Azwar in Hermawati et al. (2021) explain that motivation is an
encouragement that makes individuals excited about doing activities. Edy Sutrisnoin
Sudjatmoko and Rusilowati (2022) added that motivation is often interpreted as a
behavioral driving factor, which is very important for employees to continue contributing
to the company. In the context of women with multiple roles, good motivational support
can help them deal with the pressure of complex responsibilities. According to Gagné
(2015), work motivation is the drive or desire that drives individuals to perform work-
related actions. It includes aspects such as engagement, commitment, and work-related
goals and is influenced by internal and external factors that can vary across different
cultural contexts and work environments. Gagné also emphasized that work motivation
is multidimensional, encompassing different types of motivation, from intrinsic to
extrinsic, all of which play a role in influencing individual work behavior. Dewi and
Wibawa (2024) noted that high motivation is closely related to optimal performance, and
Sitopu et al. (2021) found that work motivation significantly affects employee
However, women's challenges in balancing these dual roles cannot be ignored.
Demands to fulfill obligations as mothers and workers often create pressures that interfere
with their work motivation. Rosiana (2007) states that many working women feel trapped
between these two roles, making it difficult to find a balance. Oral interviews conducted
by researchers with women in dual roles show that many experience difficulties
maintaining a balance between work and household responsibilities. This impacts low
work motivation and less-than-optimal performance, so there needs to be a strategy to
increase their motivation and performance.
Therefore, the author needed to investigate how work motivation can contribute
to women's performance in multiple roles. This research aims to provide deeper insights
into the challenges faced by women and the strategies that can be implemented to improve
their motivation and performance in an increasingly complex work context. This research
Article Title
Indonesia Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5433
is also expected to contribute to developing policies that support women's well-being in
the workplace. Based on this background, the author is interested in conducting this
research titled "The Relationship Between Work Motivation and Performance of Dual
Role Female Employees".
Based on the above background, the researcher formulates the question, "Is there
a relationship between work motivation and employee performance in dual-role women?"
The research Objective is to determine whether there is a relationship between work
motivation and employee performance in women with dual roles.
Research Methods
The subjects of this study were female employees with dual roles in local
government agencies in Sleman Regency. This type of research is quantitative research
using a correlational approach. Azwar (2017) Correlational quantitative research is to
understand how solid and directional the relationship is between the variables studied.
Creswell (2018) states that quantitative correlational research uses statistical methods to
measure the magnitude of the influence between two or more variables. The scale used is
a Likert scale. According to Sugiyono (2019), the Likert scale measures the attitudes,
opinions, and perceptions of a person or group of people about social phenomena. The
instruments used are Work Performance from the theory of Bernardin and Russel (1993)
and Work Motivation from the theory of Gagne (2015). This research analysis uses
correlational quantitative data analysis using the SPSS 25 tool.
Results and Discussion
Samples are taken from a population considered (representative) by the criteria
for the research object being made. The respondent sampling technique in this study used
the Purposive Sampling technique, namely sampling techniques with specific
considerations. The sampling technique used is using nonprobability sampling with the
following conditions:
a. Female Employees
b. Married
c. Age between 20- 57 years old
d. Employees of government agencies in sleman
Table 1. Normality Test
The normality test determines whether the study's data follows a normal
distribution. If the data is normally distributed, then statistical analysis that assumes
normality (such as parametric tests) can be used correctly.
Sig (p)
Residual Data
Source: Data processed, 2024
Yasmin Rahman1, Annisa Warastri
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5434
The normality test results showed that the data were not normally distributed (p =
0.000), so the Mann-Whitney non-parametric test was used to analyze the relationship
between work motivation and employee performance in women with dual roles. The
Mann-Whitney test results show a significance value of 0.000, which indicates a
significant relationship between work motivation and employee performance in women
with dual roles.
Table 2. Linearity Test
Purpose Linearity testing is used to determine whether there is a linear relationship
between the two variables used or not. A non-linear relationship is indicated by a
significance level of less than 0.05 (Deviation from Linearity), while a linear relationship
is characterized by a significance level of more than 0.05. The linearity test in this study
is as follows:
Deviation from
Sig (p)
Source: Data processed, 2024
Based on the table above, the linearity test results show that the value is significant.
The deviation from the linearity line is 0.756. Because the significant value is greater than
0.05, it can be concluded that there is a linear relationship between work motivation
variables and employee performance.
Table 3. Hypothesis Test
Hypothesis testing assesses whether the sample data provides sufficient evidence to
accept or reject the initial hypothesis (null hypothesis). Through this test, researchers can
conclude the population based on sample data analysis while considering a certain margin
of error tolerance to avoid erroneous conclusions.
Sig (p)
Very Significant
Source: Data processed, 2024
The table above shows the significance value in the 𝑆𝑖𝑔. The column is 0.000,
which is very significant so that the hypothesis can be accepted. This means that there is
a correlation between work motivation and employee performance.
This study shows a significant positive relationship between work motivation and
the performance of female employees with dual roles in state-owned institutions. This
finding indicates that the higher the work motivation of female employees, the higher
their performance, even though they also have responsibilities at home. These results
support Herzberg's (1959) two-factor theory of motivation, which states that motivational
Article Title
Indonesia Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5435
factors, such as rewards and recognition, can increase job satisfaction and productivity.
The results of this study are also in line with previous research by Saraswati and Pratama
(2020), who found that work motivation can help female employees manage their dual
roles. In the study, women who work in the government sector tend to have high work
motivation due to support from the work environment and appreciation from superiors.
This support allows them to manage the demands of work and home more effectively,
which positively impacts their performance. Although the results of this study support the
hypothesis, some limitations must be considered. This study focused on employees in
state-owned institutions with work cultures and regulations different from those in the
private sector. This limitation may affect the generalizability of the results, as employees
in the private or informal sector may face different challenges in performing dual roles.
In addition, this study was conducted over a short period, so changes in motivation and
performance dynamics of female employees have not been thoroughly described.
This study's results indicate a significant positive relationship between work
motivation and the performance of female employees who have dual roles in government
agencies. The research shows that the higher the work motivation, the higher the
performance displayed by female employees, even though they also carry out
responsibilities in the household.
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