Tegar Intifalda, Dzaky Al Dzikri, Rizky Maulana Saputra
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5514
deployment, and stability under varied conditions, this design aims to enhance the
effectiveness of disaster response efforts. The study employs the Pahl and Beitz method with
QFD to meet the specified technical and functional requirements, ensuring the design aligns
with real-world needs. This development represents a significant step forward in reducing
flood-related casualties and improving disaster readiness across vulnerable regions.
There are 5 types of boats used by BNPB to evacuate flood victims. All types of boats
have the same disadvantages: they are impractical and expensive, and some boats need to be
filled with air before evacuating flood victims. BNPB (National Disaster Management
Agency) has prepared boats to evacuate flood victims. However, there are still many
casualties due to flood victims. Therefore, this research is a solution to assist in evacuating
flood victims by designing a folding boat as a tool for evacuating flood victims.
Maxsurf Resistance
The Maxsurf calculation approach used in this study is the Holtrop Method because
the Holtrop Method is appropriate for use on ships with a significant block coefficient (Cb)
ranging from 0.7 to 0.9. Holtrop (Lewis, 1988), put forward the statistical analysis results of
the resistance and propulsion tests of 191 models with varying types of ships carried in the
Dutch MARIN model test laboratory. Holtrop concluded that 95% of the experiments he
conducted produced a quite accurate formula.
Maxsurf Stability
Ship stability analysis is closely related to the safety aspects of the ship. The
International Maritime Organization (IMO), as an international maritime organization,
issues regulations in the form of stability rules that must be met by a ship. Some of the rules
that must be met by ships as ship stability requirements according to the provisions and
provisions of IMO (International Maritime Organization) Code A.749 (18) Chapter 3 -
Design Criteria Applicable to All Ships, which requires the following: (Maxsurf, 2023b)
1. Section A.749 (18), Chapter
a. Area in the region under the GZ curve at a tilt angle of 0° - 30° (deg) > 3.151 m.deg.
b. Area in the region under the GZ curve at a tilt angle of 0° - 40° (deg) > 5.157 m.deg.
c. Area under the GZ curve at a tilt angle of 30° - 40° (deg) > 1.719 m.deg.
2. Section A.749 (18), chapter maximum GZ values occurring at angles of 30° - 180° (deg)
> 0.2 m.
3. Section A.749 (18), chapter angle at maximum GZ value > 25° (deg).
4. Section A.749 (18), chapter Initial GM value at angle 0° (deg) > 0.15 m.
Block Coefficient
According to Rawson & Tupper (2001), the block coefficient is the ratio of the
displacement volume to the volume of a rectangular block with equal sides. Based on Budi
Santoso research in 2009, the block coefficient is the ratio between the volume of the ship's
body below the water surface and the block's volume formed by the block's length, width,
and height. The block coefficient can also be determined by considering the ship's speed,