p–ISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254



Natalia Sari Pujiastuti1*, Sinta Pramucitra2, Tika Ristia Djaya3

Universitas Semarang, Indonesia Email: [email protected]




Keywords: Impulse Buying; Shopee Live; Persuasive Communication; Local Business; Content analysis.

This research aims to analyse the persuasive communication content utilised by local entrepreneurs to generate impulse buying during Shopee Live sessions. Involving the perspective of local business operators, the study will identify the most effective persuasive communication strategies in prompting consumers to make impulsive purchases, particularly within e-commerce platforms like Shopee. By comprehending the dynamics of persuasive communication, this research can offer valuable insights to local entrepreneurs in enhancing the allure and effectiveness of their sales campaigns during Shopee Live

sessions, thereby maximising sales potential and sustaining their businesses.


Databoks conducted a poll (JakPat). Metadata.co.id revealed that 83.7% of Indonesians had watched online shopping features through live broadcasts or live streaming. Of these, Shopee has become a significant pioneer since entering Indonesia in 2015 (Sundari, 2023). The survey results showed that 61% of respondents chose Shopee as the platform of choice, followed by Tokopedia (22%), TikTok Shop (9%), and Lazada (7%). Shopee Live showed higher usage, reaching 71%, compared to TikTok Live, which reached 51%, especially in the Fashion and Beauty product category. Live shopping users on Shopee also dominate with a percentage of 83.4%, while TikTok ranks second with 42.2% (Annur, 2022).

This data indicates that the popularity of live shopping trends, or shopping and selling activities through live streaming features, will continue to increase and show significant potential. This live-streaming platform provides opportunities for local businesses to market products and interact directly with consumers through interactive live-streaming formats, which, in turn, can overcome the complexity of communication between sellers and prospective buyers. According to (Dinova, 2023), in live shopping, direct marketing activities such as interactions, promotions, and transactions significantly impact purchase behaviour, either planned or impulsive. Impulse purchases, often unplanned and without careful consideration, occur when a person makes spontaneous purchases in bulk anytime and anywhere (Suswanto & Setiawati, 2020).

However, what exactly is meant by impulsive buying? Impulsive buying is a shopping activity based on momentary desires without long consideration, different from consumptive behaviour, which consumes excessively (Amallia & Syaefulloh, 2023). This condition is influenced by mood, gender, age, and the nature of consumer hedonism. According to (Dinova, 2023), live shopping triggers two primary motives of impulse buying: hedonic motives (excitement, pleasure, satisfaction) and utilitarian motives (quality of information regarding the functional benefits of products). This shows that the seller's ability to persuade consumers greatly influences impulse buying. Dynamic speaking skills, convincing facial expressions, and understanding of audience desires are critical elements in consumers' purchasing decisions.

From previous research conducted by (Azwari, 2021), impulse buying increases when online sellers carry out massive promotions, both by providing discounts and with sales promotions such as buying one free product 1. (Dinova, 2023) also proves that live shopping s-commerce such as Shoppe is more influential or encourages people to make impulsive purchases because of the attractiveness of products or brands, or live broadcasts (trust). Other research on impulse buying conducted by (Soelton et al., 2021) revealed that the variables of store mood, hedonic shopping value, and shopping emotions positively and significantly impact impulse purchases.

Based on this description, researchers are interested in investigating persuasive communication by local businesses when convincing potential customers of impulse buying on the Shopee live shopping platform. This research will use impulse buying theory as a frame of reference to dig deeper into the communicative aspects that influence impulse buying decisions in live shopping (Harianto, 2022).

Communication of Persuasion

Persuasive communication is a process that aims to change a person's behaviour, attitude, or opinion by using psychological engineering so that the individual is willing to act according to the wishes of the communicator. As explained by (Rakhmat, 2007), most persuasive communication aims to change or reinforce attitudes or beliefs so that individuals can act according to a specific pattern of behaviour. In this context, attitude refers to the tendency to behave in a certain way, while belief includes a sense of confidence in the existence of something or the truth of a statement. In this case, behaviour refers to actions that can be observed realistically.

Impulse Buying

Impulse buying can occur when a person feels a sudden urge that is difficult to resist. According to (Soelton et al., 2021), there are several recent definitions of impulse buying, namely the process of purchasing an item, where the buyer has no intention to buy beforehand. It can be thought of as a no-plan purchase or an instant purchase. This purchase is made without much thought and does not involve much evaluation regarding need, affordability, price, and other factors. Impulse buying can also be explained as unique, enjoyable purchases, and this kind of buying behaviour is based more on emotions

than logic, characterised by decision-making that tends to be fast, subjective, and can be applied instantly (Andriyanto et al., 2016).

Research Methods

This research uses the content analysis research method (content analysis). Content analysis is a research method that involves an in-depth discussion of the content of written or printed information in the media. This method is commonly used in qualitative research and includes analysis of various aspects of text content. However, on the other hand, content analysis can also refer to a specific analytical approach used to describe a message. Content analysis was initially developed in the field of quantitative newspapers. The pioneer of content analysis was Harold D. Lasswell, who pioneered the symbol coding technique, which is to record symbols or messages systematically and then interpret them. Quantitative content analysis describes or explains a problem whose results can be generalised. So, it can be concluded that quantitative content analysis focuses more on the visible content of communication (express/manifest/honest) (Mutiara & Wenerda, 2022).

The object of research that will be examined in this study is dialogue, gestures, tone of voice, attributes, content description and theme of appearance of both presenters and set visual situations. The criteria for the account to be the object of research are skin sellers of local business actors (not artists/public figures), not products from industry companies/brands that are already known to the public, only entirely sell products by live streaming (judging from the appearance of accounts that do not have product displays to buy without going through live streaming). From the findings, the content analysis method was used to detail the content of Shopee live shopping shows and focus on the stages of persuasive communication in creating potential impulse buying by utilising personal interaction, familiarity, and trust between presenters and consumers.

Results and Discussion

Based on observations made, there are several stages to create a persuasive live shopping experience to increase the potential for impulse buying by utilising personal interaction, familiarity, and trust between presenters and consumers. as follows:

  1. Creating interest through the appeal of product appearances and introductions

    Persuasive communication begins with introducing the product interestingly, one of which is through the visual aspects of an attractive presenter, an attention-grabbing description, and the choice of words. Live shopping presenters focus on generating initial interest in products. Attractive and unique appearances on live shopping presenters are crucial in creating product appeal and attracting consumer attention. Research shows that visual aspects and self-presentation play a significant role in influencing consumer perceptions of promoted products. Presenters who combine presentation skills with attractive looks can create an emotional bond with the audience, increase trust, and motivate impulse buying decisions.

    Therefore, combining attractive appearance elements and the uniqueness of the presenter's presence, regardless of gender, is an effective strategy for creating product appeal and increasing the success of live shopping, such as @moms_ivana accounts that sell baby and child products. The presenter uses children's swimming tube products as hair cover accessories to look unique and entertain the audience. As for formal appearances, presenters will tend to choose neutral colours so that the audience remains focused on the products sold. This is done by the @spreibuluhalus account, where the presenter wears formal clothes during the live, in neutral, beige colours.

    Figure 1

    Appearance of Live Shopping Presenter as brand identity

    These striking formal wear and accessories reflect the effort to provide an aesthetically pleasing and engaging presentation, capturing consumers' attention from start to finish. Presenters also show uniformity and consistency in appearing as brand identity or characteristics of accounts when living so that consumers can recognise them better. This uniformity gives the image that local businesses have specific standards for appearance and quality, which can create consumer confidence in the products offered. Attractive and professional appearance management helps increase consumer confidence in the products and brands the presenter represents. This image of professionalism can help convince consumers that they are dealing with a trusted and qualified seller. This trust is crucial in live shopping, where consumers cannot see the product directly. This is the need to create a different impression from live shopping presentations in general and can build emotional appeal (Pratiwi et al., 2023).

  2. Relaxed, Straightforward and Simple Language in Live Shopping

    A friendly, casual, straightforward, simple, and natural language style reflects the characteristics of sincere, non-contrived, and unpretentious communication, which can positively impact and create an emotional connection with consumers in the context of live shopping. Appropriate and effective language styles in live shopping highlight the importance of using language that can build consumer engagement and encourage impulse buying. Communicating authenticity and honesty can reinforce presenters' credibility, increasing consumer trust. Messages delivered in an upbeat and entertaining language can influence consumer emotions and stimulate impulse buying decisions. Therefore, appropriate and appropriate language styles in live shopping include elements such as familiarity, warmth, and simplicity to maximise the potential for impulse buying. In live shopping, sentences or words that show closeness, familiarity, and friendliness can create a more personal atmosphere and bring the relationship between presenters and consumers closer. Some of the findings of these sentences and words are in the following table:

    Table 1

    Language Style of Live Shopping Presenters





    Sapaan arab

    Account: @swehoodkekinian

    screen, help tap tap the screen and in the yellow basket points baby,


    Give the best advice

    Account: @gracenovina464

    Account: @swehoodkekinian

    sisters, my dear


    Pronoun closeness

    Account: @swehoodkekinian

    Account: @gracenovina464



    Account: @swehoodkekinian



    Akun : @gracenovina464

  3. Product Demonstrations to reinforce appeal

    In the third stage, the presenter plays a key role by conducting a live demonstration of the promoted product, describing its uses and benefits. Presenters also use concrete examples, stories of personal experiences, and visual experiences to reinforce the product's appeal. In detail, the presenter discussed the practical use of the product, presenting information about the benefits that consumers can obtain.

    The persuasive communication approach is applied through concrete examples that are easy to understand, stories of personal experiences that bring product use to life, and visual experiences that help reinforce the product's appeal. Thus, this stage presents the product factually and aims to create a more immersive interactive experience, build trust, and stimulate interest and buying desire in the audience.

    Figure 2

    Product demonstrations and detailed explanations to convince consumers

    As done by the shopee account of the presenter of local brand @andariroom women's bags, even though the presenter is a man, it is not awkward to use women's bag products to strengthen potential buyers' beliefs about the product. Likewise, the Mokababy official store account sells equipment for pregnant women and babies. The male presenter, who is not awkward, practices the function of the breast pump. However,

    not directly with the narration, "In storefront number 1 there is a very extraordinary product electric breast pump, this is excellent, yes, it is very suitable for mothers who are breastfeeding their children, especially mothers who have returned to activities, starting to return to work but their little ones, yes, need their breast milk needs to be met". In addition to visually, the presenter also described the product narratively such as the gracenovina464 account that sells clothes explaining the details of the product, "look at the lady, if on camera it looks thick, the material is linen, cool, layer, layer, miss." Alternatively, "The material is thick, soft plus, an original local brand from Bandung", or "The material is guaranteed to be thick, and the price is certainly low, the quality is premium, and the brand is also certainly ori from Bandung, not cans." for an explanation of jacket products from Farmin_store account. These two case examples show the implementation of witty product demonstrations to entertain and attract attention from consumers.

  4. Share testimonials to build consumer trust

The main focus at this stage is to form a strong relationship of trust between presenters and consumers in the context of live shopping through sharing testimonials from previous satisfied customers, presenting product certifications, or providing in-depth information about the authenticity and quality of the products offered. Promoting transparency and giving consumers a reason to trust the information conveyed creates a solid bond between presenter and audience, strengthens consumer confidence, and increases trust, forming the basis for impulse buying decisions.

Figure 3

Live consumer testimonials

Testimonials can be obtained organically (based on spontaneity from consumers) or stimulant (luring consumers to be willing to give testimonials) through giveaway programs. Giveaways are one of the promotional strategies carried out by distributing free prizes. Through giveaways, consumers are motivated to submit testimonials to get prizes. Besides being able to help maintain loyal store customers, giveaways can also increase interaction between sellers and buyers and provide opportunities to attract new buyers.

As the account does: @hawaisembiring, selling thrifting that occasionally holds giveaways to consumers with competition, makes exciting testimonials. This condition can effectively increase traffic ratings. This raises testimonials from consumers, including:

  1. "Langgeng continues to hawaisembiring, the best tree e."

  2. "Masya alla mami, continue to be healthy, hopefully, more successful, have sold not afraid of loss continue to share with others healthy continue to match more successful hawai masya Allah",

  3. "Every time the event is live, there must be something that I do not want to make branded goods, let alone sell store stock and the team."

  4. "It has been many times that co in hawai sembiring the question is that the goods are good and satisfying love as mamih and hawai semiring blessings and successes."

  5. Direct Interaction: Responsive and interactive.

    Interactive that occurs is not just the audience asking about the product to the presenter to respond to the code given by the presenter who wants to buy the product, choose the desired product or also form further questions about the product being offered. In live shopping, sales techniques involve offering directly through a system of saying words that have been determined by the presenter, such as "fix," "want," and so on. In this atmosphere, sales are not supported by the display of products displayed in the storefront as on traditional e-commerce platforms. Instead, presenters build traction and purchase intent by relying on direct interaction and quick consumer responses.

    The presenter starts by building excitement and interest through carefully selected words, creating enthusiasm regarding upcoming offers. Then, by asking questions that require an immediate response, such as "Who wants a special discount today? Type 'want' now!" the presenter creates active interaction with consumers. Through this word pronunciation system, consumers are invited to respond directly and express desire or approval of the offer. The presenter can respond in real time by adjusting the offer or providing further explanation according to the response received.

    Through this word pronunciation system, consumers are invited to respond directly and express desire or approval of the offer. The presenter can then respond in real time by adjusting the offer or providing further explanation according to the response received. This approach creates a dynamic and interactive shopping experience where consumers feel personally engaged. The opportunity to respond directly to an offer without having to see the product in detail in the storefront can create surprises and

    impulsive impulses to make an immediate purchase decision.

    Usually, this applies to thrifting products (used clothes), both for fashion or bags or shoes. Especially for products that generally only have one type in each model. This is as part of a strategy to increase consumer engagement in the live shopping process and strengthen the persuasive power applied. By providing a responsive and interactive experience, this stage is expected to create emotional bonds and magnify persuasive influence, which in turn can support impulse purchases.

    Gambar 4 Interaksi saat Live Shopping

  6. Consumer Call-to-Action

The presenter closed the live shopping session by entering a call to action, encouraging viewers to purchase immediately. This moment is an opportunity to encourage concrete steps from the audience, especially when making impulse purchases. Using assertive, motivational language, such as "Get it now" or "Do not miss this opportunity," presenters create a sense of urgency that can stimulate impulse buying. This stage shows the importance of directing the audience to take action after going through a series of persuasive communications to increase the chances of impulse buying at the end of the live shopping session.



Limited Time Action Call

Account: @gracenovina464

"Let us finish soon, teeth auk comment comments hurry up and check out payment noon then the life is over nih noon I have to be off in two minutes, hurry up and get the last voucher."

"Kaka, hurry up and claim the discount voucher and free shipping." akun: bellewearsh

"For those who check on my life, I will give you a discount on my mother's mother."

"Today's warehouse washing promo. I love it if you want to hurry up and get paid."

Emphasis on Stock Limitations

Account: @swehoodkekinian

"Hurry up, baby! This is the last stock; you should get the last stock. The promo is ongoing, so please check out now, sis."

"Remember, do not miss it. It is annoying if you miss it."

Special Offer Promotions

Akun: bellewearshop

"For mothers who want to resell, today's opportunity kaka, check out now;

the price is destroyed from the price of 150 to the price of 100k can only get 6pcs."

Call to sign up.

Account: @swehoodkekinian

"While watching while being helped, tap the screen until 500 taps; just tap, then I start spilling spill, baby".

Akun: bellewearshop

"Those who want to get discounts or who get discounts are helped by tapping the screen, so many because we want to have special promos."

Value Prepositions Benefit

Akun: bellewearshop

"In the market, the price is 380k, this is only 150k, baby, the price is really bouncing around"

"For older siblings who checkout now, it is guaranteed that they will not be annoyed even though we are heavily discounted, guaranteed to get quality goods."

To create impulse buying during Shopee live shopping, local businesses use persuasive communication strategies that involve attractive appearance, unpretentious language style, use of attributes, sales techniques, optimal live time duration, and creative promotional content. This analysis provides insight into how local businesses can increase product appeal and create live shopping experiences that invite consumers to shop

impulsively. These findings could lay the foundation for developing more effective communication strategies.


In order to understand and increase impulse buying on the Shopee Live platform, this study explores persuasive communication content analysis, focusing on the perspective of local businesses. Several key conclusions can be drawn through the discussion stages that have been outlined.

First, the study shows that a compelling product introduction strategy, supported by understated language, builds initial appeal to the audience. Personalised interactions between presenters and audiences, primarily through questions and direct responses, play a crucial role in creating consumer engagement. This shows that the success of live shopping lies not only in the presentation of good products but also in the ability of presenters to establish personal relationships with consumers.

Second, the study highlights the critical role of product demonstration and trust-building in stimulating impulse buying. The presenter must provide a practical and visual understanding of the product while consistently building trust through testimonials and authentic information. This trust is the principal capital in encouraging consumers to make impulse purchase decisions.

Third, the call-to-action becomes an effective closure. Using assertive language and complete urgency in these calls stimulates quick and impulsive decisions from consumers. Therefore, the study's main conclusion is that effective persuasive communication on the Shopee Live platform can create a more dynamic and interactive shopping experience, encourage emotional engagement, and ultimately trigger impulse buying.


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