p–ISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 1 January 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/

Doi: 10.59141/jist.v5i01.867 152



Ginna Novarianti Dwi Putri Pramesti1*, Widya2, Siti Ainul Kholipah3, Mar’atus
Solikhah4, Lutfiyatut Tamamiyah5

Universitas Kuningan, Indonesia1, Universitas Islam Bunga Bangsa Cirebon,
Indonesia2,5, Politeknik Siber Cerdika Internasional Cirebon, Indonesia3,4

Email: [email protected]*, [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


Keywords: Cyberloafing;
Organizational Commitment;
Employee Performance; Self-

This research aims to investigate the impact of cyberloafing and
organizational commitment on the performance of employees in the
Department of Housing, Settlement Areas, and Land Affairs of
Kuningan District (Dinas et al.), as well as to gain an understanding of
the moderating influence of self-control in the relationship between
cyberloafing and organizational commitment on employee performance.
This research is motivated by frequent cases where employees engage in
cyberloafing, which negatively affects their performance. The method
used in this research is a descriptive quantitative method, utilizing a
questionnaire as a data collection tool. The research sample comprises
70 randomly selected department employees using the random sampling
method. The SPSS program is used to analyze the data in this research.
The research results indicate a negative and significant influence
between cyberloafing and employee performance, while organizational
commitment positively influences employee performance. Additionally,
the test of the interaction of self-control as a moderator in the relationship
between cyberloafing and organizational commitment on employee
performance shows that self-control weakens the influence of
cyberloafing on employee performance. In conclusion, individuals with
high levels of self-control can reduce potentially harmful negative


Human Resources (HR) is essential in an organization, institution, or agency.
Therefore, an organization, institution, or agency's progress needs to increase human
resources' capacity, which is a factor of progress. Concrete and targeted handling is one
of the references for human resources to develop well in an environment. In the current
era of globalization, quality human resources are needed because the back and forth of an
institution is very dependent on the quality of human resources. Hence, human resources
compete to have high competencies that make the center of organizational excellence.

Employee performance is one of the main factors affecting the organization's
progress. The higher the employee performance, the more manageable organizational
goals will be achieved, and vice versa if employee performance is low. Performance
cannot be separated in the organization (Triastuti, 2019). In addition, employee
performance assessment is one of the measuring tools used to find out how good and bad

The Influence Of Cyberloafing And Organizational Commitment To Employee Performance
With Self-Control As A Moderation Variable

Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 1, January 2024 153

employees are in an organization, where the assessment results can also reflect the
performance of the organization or company concerned (Rizal, Alam, & Asi, 2023).

Technology development brings many benefits and conveniences to personal and
work life. In this case, technology is in the form of internet and computer facilities that
affect employee performance. The influence of globalization and technological advances
helps employees complete their work and change how they work locally and
internationally. This is also supported by research (Sofyanty, 2019), which states that
organizational leaders and employees utilize computers that are connected to the internet
when doing their tasks to facilitate and increase the flow of information, which can
indirectly improve employee performance and have a positive impact on the

The Housing, Settlement, and Land Office is one of the many agencies in Kuningan
Regency that use the Internet to support work. The existence of Internet and computer
facilities helps civil servants complete their tasks quickly and efficiently, increases
employee creativity, and helps serve the community. However, not all employees can
take advantage of internet facilities positively; internet access at work opens up
opportunities for employees to misbehave and are often abused, the tendency to use the
internet during working hours for entertainment purposes and not related to work. This
phenomenon is known as cyberloafing.

Some examples of behavior cyberloafing are engaging in social media networks
(WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tik-tok), browsing online shopping sites,
opening, reading, and sending personal emails for personal matters, and downloading
non-work-related files (Firmanto, 2017).

Based on the results of the research that has been conducted, there are 70 Civil
Servants of the Housing, Settlement and Land Office of Kuningan Regency using a
questionnaire; there is a problem in the variables Cyberloafing Where 68 people from the
total respondents claimed to be involved in social media networks, 44 people browsed
online shopping sites, 48 people opened, read and sent personal emails for personal
matters, 51 people downloaded files / accessed the internet that were not related to work,
and who used office phones for personal interests totaling ten people. The use of the
Internet to the extent of action Cyberloafing can decrease employee performance
appraisals because it can cause negligence and a continuous sense of laziness.
Cyberloafing is performed by employees of a company or organization using internet
access available during productive hours for personal gain (Sofyanty, 2019).

Researchers have researched cyberloafing before (Monica & Maharani, 2020), and
they mention that behavior cyberloafing does not have an impact on employee
performance. However, there are different research results conducted by (Handayan,
2020) that behavior variables cyberloafing Positively affect employee performance.

Based on research (by Wahyuni et al., 2020) states that organizational commitment
has a significant influence on employee performance. However, the results of this study
are inversely proportional to research (Nature, 2020), which states that organizational
commitment does not affect employee performance. In addition, according to research

Ginna Novarianti Dwi Putri Pramesti, Widya, Siti Ainul Kholipah, Mar’atus Solikhah,
Lutfiyatut Tamamiyah

Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 1, January 2024 154

conducted by {Formatting Citation}, organizational commitment negatively affects
employee performance.

According to (Ardilasari, 2016) In his research, self-control (Self-control) is the
ability of humans to direct thoughts and actions. Self-control is indispensable for every
individual in resisting each particular temptation. While the research conducted
(Narahendra, 2019) mentions that Self-control negatively influences cyberloafing
behavior, it is recommended to upgrade the Self-control Officer.

Based on some of the problems described above, this study aims to explore the
influence of Cyberloafing behavior, organizational commitment, and changes in self-
control on employee performance, as well as how self-control moderates the impact of
Cyberloafing and organizational commitment to performance. The results of this study
are expected to provide theoretical insights for companies in developing strategies to
improve performance and overcome the negative impact of Cyberloafing. In practical
terms, this research is helpful for the author to broaden management horizons, provide
input for companies, and become a reference for future researchers who want to explore
the same topic, especially in the context of human resources related to Cyberloafing,
organizational commitment, and self-control.

Research Methods

In this study, descriptive quantitative methods are used. Descriptive quantitative
includes collecting data to test hypotheses or answer questions about the final status of
the research subject. This study examines the effect of Cyberloafing (X1) and
Organizational Commitment (X2) as independent variables on related variables
(Dependent Variable), namely Employee Performance (Y) with Self-control (Z) as a
moderating variable. The population in this study is Civil Servants of the Housing, Area,
Settlement, and Land Service of Kuningan Regency. In this study, all population members
are sampled because the population is small. So, the number of samples in this study is
70 Civil Servants of the Housing, Area, Settlement, and Land Office of Kuningan
Regency. The type of data used in this study is quantitative data. In this case, the
quantitative data needed are the number of employees, the number of employee SKP
values, and the questionnaire results. The data used in this study used two types of primary
data sources collected directly from the research object. Secondary data in this study were
obtained from reference books, research journals, the internet, and others.

This research data collection technique is by distributing questionnaires online
(through a Google form link) and distributing questionnaires presented in statements with
five answers in the form of Likert scales. Literature studies are carried out by studying
and taking data from related literature and other sources that are considered to provide
information about this research (Sugiyono, 2016). The author will use data analysis
techniques such as the instrument, validity, and reliability tests in this study. In this study,
descriptive analysis describes the characteristics of respondents and research variables,
including the average value, standard deviation, minimum and maximum values, and the
number of statement scores. The calculation process involves determining the ideal,

The Influence Of Cyberloafing And Organizational Commitment To Employee Performance
With Self-Control As A Moderation Variable

Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 1, January 2024 155

lowest, and criteria scores using percentage techniques. Furthermore, the data were tested
using SPSS software version 23 and several statistical tests, such as classical assumption
test, normality test, multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test, and hypothesis test.
Hypothesis testing involves a t-test, F-test, and Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA)
to identify the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable and the
moderating effect of other variables on the relationship. The coefficient of determination
is also used to measure the extent to which the model can account for the variation of the
dependent variable.

Results and Discussion
1. Research Results

a. Variable Description
The following are the results of a descriptive analysis conducted by researchers

using SPSS.
Table 1

Descriptive Analysis Results
Descriptive Statistics

N Range


m Sum Mean





c Statistic Statistic




r Statistic Statistic
g X1

70 10 20 30 1947 27.81 .385 3.223 10.385


70 22 24 46 2348 33.54 .487 4.071 16.571

Control Z

70 20 24 44 2339 33.41 .542 4.538 20.594

e Y

70 23 24 47 2355 33.64 .538 4.498 20.233

Valid N


Sumber: Hasil Output SPSS Version 23

Based on the table attached above, it can be seen that researchers have distributed

questionnaires to 70 respondents to collect data related to four variables consisting of
Cyberloafing (X1), Organizational Commitment (X2), Employee Performance (Y), and
Self-control (Z). The results show that this questionnaire's distribution has obtained a
good response from respondents.

Ginna Novarianti Dwi Putri Pramesti, Widya, Siti Ainul Kholipah, Mar’atus Solikhah,
Lutfiyatut Tamamiyah

Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 1, January 2024 156

b. Classical Assumption Test
1) Normality Test

Below are the results of normality tests using Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests that
researchers have conducted:

Table 2.
Normality Test with K-S Test

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
Unstandardised Residual
N 70
Normal Parameters,b Mean 33.6428571

Std. Deviation 4.17807185
Most Extreme Differences Absolute .080

Positive .075
Negative -.080

Test Statistic .080
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .049c
a. Test distribution is Normal.
b. Calculated from data.
c. Lilliefors Significance Correction.

From the test results of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test on the table, it was found
that the significance value (sig value) obtained was 0.49 in the 2-tailed test—sig value.
The obtained is greater than the significance level set at 0.05. This suggests insufficient
evidence to refute the null hypothesis, stating that the data used in this study have a normal
distribution. In other words, it can be concluded that the variables observed in this study
indicate a normal data distribution. Normal data distribution is essential in statistical
analysis because it allows statistical techniques that require average distribution
assumptions, such as t-tests and variance analysis (ANOVA). Therefore, the test results
of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test show that the data in this study can be analyzed using
appropriate statistical techniques.
2) Multicollinearity Test

Table 3
Multicollinearity Test Results




t Say.


Error Beta Tolerance BRIGHT

1 (Constant) -.723 2.247 -.322 .749
Cyberloafing .035 .065 .025 .544 .589 .060 1.042

.536 .110 .485 4.862 .000 .009 4.788

Self-control .461 .099 .465 4.665 .000 .009 4.780
a. Dependent Variable: Employee Performance

By referring to the table presented, it can be seen that there is not a single

independent variable with a Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) value that exceeds 10 in the
regression analysis. In addition, there are also no independent variables that have a
tolerance value of less than 0.1. Therefore, from these results, it can be concluded that
there is no indication of multicollinearity in this study. Multicollinearity refers to the
condition when there is a strong relationship between two or more independent variables

The Influence Of Cyberloafing And Organizational Commitment To Employee Performance
With Self-Control As A Moderation Variable

Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 1, January 2024 157

in a regression model. This can cause problems in the analysis, such as making the
regression coefficient unstable or difficult to interpret precisely. There are no signs of
multicollinearity in the research, so the analysis results can be relied upon and interpreted
3) Heteroscedasticity Test

Figure 1. Heteroscedasticity Test Results with Graphs

When looking at the scatter plot graph, it can be seen that the data points seem to

spread out randomly and do not form a specific clear pattern. In addition, the data points
are scattered above and below the zeros on the y-axis. This shows that there is no
heteroscedasticity in the regression model used. Therefore, regression models can reliably
see the influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable. In this case,
heteroscedasticity refers to unbalanced or uneven variations in data, which can lead to
inaccurate results in regression analysis. The regression analysis results can be considered
more valid without heteroscedasticity in the data. They can be used as a basis for making
conclusions and making predictions.
c. Double Linear Regression Analysis

Table 5
Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Test Results





T Say. B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) -.723 2.247 -.322 .749

Cyberloafing .035 .065 .025 .544 .049

.536 .110 .485 4.862 .000

Self-control .461 .099 .465 4.665 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Employee Performance

Looking at the table above, several significance values show the relationship

between several variables and performance. The analysis results show that the
significance value for the Cyberloafing variable is 0.049, while for the Organizational
Commitment variable, it is 0.000, and for the Self-control variable is 0.000. All three
variables showed a significant effect on performance simultaneously, with significance

Ginna Novarianti Dwi Putri Pramesti, Widya, Siti Ainul Kholipah, Mar’atus Solikhah,
Lutfiyatut Tamamiyah

Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 1, January 2024 158

values smaller than 0.05. Therefore, the hypothesis proposed is acceptable, meaning
Cyberloafing, Organizational Commitment, and Self-control significantly influence
performance. In other words, the higher the level of cyberloafing, the lower one's
organizational commitment and self-control, and the performance achieved also tends to
d. Test Coefficient of Determination (R2)

Table 6
Coefficient of Determination Test Results

Model Summary

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square
Std. Error of the

1 .889a .791 .785 2.106
a. Predictors: (Constant), Komitmen Organisasi X2, Cyberloafing X1
b. Dependent Variable: Employee Performance Y

Based on the table provided in this study, it can be concluded that the results of the

coefficient of determination (R2) test show that the employee performance value is 0.791
or 79.1%. This shows that the independent variables used in this study, namely
cyberloafing, organizational commitment, and self-control, can explain as much as 79.1%
variation in the dependent variable, namely employee performance. That is, the three
independent variables significantly influence employee performance.

However, there was still 20.9% of the variation in employee performance that the
three independent variables could not explain. This suggests that other variables outside
the model affect employee performance, which were not measured in this study.
Therefore, further research is needed to identify other variables that play a role in
influencing employee performance.
e. Interaction Test or Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA)

Table 7
Interaction Test Results or Moderated Regression Analysis





t Say. B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 13.034 16.927 .770 .044

Cyberloafing X1 -.342 .558 -.245 -1.694 .042
X2 Organization

.426 .296 .386 1.941 .045

Self Control Z .059 .501 .059 2.117 .007
Cyberloafing X1 * Self
Control Z

-.012 .017 .465 -1.677 .001

Commitment X2* Self
Control Z

.003 .008 .171 2.341 .034

a. Dependent Variable: Employee Performance Y

Based on the table above, the MRA equation is obtained as follows:
Y = α + b1X1 + b2X2 + b3Z + b4X1Z + b5X2Z
Y= 13,034 – 0,342 + 0,426 + 0,059 + 0,012 + 0, 003
And = Variable dependencies

The Influence Of Cyberloafing And Organizational Commitment To Employee Performance
With Self-Control As A Moderation Variable

Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 1, January 2024 159

α = Constanta
b1-5 = Regression coefficient of each variable
X1 = Cyberloafing variables
X2 = Organizational commitment variable
With = Variable self-control
X1Z = Interaction of cyberloafing variables with self-control variables
X2Z = Interaction of organizational commitment variables with self-control
The regression equation can be explained as follows:

The constant value of the regression equation above is 13.034. If all independent
variables are 0, then the Employee Performance Value is 13.034.

The independent cyberloafing variable (X1) shows a coefficient value of -0.342.
This means that for every increase in cyberloafing by one time, employee performance
will decrease by -0.342, assuming the other variables are constant.

The independent variable of organizational commitment (X2) shows a coefficient
value of 0.426. This means that for every increase in an organizational commitment by
one time, employee performance will increase by 0.426, assuming the other variables are

The self-control moderation variable (Z) showed a coefficient value of 0.059. This
means that for everyone's increase in self-control, employee performance will increase
by 0.059, assuming the other variables are constant.

The cyberloafing multiplication variable with self-control obtained a coefficient of
-0.012 with a significance level of 0.001 or less than 0.05. So, it can be concluded that
self-control can moderate cyberloafing on employee performance. In other words, self-
control as a moderation variable significantly strengthens the influence of cyberloafing
on employee performance.

The multiplication of organizational commitment with the self-control variable
obtained a coefficient value of 0.003 with a significance level of 0.034 or less than 0.05.
So, it can be concluded that self-control can moderate organizational commitment to
employee performance. In other words, self-control as a moderation variable significantly
strengthens the influence of organizational commitment on employee performance.
f. Uji Hypoplant
1) Test F

Table 8
Simultaneous Test Results (Test F)

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Say.
1 Regression 1123.698 2 561.849 126.624 .000b

Residual 297.288 67 4.437
Total 1420.986 69

a. Dependent Variable: Employee Performance Y
b. Predictors: (Constant), Self-control Z, Cyberloafing X1, Komitmen Organisasi X2

Based on the data in the table, statistical calculations show that the calculated F

value of the model is 126.624. This number shows that the calculated F result is greater
than the F value of the table, which is 3.130 (126.624 > 3.130), with a significance level
(sig.) of 0.000, which means less than the significance limit of 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05). From
these results, it can be concluded that the model used in the analysis has proven to be
precise and provides statistically significant results.

Ginna Novarianti Dwi Putri Pramesti, Widya, Siti Ainul Kholipah, Mar’atus Solikhah,
Lutfiyatut Tamamiyah

Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 1, January 2024 160

Furthermore, a calculated F value more significant than the table F value (f count >
f table) indicates a significant difference between the variables tested in the analysis.
These results also show that the model used in the analysis has successfully explained the
relationship between the variables tested well. Therefore, it can be concluded that the
model used in the analysis can be used to test hypotheses related to the variables tested.
2) Test t

Table 9.
t-Test Results for Each Variable





t Say. B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 13.034 16.927 .770 .044

Cyberloafing X1 -.342 .558 -.245 -1.694 .042
X2 Organization

.426 .296 .386 1.941 .045

Self Control Z .059 .501 .059 2.117 .007
Cyberloafing X1 * Self
Control Z

-.012 .017 .465 -1.677 .001

Commitment X2* Self
Control Z

.003 .008 .171 2.341 .034

a. Dependent Variable: Employee Performance Y

a. The Effect of Cyberloafing Behavior on Employee Performance

The regression testing results using the SPSS software program show a positive and
significant influence of Cyberloafing Behavior variables on Employee Performance. This
is reinforced by the beta value of the Cyberloafing Behavior variable, which is -0.342.
This influence is also supported by the calculated t-value of -1.694, more significant than
the t-table value of 1.668 (t-count -1.694 > t-table 1.668). In addition, a significant
probability value (Sig.) of 0.042 also indicates a significant difference between the two
variables, where the value is smaller than the predetermined alpha level of 0.05 (0.042 <

From these results, it can be concluded that the null hypothesis (H0), stating the
absence of influence between Cyberloafing Behavior and Employee Performance, must
be rejected. In contrast, the alternative hypothesis (H1), stating the existence of a negative
and significant influence between Cyberloafing Behavior and Employee Performance, is
accepted. That is, cyberloafing behavior can impact and improve employee performance,
and companies or organizations can consider reducing or addressing cyberloafing
behavior to improve employee productivity and performance.
b. The Effect of Organizational Commitment on Employee Performance

These results show that the Organizational Commitment variable contributes
positively and significantly to Employee Performance. A beta value of 0.426 indicates
that every one-unit increase in the Organizational Commitment variable will increase to
0.426 units in the Employee Performance variable. In addition, the t-test results show that
the calculated t-value of 1.941 is greater than the table t-value adjusted for the selected
significance level, which is 1.668. This shows that the Organizational Commitment
variable significantly influences the Employee Performance variable.

The Influence Of Cyberloafing And Organizational Commitment To Employee Performance
With Self-Control As A Moderation Variable

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Based on a significant probability value (Sig.) of 0.045, it can be concluded that
there is a 4.5% chance that the test results obtained are random errors since the Sig. The
value is smaller than the predetermined significance level of 0.05, so it can be concluded
that H0 (no influence between Organizational Commitment and Employee Performance)
should be rejected, and H2 (there is a significant influence between Organizational
Commitment and Employee Performance) is accepted. Therefore, the variable
Organizational Commitment has a significant effect on Employee Performance.
c. The Effect of Self-control Behavior on Employee Performance

These results show that Self-control variables contribute positively and
significantly to Employee Performance. A beta value of 0.059 indicates that every one-
unit increase in the Self-control variable will increase to 0.059 units in the Employee
Performance variable. In addition, the t-test results show that the calculated t-value of
2.117 is greater than the table t-value adjusted for the selected significance level, which
is 1.668. This shows that the Self-control variable significantly influences the Employee
Performance variable.

Based on a significant probability value (Sig.) of 0.007, it can be concluded that
there is a 0.7% chance that the test results obtained are random errors since the Sig.
Suppose the value is less than the predefined significance level of 0.05. In that case, it
can be concluded that H0 (no influence between Self-control and Employee Performance)
should be rejected, and H5 (a significant influence between Self-control and Employee
Performance) should be accepted. Therefore, the Self-control variable has a significant
effect on Employee Performance.
d. The Effect of Self-control Behavior in Moderating Cyberloafing on Employee

Based on the results of regression testing using SPSS software, it was found that

the Self-control variable had an effect in moderating Cyberloafing on Employee
Performance with a beta value of 0.012. This assessment is based on the calculation of a
calculated t value of -1.677, which is greater than the table t value of 1.668 (-1.677 >
1.668) and a significant probability value (Sig.) of 0.001 which is smaller than 0.05 (0.001
< 0.05). Therefore, the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected, and the alternative hypothesis
(H1) was accepted, which suggests that Self-control has an effect in negatively
moderating Cyberloafing on Employee Performance.
e. The Effect of Self-control Behavior in Moderating Organizational Commitment to

Employee Performance
Based on the results of regression testing using SPSS software, it was found that

the Self-control variable had an effect in moderating Organizational Commitment to
Employee Performance with a beta value of 0.003. This assessment is based on the
calculation of a calculated t value of 2.341, which is greater than the table t value of 1.668
(2.341 > 1.668) and a significant probability value (Sig.) of 0.034, which is smaller than
0.05 (0.034 < 0.05). Therefore, the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected, and the alternative
hypothesis (H1) was accepted, suggesting that self-control positively moderates the
organization's commitment to employee performance.
The following is a discussion of the test results that have been carried out on the Effect
of Cyberloafing on Employee Performance.

Based on the results of research that has been conducted, it was found that
Cyberloafing actions have a negative and significant influence on employee performance.
The earlier hypothesis proved correct with a t-count value much greater than the table's t-
value (-1.694 > 1.668), suggesting that cyberloafing significantly affects employee

Ginna Novarianti Dwi Putri Pramesti, Widya, Siti Ainul Kholipah, Mar’atus Solikhah,
Lutfiyatut Tamamiyah

Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 1, January 2024 162

performance. From these results, it can be concluded that Cyberloafing actions harm
employee performance.

After testing this research, results were found that align with research conducted by
Eko D. Palangda (2021). The results of this study show that although the effect of
cyberloafing behavior is minimal, it can significantly impact employees during the
learning period. Based on the research conducted, it was concluded that the cyberloafing
variable had a significant influence on the performance variable. However, the effect was
minimal, only 12.5%, so the higher the cyberloafing, the lower the performance and vice
versa, the lower the cyberloafing, the higher the performance in teaching teachers.

This finding is also reinforced by the research conducted by Devy Sofyanty (2021),
which shows a negative and significant relationship between job satisfaction and
cyberloafing behavior. That is, the lower the level of job satisfaction that a person has,
the higher the likelihood of cyberloafing behavior occurring. Conversely, the higher the
level of job satisfaction, the lower the likelihood of cyberloafing behavior occurring.

From this study, it can be concluded that cyberloafing behavior in employees in the
learning period can significantly impact their performance. Therefore, efforts need to be
made to reduce cyberloafing behavior in these employees, primarily by increasing their
job satisfaction.
a. The Effect of Organizational Commitment on Employee Performance

Based on the results of the research that has been conducted, there are findings that
there is a positive and significant influence of Organizational Commitment on Employee
Performance. These results are in line with the hypothesis proposed earlier. The study
showed a t-count value of 1.941, more significant than the table t value of 1.668 (1.941 >
1.668). This shows that Organizational Commitment significantly affects Employee

This research shows that organizational commitment positively and significantly
influences employee performance at the Ministry of Communication and Informatics
Jakarta. This finding aligns with the results of a previous study by Vivi in 2020. Previous
studies have also shown that organizational commitment positively and significantly
impacts employee performance, which Bernard C. Renyut and his colleagues proved in

Overall, this study confirms the importance of organizational commitment in
improving employee performance at the Ministry of Communication and Informatics
Jakarta and provides new insights for organizational management to understand and
improve employee performance through organizational commitment factors.
b. The Effect of Self-Control Behavior on Employee Performance

Based on the research results, it was found that Self-control positively and
significantly influences Employee Performance. This research was conducted to test
hypotheses that had been proposed previously. After analysis, a t-count value of 2.117
was obtained, much greater than the table t-value of 1.668 (2.117 > 1.668). This shows
that the effect of Self-control on Employee Performance is significant.

Research findings show that the higher the self-control employees possess, the
higher their performance. Employees who can control themselves and refrain from
temptations or distractions that interfere with their performance tend to perform better
than those who lack self-control.

This research is supported by (Lisdiana, 2021), who conducted a study to examine
the effect of self-control and cyberloafing behavior on employee performance during the
Covid-19 pandemic in elementary school employees in Kembang Kuning Village

The Influence Of Cyberloafing And Organizational Commitment To Employee Performance
With Self-Control As A Moderation Variable

Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 1, January 2024 163

Cepogo, Boyolali. The results showed that self-control positively affected employee
performance, and cyberloafing behavior harmed employee performance. In addition, the
research results by (Pearl, 2023) Support this research that the higher self-control owned
by employees will prevent employees from cyberloafing behavior, and employee
performance will remain good.
c. The Effect of Self-control Behavior in Moderating Cyberloafing on Employee

After research, it was found that Self-control has a positive and significant influence

in moderating the level of Cyberloafing, which impacts employee performance. These
findings are in line with the hypotheses proposed earlier in the study. The study revealed
that the t-count value was -1.677, much greater than the table t-value of 1.668 (-1.677 >
1.668). These results suggest that Self-control positively moderates the effect of
Cyberloafing on employee performance. The results showed that Self-control plays a vital
role in moderating the influence of Cyberloafing on employee performance.

The results of this study are under (Marriage and Death 2021) state that
cyberloafing caregivers harms employee performance, organizational commitment is not
able to be a factor in employee performance, changes in self-control have a positive or
significant effect on employee performance, moderation of cyberloafing behavior
changes can weaken and negatively affect employee performance, moderation of self-
control changes can strengthen and significantly influence organizational commitment on
employee performance.
d. The Effect of Self-control Behavior in Moderating Organizational Commitment to

Employee Performance
Based on the research results, it was found that Self-control has a positive and

significant influence in moderating Cyberloafing on employee performance. In this
context, Cyberloafing refers to the behavior of employees who spend their work time
accessing irrelevant or unproductive content on the internet, such as surfing social media
or watching videos online. On the other hand, self-control refers to an individual's ability
to control impulses and regulate their behavior. Overall, the study provides strong
evidence that self-control plays a vital role in limiting the negative impact of cyberloafing
on employee performance.

According to Catarina and Cori Paramitha (2021), changes in Self-control have a
positive or significant effect on employee performance. This is not confirmed by Dewi
Khikmatul Hidayahdan Agustin Handayani (2021) that the negative relationship between
self-control and cyber-loafing behavior towards civil servants in Office X of Central Java
Province. So the higher the self-control, the lower the cyber-loafing behavior carried out
by employees, and vice versa, the lower the self-control, the higher the cyber-loafing
behavior carried out by employees in the agency. However, not in line with the research
of Noratika Ardilasari and Ari Firmanto (2017), having low cyberloafing behavior,
employees must have high self-control at work so that employee productivity increases.
Employees with high self-control and integrity character at work will less often engage
in deviant behavior in the workplace, such as cyberloafing.


This research reveals that Cyberloafing behavior, Organizational Commitment, and
Self-control significantly influence employee performance. Cyberloafing shows a
negative impact, while Organizational Commitment and Self-control contribute

Ginna Novarianti Dwi Putri Pramesti, Widya, Siti Ainul Kholipah, Mar’atus Solikhah,
Lutfiyatut Tamamiyah

Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 1, January 2024 164

positively to performance. In addition, Self-control also serves as a moderator that
optimizes the impact of Cyberloafing and Organizational Commitment to performance.
As a suggestion, the Housing, Area, Settlement, and Land Office of Kuningan Regency
is advised to provide employees with a deeper understanding of these three factors and
strengthen efforts to improve employee self-control through training. As for future
research, expanding the variables studied and considering other research methods, such
as interviews, is advisable to obtain more in-depth and accurate data.

The Influence Of Cyberloafing And Organizational Commitment To Employee Performance
With Self-Control As A Moderation Variable

Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 1, January 2024 165

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