pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 01 January 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Doi: 10.59141/jist.v5i01.864 103
Estetika Iman Saputri
, Mugi Harsono
Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, Indonesia
*, mugiharsono_fe@staff.uns.ac.id
Keywords: Relationship
Quality; Ontology;
Epistemology; Methodology;
Online Marketing.
This study explores the concept of relationship quality from the
philosophy of science. The study focuses on the scientific paradigm that
forms the foundation and core of research. Relationship quality
emphasizes the importance of strong relationships in creating value for
customers and maintaining their loyalty in the long term. Marketing has
evolved from a product-oriented approach to a customer relationship-
oriented approach, making relationship quality the key to competitive
advantage. This study examines the philosophical perspective of science
concerning ontology, epistemology, methodology, and axiology. The
research method employed is a literature review to explore the
development of research on relationship quality. Mapping previous
research from 2016 to 2023 provides insights into the latest trends related
to the concept of relationship quality in the domain of online marketing.
The results identify information sharing, online relationship bonds, and
customer experience as antecedent variables of relationship quality,
while the consequence variables include the intention to co-create brand
value. This study proposes a research model of relationship quality from
these antecedent and consequence variables.
The assumptions and principles within research paradigms can aid and guide
scientific discoveries. Understanding the specific assumptions within these paradigms
assists in explaining the quality of research findings supporting scientific studies and
identifying areas where strong evidence may be lacking. Scientific research involves
systematically seeking knowledge from various research paradigms that hold beliefs
about how the world works (Park, Konge, & Artino Jr, 2020). These research paradigms
serve as philosophies of science, directing how scientific knowledge is formed by
establishing fundamental elements. These elements consist of several aspects, including
ontology (how reality is perceived), epistemology (how the nature of knowledge is
understood), axiology (the role and values of research processes), and methodology (the
process of scientific research). Comprehending scientific knowledge across these four
elements can provide a comprehensive overview for researchers across diverse fields
(Brun, Rajaobelina, & Ricard, 2016).
In marketing, Evert Gummesson introduced the concept of relationship quality to
marketing practitioners and researchers in 1985. Relationship quality is one of the pillars
of relationship marketing that emerged from marketing theory. Relationship marketing
aims to create and sustain value-added relationships among involved parties. Relationship
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quality evaluates the overall strength and depth of the relationship between a business and
its customers in meeting their goals, expectations, and desires. (Payne & Frow, 2017)
argued that a good relationship should possess quality elements that provide value to
customers and sustain the relationship in the long term. This view is supported by (Sheth,
2017), stating that relationship quality plays a vital role in building brand loyalty through
relationship marketing orientation. This measures relationship strength and emphasizes
the emotional bond and functional value of products or services (Zhou, Dong, & Zhang,
The concept of relationship quality continues to gain attention from researchers and
practitioners, focusing on the role of relationships perceived by customers. Relationship
quality is building a comprehensive process that nurtures and enhances personalized
customer relationships, cultivating a positive brand image. Marketing ideology has
shifted from a product-centric perspective to a service-oriented, customer-focused
approach among marketing communities. Providing high-quality goods and services is
increasingly perceived as a minimum requirement for competitiveness rather than a
source of superior performance. Long-term relationship quality with partners provides
companies with a foundation for competitive advantage and business success.
This study examines the concept of relationship quality through the lens of the
philosophy of science, considering aspects of ontology, epistemology, axiology, and
methodology. Prior research by (Novianti, Misbahussurur, Faozah, Noviyani, and
Khodijah, 2021) focused solely on ontology and epistemology concerning relationship
quality. This study complements existing literature by addressing axiological and
methodological aspects. This study aims to enrich the literature on relationship quality by
mapping research related to the subject published between 2016 and 2023, thus exploring
emerging trends associated with the concept of relationship quality.
(Aggarwal & Bhardwaj, 2016) conceptualized commitment in business as an
exchange partner's belief that the ongoing relationship is so vital that the committed party
strives to maintain it. The parties involved believe the relationship is worth maintaining
in the long term. This commitment represents an implicit or explicit promise about the
continuity of the exchange relationship (Tajvidi et al., 2021). Maintaining a valuable
relationship is based on greater responsibility for making the relationship flourishing,
satisfying, and profitable for both parties. Customers who perceive more significant
benefits from a relationship tend to have higher levels of commitment, thus making extra
efforts for the company in response to the benefits received in the past. Therefore,
commitment in a relationship helps reduce feelings of vulnerability and creates social
space for fostering long-term relationships among the parties involved (Osobajo & Moore,
Research Methods
This research uses a literature review study approach by mapping previous research
related to relationship quality within the philosophy of science. Research mapping related
to the antecedents and consequences of relationship quality was also conducted to address
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the empirical gap in existing literature reviews. Antecedents are factors that can influence
relationship quality, while consequences are factors that can be influenced by relationship
quality. The literature search focuses on the antecedents and consequences of relationship
quality in online marketing from 2016 to 2023, using the Scopus and Google Scholar
databases with keywords relationship quality, online relationship quality, and relationship
quality commerce.
Results and Discussion
Research mapping related to relationship quality focuses on its antecedents and
consequences within online marketing. The findings are presented in Table 1
Table 1
Research Mapping of Antecedents and Consequences of Relationship Quality between
and Ricard
Online Relationship Quality:
Testing an Integrative
and Comprehensive Model in
the Banking Industry
and Website
Aggarwal and
Assessing the impact of
relationship quality on online
Izogo, Reza,
Ogba, and
Determinants of relationship
quality and customer loyalty in
retail banking: Evidence from
Expertise, and
The impact of customer
experience on relationship
quality with travel agencies in a
multichannel environment
Feel, Sense, Act
and Relate
Hsu, Chen, and
How does social shopping
retain customers? Capturing
the essence of website quality
and relationship quality
Website quality
Narakorn and
Social Commerce Constructs
and Buyer-Seller Relationship
as a predictor of Intention to
Co-Creation in Branding
Rating and
Reviews, Forum
in Branding
Levin, Quach,
and Thaichon
Enhancing client-agency
relationship quality in
the advertising industry an
application of
project management
Relationship and
Lombard, and
The perceived influence
of relationship quality on
brand loyalty
Estetika Iman Saputri, Mugi Harsono
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 1, January 2024 106
Examining relationship quality
in e-tailing experiences: A
moderated mediated model
Aali, Bafandeh
Zendeh, and
The antecedents and
consequences of online
relationship quality in internet
Website quality,
bonds, and
Hossain, Jahan,
and Kim
A mediation and moderation
model of social support,
relationship quality, and social
commerce intention
Understanding the impact of
the relationship quality on
customer loyalty: The
moderating effect of online
service recovery
Al Nawas,
Altarifi, and
E-retailer cognitive and
emotional relationship quality:
their experiential antecedents
and differential impact on
brand evangelism
Utilitarian and
hedonic online
shopping values
WOM and
“I just like this e-Retailer”:
Understanding online
consumers' repurchase
intention from relationship
quality perspective.
Tajvidi, Wang,
Hajli, and Love
Brand value Co-creation in
social commerce: The role of
interactivity, social support,
and relationship quality
Intention to
brand Value
Hariguna, and
Understanding impact
sustainable intention of s-
commerce activities: The role
of customer experiences,
perceived value, and mediation
of relationship quality
Perceived value
and Customer
Zhou, Dong,
and Zhang
The impact of interpersonal
interaction factors on
consumers’ purchase intention
in social commerce: a
relationship quality perspective
with online
vendors and
Franck and
How social media use enhances
salesperson performance
Social media use
Based on the research mapping in Table 3, several findings were obtained regarding
the research on relationship quality evolving from year to year. The research context from
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2016 to 2019 was partly conducted on websites. Starting in 2020, studies were more
prevalent in social commerce, with social media as the utilized application. This indicates
that the research context is adapting to changes in consumer behavior in their online
shopping activities. Concerning the antecedents, there were various variables used in the
studies. Meanwhile, the variables most commonly used by researchers are the
consequences of relationship quality, loyalty, and purchase intention. The authors
propose several antecedent and consequence variables that are interesting and relevant
for further exploration.
Antecedents of Relationship Quality
Relationship quality is a concept that remains relevant, as evidenced by the
conducted research mapping. Researchers in the field of marketing are still extensively
exploring this concept. Therefore, the concept of relationship quality remains intriguing
for further investigation. Here are several antecedent variables outlined from the research
Information Sharing
Sharing information among exchange partners has significant benefits. This
practice helps set realistic customer expectations, provides clear explanations in easily
understandable language, and confirms that the company values the relationship (Izogo,
Reza, Ogba, & Oraedu, 2017). A critical approach to incorporating factors influencing
relationship quality is to see it from the perspective of business practices responsive to
consumer goals. (Canevello & Crocker, 2010) Suggest that these objectives contribute to
a cycle of responsiveness between individuals, ultimately enhancing the quality of
relationships between the parties involved. Therefore, when an organization is responsive
and actively assists customers in achieving their goals through a more significant
commitment to customer orientation and timely dissemination of information, it tends to
build quality consumer relationships.
Online Relationship Bonds
Relationship marketing involves forming bonds between companies and customers.
As cited by (Kousheshi et al., 2020), these bonds can be categorized into financial, social,
and structural. The first layer is financial bonds, where relationship marketing focuses on
attracting online customers through price incentives. It is often considered the lowest level
of online relationship marketing, as competitors can easily create similar price stability.
The second layer is social bonds, emphasizing the social elements arising from the
possibility of making online relationships more personal and rarely imitated by
competitors. The third level of relationship marketing is structural bonds for the issues
faced by online customers by providing the seller's maximum capability, thus
distinguishing them competitively from competitors.
Customer Experience
The main objective of marketing is to create a positive perception and
understanding of a product's value from the customer's perspective, arising from direct
transactional experiences (Rahardja et al., 2021). Through the concept of customer
experience, sellers can design strategies based on customer behavior to reach markets and
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establish competitive pricing. The customer experience concept involves five crucial
elements: sense, feeling, thinking, acting, and relating (Wisker, 2020). This concept
monitors digital marketing activities and assesses how customers interact with products.
S-commerce poses challenges due to sensory limitations, but digital content remains
significant in shaping customer perceptions. The customer experience concept continues
to evolve in research, with integration not fully realized in s-commerce. This concept
continues to adapt to the evolution of digital content in business and marketing.
Consequence of Relationship Quality
Loyalty and purchase intention are consequences of relationship quality that have
been extensively studied, yet other exciting variables exist to explore. Intention to co-
create brand value is a critical consequence variable in online marketing practices. This
variable depicts the relationship between buyers and sellers to create value that suits each
buyer's needs. This concept is rooted in value creation, where organizations utilize their
unique advantages to meet customers' real needs and gain a competitive advantage v
(Kousheshi et al., 2020). Co-creating brand value shifts the role of customers from passive
observers to active partners collaborating with the seller. It enables a shift from focusing
on products-centric logic to customer-centric logic. In this paradigm, companies
acknowledge that customers are a source of competence and must collaborate rather than
focus on producing core products (Narakorn & Seesupan, 2019). Value will be realized
when a company understands the customer value creation process and supports it with
product information transparency. Co-creation of brand value generates value through
consumer interactions with the brand, which can be applied through new design features
in social commerce.
Proposed Model of Relationship Quality
The proposed research model scheme can be described as follows based on
identifying antecedent and consequence variables of relationship quality.
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Figure 1
Antecedent and Consequence Model of Relationship Quality
Discussion of relationship quality from the perspective of the philosophy of science
provides a comprehensive overview of this concept from ontological, epistemological,
methodological, and axiological aspects. Regarding ontology, the dimensions of trust,
commitment, and satisfaction continue to be the three main dimensions of relationship
quality widely used by researchers. Epistemologically, relationship quality research
predominantly adopts a positivist approach with quantitative data collection
methodologies. The trend is consistent with the research mapping conducted between
2016 and 2023. Therefore, future research could adopt various qualitative methods such
as case studies, grounded theory, anthropology and ethnography, action research,
narrative research, or interactive to develop theories in the field of social sciences. Future
studies may also utilize a pragmatic approach with triangulation procedures to accord
equal importance to qualitative and quantitative research. The final part of the study
discusses developing the relationship quality concept in online marketing. The research
mapping identifies antecedent variables of relationship quality: information sharing,
online relationship bonds, and customer experience. Meanwhile, the consequence
variable is the intention to co-create brand value. Future research could adapt the
proposed model from this study to provide further empirical evidence. Investigations
should be carried out in the context of social commerce as an evolving marketing practice,
so further exploration is needed.
Intention to
Brand Value
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