p–ISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 1 January 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/

Doi: 10.59141/jist.v5i01.859 263



Wahyudi Widodo
STAI Ma'had Aly Alhikam Malang, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]


Keywords: Learning
Management, Qur'an Education
Park, Student Creativity.

Al Quran Education Park is a non-formal educational facility that aims
to improve the ability to read and write the Quran and understand Islam.
The number of bad records regarding the management of the Qur'an
Education Park (TPQ) and the large number of generations of Indonesian
Muslims who are illiterate of the Qur'an seems to be caused by a lack of
knowledge of the Qur'an and implementing learning management
properly and correctly. This study aims to describe learning management
in the Al-Qur'an Al-Hilal Education Park Malang. This research uses
qualitative or field. The results obtained in the learning planning stage
are held monthly between the management and the ustadz/ustadzah. In
organising learning, learning grouping activities consist of TPQ al-Hilal
consisting of group division, division of guardians and group assistants,
compiling, student entrance schedules, learning implementation times,
determining the material to be taught, and choosing the method used. In
the implementation of learning, it consists of 3 stages of learning, namely
introduction, core, and closing. There are two evaluations in the
evaluation of learning at TPQ al-Hilal: monthly and annual. The learning
used the UMMI Qur'an method and added creative archery, colouring,
or calligraphy activities.


Studying the Quran in the form of readings, writings, and contents contained in it
is the obligation of every Muslim so that it can be used as a guide in living life to achieve
the pleasure of Allah SWT (Nidhom, 2021). However, there are still many Indonesian
people who are illiterate about the Quran, so it needs to be faced seriously by Muslims in
Indonesia. This is by field facts where, according to research by the Institute of Qur'an
Sciences (IIQ) Jakarta states, in 2022, as many as 3,111 Muslims as a sample spread
across 25 provinces, 72.25% cannot read the Qur'an (NURHAFIDA, 2020). Previously,
data from the Indonesian Council of Mosques said that in 2019, as many as 65% of the
223 million Muslims in Indonesia were unable to read the Qur'an. Data on the
phenomenon of Qur'an illiteracy in Indonesia is very worrying; Muslims, especially in
Indonesia, must have high awareness, and parents need to instil this Qur'anic knowledge
from an early age in their children (Toha, Azis, Rao, & Abdurrahman, 2024). This is
because Muslims are the legitimate heirs of this Qur'an. After all, Allah has bequeathed
it to the servants of humanity, especially us who are Muslims.

Fatma explained that so that the number of Muslims who are illiterate of the Quran
does not increase, TPA education is the right choice to avoid this. Therefore, by making

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TPA (Taman et al.) a non-formal Islamic educational institution in the community, it can
provide opportunities for parents to educate their children and deepen Islamic education
so that TPA plays an essential role in preparing the next generation to be the development
and future of Indonesia.

Therefore, with the education organised by TPA, it is hoped that students, after
attending TPA, can read, write, understand, and practice the content of the Qur'an in
everyday life. To achieve this, quality TPA learning is needed for enjoyable, effective,
and efficient learning.

Students not only understand the Quran but also increase their creativity so that the
Quran and creativity can answer future challenges. To realise quality, practical, and
efficient learning, proper management is needed to support achieving educational goals.
Good management determines good or bad learning (Pasaribu, 2017). Learning will
succeed if managed well. Every time a teacher teaches a class, he must prepare in advance
the materials to be taught so that learning can run smoothly. Make evaluations of the
material to help students understand better (Norma Wati, 2023). Therefore, in this case,
researchers are interested in managing Tpq Al-Hilal Malang Learning to solve illiteracy
in reading the Quran and increase creativity.

There are several similar studies that are almost similar to this research as follows:
1) Training on Organizational Management of Al-Quran Education Park, Local
Community Development by (Fatma & Badaruddin, 2016) 2) Management Analysis of
the Al-Qur'an Tahfidz Program at Tpq Al-Munajah, Gowa South Sulawesi by (Nurfaimin,
Sumiati, & Muchtar, 2022), Sumiati 3) Education Quality Management in Improving
Student Achievement in MAN Kota Batu by Shobich Ulil Albab 4) Head Strategy
Management School in Building Organizational Culture in SMP Islam Terpadu
Luqmanul Hakim Aceh Besar', Management Strategy of the Principal in Building
Organizational Culture in SMP Islam Terpadu Luqmanul Hakim Aceh Bear by (Ilham &
Rahmat, 2021) 5) Education Management in Al-Quran Education Park by Ramadhana
Feni Sucia 6) Guidance Management of Al-Qur'an Education Park (TPA) in Arofah
Mosque, Bandung Hamlet and Songbanyu Hamlet 1, Songbanyu District, Gunung Kidul,
Special Region of Yogyakarta by (Muntoha, 2015) 7) Improving the Quality of Literacy
of the Qur'an by Al Ulum et al.

From the seven studies above, we can group them into four things: leadership
management in institutions. Management training in tahfidz programs, program
management analysis, and education management within institutions. With this, things
that have not been deeply touched are related to TPQ management, especially in
eradicating Quranic illiteracy and increasing students' creativity in an institution, where
the institution chosen in this case is the Al-Quran Education Park (TPQ) Al-Hilal in
Malang City.

The purpose of research, in this case, is to provide the latest images and ideas as
well as information to readers and the general public related to management in eradicating
Quranic illiteracy and also increasing the creativity of students so that with these two
things running, it is not surprising if it makes TPQ more popular because of the many

Learning Management of TPQ Al-Hilal Malang in Solving Illiteracy Reading The Quran And
Increasing Student Creativity

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activities carried out. The benefit is that this research can be one of the reference sources
in managing the Quran Education Park (TPQ) to make Muslims interested in participating
in it, especially young people and children.

Research Methods

The object studied and focused on is TPQ Al-Hilal Learning Management. The type
of research used is qualitative, also known as the field. This selection is because this study
seeks to express meaning descriptively through data sourced from literature related to the
problem of meaning contained through several data sources so that it can answer the
learning management. The approach used is descriptive, which the researcher will
describe in full detail.

The data sources used are primary and secondary. The primary source is observing
and interviewing the management and teachers from TPQ Al-Hilal in the field. Secondary
sources are obtained from reports, journals, books, articles, and others that describe
related learning management in TPQ.

The Analysis Method used belongs to B Miles and Huberman, which includes 1)
data reduction by collecting research data from primary and secondary sources related to
the focus of the problem under study, 2) data reduction by dividing data into several parts
between problem formulation and dividing into analysis, 3) data presentation 4) drawing
temporary conclusions for input and improvement, 5) Conduct analysis, and 6) Conclude.

Results and Discussion
Learning Management TPQ Al-Hilal Malang
1. Learning Planning

All activities must be based on planning because planning is essential in
organisations, especially lesson plans that connect teachers and students. Teachers hold
monthly meetings to plan lessons to discuss TPQ's vision statement (mission, goals,
curriculum, and lesson plan).

After planning the vision, mission, and goals of TPQ al-Hilal, namely curriculum
planning that will be used as a guide in teaching, the curriculum at TPQ consists of
subjects and extracurriculars. The subjects themselves are more about reading and writing
the Quran by grouping them into specific classes, namely the lower, middle, and upper
classes. The purpose of this division is to find out the children's abilities so that they can
be grouped in their respective classes so that the goal of reading and writing the Quran
will be more effective. As for extracurriculars, they are divided into archery and colouring
as an additional form of creativity for students at TPQ.

In addition, the management also plans a particular learning schedule and training
for administrators and ustadz/Ustadzah. The schedule is more for students, both in class
and outside the classroom. Meanwhile, training is more for teachers by bringing in certain
resource persons by the capacity and purpose held. This activity is usually carried out
only once a year.
2. Learning Grouping

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After a meeting with the ustadz and ustadzah TPQ. Then, the core management
determines the division of classes. In TPQ Al-Hilal, the division of groups is based on the
grade level of elementary school and the level of ability to read the Quran. In this case,
there are three levels. The initial level is usually high for students still in PAUD,
kindergarten, and grade 1. The intermediate level is usually grade 2 to grade 5 elementary
school, while the upper level is grade 6 elementary to junior high. However, this does not
apply when there are more intelligent students, meaning that the reading and writing of
the Quran are excellent, so they are adjusted to the class level of the Quran.
3. Learning Implementation

Learning must be carried out according to schedule and with ustadz/ustadz,
ustadzah, and group assistants who are planned and in groups. However, if you have an
RPP in Ustadz or Ustadzah and have not appeared, find the Ustadz or Ustadzah or change
it temporarily. In addition, the Chairman also always provides motivation and
participation to Ustaz and Ustaza to improve their performance in TPQ studies.

The implementation of daily learning is usually only carried out Monday to Friday
except on holidays or red dates. Wednesday's focus is on extracurricular learning of
archery and coloring. Monthly or semester activities are usually carried out in the middle
of the month, namely by outdoor learning or outside the classroom.
4. Learning Supervision

Supervision activities carried out in learning management aim to control the
activities of the learning process. This activity was carried out in the mosque room located
at the Al-Hilal mosque in Malang. In the activity of written learning, namely group 3,
students are given questions to do, and supervision carried out by ustadz / stanza is
waiting for students to do and control so that students do not cheat and do not make noise;
this is in (Mahanani, Mustari, Kurniawansyah, & Alqadri, 2023) opinion that supervision
is an effort to observe systematically and continuously, record, give explanations,
instructions, coaching and straighten out various things that are not right, as well as
correcting errors, and is the key to success in the overall management process.
5. Learning Evaluation

Learning evaluation is an assessment carried out by the ustadz / ustadzah to
determine students' level of ability during the learning process. At TPQ Al-Hilal, learning
evaluations are found in student achievement books. The student achievement sheet
consists of the student's name, volume, class, student address, day/date of the student
reading, page, re-information/resume, name of the ustadz/ustadzah who taught, and
teacher's check.

In addition, the evaluation carried out in this case for students there are monthly
and year-end evaluations. Where the monthly evaluation is only to see the activeness of
TPQ students, while the year-end evaluation is to see the ability of students so that in the
end-of-year exam, there are oral and practical exams. This aligns with Elis and Rusdiaya's
opinion that learning evaluation is a process to determine the value of learning through
measurement and assessment activities.

Learning Management of TPQ Al-Hilal Malang in Solving Illiteracy Reading The Quran And
Increasing Student Creativity

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From the results of the research that the author conducted on learning management

at TPQ Al-Hilal Malang, it can be concluded that the learning management process at
TPQ has carried out the functions of the learning management function itself, such as
learning planning, organising learning, implementing learning, supervising learning, and
evaluating learning. Its implementation in learning includes subjects that include reading
and writing the Quran through the Ummi and extracurricular methods as a forum for
developing creativity abilities through archery and colouring or calligraphy. All these
things are done to make students able to read and write the Quran so that it is far from the
illiteracy of the Quran and increases students' creativity.

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