pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 4, No. 12 December 2023 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 12, December 2023 1323
Muhammad Ishak
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: abrasion; climate
change; disaster; east Java;
Climate change causes sea waves to become stronger and affect
coastlines due to abrasion. Abrasion is when local sea levels rise and
drive strong waves that erode or wash away rocks, soil, and other
materials. Based on data collected from the National Disaster
Management Agency, there were 496 reports of disasters caused by
abrasion or tidal waves. Overall, there is a trend of increasing incidents
every year until it reaches a peak in 2022 with 145 reports of disaster
incidents. Identifying areas prone to marine abrasion disasters based on
the number of incidents in several regions, provinces, and districts is
essential to carry out in order to provide appropriate mitigation measures.
This research uses a systemic literature review method. This research
aims to identify the general profile of abrasion disasters in East Java
province. Identify the location of the incident, impact, and mitigation
regarding abrasion events in East Java province. According to data from
the National Disaster Management Agency, the results show that East
Java Province has a high frequency of abrasion incidents, ranking first
as the province with the most reports of abrasion incidents. A systemic
literature review conducted on thirteen pieces of literature found that the
Tuban and Situbondo areas were the most affected by abrasion incidents,
with abrasion incidents occurring more frequently in the North Coast
area of East Java province.
Climate change is causing sea waves to become stronger and endanger the coastline.
Rising sea levels and increasing wave intensity due to climate change can cause damage
to coastal areas, leading to abrasion and accretion (Susanti & SH, 2021). Beach erosion
is when local sea levels rise and drive strong waves that erode or wash away rocks, soil,
and other materials (Madani et al., 2023). A study finds that climate change has made
waves stronger, which will affect wave-driven coastal erosion (Bolívar & Meijer, 2016).
Based on data collected from the National Disaster Management Agency, there
were 496 reports of disasters caused by abrasion or tidal waves. Overall, there is a trend
of increasing incidents every year until it peaked in 2022, with 145 reports of abrasion
and tidal disasters. This disaster was reported to have occurred in most coastal areas in
Indonesia (Broccardo, Culasso, & Mauro, 2019). Several marine abrasion mitigation
strategies can be implemented, including Strengthening the resilience of beach
morphology, which involves placing additional sand on the beach to serve as a buffer
against erosion, Strategic planting of vegetation to anchor the sand and ensure its stability,
Hard structures such as walls or, Soft structures such as beach embankments or mangrove
planting (Utama, 2020). Each Mitigation action has its trade-offs and consequences.
Muhammad Ishak
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 12, December 2023 1324
Therefore, it requires consideration of various criteria and parties and careful planning
when implementing them (Snyder, 2019)
Identifying areas prone to marine abrasion disasters based on the number of
incidents in several regions, provinces, and districts is essential to carry out in order to
provide appropriate mitigation measures (Baker, 2016). East Java has the highest number
of reported incidents of abrasion and tidal waves in Indonesia, based on data from BNPB.
This research aims to identify the general profile of abrasion disasters in East Java
province (Maulana, Wulan, Wahyuningsih, Mahendra, & Siswanti, 2016). Identify the
location of the incident, impact, and mitigation regarding abrasion in East Java province.
Research Methods
This research uses a systemic literature review method. A systemic literature review
is a planned review to answer a specific research question by using a systematic and
explicit methodology to identify, select, and critically evaluate the research results
included in the literature review (Rinjani, Panbriani, Auliya’Amalina, & Artayasa, 2022).
Systematic literature review research can be considered original research because it uses
a rigorous methodological approach. Several stages that can be carried out regarding
systemic literature reviews include:
a. Asking Research Questions - A systematic literature review should start with a well-
formulated, well-defined research question that can help in the decision-making
process to determine which articles will be included in the literature review.
b. Finding Literature: Use several sources for scientific literature. As far as possible, the
literature sources used can be primary literature database sources or articles published
in conference proceedings.
c. Critical Evaluation of Studies: Use specific criteria to determine the validity of selected
studies. This approach facilitates the decision-making process in determining which
articles to include in the literature review.
d. Data Collection: Describe each study's methodological approach (variables, sample,
measures, and data analysis) and findings, allowing comparisons between and among
the selected studies.
e. Data Analysis and Reporting: Research must be grouped based on similarities in
methodology. Numerical and graphical presentation of results should also be discussed
in the review to facilitate readers' understanding of the findings.
f. Interpretation of Findings, Strength of evidence, use of findings, and new things in the
literature can be highlighted.
g. Updating the Review: A systematic literature review will provide recommendations to
other researchers regarding what should be addressed in the following review.
This research reviews journals using the following criteria
1. Published between 2019-2023 (last four years)
2. Contains the queries "Abrasion" and "East Java."
With these criteria, 13 journals were obtained that met the following details
Abrasion Disaster Profile, Impact And Abrasion Mitigation Efforts In East Java Province
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 12, December 2023 1325
Table 1
list of journals for literature review materials
Ervianto, A., & Hariyanto, B
Analysis of the Impact of Beach
Abrasion on the Social Environment in
Bancar District, Tuban Regency
Erwanto, Z., & Masluha, U
Artificial Temple Reef Conservation
Technology to Control Coastal Abrasion
on Tabuhan Island, Bangsring Village,
Wongsorejo District, Banyuwangi
Fuad, MAZ, Fajari, AK, &
Hidayati, N
Modeling and Analysis of Coastline
Changes in Situbondo Regency, East
Mutawibbillah, AF, Listriyana,
A., & Leonard, R
Identification and Analysis of Coastal
Protective Buildings on Jalan Pantura,
Situbondo Regency.
Janah, L., Nugraha, ASA, Yanti,
RA, & Nuraini, L
The Application of Landsat 8 OLI to
Identify Shoreline Change in 2000
2020 in Muncar Sub-District
Chairani, C., Saraswati, R., &
Shidiq, IP A
Identification of changes in mangrove
areas toward shoreline changes on the
East Coast of Surabaya 2004-2017
Irawan, LY, Sumarmi, Bachri, S.,
Rosbella Devy, MM, Faizal, R.,
& Prasetyo, WE
Coastal Community Resilience Planning
Toward Disaster: A Case Study on
Coastal Area in Malang Regency, East
Java, Indonesia
Sadewai, AH
Overcoming Coastal Damage with
Mangrove Rehabilitation on Bahak
Beach, Probolinggo
Miranda, NA, Bintoro, RS, &
Prasita, VD
The Pattern of Coastline Changes and
Wave Modeling around the Expansion
of PPI Popoh Tulung Agung, East Java
Utami, AUS, & Luthfi, OM
Role Of Local Disaster Management
Authority For Facing High Tide Disaster
At Pacitan Bay
Armono, HD, Citrosiswoyo, W.,
& Muzaki, FK
Training on Making Artificial Reefs as
an Effort to Mitigate Beach Abrasion in
Tlangoh Village
Putri, FNDS, Mazaya, A., &
Wicakrani, DC
Planning for Fly Ash and Lapindo Mud
Geopolymer Concrete Tetrapods at
Mimbo Harbor Breakwater, Situbondo.
Tyas, YIW, Koeshardjono, RH,
Yatiningrum, A., Amani, T.,
Rahajeng, Y., Putri, WM,
Febryanti, WW, Nirbaya, NPA, &
Hasanah, A.
Mangrove Planting as an Effort to
Prevent Abrasion in Pabean Village,
Dringu District, Probolinggo Regency
In addition to this study, researchers used disaster data related to abrasion disasters sourced
from the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) website to identify the general profile
of disasters in East Java Province.
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Results and Discussion
Identification of 496 abrasion disaster incident reports obtained from the National
Disaster Management Agency, which were then mapped according to the province of
occurrence, can be seen in Figure 1.
Figure 1 Distribution of abrasion incidents in Indonesia
Figure 1. Shows the distribution of the most abrasion incidents on Sumatra, Java,
and Sulawesi islands. Sorting data for the ten provinces with the most reported abrasion
incidents can be seen in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Distribution of abrasion incidents in the ten provinces with the highest
Abrasion Disaster Profile, Impact And Abrasion Mitigation Efforts In East Java Province
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 12, December 2023 1327
Based on the description of the distribution map, East Java province is the province
with the highest distribution of abrasion incidents in Indonesia. Specifically, the location
of the distribution of abrasion in the districts in East Java province is in the picture.
Figure 3. Distribution of abrasion incidents in East Java Province
Based on the results of a review of research in the literature, it was found that most
of the incidents occurred in the northern part of East Java; some information regarding
the location of the impact abrasion disaster and the forms of mitigation that have been
carried out (Setyati et al., 2018).
Table 2
Identification of abrasion locations in East Java province
Forms of Mitigation
Bancar District,
Tuban Regency
Due to the high abrasion rate in several
villages in Bancar District, which damaged
their homes, several residents shifted their
livelihoods. Bancar District, on the west
side, has a reasonably large port and is used
as a place for fish auctions, making people
living on the coast of Bancar District work
as fish traders and fishermen. (Ervianto &
Hariyanto, 2021)
The mitigation measures that
have been carried out have
not been explained, but the
author recommends planting
mangroves in areas affected
by the abrasion disaster.
Damage to coral reef ecosystems and
erosion of coastal areas (Erwanto &
Masluha, 2019)
Construction of an Artificial
Temple Reef
Muhammad Ishak
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 12, December 2023 1328
Forms of Mitigation
The area that experiences abrasion is an
open area with no coastal protection, like
the beach.
Tampora, Banyuglugur District settlement,
empty land near the Suboh District pond,
settlement, and Mlandingan fish auction
place. The impact of high waves causes
scouring, resulting in abrasion and
deterioration of the coastline and an
increase in the steepness of the beach.
(Fuad et al., 2021)
Mitigation measures that have
been taken have not been
North Beach
Area, Situbondo
Erosion of buildings and infrastructure
(road border areas) that have been built.
(Mutawibbillah et al., 2022)
There are seven coastal
protection buildings in
Situbondo Regency. 6 of
them are revetment beach
protection buildings with a
length of 2,449 meters, 1
type of jetty beach protection
building with a length of 2.12
meters, and a natural BPP
mangrove protection building
with a length of 3,170
There is a receding coastline in most of the
observed areas (comparing the 2020
coastline with the 2000 coastline). Six of
the seven observed villages experienced
abrasion or erosion of the coastline. (Janah
et al., 2022)
Mitigation measures that
have been taken have not
been explained.
East Coast,
There was a reduction in the mangrove
area of 168 hectares which occurred in six
villages; there was the erosion of an area of
18 hectares, with the highest level of
abrasion being in the Keputih village
database (2004-2017) (Chairani et al.,
Mitigation measures that
have been taken have not
been explained.
The abrasion incident impacts the tourism
sector in the Gajahrejo area; the increasing
wave of abrasion has caused several tourist
locations to be closed due to damage to
existing tourism facilities due to increased
abrasion incidents. (Irawan et al., 2021)
The mitigation measures that
have been carried out have
not been explained.
However, researchers have
recommended the
construction of coastal
protective structures and
increasing community
capacity in dealing with
abrasion disasters.
Bahak Beach,
The erosion of coastal areas has resulted in
a reduction in mangrove areas (Sadewai,
Planting or rehabilitating
Abrasion Disaster Profile, Impact And Abrasion Mitigation Efforts In East Java Province
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 12, December 2023 1329
Forms of Mitigation
Tulung Agung,
East Java
Erosion occurs in the area north of the
Popoh fish landing base; the results of the
erosion then become sediment transport
towards the direction of the Popoh fish
landing base (Miranda et al., 2023)
Mitigation measures that
have been taken have not
been explained.
Pacitan Bay
The increase in the intensity of sea waves
and abrasion events impacts the
ecosystem's condition, especially the coral
reef ecosystem in Pacitan Bay. Most of the
coral reefs have experienced death and
damage. (Utami & Luthfi, 2019)
Mitigation measures that
have been taken have not
been explained.
Tlangoh Village,
Tanjong Bumi
This abrasion is of great concern to the
people around Tlangoh Beach, who
depend on this beach for their economic
livelihood. It is feared that increasingly
severe abrasion will reduce tourist visits,
which could reduce income for the people
there. With the current abrasion
conditions, the people of Tlangoh Village,
especially those living around the beach,
feel anxious because the damage to the
beach will reduce tourist visits as well as
disrupt fishing activities around the beach
(Armono et al., 2023)
By placing simple protective
stones (but not effective yet),
researchers are training to
create artificial coral reefs to
reduce waves and abrasion.
Mimdo Harbor,
The extent of erosion in the outer area of
the pool in Mimbo Harbor (Putri et al.,
Formation of concrete
tetrapods mixed with
geopolymer fly ash and
Lapindo mud
Dringu District,
The abrasion event resulted in erosion and
damage to several coastal border areas in
the villages of Pabean and Dringu (Tyas
et al., 2023)
Mangrove planting in front
of the village area.
Based on the information obtained, most areas affected by abrasion have not carried
out mitigation efforts, so the resulting impacts are worsening. Mitigation efforts using
natural mitigation by planting mangroves are the most frequently used option because of
their ease and low cost.
Muhammad Ishak
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 12, December 2023 1330
Figure 4. Distribution of mitigation measures for abrasion incidents
Figure 4 shows the distribution of abrasion incident areas in East Java Province
based on a systematic literature study; not all areas affected by abrasion incidents have
been handled or mitigated, and there are still abrasion incidents that have not been
East Java province is one of the provinces with a high frequency of abrasion
incidents, ranking first as the province with the most reports of abrasion incidents
according to data from the National Disaster Management Agency. A systemic literature
review conducted on thirteen pieces of literature found that the Tuban and Situbondo
areas were the most affected by abrasion incidents, with abrasion incidents occurring
more frequently in the North Coast area of East Java province.
Abrasion Disaster Profile, Impact And Abrasion Mitigation Efforts In East Java Province
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 12, December 2023 1331
Baker, Joy Don. (2016). The purpose, process, and methods of writing a literature review.
AORN Journal, 103(3), 265269.
Bolívar, Manuel Pedro Rodríguez, & Meijer, Albert J. (2016). Smart governance: Using
a literature review and empirical analysis to build a research model. Social Science
Computer Review, 34(6), 673692.
Broccardo, Laura, Culasso, Francesca, & Mauro, Sara Giovanna. (2019). Smart city
governance: exploring the institutional work of multiple actors towards
collaboration. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 32(4), 367387.
Madani, Ali, Krause, Ben, Greene, Eric R., Subramanian, Subu, Mohr, Benjamin P.,
Holton, James M., Olmos Jr, Jose Luis, Xiong, Caiming, Sun, Zachary Z., &
Socher, Richard. (2023). Large language models generate functional protein
sequences across diverse families. Nature Biotechnology, 18.
Maulana, Edwin, Wulan, Theresia Retno, Wahyuningsih, Dwi Sri, Mahendra, IWWY, &
Siswanti, Etik. (2016). Strategi pengurangan risiko abrasi di pesisir Kabupaten
Rembang, Jawa Tengah.
Rinjani, Elya Kartika, Panbriani, Septi, Auliya’Amalina, Ummi, & Artayasa, I. Putu.
(2022). Mitigasi bencana abrasi pantai melalui penanaman mangrove di Desa
Seriwe, Jerowaru Lombok Timur. Jurnal Pengabdian Magister Pendidikan IPA,
5(1), 226230.
Setyati, Wilis Ari, Rezagama, Arya, Agustini, Tri Winarni, Hidayat, Yusup, Wishnu,
Narendra Prasidya, & Wulandary, Dyah Ayu. (2018). Inovasi penanganan mitigasi
bencana Desa Bedono Kecamatan Sayung Demak akibat efek abrasi. SNKPPM,
1(1), 198200.
Snyder, Hannah. (2019). Literature review as a research methodology: An overview and
guidelines. Journal of Business Research, 104, 333339.
Susanti, Diah Imaningrum, & SH, M. (2021). Penafsiran Hukum: Teori dan Metode.
Sinar Grafika (Bumi Aksara).
Utama, A. A. Gde Satia. (2020). The implementation of e-government in Indonesia.
International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147-4478),
9(7), 190196. https://doi.org/10.20525/ijrbs.v9i7.929