pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 12 Desember 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 5802
Adoption of social media in The Creative MSMEs Sector
Through a Bibliometric Approach
Zahril Maulana Jilham Al'ula1*, Lissa Rosdiana Noer2
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia1,2
Email: [email protected]1*, lissarosdiananoer@gmail.com2
Keywords: Bibliometric
Analysis; Creative MSMEs;
Social Media Adoption
In today's digital era, the adoption of social media by creative
micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) is increasingly
essential for marketing strategies and customer engagement. This
research aims to investigate social media adoption among creative
MSMEs, identify existing trends, and analyze factors influencing
platform use. Through a bibliometric analysis approach, the study
examines relevant literature to gain insights into the dynamics of
social media adoption in the context of creative MSMEs. The
findings reveal a significant rise in publications on MSMEs and
social media, particularly since 2008, indicating a growing
recognition of social media's role in marketing strategies. Key
factors influencing adoption include MSME owners' knowledge
and skills, managerial support, and resource availability.
Although challenges like technical skill limitations and costs
remain, social media’s potential to enhance customer engagement
and loyalty highlights the need for greater attention. This study
concludes by underscoring the importance of additional support,
such as training and resources for MSMEs, and suggests further
research to explore social media adoption longitudinally and
examine the impact of cultural factors.
The advancement of information and communication technology (ICT) has
transformed business operations globally. One of the most significant outcomes is the rise
of social media as an effective tool for marketing and communication. Data from 2023
shows that global social media users have reached 4.8 billion, presenting substantial
opportunities for businesses, including micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs)
(Kemp, 2023).
Obi et al. (2018), highlight MSMEs as key drivers of economic development. In
developed regions like the European Union, MSMEs account for over 66% of jobs and
contribute approximately 57% of added value (Muller et al., 2017). In Indonesia, MSMEs
contribute 61% of the nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and employ 97% of the
workforce (Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian Republik Indonesia, 2023).
Given the significant role of MSMEs, understanding how social media adoption
influences their growth and sustainability is essential. Research by (dos Santos et al.,
2020) indicates that MSMEs that quickly adapt to digital changes, including social media,
Adoption of social media in The Creative MSMEs Sector Through a Bibliometric Approach
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 5803
tend to perform better in the market. (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010) further suggest that social
media can enhance marketing strategies by enabling companies to interact directly with
consumers and build a community around their brand.
Social media provides numerous benefits, including increased visibility, expanded
market reach, and strengthened customer relationships (Febrianty et al., 2019). However,
despite its vast potential, many MSMEs have yet to fully adopt or utilize social media
effectively. Research by Fashoro & Barnard (2017) and Kumar and Nanda, (2023)
indicates that barriers such as limited technical skills and insufficient managerial support
hinder social media adoption among many MSMEs.
Social media adoption among creative MSMEs is an important area of research.
MSMEs in the creative sector, which includes industries such as arts, crafts, and media,
often use unique marketing approaches and customer engagement strategies. These
businesses typically rely on creativity and innovation to promote their products and
services (Chai & Fan, 2018). Consequently, understanding how MSMEs in this sector
utilize social media and what factors influence their adoption is crucial. For MSMEs,
social media provides a more affordable marketing channel than traditional methods,
which are often costly and require substantial resources (Mühl-Benninghaus, 2013).
The adoption of social media by MSMEs has become increasingly urgent due to
drastic changes in consumer behavior resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. López-
Salazar et al. (2023) note that many MSMEs have experienced a significant decrease in
income and must implement digital strategies to survive. Social media not only aids in
retaining existing customers but also in attracting new ones (Thomkaew et al., 2018). It
offers various benefits for MSMEs, including increased customer engagement, reduced
marketing costs, and the ability to reach potential customers (Wibawa et al., 2022). High
levels of customer engagement can drive consumer loyalty and foster long-term, mutually
beneficial relationships. According to research by Hmoud et al. (2022), interactions
conducted through social media can directly influence customer purchasing decisions.
For creative MSMEs, social media is a vital tool for showcasing their work and
attracting a broader audience. Research indicates that MSMEs active on social media can
enhance consumer interaction and boost sales (Fakhreldin & Miniesy, 2023). The
significance of social media in business is further underscored by findings that show
companies engaged on these platforms can increase their visibility and brand awareness
(Juniarti & Azizah, 2021). However, many MSMEs remain entrenched in traditional
business practices and lack a clear understanding of how to utilize social media
Several studies have examined the factors influencing social media adoption in
the context of MSMEs. For instance, research by Manuti et al. (2016) found a strong
correlation between the technical knowledge and training received by MSMEs and their
adoption of social media. Similarly, (Omar & Sulaiman, 2024) demonstrated that
awareness of social media's potential significantly influences MSMEs' decision to adopt
these platforms. Additionally, various barriers to social media adoption have been
identified. According to (Fakhreldin et al., 2020), internal factors such as limited human
Zahril Maulana Jilham Al'ula, Lissa Rosdiana Noer
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 5804
resources and inflexible organizational structures contribute to the low utilization of
social media among MSMEs. Conversely, support from the government and related
institutions has been shown to play a crucial role in assisting MSMEs with their transition
to digital (Talukder et al., 2018).
This research aims to explore the trends and factors influencing social media
adoption among creative MSMEs. By employing a bibliometric analysis method, this
research seeks to provide an overview of how MSMEs adopt social media based on
existing literature. The findings are anticipated to contribute to the academic
understanding of social media adoption within MSMEs and offer practical insights for
stakeholders, including business owners and government officials. With the information
derived from this study, stakeholders will be better equipped to design effective policies
and programs that support MSMEs in adopting digital marketing tools, mainly social
Research Methods
This study utilizes a bibliometric analysis approach. Bibliometrics is a statistical
method that calculates bibliographic information to evaluate and measure the growth of
literature on a specific subject (Sillet, 2013). Bibliometrics seeks to understand the
scientific relationships that exist among publications (De Solla Price, 1965). The analysis
was conducted using the 'Bibliometrix' package in RStudio, along with its visualization
tool 'Biblioshiny' (Aria & Cuccurullo, 2017). This software provides visual
representations of data that offer insights for ongoing and future research.
The research method begins with the development of research questions and
objectives. Once the parameters and objectives are established, the article collection stage
is conducted. This study utilizes Scopus and Web of Science as database sources. Three
search strings were used to identify relevant articles, targeting social media adoption,
creative MSMEs, and related factors and challenges. Details of these search strings are
provided in Table 1.
Table 1. String Keyword
Social Media Adoption
"Social Media Adoption" OR "Social Media Usage" OR "Digital
Marketing" OR "Social Networks"
Creative MSMEs
"Micro Small Medium Enterprises" OR "MSMEs" OR "Small
Businesses" OR "Creative Industries"
Factors and Challenges
"Factors Influencing" OR "Barriers" OR "Benefits" OR
"Challenges" OR "Opportunities" OR "Customer Engagement"
OR "Online Presence" OR "Business Growth"
Complete String
("Social Media Adoption" OR "Social Media Usage" OR "Digital
Marketing" OR "Social Networks") AND ("Micro Small Medium
Enterprises" OR "MSMEs" OR "Small Businesses" OR "Creative
Industries") AND ("Factors Influencing" OR "Barriers" OR
Adoption of social media in The Creative MSMEs Sector Through a Bibliometric Approach
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 5805
"Benefits" OR "Challenges" OR "Opportunities" OR "Customer
Engagement" OR "Online Presence" OR "Business Growth")
Source: Research data compiled based on search keywords in Scopus and Web of Science (2024)
In conducting a bibliometric analysis, it is essential to assess the quality of articles
to ensure the selection of relevant studies. Specific procedures must be followed to obtain
articles that meet the research criteria. Table 2 outlines the procedures for selecting
articles based on these criteria.
As a guide in conducting bibliometric analysis, the PRISMA flowchart helps to
identify, assess, and interpret answers to predefined research questions (Aliyah &
Mulawarman, 2020). The review procedure consists of four steps: (1) identification, (2)
screening, (3) data inclusion, and (4) analysis. Figure 1 presents the PRISMA flowchart,
which illustrates the systematic research process starting with identification through
searches in two databases, Scopus and Web of Science, generating a total of 258
documents. The screening process followed to assess document relevance for social
media adoption in the creative MSME sector, as outlined in Table 2, resulted in 152
selected documents after excluding those that did not meet the criteria. A second
screening step was conducted to remove duplicate entries, eliminating 24 documents.
Ultimately, a total of 128 documents were identified and recorded for bibliometric
analysis. Table 2. Article Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
Research Focus
Articles discussing social
media adoption within
creative MSMEs
Articles not related to social
media adoption or not focused on
creative MSMEs
Publication Characteristics
Peer-reviewed journal
Non-article documents, such as
conference papers, book
chapters, or notes
Articles written in English
Articles written in languages
other than English
Source: Adaptation of PRISMA's article selection method, (2024)
Zahril Maulana Jilham Al'ula, Lissa Rosdiana Noer
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 5806
Figure 1. PRISMA Flow Diagram
Results and Discussion
Table 3. Main Information Data
Source: The data were processed from the results of bibliometric analysis, (2024)
Publications on social media adoption in MSMEs indicate that this body of
literature began emerging in 1998 and has continued to expand through 2025, with 128
documents published across 111 distinct sources. A total of 373 authors contributed to
this research, with only 28 publishing independently, highlighting the collaborative nature
Adoption of social media in The Creative MSMEs Sector Through a Bibliometric Approach
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 5807
of this field. The relatively low rate of international collaboration, at 7.03%, suggests that
research on this topic remains geographically concentrated. Each document averages
nearly three authors, reflecting a trend of team-based research. The use of 491 unique
keywords further demonstrates the thematic diversity within this literature, encompassing
various issues related to social media adoption by MSMEs.
The average citation count per document reached 18.65, suggesting that the articles
within this literature have a notable impact in academic circles. Although no references
were detected, the high citation rate underscores the relevance and value of research in
this field. These findings provide insights into the dynamics of social media adoption
among MSMEs, highlighting the need for greater international collaboration and an
expansion of references to enrich future research.
Overall, the graph in Figure 2 demonstrates a clear increase in scientific
publications over time, particularly after 2008, with a continued upward trend despite
occasional fluctuations. Specific years, such as 2020, show notable variation, likely due
to the global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic introduced a new
dimension to this research area, as it pushed MSMEs to adopt digital tools, including
social media, to navigate economic challenges resulting from social restrictions and
regional lockdowns (Syaifullah et al., 2021). The recent surge in publications suggests
that this topic is now a major focus among researchers. The rapid growth in this area
signals potential for further exploration, especially given the ongoing digital
Figure 2. Publication Trends
Table 4. Relevant Publication Sources
Publication Source
Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies
Case Journal
Cogent Business and Management
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business
Isra International Journal of Islamic Finance
Journal of Business Strategy
Zahril Maulana Jilham Al'ula, Lissa Rosdiana Noer
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 5808
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development
Journal of Sustainable Tourism
Review of International Geographical Education Online
Sage Open
Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal
Source: Data processed from the results of bibliometric analysis, (2024)
Table 4 presents the most relevant publication sources in research on social media
adoption among MSMEs, with 'Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies' identified as
the most productive source, contributing a total of seven articles. This indicates that the
journal serves as a significant platform for research focused on case studies related to
entrepreneurship and small business marketing management, fostering robust academic
discussions in this field. The second most prolific source is the 'Case Journal,' which
includes three articles. Additionally, several other journals, such as 'Cogent Business and
Management,' 'International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business,' 'Isra
International Journal of Islamic Finance,' 'Journal of Business Strategy,' 'Journal of Small
Business and Enterprise Development,' 'Journal of Sustainable Tourism,' 'Review of
International Geographical Education Online,' 'Sage Open,' and 'Sustainability,' each
contributed two articles. The 'Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal' and 99 other journals
contributed one article each. While these contributions are fewer in number than those
from the leading journals, they nonetheless play a crucial role in addressing the academic
challenges faced by MSMEs in adopting social media. Collectively, these journals
provide a diverse framework for understanding the factors influencing social media
adoption among creative MSMEs, reflecting the multidisciplinary integration essential to
this study.
Figure 3. Most Cited Documents
Figure 3 lists the most cited documents globally in the context of research on social
media adoption among MSMEs, with the study by Schwarz et al. (2009) receiving the
highest number of citations, totaling 272. This indicates that this work has significantly
Adoption of social media in The Creative MSMEs Sector Through a Bibliometric Approach
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 5809
influenced both theoretical and practical developments in the field. Other notable
contributions include articles by Heredia Pérez et al. (2019) and Aldrich et al. (2016),
each of which has garnered substantial citations, reflecting their important roles in
discussions surrounding strategies and policies related to social media use. Additionally,
the works of Boehe (2013) and Zhao et al. (2010) enhance the understanding of regional
innovation and development within the context of MSMEs.
Figure 4. Co-occurrence Network
Figure 4 presents the co-occurrence network, illustrating the relationships between
themes in research on social media adoption among MSMEs. This map visualizes how
different keywords or themes are interconnected, with the size and position of the dots
indicating the frequency and strength of these relationships. The most prominent central
themes are 'social networks' and 'commercial phenomena,' which demonstrate strong
linkages with other concepts, such as 'small business,' 'SMEs,' and 'social media.' This
relationship highlights the significant role of social media in shaping interactions between
small businesses and consumer behavior, elucidating the factors influencing the adoption
of social media by creative MSMEs. Additionally, keywords such as 'interviews,'
'qualitative research,' and 'procedures' reflect the methodologies commonly employed in
these studies. Overall, this map not only enhances understanding of how these themes
interact but also provides a clear overview of a vibrant and relevant research area, offering
insights for researchers to investigate existing relationships in future studies.
Zahril Maulana Jilham Al'ula, Lissa Rosdiana Noer
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 5810
Figure 5. Thematic Map
Figure 5 presents a thematic map illustrating the relationships among various
themes in the literature concerning social media adoption and creative MSMEs, using two
dimensions: the degree of relevance and the degree of development. Themes located in
the upper-right quadrant, such as 'adoption,' 'innovation,' and 'social media,' signify that
these areas are not only highly relevant but also rapidly growing in the literature,
indicating a strong research focus and substantial interest. These themes highlight critical
factors influencing the adoption of social media by creative MSMEs, including
innovation, business development, and strategic marketing approaches. Conversely,
themes such as 'network analysis' and 'COVID-19,' situated in the lower-left quadrant,
suggest that while these topics were previously significant, they are now experiencing a
decline in research interest. Themes located in the lower-right quadrant, such as 'small
businesses' and 'social networks,' indicate that although they remain relevant, they are
underdeveloped and warrant further investigation. Overall, this map provides a clear
understanding of the dynamics and research directions in the field of social media
adoption among MSMEs, assisting researchers in identifying potential themes for future
The results of this study reveal trends in social media adoption among creative
Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), indicating a significant increase in the
use of social media platforms over the past decade. The data show that since 2008, there
has been a marked surge in interest in utilizing social media by MSMEs, particularly in
the realms of marketing and customer interaction. This trend illustrates a paradigm shift,
as MSMEs increasingly recognize the importance of a digital presence for attracting
customers and enhancing brand visibility. Factors contributing to this adoption include
the knowledge and skills of owners or managers, managerial support, and the availability
of resources within the organization. However, despite the rising adoption of social
Adoption of social media in The Creative MSMEs Sector Through a Bibliometric Approach
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 5811
media, significant challenges persist, such as limited technical knowledge and skills
among MSME owners, as well as barriers related to resource availability that hinder the
integration of social media into their business strategies.
The implications of these findings are quite significant. For MSME practitioners,
understanding the importance of social media in the contemporary context is essential for
remaining competitive in an increasingly digital marketplace. Developing an effective
marketing strategy through social media can enhance customer engagement and loyalty,
ultimately leading to positive business growth. From a policy perspective, the results of
this study highlight the necessity for increased support from government and related
institutions in the form of training and resources. Such support is vital to equip MSMEs
with the knowledge and skills required to optimize their use of social media.
For future research, it is recommended that studies adopt a longitudinal approach
to gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics of social media adoption by MSMEs over
the long term. Additionally, research could benefit from focusing on intersubjective
aspects, such as the ways in which local culture and external factors influence social
media adoption strategies. Furthermore, a more thorough examination of the impact of
social media on business performance and innovation within creative MSMEs should be
considered. By conducting further research in these areas, it is anticipated that deeper
insights can be provided, along with more effective solutions to the challenges faced by
MSMEs in the digital era.
Zahril Maulana Jilham Al'ula, Lissa Rosdiana Noer
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 12, Desember 2024 5812
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