Safdhinar Muhammad An-Noor, Fathira Nadia Makka, Ahmad Luthvan Habiburrahman
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1882
What is meant by tawaqquf is more towards pending, which is a preventive action
from the error of drawing legal conclusions from hadith that contain symptoms of
contradictions that no solution is found through the climbing of jam'u, naskh or tarjih. So
the jam'u approach comes from the tradition of tafsir and ta'wil matan, and tarjih comes
from sanad analysis, then the naskh approach is the impact of naskh theory in the science
of Qur'anic interpretation which is based on the understanding of Q.S.:106:2
While explaining in detail and detail related to the completion of the mukhtalif
hadiths that have been described by al-Imam al-Shafi'i, here are the details:
3. Solution in the form of Al-Jam'u wa al-Taufiq
Etymologically the word ¬al-jam'u is isim masdar from fi'il madhi jama'a which
has several meanings, including; put things together and arrange them, uniting separate
ones. Or it also means combining several things (dlammu al-shay'i), collecting several
separate things (ta'lif al-muftariq). While the word al-taufiq here etymologically also
comes from isim masdar waqafa which has several meanings, including; al-Tasdid
(straightening), al-Ilham, and al-Islah. In terminology, al-jam'u wa al-taufiq is a method
of compromising two seemingly contradictory propositions of the Shari'a. While the
definition according to Iwadi al-Sayyid, the method of al-jam'u is to bring together or
adjust between two contradictory hadiths to practice the contents of both.
Imam Al-Shathibi said, "Researchers have agreed that it is compulsory to practice
the method of al-jam'u, even if the method used is weak, because doing al-jam'u for them
comes first, and practicing each proposition takes precedence over abandoning some of
them and practicing others.
In the use of the method of completion of the form of al-jam'u wa al-taufiq, the
scholars provide provisions and some conditions that must be considered and fulfilled, as
a. Matan and sanad hadith are shahih;
b. Hadith has the same or equal degree;
c. It is not known which hadith came down later than others;
d. Using shahih takwil
e. It must be done by people who are experts, understand the science of Arabic, know
and understand lafadz clearly and the meaning contained in it.
Various Methods of Al-Jam'u (Compromise)
a. Al-Jam'u with al-Takhsish;
b. Al-Jam'u with al-Taqyid;
c. Al-Jam'u by making al-amr the commandment as al-nadb (exhortation), for example
is the commandment to bathe on Friday;
d. Al-Jam'u by making al-Nahi (prohibition) as something makruh, an example of the
prohibition of women from delivering the body;
e. Al-Jam'u with al-Takhyir (choice).
4. Solution with Ushul Fiqh approach