Rizqiani Dian Lestari, Ayu Sulistya Putri Sugeng, Fajar Harits
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1876
interpreting influencers and model, and so on. Then how about the Spatialize? In
Economic, Political and communication, Spatialization actor is not the capital owner as
this case, Safi Brand, is being elaborate as the Commodification main actor. Yet the
Spatialize is merely bringing up by the political elite, Parry Geriant (1969) has defined
elite as “small minorities who play an exceptionally influential part in the affairs of
society in specific fields” (Adila, 2011). In this case, Religion’s actors have also played
the notorious part of this belief that society embraces. The elite is also created space of a
set of circumstances that being built as a belief’s elements, in this case, the Halal concept.
And the last but not least part of Mosco’s theory is the Structuration that has been created
as this Halal concept was brought, the elite has even made a certain institution (MUI) to
validated something as “Halal” thing that Muslim can use and consume without being
rebel to the reliance.
Basically constructivism is the most basic science for learning knowledge.
Constructivism can be interpreted as looking at a science that is not limited by explaining
facts, rules and concepts that need to be understood in a standard way, but we as humans
need to build that knowledge. From this, we as humans should be able to build and analyze
knowledge through research studies, or through experiences that have been passed. With
things like that, humans will slowly compile the knowledge they have learned [19].
Religious values are broadly interpreted as a rule that is understood by humans to
be able to develop in life so that they can coexist with one another. We also often see how
religious values apply to everyday life. Religious values can be divided into written
religious values and unwritten religious values. Basically, this religious value always has
a reference, namely the book that is adhered to by each individual. Islam with the Koran,
Christianity with the Bible, and many others. Even though it is like that, slowly religious
values change into religious values that apply to the general public more thoroughly.
How a Religion Values being Commodified - From the data that previously
retrieved an explained we can conclude that the brand delivers message about halal
products that they sell to the Muslim audiences to convert their product values to become
sales and profit. The halal itself is a certain policy and belief that Muslim try to implement
on the daily life basis, to avoid hell, a place that will be used to cursed Muslim who make
sins. From the concept of Islamic belief, leads the Muslim to seek halal-ness in
everything, including what eat, consume and wear. Therefore, the market is exist and it
invites brand to serve halal products. Again, it will be converted to sales and profit from
the capital owner, because making products and values from branding, etc do needs
Writer Thought? – a Critical point of view
Through the discussion and observation before, the writer has some point of view towards
the phenomenon. How a belief become an opportunity to gain “benefit” by the capital
gainer. The actor of commodification process who gain some “benefit” is of course the
capital owner, they have the capital to build certain products customised and adjusted as
the Muslim’s level of tolerance to accept some products. Moreover, it is the “Halal”