Irani Harefa, Edi Hamdi, Tantri Yanuar, Rina Annindita
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1728
strategic commodities, price disparities in eastern Indonesia, and Indonesia's Logistics
Performance Index (LPI) which is low and below several countries (Deswati & Muhadjir,
2015). other ASEAN. In addition, various problems also arise in the field and are difficult
to resolve, such as what happened at Tanjung Priok Port (dwelling time, YOR, etc.), long
queues of trucks that occur every year at Merak Ferry Port, traffic jams, road damage,
and so on (Fithra, 2017).
For industry, problems that arise related to logistics are logistics costs and delivery
times. One of the portraits of Indonesian logistics performance is shown in the high price
of goods that consumers must pay, as well as the disruption of competitiveness.
According to data from the Ministry of Trade, Indonesia's logistics costs in 2010 reached
Rp. 1,402 trillion or around 26% of the total GDP, where the highest was for
transportation costs which reached 60% (Rita & Capah, 2017). Among the logistics
sector, high transportation costs and minimal infrastructure conditions are inhibiting
factors in increasing product competitiveness, especially for horticultural products in
Indonesia (Fizzanty, 2012).
Other variables that contribute to high logistical costs include: (1) less supporting
information and communication technology in the process of monitoring the flow of
goods across areas, which has the potential to raise expenses, (2) expensive facilities in
terms of procurement of truck and ship transportation equipment (taxes and fees). high
interest), (3) unintegrated logistics regulations; overlapping central-regional regulations,
widespread official levies in the regions, (4) low competence of logistical human
resources, (5) unfit fleets to continue operating (Hartati et al., 2016).
Multimodal logistics transportation is a multi-actor network management, where
actors have different market forces in the logistics transportation system. There are
various success factors of the multimodal transportation system but there are also
obstacles from multimodal transportation systems that are institutional problems, namely
weak coordination between actors involved in multimodal transportation (Andika, 2018).
The implementation of multimodal transportation in developed countries is
relatively fast growing as indicated by the increase in container use which can reduce
transshipment time, transport relatively quickly, reduce document formality, and reduce
costs to reduce the price of goods and increase competitiveness. Until now the
implementation of multimodal transportation systems in Indonesia is still relatively slow.
Multimodal logistics transportation is a multi-actor network management, where actors
have different market forces in the logistics transportation system. There are various
success factors of the multimodal transportation system but there are also obstacles from
multimodal transportation systems that are institutional problems, i.e. weak coordination
between actors involved in multimodal transportation. This study examines institutional
coordination in a multimodal transportation service system that supports the realization
of the logistics system at Tanjung Priok Port from the TCT perspective (Transaction Cost
Theory) and PAT (Principal Agent Theory).
The transportation system in Indonesia has a specificity, as a maritime country,
transportation uses all available modes, namely land, sea, and water, as well as air.