pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 4, No. 10 October 2023 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Doi: 10.59141/jist.v4i10.768 1727
Nurullah Budisiswanto
Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati Cirebon, Indonesia
Keywords: multimodal
transportation; institutional;
Logistics activities urgently require integration from both infrastructure
and management aspects, while logistics activities are currently partial
and the development is spread across various Ministries. Therefore,
strong governance is needed to support the effective implementation of
coordination and to harmonize and integrate all national logistics system
development policies. The purpose of this study is to identify the actors
participating in the management of the multimodal logistics
transportation system, examine the challenges associated with
multimodal transportation institution coordination, and determine the
function of each actor in multimodal transportation. The success of
multimodal transportation in Tanjung Priok’s port as the biggest port in
Indonesia has been proven to be hampered due to elements of conflict of
interest and adverse selection of informal institutions, according to the
findings of the analysis related to the role of actors and problems related
to multimodal transportation institutions at ports in Indonesia. Therefore,
it is necessary to develop strategies from short to long terms, such as
creating a special coordination forum or institution that is ad-hoc in
nature for 2-3 years until the core problems of multimodal logistics are
completed with the form of the institutional structure being structural and
functional, developing a code of ethics to ensure consistent
implementation of the long-term agenda, including commitments from
institutional coordination of multimodal transport, and to establish
permanent institutions as coordination platforms and 'network'
organizations to facilitate the strategy of the 'long-term relational
contract' concept where the network's focus on practical coordination
should be widened and deepened to include more policy coordination
until the core problems of multimodal logistics are resolved through
institutional forms in the form of Constitution.
The logistics sector is vital as an element forming connectivity for national
competitiveness and people's welfare (Budisiswanto, 2022). Until now, Indonesia's
logistics sector is still weak, which can be seen from various indicators issued by
international institutions as well as from various problems that arise in the field (Rita &
Capah, 2017). In the few years since it was established, the implementation of Sislognas
still faces many obstacles. This can be seen from the level of achievement of the Guide
Map /Road Map, Implementation Stages, and Action Plans set out in the National
Sislognas. Several phenomena also indicate problems related to logistics, including
Indonesia's high logistics costs, stock availability and price fluctuations for basic and
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1728
strategic commodities, price disparities in eastern Indonesia, and Indonesia's Logistics
Performance Index (LPI) which is low and below several countries (Deswati & Muhadjir,
2015). other ASEAN. In addition, various problems also arise in the field and are difficult
to resolve, such as what happened at Tanjung Priok Port (dwelling time, YOR, etc.), long
queues of trucks that occur every year at Merak Ferry Port, traffic jams, road damage,
and so on (Fithra, 2017).
For industry, problems that arise related to logistics are logistics costs and delivery
times. One of the portraits of Indonesian logistics performance is shown in the high price
of goods that consumers must pay, as well as the disruption of competitiveness.
According to data from the Ministry of Trade, Indonesia's logistics costs in 2010 reached
Rp. 1,402 trillion or around 26% of the total GDP, where the highest was for
transportation costs which reached 60% (Rita & Capah, 2017). Among the logistics
sector, high transportation costs and minimal infrastructure conditions are inhibiting
factors in increasing product competitiveness, especially for horticultural products in
Indonesia (Fizzanty, 2012).
Other variables that contribute to high logistical costs include: (1) less supporting
information and communication technology in the process of monitoring the flow of
goods across areas, which has the potential to raise expenses, (2) expensive facilities in
terms of procurement of truck and ship transportation equipment (taxes and fees). high
interest), (3) unintegrated logistics regulations; overlapping central-regional regulations,
widespread official levies in the regions, (4) low competence of logistical human
resources, (5) unfit fleets to continue operating (Hartati et al., 2016).
Multimodal logistics transportation is a multi-actor network management, where
actors have different market forces in the logistics transportation system. There are
various success factors of the multimodal transportation system but there are also
obstacles from multimodal transportation systems that are institutional problems, namely
weak coordination between actors involved in multimodal transportation (Andika, 2018).
The implementation of multimodal transportation in developed countries is
relatively fast growing as indicated by the increase in container use which can reduce
transshipment time, transport relatively quickly, reduce document formality, and reduce
costs to reduce the price of goods and increase competitiveness. Until now the
implementation of multimodal transportation systems in Indonesia is still relatively slow.
Multimodal logistics transportation is a multi-actor network management, where actors
have different market forces in the logistics transportation system. There are various
success factors of the multimodal transportation system but there are also obstacles from
multimodal transportation systems that are institutional problems, i.e. weak coordination
between actors involved in multimodal transportation. This study examines institutional
coordination in a multimodal transportation service system that supports the realization
of the logistics system at Tanjung Priok Port from the TCT perspective (Transaction Cost
Theory) and PAT (Principal Agent Theory).
The transportation system in Indonesia has a specificity, as a maritime country,
transportation uses all available modes, namely land, sea, and water, as well as air.
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Broadly speaking, the provision of infrastructure involves two basic principles, namely
better access to the infrastructure itself and the price of products resulting from the use of
infrastructure, because, with better access productivity increases, input costs decrease,
and subsequently for consumers a decrease in the cost of living. Infrastructure has been
defined in terms of physical facilities (roads, airports, ports, terminals, railroads, and
means of transportation), and services (transportation systems) that flow from these
facilities. In Indonesia, road infrastructure plays a very vital role in the transportation of
goods, which dominates 90% of the various modes based on the national origin survey.
On the other hand, the cost of road transportation in Indonesia is still relatively more
expensive where for a distance of more than 100 km, the cost of road transportation is
Rp. 11.480/km (Berawi et al., 2013).
The role of the logistics system is to ensure the smooth flow of goods. What is
meant by a national logistics system is how to transfer raw materials to the final product
into the hands of end-users (consumers). Therefore, the Government is currently
implementing a corridor system in Indonesia through MP3EI (Lesmini, Didiet, &
Hidayat, 2018). The existence of six economic corridors has a strategic function to
generate a national economic impact, especially leading regional industries, and to
encourage national economic growth of 7% per year with 92% of private financing
sources (domestic, foreign, community) and the rest of the government (Lesmini et al.,
In terms of road transportation, the existing infrastructure is still considered
inadequate. Based on data up to 2013, the total length of roads in Indonesia is 508,000
km, there are 38,570 kilometers of national highways, 53,642 kilometers of province
highways, and 415,788 kilometers of district/city highways. Of the 508,000 km long road,
only 287,926 km have asphalt pavement (Kementerian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia.
2014. Perhubungan Darat Dalam Angka 2013).
Logistics activities are in dire need of integration both in terms of infrastructure and
management, while logistics activities are currently partial and their development is
spread across various Ministries. Such conditions can potentially cause problems related
to aspects of coordination, alignment, and integration of various elements involved in
logistics activities. Therefore, strong governance is needed to support the effective
coordination implementation and harmonize and integrate all national logistics system
development policies (Aulia, Ninvika, Junitasari, Nurfitriani, & Sahara, 2023).
The absence of a national logistics institutional system is also one of the obstacles
to implementing the National Logistics System because there is no permanent institution
that has authority over ministries/agencies in implementing the National Logistics
System. The absence of this institution has also resulted in the emergence and recurrence
of various problems, such as problems in the port and airport sectors that emerged
recently. As a result, efforts are required to actualize the appropriate collaborative idea of
multimodal transportation institutions to support a low-cost, quick, and secure logistics
system in Indonesia.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1730
For logistics at the Port of Tanjung Priok’s port which can be used to formulate key
planning Departing from the concept of coordination, this research explores the dynamics
and range of roles between factors, then the strategies and policies that have been and
must be carried out and what factors can sustain the success and sustainability of
multimodal transport institutional coordination recommendations for multimodal
transportation institutions in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to identify the actors
participating in the management of the multimodal logistics transportation system,
examine the challenges associated with multimodal transportation institution
coordination, and determine the function of each actor in multimodal transportation
Research Methods
Analysis Stakeholders are described as a way to describe the structure of the actor's
viewpoint, which will serve as the framework for this study's in-depth interview-based
The explanation (Bryson, J.M. 2004), is that transaction costs must seek decision-
makers perceptions of them and that these perceptions are confined in social settings and
social constructions underpin the appropriateness of transaction cost theory and the Q-
sort approach. In other words, because this study is in the perceptual domain, using the
Q-methodology approach is appropriate. According to research (Bryson, J.M. 2004),
(Brown SR. 1980), the Q-Methodology is a qualitative-quantitative middle-ground
This study argues that uncovering the determinants influencing actors' perceived
transaction costs and 'why-how' explanations of their effects on coordination is critical.
By those questions, Q-Methodology facilitated this research to draw a simpler structure
of actor perception about multimodal transport institutional coordination and in particular
about collaboration transaction costs. This simplified perception structure will
advantageously build a systematic basis for the analysis of the elements of transaction
costs perceived by actors and specifically answer the first research question about what
determinants influence actors' perceptions of transaction costs on institutional
coordination of multimodal transport.
Q-Methodology is used to study the subjectivity and perception of actors by
following statistical procedures and is usually applied to qualitative research questions,
what are the dominant perceptions and salient opinions that arise in certain groups on
certain subjects and issues are. Transaction Cost Theory, which is the basis for analyzing
the problem of coordination of multimodal transportation institutions, is related to the
extent to which institutions play a role in the port logistics system from here, a theoretical
foundation, namely Principal-Agent Theory, is required to supplement the role of how to
understand more deeply about the contract in the interaction that occurs and how the
contract should be designed. Higher levels of trust result in lower levels of agency costs,
according to the link between agency theory and coordination. because information
sharing further combines knowledge, resources, and information sharing.
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Data Collection
The main instrument that will be used to collect data is through in-depth interviews,
questionnaires, and secondary data collection. The interviews were done in a semi-
structured manner to outline why the interviewees had sorted the items/statements as they
had and to get them to explain the meaning of the significant statements which consisted
of salient perceptual patterns. Interviews were conducted with resource persons who were
perceived to have mastered the problem in this study.
In addition, the semi-structured interview also aims to gain a broader understanding
from the resource persons regarding the problem of institutional coordination of
multimodal transportation and related transaction costs. The interviews were then
recorded and the data resulting from the interviews were treated and analyzed using
pattern-matching techniques to enable a solid understanding of the relationship between
the key barriers and related transaction cost elements and how the key barriers affect
multimodal transport institutional coordination issues.
The need for secondary data is obtained from various sources of documents,
statistical data, and research results, as well as various regulations related to analysis
interests. To minimize errors in understanding the phenomenon under study, Neuman
believes that a research design must be able to establish the level and unit of analysis
(Neuman, W.L. 1997). Looking at the type and nature of the data used, the methods used
are several descriptive qualitative approaches. This research stage was carried out with
the following stages (Creswell, John W. 2010):
1. Collecting raw data through interviews, literature review, or desk study
2. Data transcript, namely the process of describing the data from interviews and
environmental observations,
3. Making coding, the process of rereading all data and sorting out important things to
be marked (coding),
4. Data categorization is the process of simplifying data by embedding important
concepts in categories.
5. The temporary inference is the process of making temporary conclusions.
6. Triangulation or cross-checking is important in qualitative research. This
triangulation technique is to answer quantitative criticism which always emphasizes
the principle of objectivity in scientific research. Cross-checking is carried out in data
collection and at the time of making conclusions. Cross-checking by making
comparisons of sources, and comparisons of time and place.
7. The conclusion is the research decision-making process
Analysis of Stakeholders
Stakeholders are individuals, groups, and organizations with an interest in and the
ability to influence an organization's actions and goals, research, or policy direction
(Brugha, R., Varvasovszky, Z. 2000). Stakeholder Analysis (Stakeholder Analysis) is an
analytical tool used to identify groups that affect or are affected by an action to be taken
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1732
and group them according to the impact of the action to be taken. Stakeholder analysis is
used to determine whether or not actors are relevant to the study. Stakeholder analysis
aids in the description of players' positions, interests, impact, linkages, networks, and
other key aspects.
Stakeholder analysis is carried out to identify and map the problem structure, and
actors based on their level of interest and influence in the management and utilization of
resources and coordination mechanisms that occur in ports. The ultimate goal is to
identify a complicated multi-actor system and classify the key players in Indonesia's
multimodal logistics transportation. The results of this analysis are only the initial
analysis in the study and will be the input for determining the next analysis. The interests
and viewpoints of various actors in research and development research are diverse
(Tipping, J.W., Zeffren, E., Fusfeld, A.R. 1995). It is therefore very important to bring
together different actors to create consensus among themselves about the direction and
future of securing their commitment to the research results (Elias, A.A., Cavana, R.Y.,
Jackson, L.S. 2002)
Stakeholder analysis, as used in policy research, focuses on the interrelationships
between groups and organizations, as well as their impact on policy. The third application
of stakeholder analysis has been formed as a result of the development and intersection
of management and policy research streams - applications to research and program
development. “In planning and implementing research, the support or opposition of the
parties involved or influenced by research is an important factor in determining its success
or failure” (Brugha, R., Varvasovszky, Z. 2000). (King, W., Cleland, D. 1978), were the
first to propose a stakeholder analysis method. Since then, the subject of research
management has continued to grow, and the number of distinct stakeholder analysis
approaches is currently immense.
The primary goal of this study's stakeholder analysis is to identify the actors, their
perspectives, and their positions. The next phase is for actors to participate in the
consensus-building process based on their individual qualities and perspectives. As a
result, the stakeholder analysis for this study may be broken down into three steps:
identifying players, categorizing actors, and developing intervention plans. The authors
opt to rely on resource persons in the multimodal transportation ecosystem who are skilled
and large enough to detect the bulk of important actors for actor identification. Requests
for suggestions for suitable actors were made to research partners, and an initial database
of actors was created. The author, on the other hand, has the freedom to expand it by
interviewing new relevant actors or soliciting new proposals from sources.
Results and Discussion
Research Findings, Actors Identification
In the implementation of Multimodal Transportation, several groups of actors play
distinct roles. The following is the explanation. There are at least ten powerful players in
the port, including:
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1733
1. Shipper/exporter. The major actors are the shippers and consignees. They are the
ones who stand to gain the most from improved multimodal transportation. They may
be able to save money as a result of this.
2. Consignee/importer. They are frequently in charge of informing customs
organizations about the shipments they receive.
3. Freight Forwarder (merchant haulage). Forwarders and third-party logistics
providers are two types of third-party logistics providers. These businesses serve on
behalf of the freight forwarder and play a crucial role. These businesses may benefit
from multimodal transportation since it allows them to provide more efficient
transportation to their clients. It may be a limitation of some freight forwarders'
activity linked to customs.
4. Shipping line agent/logistics service provider (carrier haulage).
5. Banks and insurance. Insurance and banks can contribute to Multimodal
Transportation because they can guarantee that they will provide shipping
information that is not available anywhere else. Furthermore, when multimodal
transport can supply more and better information regarding shipping, financing and
ensuring transportation may be easier.
6. Carriers/Transporters. These businesses transport containers to and from the port.
They are participants in Multimodal Transport because greater data availability may
have an impact on their work. Because they do not create additional data other than
trip information, their significance in multimodal transportation may be restricted.
7. Shipping lines. Shipping lines handle the majority of international shipping and, in
many circumstances, interior logistics and transportation as well. They are also key
linkages in data flows since they are the ones that gather data from the sender and
deliver it to other parties in the majority of situations. They are key actors because of
their prominent role in multimodal transportation.
8. PT. IPC (Pelindo) and dozens of Terminal operators. All firms at the port that have
activities linked to containers, mostly container terminals, but also certain
warehousing activities, are referred to as port companies. These businesses play an
essential role in transportation and information transfer. Better cargo information
may also assist loading and unloading firms (PBM), allowing them to better organize
their activities.
9. Customs (Customs). Customs is an important factor because it has the authority to
enter and issue goods.
10. Port Authority (Regulatory authorities). Because the port is where cargo is traded and
the majority of inspections take place, the port authority is an important player.
Several port administrations are also working to build data processing systems for
port communities. This method has a lot of potential for Multimodal Transportation.
The port also benefits from a more efficient inspection system, which improves the
port's competitiveness. One of the primary benefactors of multimodal transportation
is government entities. The concept of multimodal transportation as a risk-based
system and methodology is aimed specifically towards customs agencies. Other
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inspections might also benefit from the added knowledge. One disadvantage for these
companies might be that multimodal transportation does not cover all of their
information demands, making it more difficult to meet all of their needs.
Governments are actors because they create laws and regulations that make
multimodal transportation possible or impossible
11. The potential benefits to the above actors from improving the quality of multimodal
transport are substantial. There is a core role or business model for each party
involved such as Forwarders focusing on optimizing the flow of containers managed
by freight forwarders, Shippers focusing on service optimization, Terminal Operator
Companies focusing on improving terminal efficiency, Land Transportation
Companies focusing on optimizing trucks, Shipping lines, focus on loading and
unloading of containers Port Authority focus on enforcement of rules and integration
of multiple modes to reduce congestion.
Table 1
Business Model of Actors Involved in Multimodal Transportation
Main Role (Bussiness Model)
Focus on optimizing the flow of containers managed by
Focus on optimizing certain supply chains
Terminal Operator
Focus on improving terminal efficiency
Land Transportation
Focus on optimizing trucks
Shipping lines
Focus on loading and unloading of containers
Port Authority
Focus on enforcement of rules and integration of various
modes to reduce Congestion
Source: Analysis Results, 2021
Identification of Actors
There are several classifications of actors in Port operations, which are explained
as follows:
Table 2
Actors per category identified in Multimodal Transportation
Commercial Group
Seller or Supplier or shipper; Buyer or customer or consignee
Grup Organizing
Shipping line/sea carrier; Forwarders (3PL); Logistics service
provider (4PL)
Physical Group
Shipping line/sea carrier; Sea Port Terminal Operator; carrier
inland transport, ie, road transport, rail operator; Dry port
Operators; Third-Party Logistics service provider (3PL)
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1735
Authority Group
Port Authority: Customs
Financial Group
Bank; Insurance Companies
Source: Analysis Results, 2021
The commercial group (1) consists of businesses that deal with the manufacturing
and distribution of goods, as well as trade routes where commercial transactions (buying
and selling) take place. These businesses have the expertise and a direct interest in
providing products to customers, and they are in charge of the quantity and quality of the
goods. They employ the logistical services supplied by the second and third categories
for product transportation. The organizational group (2) is mostly made up of middlemen
who coordinate cargo transportation, while the physical group (3) is in charge of the actual
movement. These two groups are generally less concerned with the product (cargo) and
more concerned with the operational efficiency of cargo movement. The authorized group
(4) is in charge of inspecting and monitoring cargo flows to implement security and
economic laws. Finally, the financial group (5) enables the movement of money by
facilitating financial transactions between transportation firms. These five groups are
intertwined in the pursuit of their objectives.
Coordination Problems in Ports and Actors Involved
Ports are logistical nodes that have a very dynamic nature where many actors and
relationships influence each other. Pelindo (IPC), Syahbandar, and the Port Authority
(OP) are the three actors who manage the port. Syahbandar covers shipping safety and
security matters. Meanwhile, the Port Authority covers business regulation and
supervision. Strengthening the functions, roles, and revenue allocation of Actor Port
management changes with changes in authority. For example, during the ministerial
period, non-tax state revenue (PNBP) was directed to the state treasury, but during the
ministerial period, it was directed to the state-owned enterprise operator (Pelindo)
treasury. This means that institutional strengthening is highly dependent on policy trends.
There are various involvements of each actor in general coordination problems which are
described in table 2.
Table 3
General Coordination Problems and Actors Involved in
Coordination Problems
Unclear container data information causes poor
Land Ownership
New transportation services require basic
volume but the logistics actors are not
committed to using the new services
Lack of transporting and storing empty
containers planning
Customs in administrative and physical
inspections that are less effective cause delays
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Unclear information about container licensing
from customs
The table above presents general coordination problems on modes relevant to the
problem coordination between rail and truck transportation such as the Exchange of
information and inadequate coordination between Container Shipping Lines, Terminal
Operating Companies (TOC) / terminal operator companies, and road and rail
transportation companies, as well as a lack of commitment by cargo businesses to employ
newly established transportation services, resulting in a lack of based volume.
Level of Actor's Role
Coordination of multimodal transportation institutions aims to develop the
integration in multimodal transportation operations at ports. The parties involved must be
willing to collaborate and trust one another to achieve this coordination. These two
requirements are not always met in today's multimodal transportation systems.
Three factors are used to determine the actor's position. First and foremost, there
are interests. Actors' motivations for constructing multimodal transportation and
associated infrastructure. Actors who stand to gain from multimodal transportation
usually have a strong feeling of self-importance. Second, there's influence. The impact of
specific parties on multimodal transportation deployment. Actors with a high level of
influence can impact the implementation of multimodal transportation or influence the
conduct of other multimodal transportation actors. The relevance of the actor's position
in the execution of Multimodal Transportation is the third factor. Actors with a high level
of urgency are those who make it difficult to design and execute multimodal
Figure 1. Actor’s level of interest. Source: the result of the analysis
The highest interest is in government institutions. This is to be expected, given that
the concept of multimodal transportation was developed by a government agency, the
Ministry of Transportation. Another group of actors who show high urgency are freight
forwarders as logistics service providers, then consignees or goods recipients, followed
by port authorities and port operators (Pelindo) Association, shipping line, and customs
do not show high urgency, in the sense that they require good implementation of
multimodal transportation.
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Consumption Map Approach
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1737
figure 2. Actor's level of influence. Source: the result of the analysis
The influence of the actors on the overall outcome is considered substantial. On a
four-point scale, some groups of actors scored more than 2.5. Freight forwarders, MTOs,
and port operators are the actors having the largest impact on outcomes. These forwarding
businesses are undoubtedly interested in the smooth operation of multimodal
transportation and frequently interact with customs, port authorities, and operators. They
have a lot of influence because of their high interest and network. The Ministry of
Transportation is influential because it has the policy and political will to implement
multimodal transportation. The government, in this case, the Ministry of Transportation,
can directly influence implementation through laws and regulations that may or may not
allow this multimodal transportation system to work.
The consequences of multimodal transportation deployment are thought to be
unaffected by the transporter and CDP. Because they are less involved in the broader
freight transportation network and sometimes just handle domestic transportation,
transporters are less well-known. CDP can indirectly build support for multimodal
transportation, but because CDP already has multimodal infrastructure in place, it will
have a limited impact on actual implementation at ports.
The third element determines the position of actors in the interest they have in the
implementation of Multimodal Transport. The relevance of actors indicates how many
different types of actors are required to execute multimodal transportation. Importance
and influence can coexist, although this is not always the case. Actors are vital, yet they
have minimal impact on the outcome.
Figure 5. Actor's urgency level. Source: the result of the analysis
The most urgent actors for the operation of multimodal transportation are freight
forwarder companies, consignees as goods owners as well as associations, and the
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1738
Ministry of Transportation, port companies, and port operators also occupy the highest
urgency. The majority of the players are deemed urgent because they must modify the
way they offer services or do business to facilitate multimodal transportation. is critical
because multimodal transportation cannot be built without these players.
Because they are at the beginning and conclusion of the transportation network,
consignees and shippers are critical. Because they are rarely directly involved in
transportation and rely on network agents such as freight forwarders, transporters are
regarded as slightly less significant than some of the other participants. Transporters are
the least crucial player; they have limited connections to international transportation and
multimodal transportation might still be designed and implemented without them.
Based on the problem structure and coordination barriers between actors in
multimodal transportation institutions, As explained by (Miharja, M., Woltjer, J., et al.
2021), the implementation of multimodal logistics transportation is still weak because it
is closely related to the many coordinating obstacles experienced by regulators, operators,
logistics actors, and multimodal users at ports. As a result, the management of the Tanjung
Priok Port becomes less efficient and complex, as explained by (Miharja, M., Woltjer, J.,
2021). Research has explored patterns of perception (PP) identified related to transaction
costs from coordination of multimodal logistics transportation institutions, including (1)
PP1 related to the lack of clear and consistent law enforcement in implementation, this is
reinforced by (Budidiswanto, N., Miharja, Miming., 2020). Furthermore, in institutional
coordination, PP1 pays close attention to the similarity of objectives across government
agencies and between the public and private sectors, (2) PP2 explains the lack of
coordination due to unequal perceptions related to multimodal logistics transportation,
(3) PP3 which explains the lack of comprehensive understanding on the long-term
benefits of multimodal freight transport has contributed substantially to the perceived
higher transaction costs, and (4) PP4 about the lack of consensus on multimodal transport
objectives may also make the coordinating negotiation and decision-making process more
complex, which can increase negotiation costs.
Furthermore, (Budisiswanto, N., Miharja, M.,2018) also explain that this
coordination problem is caused by the complexity of the characteristics of the logistics
system in Indonesia which has multi-sectoral characteristics. Multimodal transportation
in Indonesia is only covered by doubt, ministerial regulations, and government
Government regulations on actor coordination do not provide clear guidelines
regarding reward and punishment for non-compliance with regulations. Adverse selection
is related to government uncertainty regarding licensing and agent monitoring due to the
dualism of licensing. To gain resources, actors may be lured into acting opportunistically
by deliberately distorting information about their true type. Freight forwarders and the
Ministry of Transportation are two actors with a high level of urgency, influence, and
significance, and who profit the most from multimodal transportation. Meanwhile, the
Improvement Of Electric Motor Inspection Process In Service Repair Workshop: With Lean
Consumption Map Approach
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1739
Port Authority and Pelindo are two important and influential actors in coordination.
Various groups of actors with different behavioral characteristics and goals are not only
complex but will require the availability of strong institutions as initiators and
The results of the analysis show the complexity of changing behavior and policies
because they are related to formal institutions. The impediments highlighted are deeply
ingrained in formal institutional elements and take a long time to remove. Because the
coordination of participants in multimodal transportation is not yet handled by a particular
organization, the issue gets increasingly complicated. The transportation company
(freight forwarder) is the initiator in implementing the most crucial coordination. Port
authorities and terminal operators (Pelindo) also play a very important role. Consignees,
freight forwarders, and the Ministry of Transportation are the actors with the most
urgency, influence, and significance, and who profit the most from multimodal
transportation. Meanwhile, Forwarders, Port Authority, and Pelindo are two important
actors and have high influence in coordination.
Based on the limitations of the respondents among actors, the results obtained
cannot represent the theory as a whole. For this reason, the author gives suggestions to
further researchers who have an interest in analyzing the coordination of multimodal
transportation institutions to use social network analysis to see how far the influence
between the actors involved in the coordination of multimodal transportation institutions
at Tanjung Priok’s Port or calculate (real cost) quantitatively to compare research results
with real data. Apart from that, the researcher also has suggestions so that further research
can develop an interview method or direct observation of all relevant stakeholders from
the Tanjung Priok’s port to the hinterland area so that the information extracted can
explain the actual situation in more detail and further.
Irani Harefa, Edi Hamdi, Tantri Yanuar, Rina Annindita
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