Review Of The Punishment Of Substitute Money And Its Consequences In The Criminal Act
Of Corruption (Study Of Decision Number 51 / Pid. Sus-Tpk/2020/PN. SMG)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1797
National Education (in Dalmeri, 2014) that are important for elementary school students
to support community life. These values include religion, honesty, tolerance, discipline,
hard work, creativity, freedom, democracy, curiosity, nationalism, love of homeland,
respect for achievement, friendship, and communication, love of peace, love of reading,
care for the environment, public safety, and responsibility. The world of education should
be the main engine to support character building, and the goal so that members of society
know a life that is by state and state democracy, and respect the principles of social
harmony. Building character is the key to anyone's future success. Strong deeds will
develop a strong and positive thinking character. This idea is in line with the contents of
Law Number 17 of 2007 and RPJN 2005-2025 which places character education as the
first of eight projects to achieve the vision of national development. His vision is to create
a tough, competitive, virtuous, and moral character based on Pancasila. These qualities
are reflected in the behavior and character of the Indonesian people and nation who are
religious, have faith and fear in God Almighty, are virtuous, patient, have an insightful
spirit, love the homeland, and focus on nation-building. science and technology.
In the independent curriculum, the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and
Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, Nadiem Anwar Makarim stated that
strengthening student character education will be manifested by the Ministry of Education
and Culture and Technology through various strategies centered on efforts to realize
Pancasila Students (Ismail, Suhana, & Zakiah, 2020). The Pancasila student profile is a
graduate profile that is expected to show the character and competence expected to be
achieved by students. In addition, the Pancasila student profile is also to strengthen
students with the noble values of Pancasila (Ministry of Education and Culture, 2020).
"Indonesian students are lifelong learners who are competent, have character, and behave
according to the values of Pancasila" (Sufyadi, et al., 2021). This is in line with the vision
of Indonesian Education, namely "realizing an advanced Indonesia that is sovereign,
independent, and personable through the creation of Pancasila Students." In the Pancasila
Student profile, the competencies and characters to be explored are contained in six key
dimensions, namely (1) faith, fear of God Almighty, and noble character; (2) global
celebrity; (3) cooperation; (4) independent; (5) critical reasoning; (6) creative (Lieung &
Rahayu, 2022).
Over the last few decades, educators and education practitioners around the world
have begun to realize that learning things outside the classroom can help students
understand that learning in educational units has a relationship with everyday life
(Fadhilah, 2022). Long before that, Ki Hajar Dewantara had emphasized the importance
of students learning things outside the classroom, but unfortunately, so far the
implementation of this has not been optimal (Achmad Zainuri Arif, 2017). So the
importance of the concept of education in changing times and the needs of students.
The Pancasila student profile strengthening project, as one of the means of
achieving the Pancasila student profile, provides opportunities for students to "experience
knowledge" as a process of strengthening character as well as an opportunity to learn
from the surrounding environment (Irawati, Iqbal, Hasanah, & Arifin, 2022). In this